Upavon Wiltshire
Lat = 51 degrees, 17.7 minutes North
Long = 1 degrees, 48.5 minutes West
The Provost Marshall was expecting Stryaker’s call when it was routed through to him.
“Hello Mick; I have some good news for you.”
“It will be most welcome Jack, what with the recent attempts on my life and other pressing national matters.”
“I have personally spoke with Brigadier Dawson, man to man Mick.”
“What response did you get.”
“As expected total denial but when I told him we had Booth and Clarke he dropped his guard, he came out with they had been killed, I asked him how he knew as no names had been released on the identities of the perpetrators he relealised he’d dropped a gaffe.”
“Is he going to fight the accusation’s Jack?”
“No he’s seen the light, the deal is he walks with full army pension and forgets you, I don’t like it but this way the service doesn’t get any negative publicity.”
“The lesser of two evils Jack.”
“Correct Mick; however I have given him the lowdown, that if he continues to pursue this vendata against you that he will need to get his house and affairs in order, as his life expectancy will be very short and this was no idle threat.”
“Thank’s Jack I owe you one.”
“Not at all Mick we are all in the same boat, you should see his resignation in staff orders within the next seventy-two hours.”
“All the same I appreciate what you have done.”
“Before you hang up Mick; I will be assigning a detail to watch over Dawson for the next two months as a precaution they should be in place within the next twelve hours.
“Is it really necessary Jack?”
“Maybe not; but a worthy precaution Mick; I was not to happy when I spoke to him, his mental state, he seemed close to the edge.”
“Okay Jack; I’ll leave the ball in your court on this.”
Both men hung their phones up.