For many of us, July is one of the busiest months of the year. Although the summer is theoretically a time for vacations, recreation, and rest, the reality is that most of us are more active than ever. Whether we are dealing with our yard and garden, kids out of school, or just trying to fit that vacation into our hectic schedules, we often find ourselves trying to keep even more balls in the air than usual.
For Blue Moon Circle, July was a time when we all felt that because there was so much to do, we ended up not accomplishing anything. As I talked to the various members of the group, I noticed that we all felt the same way; we were being pulled in too many directions and couldn’t focus on any one thing enough to actually complete it successfully. We were all frustrated and overwhelmed. What’s a Witch to do?
To address the problem I came up with a spell. Two spells, in fact. And a charm. (What can I say? It was a big problem.) The end result was the focus and achievement spells that you will find in this chapter.
Start Part One of the spell in circle at the New Moon, and repeat it individually every night—or as many nights as you can manage—during the waxing moon. Start Part Two of the spell together at the Full Moon, and repeat that individually as often as possible during the waning moon.
As with all the other spells in this book, feel free to use these any time you feel the need. You can hang the charm bag by your altar or at work, or carry it with you.
The focus and achievement spells turned out to be among Blue Moon’s most powerful and effective magickal workings. I hope they work as well for you.
July New Moon
Focus and achievement spell—part one: waxing moon
When making charms or sachets, the best herbs to use are those you have grown yourself. If you don’t have a garden, you might try growing a few magickal herbs on a windowsill—you will be surprised by how easy, and how satisfying, it is to grow your own. If this isn’t feasible, you can often get herbs at your local pagan store (if there is one), or health-food store.
When making this charm bag, I like to use dried chamomile and carnations (for ease of use), but fresh lavender and rosemary (because they smell so much stronger). I use pieces of cinnamon sticks, rather than powdered, but either will work.
Focus and achievement ritual
Focus and achievement charm bag
Tie the bag with string or ribbon and use with the focus and achievement spell.
When your charm bags are finished, take a moment of silence, then light a green or white candle, and recite the spell together.
Focus and Achievement Ritual-Part One
Goddess great, please shine your light
Bring more clarity to my sight
Help focus mind and heart and will
And with achievement hours fill
So I might rise above the rest
To do those things that I do best
Help me move with ease and grace
Through this life of frantic pace
Achieving more with every day
As I walk the blessed way
So mote it be
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July Full Moon
Focus and achievement spell—part two: waning moon
This two-part spell is a perfect example of the difference between magick done during the waxing moon, and magick done during the waning moon. Remember that the waxing moon is used for increase and the waning moon is used for decrease.
So, for instance, if you were going to do magickal work for prosperity, you might do a spell to bring in more money during the waxing moon, and a spell to get rid of debt during the waning moon (while, of course, actively working in your mundane life to bring about both changes).
In this case, we did part one of the focus and achievement spell starting at the New Moon and then continuing through the two weeks of the waxing moon to increase focus and achievement, just as the name of the spell suggests. During the waning moon, however, this spell isn’t as appropriate. So we will do part two starting at the Full Moon, and continuing through the two weeks of the waning moon. This part of the spell, rather than trying to increase focus, is designed to decrease stress and confusion. Same goal, two different approaches. I hope that both will get you where you want to be.
Note: If you are doing this spell during a year when the Full Moon in July falls before the New Moon, just reverse the order in which you do the spells.
Note: This is a very simple ritual. You can add more elements, but sometimes simple is better. This is another ritual where it is nice to have quiet spiritual music playing in the background.
Focus and Achievement Ritual—Part Two
Banish now this frantic pace
And bring me peace in sacred space
Wash away all stress and woe
And let my thoughts like rivers flow
Let confusion fade away
So I might focus on my day
Blow away the small distractions
That impede my will and actions
All those things that cloud my focus
Vanish now with “hocus pocus”!
(It’s fun to yell out that last bit together—try it and see!)
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