James ached with desire the whole way back to the set. As good as it had been to come from Kahala’s hand, the orgasm hadn’t taken the edge off his need for her. He wanted her more than ever. It wasn’t just her beauty—the softness of her body, her delicious, abundant curves and the sweet smell of her black hair. He wanted her for that wicked smile, and for the bold way she’d teased him. He wanted her for her talent and for her uncanny ability to see into him more clearly than he saw into himself.
He could barely wait to shut his trailer door before getting his hands on her. He didn’t bother with lights or music or any other pleasantries. Her body occupied his every thought. He pulled her close, pressing kiss after kiss to her soft, full lips.
As beautiful as her clothes were, this time James saw them only as obstacles. He stripped them from her then laid himself bare as well.
Standing back for a moment, he admired Kahala, transformed by shadow to a mysterious, primal woman. In the juncture of her thighs and the fullness of her hips, stomach and breasts, he saw the essence of femininity, the power of fertile curves immortalized in the very earliest human art. Her sweet smell filled his senses and James could no longer wait to touch her.
He lifted one heavy breast reverently, pulling the nipple into his mouth. She plucked his nipple in turn as he suckled her, the prick of her nails encouraging him to tease her with his teeth. James pulled his head back, almost breathless. “Tell me what I can do for you.”
Kahala smiled, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. “James. Don’t you want me to—”
“Please. How do you like to be touched?” He wanted to worship her.
She shivered a little then sat on the edge of the bed. Kahala bit her lip, a teasing expression forming on her face. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure in my life.” He kissed her forehead, lingering. “I want to make you feel good.”
“Then I would love a foot massage.”
“With pleasure.” He dropped to his knees before her, caressing her with lips and tongue on the way down.
A little beach sand clung to the bottoms of her feet. He brushed it off and stroked her arches, firmly so it wouldn’t tickle. James couldn’t believe how beautifully she kept her feet. He found no trace of calluses, and her skin was as smooth as cream. Perfectly manicured toenails flashed even in the darkness. He rubbed his thumbs in slow circles over her arches, her heels and the pads of her feet.
Kahala threw her head back, a soft moan escaping her lips. “Thank you, James.”
“I’ve only gotten started,” he said. He kissed the top of that foot then started on the other. He rubbed it patiently, resting his cheek on the top of her thigh. From that position he could smell her arousal. With gentle pressure from his chin, James encouraged Kahala to spread her legs a little wider, giving him an intimate view that made his hard cock pulse with desperation.
“Now the calves,” she said.
“I don’t want to relax you so much you fall asleep,” James said.
“Believe me, that’s not what’s happening.” She rolled her hips just slightly to make her point. He laughed softly and slid his fingers up from her foot to the muscular curve of her lower leg. He snuck glances up at her face, searching for signs of her pleasure.
Kahala’s eyelids had drifted closed and her lips were slightly parted. He massaged her calves for a while, entranced by the frank enjoyment on her face. When she gave him no further instructions, James held his breath and ventured farther up, stroking her thighs. He thrilled as his fingers climbed her legs, exhilarated as if he were making his way toward a woman’s center for the very first time.
He spread her open with one hand and explored her with the other, tracing her inner lips and clit and swirling over her entrance. She dripped with arousal. James wanted to taste her again but he didn’t want to take his eyes off her. He wanted to watch her body respond to him, wanted to note the little muscle shivers that spoke of pleasure building within her.
James dipped the tip of one finger inside her. As she had earlier that day, she pushed onto it, rocking herself against his hand. He added another. When her muscles squeezed him tight, his cock ached with jealous sympathy.
Kahala stroked James’ head with one hand. With the other she touched her own breasts. She lifted one then the other and ran her fingernails over her stiffening nipples. Her mouth opened wider. He saw a flash of her tongue as she sighed.
“I want to make you come,” James told her.
“I want to come with you inside me,” Kahala answered. “Do you have a condom?”
James scrambled to get one from the nightstand beside his bed. He rolled it on then turned back to Kahala and discovered she had repositioned herself. She lay on her back, her ass at the edge of the bed and her legs spread wide. One hand dipped between her legs, toying with her wet folds. Her eyes had drifted half closed. She cupped one breast and gave it a slow massage.
He had to swallow hard before he could speak again. He could almost have come just from watching her please herself.
“Get the chairs from under your table, James. Use them to prop up my legs. I want you to take me like this.” As if to emphasize her words, she scraped a painted fingernail over her clit and sighed.
James wasted no time doing as she asked. Bringing the chairs to the foot of the bed, he placed one of Kahala’s feet on each chair’s seat so she lay open and ready for him.
She stilled when he stepped between her legs, and began to drop her hand away. James caught her wrist. “Don’t stop what you were doing,” he whispered.
She responded with a naughty grin and slipped her first finger between her slick lower lips. James stroked her face. Kahala turned her head to suckle his finger. His cock twitched at the sight of the utterly sensual woman arranged on his bed. He needed to join with her.
James nudged her with the latex-covered tip of his cock, feeling her heat clearly even through the barrier. Kahala slid her hand farther down and parted her lips for him, exposing her wet, ready sex to his view.
He caressed it with one finger, loving the way her entire body shivered in response to the intimate touch. Wrapping a hand around his cock, he explored her with its head as he had with the tip of his finger, running it up and down over her slippery, dark-pink skin. This time he shivered along with her, the sensation curling through his lower belly as surely as it must be through hers.
Kahala continued to stroke herself, her fingers sometimes brushing James’ cock as they worked her clit. She lifted her head, her eyes pleading. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the head of his cock and pulled it to her entrance.
James smiled and peeled her fingers away, returning them to her clit. He pressed the tiniest bit inside then paused again. As much as he wanted to thrust in deep and take her, James wanted to enjoy the naked desire on her face. He liked the increasing desperation of her fingers, the slight rocking of her hips, the little mewling noises in the back of her throat. He kept his hand around his cock to keep himself from pushing all the way inside, and teased her, giving her just a bit of pressure but withdrawing before either of them could settle into the feeling.
“James, please. I want you.”
“I want you too. Believe me.” Still he teased. He watched her stretch to accommodate the head of his cock, pressing forward far enough that her body tightened around him just below the ridge. Then he retreated with equally agonizing patience until the tip of the condom barely kissed her wet entrance.
Kahala scooted forward a few inches, obviously reaching for more of him. James smiled and stepped back. “Keep touching yourself,” he told her. “I want to take my time getting in.”
She growled a little in frustration, but her hand began to move in firmer circles.
He sheathed himself a little deeper, probing her with short, precise strokes. With his free hand he caressed her whole body, cheek to neck to chest to stomach. He gripped her hips then traced their curve to her soft thighs.
Her inner muscles pulsed around him as if they might suck him in. James closed his eyes to shut out everything except the sensation of her body welcoming him. He slid inside as slowly as he could, savoring every millimeter of the movement.
Kahala gave a long, shuddering breath and pushed up against him. Breathless himself, James reached the apex of his stroke and held it there, letting her start a slow grind around him.
He pulled out with the same aching slowness then repeated the movement, tension gathering in his balls as arousal built far faster than his pace increased. Kahala looked to be nearing orgasm. Her fingers had settled into a definite, determined rhythm and her face had taken on the focused, inward expression that James associated with private pleasure. He continued to hold himself back as he watched her.
The cry that burst from her a moment later left no question that she’d crossed the edge. Kahala’s head fell back against the bed as her body shuddered in ecstasy. With the hand that wasn’t working her clit, she gripped her thigh, her fingernails digging into the soft flesh. Her hard nipples trembled atop her generous breasts. The muscles that held James so intimately rippled around him.
Now James entered Kahala’s world of delicious sensation as completely as he could, becoming a full participant in her pleasure. He thrust firmly and faster. She seemed even more sensitive and responsive than before, her moans exquisitely tuned to James’ pace. He held her hips with both hands and he could have sworn he felt his body trembling in sympathetic bliss as they made contact.
The sight of her beneath him, writhing in the throes of an orgasm that seemed as if it would never end, made it impossible for James to wait any longer. His body demanded that he lose himself inside Kahala.
James thrust in deep, perceiving nothing but her curves, her scent, her sighs and the look of pleasure on her lovely face. As soon as he gave in to his desire, his own orgasm appeared, startlingly close at hand. He didn’t resist it. If Kahala wanted more he would happily please her with tongue or fingers or whatever she wished.
His balls tightened and he came hard. He let himself drop onto her in the process, her breasts pillowing the side of his face.
When James came to himself again, Kahala was stroking his hair, her brown eyes wide and tender. He murmured, “How do you feel?”
She chuckled. “You have to ask?” Her face softened. “I feel as if I’m going to wake up from this dream any minute.”
“Me too,” James told her.
She sighed and eased herself into a slightly different position. He stood and helped her, putting away the chairs while she settled herself more fully on the bed. James sat beside her, stroking the side of her arm. “You’ll stay with me tonight, won’t you?”
Kahala smiled. “I’d better text Lani.”
The pleasant warmth of Kahala’s body radiated through James, making the trailer’s little bed so much more comfortable than it would otherwise have been. James draped a possessive arm over her and drowsily contemplated what they had enjoyed together, then slept and dreamed of her.
He woke several times, afraid she had left him in the night or that she had existed entirely in his dreams. Each time he let the sweet smell of her hair soothe him back to sleep.
His restlessness meant he heard the click of his trailer door right away, and the soft footfall that followed it. He smelled alcohol and coconut oil and opened his eyes. “James,” Madison Marin called softly. “James, are you in here? I thought you wouldn’t mind a little company.” She giggled. “I shouldn’t have said so much in front of that costume girl. I wouldn’t want her going to the media and telling them our whole relationship was a fabrication.”
James sat up, protectively pulling the sheet up over Kahala’s chest. To his relief she was sound asleep. “Madison.” He kept his voice as quiet as a breath. “Please leave before you embarrass yourself more than you already have. You and I don’t have a relationship.”
“We could.” She shut the door behind her and crept closer to the bed. James’ entire body tensed.
“I’m not alone,” James said quickly, at the same moment his co-star stepped close enough to discover the truth for herself.
Madison stared at Kahala’s sleeping face then looked back at James, shock cracking over her features. “Her? Instead of me?”
The slim blonde’s jaw worked. Her head swiveled between the two people on the bed. James would have been amused if he hadn’t been so irritated with her. “Madison, you and I were never going to be together, whether or not she came on set. Now get out.”
Madison’s face cycled through a range of emotions, finally settling on anger. “I thought better of you, James,” she hissed.
His eyes widened. “Better than what?”
“I didn’t think you were the type to sleep with groupie sluts. Thought you could handle being with an equal.”
Rage pulsed through him at Madison’s words. “Kahala’s not a slut.” He jumped out of bed, not bothering to cover himself, and grabbed Madison by the wrist. She clearly wasn’t prepared for his rough manner. He propelled her to the door before she managed to find her voice again.
“Let this be the end of it, all right?” James said as he pushed her out of the trailer. He didn’t wait for her reply before closing the door in her face and locking it. A few moments later he heard her walk away.
James leaned his head on the door. He was breathing hard. He’d been so fogged by his lust for Kahala earlier that he must have forgotten to lock the trailer. He hoped that wouldn’t come back to bite either of them.
He glanced toward where she lay on the bed, still sleeping. He considered waking her up to tell her what had happened but didn’t like the idea. They’d had a beautiful evening together. Why ruin it with Madison’s ugly words?
He returned to the bed and stretched out beside Kahala. He watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest, marveling again at her beautiful face and the shape of the generous curves under the sheets. He wanted to make her as happy as possible. He wouldn’t allow Madison to mar any of what had passed between them.
Kissing Kahala’s forehead gently, James fell into a far more peaceful sleep than before.