Appendix B

Study Group Topics


As I mentioned in chapter 3, different groups meet on different schedules. If your group has chosen to get together only on New Moons, Full Moons, and sabbats (holidays), then Part 2 of this book contains everything you need for a year’s worth of practice.

But if you are like my first group and meet every week, then you will need something else to do during those additional sessions. Here are a few suggestions for study topics. The HPS or HP can lead them all, or group members can take turns researching and presenting a topic. The members of your group will want to discuss which of these topics interest them the most, and they may have some of their own to add as well.

These will also be useful when you have finished your first year of practice together and need some ideas of where to go next in your journey as a group.

Ritual design

How-to, quarter calls, and so on. Gather information about what goes into making a ritual. Each group member can try his or her hand at creating a ritual for an Esbat (Full Moon) or a sabbat, or you can assign each person one component (quarter calls, invocations) and create one together.


What does “harm none” really mean? When is it okay to do a spell for someone else? What are the “dos and don’ts” of Witchcraft?

Elements and symbols of Witchcraft

Discuss the elements, the tools we use, the Wheel of the Year, and other important aspects of Wicca. One circle member can research gemstones and another can research candle magick, or you can do a session that covers all the correspondences for healing or prosperity magick.

Gods and goddesses

Take turns presenting information about your favorites, or talk about the way the gods have been viewed in various cultures—Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Native American, and more.

Pagan history

What really happened in Salem? What were the Burning Times? How and why did the Church push Paganism out of power?


Why do we believe what we believe? What do we agree on, and where do we differ?

Psychic work and divination

Practice using runes, tarot cards, crystals, and scrying mirrors. What works? What doesn’t? What can you do to increase your abilities?

Inner work and self-development

Explore various meditation and relaxation techniques. What are some methods of cleansing, balancing, and mental discipline that work for you?

Magick and energy work

Practical explorations of spells, blessings, and other components of magickal work.
