INTHI: God of Creation and First of the Ten. Inthi is a contemplative and peaceful god who encourages innovation in their followers. Their plane in Asterium is called Ithis, and it is there that Inthi is said to design and build marvelous creations beyond the comprehension of mortals.
MERLA: Goddess of the Sea and Second of the Ten. Like the sea itself, she cannot be reasoned with and appears to lack empathy. However, she is not malevolent and can just as easily be a friend to lost sailors if the mood strikes her. Her plane, Salis, is an endless ocean.
EYVINDR: God of the Harvest and Third of the Ten. Eyvindr is a generous god who appreciates hard work and dedication, and farming communities usually feature his temples at their center. His plane, Cembra, is farmlands surrounded by verdant forests.
IOLAR: God of Law and Fourth of the Ten. He is the patron of regents and lawmakers. He commands people to be orderly, compassionate, and to value the collective over the individual. His plane, Solarium, is a city where those who have upheld the law are allowed to spend eternity.
TALCIA: Goddess of Magic and Fifth of the Ten. She is the patron of hunters, hermits, and magical creatures. She created unicorns, dragons, gryphons, and many species who all call her their mother. Her plane, Dia Asteria, is a mountainous wilderness.
PEMELE: Goddess of Family and Sixth of the Ten. She is the patron of parents, families, and midwives. Her teachings emphasize strength in numbers and the importance of community. Her plane, Vela, appears to viewers as the place where they spent their own childhood.
DAYLUUE: Goddess of Love and Seventh of the Ten. Dayluue is a joyful and carefree goddess, though her anger is a terrible thing to see. Her teachings emphasize the formation of healthy relationships and knowing one’s own wants, needs, and limitations, as well as respecting others’. Her plane, Vanya, is an endless summer garden.
REYGMADRA: Goddess of Warfare and Eighth of the Ten. Reygmadra values the pursuit of victory and freedom over all else. Her plane, Vailyon, is a battlefield where history’s greatest warriors gather to test their skills against one another.
ERAN: God of Dreams and Ninth of the Ten. Eran is a strange and enigmatic god associated with sleep, the future, and the subconscious. They devised dreams as a way for mortals to explore their own minds and discover new possibilities within themselves. Their plane, Ivoria, exists as a place of light and mist where anything and everything can happen.
ADRANUS: God of Death and Tenth of the Ten. He is the patron of healers and scientists. He encourages his followers to attempt to comprehend the unknown whenever they can. His plane, Iestil, is the final resting place for any mortals who have not been invited into the planes of any other gods.