Back To Reality

The Plan

SO LITTLE time, so little sand left within the hour glass.

Never far, from one anothers touch, he sits and listens to her plans, her fantastical ideas.

In his heart he knows there is but one plan left, and that is, the final one.

He cannot bear to wake her from her passionate thoughts, concerning he and her. This is their single grain of sand on the earth, he understands this. So, through the final night they make love, sweetly, violently, carnally and, then after, they lay together, pressing their skins together.

When she wakes, they make love again, though it might have been considered another thing it was so filled with their pathos.

It was time for departure anddecisions, ones he regrets with in the core of his autistic brain are for him, already made. Yet, they must be made.

It is a decision he does not want, but as a soldier, so long ago, who rained fire down upon himself to save others, he is now going to do it again.

Soon, truth, like a horse’s loyalty to its rider will be their guide.

She knows none of this as they kiss, prepare for the swim below the water jewels and, then back, back to what?

He does know one thing and that he is prepared for war once again and he will die if need be for her within in that war.