Chapter 9



In June, we celebrate the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, or Litha. The solstice falls on or around June twenty-first. (Check a calendar for the exact date.)

Midsummer is the longest day of the year, and we revel in the abundance of light and growth. Wiccans see this time of year, when the earth is at its most fertile and full of life, as a representation of the goddess and god at the height of their powers. The goddess, as Mother, is pregnant with the child of her consort, the Sun God, and the whole world is blossoming.

This is a traditional time for handfastings (pagan wedding rituals) and celebrations of family life.

If at all possible, the Summer Solstice should be celebrated outside, with heaps of flowers on the altar. You may want to welcome children into the circle, even if you do not normally do so, and invite the significant others of your group members to attend if they would like to get a taste of what Wicca is all about in a non-threatening atmosphere. (Remember to go over the basics of ritual etiquette with anyone who has never come to a circle gathering before, and remind parents to keep an eye on their children.)

Midsummer ritual


  • Bowl full of dried lavender
  • Small muslin bags (or small cloth bundles) filled with edible seeds like pumpkin and sunflower.

Note: If you cannot do this ritual outside around a small bonfire, you can substitute a cauldron or large bowl filled with candles, and use only a small amount of lavender instead of a handful.

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HPS invokes the goddess:

I call the Great Goddess, she who is Mother of us all, who brings us the green bounty of the land, and gift of family and friends. Join us in our circle as we celebrate this holiday in your honor!

HP invokes the god:

I call the Great God, he who is Lord of the Sun, who brings us the gifts of light and energy. Join us now in our circle as we celebrate this holiday in your honor!


We have gathered here in this sacred space to celebrate the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, or Litha. The Solstice marks the longest day of the year and the shortest night. The goddess is in her aspect of Mother, pregnant and abundant, and her consort, the god, is at the height of his power. The earth itself is at its most fertile, and we prepare ourselves for the harvest to come, gathering up light and energy while they are available to us.

On the Solstice, we bid farewell to the waxing half of the year, domain of the Oak King, and welcome in the waning half of the year, ruled by his brother the Holly King. We revel in the sunlight, and honor the goddess and god by bringing forth our own passions as they have brought forth theirs.


I will now lead us in a meditation to help us get in touch with the energy of Earth and Sun that are so abundant at this time of year. Please sit, and make yourselves as comfortable as possible. (Read slowly and calmly.)

Close your eyes. Take a slow, deep breath. Now, another. Feel the strength of the earth underneath you. Solid and dependable, that strength is always there for you to call on if you need it. In your mind’s eye, see yourself putting roots down into the ground. Coming out of your tailbone, growing ever deeper, feel them reaching down into the earth and connecting with that strength, that energy for growth. Feel that energy climbing up from the earth, and filling you with strength and calm and focus.

Now, reach upward and feel the power and clarity that comes from above. Breathe it in to the deepest core of your being. Feel the energy of the sun as it races through your veins, and recharges your physical, mental, and spiritual batteries. Feel the light washing away all your stresses and cares, leaving only strength and calm and focus.

You are one with the earth. You are one with the sky. You are at peace.

Take a few slow, deep breaths, and fill yourself with as much of that light and energy and strength as you can hold. Then, when you are ready, open your eyes, and be ready to bring all of your focus and intent to the next part of our ritual.


It is traditional for Witches to throw the herb lavender into the midsummer bonfire, as a sacrifice to the gods. Since this is a day to prepare ourselves to be at our most productive, it is also a good time to let go of those things that stand in the way of us achieving our goals. We will pass around a bowl of lavender. When it reaches you, grab a handful and throw it into the fire, and declare your intention to sacrifice whatever you feel interferes with your own power and energy. This can be anything from illness to debt, self-doubt to a soul-sapping job. Whatever it is, focus all your will on sacrificing this part of your life, which stands in the way of growth and productivity. Then throw it into the fire along with the herb, and hand the bowl to the next person. The bowl can travel around the circle until everyone is done.


At Midsummer, the goddess is overflowing with growth—joyful in her role as pregnant Mother, and carrying within her all the hope and potential for the year to come. As we have created this sacred space to celebrate in her name, so we ask her to join us now, and share with us her gifts for potential and growth.


Great Goddess, we call you now!


We will now drum and chant to raise energy. Draw that energy into your packet of seeds, so that when you eat them later you can take the goddess’s gift within yourself, and use it for whatever you need.

June New Moon

Family healing spell

June is a great time to celebrate family, whether it is the family you are born with or the family you choose, such as your circle or coven. Unfortunately, we don’t all have great relationships with our families, and even the best groups occasionally have problems.

At one point during the year, it seemed as if almost everyone in Blue Moon Circle was having issues with a parent, a sibling, or both (although, thankfully, we weren’t having any problems with each other!) So, we cast this spell to help us heal the wounds and close the gaps. Remember that, as with all spells, you have to take suitable action as well—even if that action is nothing more than trying to keep an open mind and a loving heart.

This spell can be done any time that some or all of the group members need it, and it can be done by an individual as easily as by a group.

HPS invokes the goddess:

Great Goddess, you who are Mother of us all, we your children greet you and beseech you to join us in our sacred circle. Aid us in our search for clarity, compassion, and peace, and help us in our work here tonight. Blessed be.

Talk a little bit around the circle about whatever problems people are having with their families. Try not to be overly negative or judgmental—just discuss the problems, and the impact they are having on each circle member’s life. If someone gets emotional, that’s fine. But don’t spend too much time talking about any one person’s issues. You may want to all state out loud the intention to make changes for the better in your family situation. If the problems are in your “circle family,” try to discuss them calmly, without pointing fingers or accusing anyone. It is helpful to say, “This situation makes me feel” rather that “You make me feel,” so that no one gets the sense that they are under attack. Try to see things from the other person’s point of view.

Once you have talked about the problems, put your attention on the goddess candle in the middle of your circle or altar table. Focus on your intention to heal the wounds and resolve the problems. Feel yourself filling with love. If you are not in a particularly loving frame of mind, ask the goddess to help you—she always has plenty of love to spare. Whoever is leading the ritual might say the following out loud:

“Goddess, we ask you to fill our hearts with love and our spirits with compassion.”

When everyone is focused, recite the spell together:

Family Healing Spell

Children of the goddess are we

Central to our family tree

Maiden, Mother, Crone, and all

On this night, to you we call

Bless the families from which we spring

Ease the tortured hearts that sting

Aid forgiveness, ease all pain

Make the broken whole again

Help us see the hearts of others

Children, siblings, and our mothers

Forgiveness grant to those in need

And reward the selfless deed

Heal the bonds that family bind

Heal the heart, the soul, the mind

Bring peace to troubled hearts at last

With this spell by Witches cast

So mote it be

• • •

If you are in an all-woman group, you can substitute the word “daughters” for “children” in the first line, and “sisters” for “Witches” in the last line, if you like.

After a moment of silence, go around the circle and each take a turn telling of something you can do to make your situation better. This is very important, as you need to use the power of the spell to help you find practical solutions (and it will).

June Full Moon

Protection spell

The world we live in can be a frightening and uncertain place. It is hard not to feel vulnerable when faced with the possibilities of natural disasters, household accidents, and people with bad intentions. We all do whatever we can to protect ourselves and those we love, but there are times when none of the precautions we take seem like enough.

Fortunately, as Witches, we know that we can do just a little bit more. The protection spell in this chapter is designed for house (or apartment) protection, but it can be used for your car, a specific room, or even a particular person, as needed.

As with most of the spells in this book, you can use this one whenever you feel the need, and an individual can do it as easily as a group can do it. If you are trying to protect a space, it is a good idea to renew the spell once a year. For example, I have gone around the outside of my house and the boundaries of my property on a regular basis since I moved here.


Notes: You can get herbs and essential oils from local pagan or health-food stores, or there are many sources for ritual supplies online. Of course, the best herbs for magickal use are always those you have grown yourself.

When using salt for cleansing or protection purposes in a ritual, sea salt is usually considered to be best. Many pagan and New Age stores sell tumbled semi-precious gemstones, but if you don’t have agates, you can just look for an interesting small rock that appeals to you or use agate beads if you have them.

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“In order to enjoy our lives, we must feel safe. Tonight we will create charms of protection, which will render our homes as safe as our circles.”

I make this charm, full of power

To guard my home from this hour.


I call upon Hestia to bless these charms, created in her name. I call upon her to bless this house, and the land it sits upon, and all that reside within it. Protect all those here from harm from within or without, accidental or intentional. Bring in all that is positive and drive out all that is negative. Watch over us always. So mote it be.

If creating a charm for something other than your home, substitute the appropriate words, such as: “I call upon her to bless this car, that it may carry me in safety” or “I call upon her to bless the woman, that she may always walk in safety.”

HPS thanks the goddess

Great Hestia, we thank you for your presence in our circle, and for your help with our magickal working tonight. May you continue to watch over us in the days to come, and lend us your protection wherever we go. Thank you, and blessed be.
