Prepared by David Drury
Max wants you to do more than read about the book of Acts. He wants you to live out the twenty-ninth chapter, writing the story of the church for your generation. Outlive Your Life urges you to reconsider your role in the world. The earliest Christians made ministry to the marginalized the center of their work. Jesus touched hurts, felt pain, and spoke grace. Following his example, the church exists to open doors, break walls, and restore relationships. If you want to go to the next level in being all Jesus Christ dreams for you and the church to be, the following pages will help you get started.
Use this guide to spark further reflection and inspire action related to the perspectives in Outlive Your Life. Each chapter in this guide includes Questions for Discussion that you can talk over in a group or consider on your own. You will also find Ideas for Action, which offer practical first steps in making a difference. Consider them. Then do them. Don’t miss this opportunity to outlive your life.