The 30 Personality Facets

Each of the five dimensional domains (factors) in the NEO-AC is composed of six separate subfactors, or traits. These traits are referred to as the “facets” of personality. like the five major domains, the facets are also dimensional in quality (for each one you can draw a bell-shaped curve showing a smooth and even distribution around a mean).

Appendix A provides detailed descriptions of the 30 facets, but here is a brief list of these facets of personality to review before proceeding further:






These 30 facets, although they do not represent every single possible personality characteristic (such a test would be too long and cumbersome—again, there are over 4,000 adjectives listed in the dictionary), are the most consequential traits and the ones that can be consistently verified by research and also cross-verified using various other personality tools.

Using the description of personality according to the six personality facets that comprise each major domain, a trained psychologist or psychiatrist can look at these results and tell you many interesting things about who you are, what you like, what careers would fit you well, and yes, even the type of person you should seek in a romantic relationship. It is also using these 30 facets that we will explore the minds of great futures traders.