Immense thanks are due to Mairead Case, Scott Cheshire, and Michele Filgate for reading early versions of this novel and providing helpful notes and comments. Thanks are also due to Jason Diamond for publishing a version of the first chapter on Vol. 1 Brooklyn (under the title “Revolution Come and Gone,” which is absolutely a reference to an early-nineties Sub Pop record label compilation) several years ago.
Many friends of mine who reside, or formerly resided, in the Pacific Northwest helped shape this novel. Molly Templeton introduced me to the coffee shops in Eugene, Oregon where I wrote a lot of the initial section of Reel. A number of the Seattle locations in the novel were shaped by visits to parts of the city that a number of friends introduced me to, including Rocky and April Votolato, Sarah Moody, Joan LeMay, Éilish Cullen, Bekah Zietz, and Adam Voith. Thanks to all; without you, this novel would literally not exist in its current form.
Thanks to Tyson Cornell, Julia Callahan, and Alice Marsh-Elmer at Rare Bird for all of the work they’ve done, and for taking a chance on this novel. Thanks as well to Steve Shodin, Scott Shields, Paul Rome, Al and Angela Ming, Tom and Barbara Carroll, Theo Travers, Daphne Carr, and Michael J. Seidlinger.
The third part of this novel takes its name from an excellent collaborative album by Rachel’s and Matmos, released by Quarterstick Records in the year 2000.