Dedication and thanks
To Blue Moon Circle: my friends, my sisters, and my inspiration. You are the family I chose, and I thank the Goddess every day for your presence in my life. Without you, this book would never have existed, and my life would be a much poorer place.
To my family, who always accepted me no matter how far I differed from the norm. If I hadn’t been born to this family, I would have chosen it anyway. Very special thanks to my mother, who took time away from her own writing to edit this book (even sending back three chapters in a day from the RV when my last-minute rush interrupted her vacation).
To Jennifer Kemper, my first teacher and High Priestess, who started it all by inviting me to Samhain in the park. I will never forget how I felt when I stepped into that first circle. Thank you for showing me the path, and sharing all that you had learned.
To all those with whom I have practiced the craft along the way (you know who you are!) To Caere and Katy for healing and wisdom (and my beautiful HPS dedication ritual); to Ellen for never-ending friendship, cat-sitting, snake wrangling, Scrabble, and middle-of-the-night panicked phone calls; to Terry (my little kumquat); to JC for being my “go-to” guy; to JH just because; to Ellie and all the gang at the Artisans’ Guild who let me play hooky from my “real job” when I needed to finish writing—you all contributed to making this book possible.
To Elysia, my first editor, always a joy to work with. Thank the gods for that “eerily empty” desk! (Timing really is everything.) To Brett and the rest of the gang at Llewellyn for making the rest of the process so easy, pleasant, and fun.
And last but not least, many thanks to my two biggest fans: Jennifer Holling-Blake, daughter of my heart, and my grandmother Jeanette (Germambie), who always believed in me. Okay, okay—are you happy NOW? Many Bright Blessings to you all!