November can be a challenging month. Winter is setting in. The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and there is less light. It is natural for our bodies to start to slow down. We grow a bit sluggish, and it gets just a little harder to get out of bed in the morning.
As Wiccans, we try to go with the flow of the changing seasons. It is probably not a bad idea to get a little more sleep, and to slow down some if you can. Unfortunately, our modern existence doesn’t often take the natural cycles of life into consideration. And other than eating a little extra chocolate, there doesn’t always seem to be a healthy way to perk ourselves up so that we can keep up with the pace of our still-hectic lives.
Luckily, as Witches, we can always ask the gods for a little boost. The New Moon spell in this chapter is designed to “recharge our batteries” in as healthy a way as possible, while still respecting the quieter aspects of this segment of the Wheel of the Year.
November New Moon
Increasing energy spell
Note: This spell combines candle magick, stone magick, and plant magick for extra power. If necessary, it can be done with only two of the three elements (if you can’t find the stones, for instance).
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HPS invokes the goddess:
Great Goddess, you who are warmth in the midst of the coldest days and a glowing light within the darkest hour, come to us in our circle. Help us to find the energy of the summer’s sun despite the winter’s chill and gloom. Welcome, and blessed be.
Spell for Energy
I call upon the Power of Air, with energy creative
I call upon the Power of Fire, with energy passionate
I call upon the Power of Water, with energy healing
I call upon the Power of Earth, with energy strong and unending
I call upon my inner wisdom
That I may tap into this energy only when it is needed
And rest when rest is called for
Let the energy be there for me when I need it
Let the energy be there for me when I call it
Let the energy be there for me when I will it
So mote it be
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November Full Moon
Faith and gratitude spell
We often ask the gods for help. This is not a bad thing. It is, in fact, a great part of being a Witch—knowing that we can ask and that frequently we are granted the thing we have asked for (even if not always in the ways we expected). But we should be careful of falling into the habit of only talking to the ancient gods when we want something from them.
Sometimes it is good to just say “thank you.” I try to remember, whenever I stand before my altar, to start out by thanking the goddess and god for the blessings of that day, or week, or my life in general. Only after I have done so do I proceed with any spells or requests that I might have.
November is a good time to give this issue some thought. Most of us celebrate Thanksgiving in one form or another, and therefore we may already be more conscious than usual of the importance of giving thanks for the good things in our lives. So it seems appropriate to set aside the Full Moon ritual in this month for a focus on gratitude and appreciation.
Wiccans tend to look at the “gifts” in our lives a little differently from most people. For the most part, we believe in reincarnation. We believe that the lives that we lead are filled with experiences from which we will learn and grow so that in the next life we can move on to the next lesson. These experiences are often unpleasant and challenging. Many are painful. And yet, because we know they serve a purpose, we know that these difficult experiences can be as much a gift as prosperity and good health.
This can be a difficult point to remember while you are in the midst of crisis and struggling with day-to-day problems. It is usually only in hindsight that we can clearly see the benefits we derived from the hard lessons with which we were “gifted.”
So, at November’s Full Moon, we pause to look back at the gifts we have been given—the obvious and the not-so-obvious—to give thanks to the gods, and to remind ourselves that sometimes life just has to be taken on faith. For that, too, is a part of being a Witch.
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Faith and Gratitude Spell
We come in thanks and gratitude
In humbleness and awe
With grateful heart and somber mood
And mindful of the Law
The little gifts we’ve given out
Returned to us by three
Remind us to let go of doubt
And say, “So mote it be”
In faith we’ve come before the gods
In love they’ve sent us back
With answered prayers against all odds
And gifts of what we lack
Help our faith be true and strong
To remember gratitude as well
And send our love and thanks along
With each and every spell
So mote it be
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
An it harm none, do as ye will
Lest in thy self defense it be
Ever mind the law of three
Follow this with mind and heart
And merrie ye meet and merrie ye part