Ronnie Thoughts

TAKING CARE of Ronnie Gee, unpleasant task, but fer Billy, bidness, is bidness and though he had almost beaten him to death, Billy, man of his word, forgives him, will pay him, what he owed him. He don’t want to piss his new bidness partners off. Like with Speedo, Billy plays it straight, unless fucked with and, then murder usually comes, never his own.

Moving down the rungs of the iron ladder, boot on the cement, inches from his Betty’s nifty lighter. Reaching out, he hits a switch, looks out through the red haze, smiles in disbelief.

Mounds a white, drying in the sifters, Doc Earls, been workin’ again.

That pleases him also. He’s wonderin’ if some a them gremlins eating away the Doc’s brain seeped outta his ears, was helpin’ him. Because he wants ta crush his testicles, makin’ them inta ping pong balls for the boys in Corpus got a new technical boy fer I’m, he don’t; soon though fer he won’t need the Doc no more.

Knowing he owed Ronnie Gee 2 kilos, pay is pay, Billy moves, loads a small backpack, in the pack 2 kilos go.

Thoughts swaying, never far from his Betty, his future wife, he turns, walks back to the ladder knowin’ if he don’t fuck her soon, his nuts are gonna crack.

Sue, whats he gonna do with her? Well the words, Hit the fucking road, Bitch come to mind. He giggles, feeling his dick getting hard, just thinkin’ bout Betty, he moves.

Of course fate is a screwball kinda thing, can hinge on something trivial. Maybe, like a dropped lighter, while goofing in an Amphetamine Lab, playing submarine commander in a hell hole called Inferno Flats.

Putting one cowboy boot on a rung, Billy’s other boot hits something metal.

There’s fate again.

What ever it is, it goes “CLANG” and bangs into the wall, behind the ladder, into the dark alcove’s wall.

Annoyed, Billy stops dreamin’ about his gal, angrily seethes “FUCKIN’ ARVAN.”

Boots, on the ceee-meent, he twists around, grabs a flashlight from a bracket, kneels and begins poking a beam of light around. He sees somethin’ metallic, reaches out, grabs it, pulls, stares in disbelief at it.

Standing, he guffaws. “What the fuck,”

Billy, his brain works in mysterious ways, organizes his thought slow, real slow. Wheels clicking, stopping, slotting, spinning, clicking, “CLICK” the safe opens.

“Well I’ll be all god damn.”

It’s not complicated stuff, no Greek pictures fucking little boys. No Hitler burning the Jews in his ovens, just basic stuff, like his dick.

Several scenarios, like mold passes, mushes through his brain.

A lug in love can make a fellas mind all loopy and such. He’s tryin’ to spin it, so to give her the benefit of the doubt. Because if he don’t then she’s been lying to him, sneaking around, he even thinks she may be an undercover narc.

The magma kiss, her silk body pressing against him, keeps him hoping for the best, still in hopin’ complete denial. Like acid, shes eatin’ his big ole heart, not ta mention his even bigger ole dick.

Even for an Idiot, reality must kick in sometime.

Brow crinkles, he revolves her lighter over and over in his palm, maybe the wind blown it in, looking for it to tell him he is wrong; no wind comes. He lowers his face, his teeth grind, temper boiling, a little homicidal grin, he done figured it out.

Looks like no marriage fer the princess. After he rapes her, beats her up and, then kills her, well looks like before they get hitched, they will already be divorced.

Nothing worse than a lover bein’ jilted, especially Billy who now has a broken heart.

He crushes the lighter in his volcanic fist, inhales anger and, then begins to move up the ladder. Something is in his mind, a sobering reality that she done made a fool outta him.

So much for lovers, their dreams, just goes ta show a fella that someone knew what they was sayin’ when they said.

“Fall in love with a whore, and you get royally fucked UP everytime.”