- UICollectionView is very similar to another component on iOS. Which component is this?
a) UIImageView
b) UIScrollView
c) UITableView
- Which class did you have to subclass to create your own collection view layout?
a) UICollectionViewFlowLayout
b) UICollectionViewLayout
c) UICollectionLayout
- Which technique is applied by collection views to ensure great performance?
a) Fetching cells a couple of rows ahead of the user's current position
b) Fetching all cells at once
c) Fetching cells just in time
- Where in Interface Builder can you find the collection view's layout object?
a) The Attributes Inspector
b) The Document Outline
c) The Object Library
- Which feature that can be implemented for collection views is not available for table views?
a) Reordering cells
b) Deleting cells
c) Horizontal scrolling
- What is a gesture recognizer?
a) An object that responds to taps only
b) An object that predicts whether a user will scroll
c) An object that responds to several user interactions, such as tapping, swiping, pinching, and more
- What is the type of the button that you added to the navigation bar to toggle the collection view's editing state?
a) UIEditButton
b) UINavigationItem
c) UIBarButtonItem