(CAM)RAF Henlow England


Lat = 52 degrees, 1.3 minutes North

Long = 0 degrees, 18.3 minutes West


Saturday 26th March 1988


Forty-eight hours after the raid Max was resting in a Hospital bed at RAF Henlow the Center for Aviation Medicine alongside him was Roy Smith; both were recovering from their respective battle wounds.

Max had been told it would be several weeks before he would be fit for active duty, however Max had other ideas and would be operational in four weeks.

At that moment Strayker walked into the room accompanied by Ruth Nelson.

“How are the war heroes?”

“Raring to go,” replied Max.

“That’s what I like to here,” replied Strayker

“Now then this must be Sergeant Roy Smith, you will not be going back to your unit sergeant, and once you are fit Max will be preparing you to come on board OSC.”

Ruth had been standing slightly back from Strayker, whom turned and beckoned her forward.

“This is Miss Ruth Nelson; shall we say she looks after all our public and press issues, Ruth you know Max; this is Sergeant Roy Smith.

“I wish we could have met under slightly better circumstances sergeant Smith.

“It’s the nature of the beast Miss Nelson; in a few weeks we’ll be fighting fit.”

Ruth looked over at Max who said, “I’m glad you took up the Majors offer Ruth.”

“My old boss was not pleased by my decision; but I think it’s for the best.

Max turned to Strayker, “Any news on Shakira?”

“Nothing so far, however locating him has been given top priority.”

“Well if you have no objections, I want him sir.”

“As soon as he is located he will be sanitized, Eagle five has been given the task.”

Strayker spent several minutes updating Max with the events at his house relating to Brigadier Dawson.

When he had finished Max replied, “Well sir; they say a cat has nine lives, it would appear that you may have a feline streak in you.”

“I hope for the time being Max, that I am no longer a target.”

“With Dawson out the way I’m sure things will back to normal in no time sir?”

“If there is anything like normal in our business Max?”

“Now if you will excuse us gentlemen we must return to London, I am giving Ruth a full orientation on the OSC”.

When they had left Roy said,”What’s OSC”.

“All in good time Roy, all in good time.”

Two nurses arrived in the room with wheel chairs.

“Time for your visit to the therapeutic unit Sirs.”

“You take the blonde one Roy and I’ll take the brunette.”

As they were wheeled down the corridor, Max thoughts drifted to Shakira’s words, “you will pay dearly for this day.” Max had a gut feeling he would be crossing swords with Shakira again.