
Giving myself the time and space to step from the world of working with animals and fully into the shoes of a writer has been a dream of mine for more than a decade and a labor of love for half of that. In the course of my doing so, there have been many who have helped me along the way, gently nudged me, held my hand, and inspired me to stay true to the vision I’ve held for these pages and my hopes for how they will touch others’ lives. It has been a truly remarkable journey, though one that I feel has just begun.

To my agent, Rebecca Gradinger, I offer my deepest gratitude for seeing the worth in a small spark of writing, holding the vision to see it through, and guiding me in each of the steps—so many more than I ever imagined—through which I’ve traveled along the way.

I’ve often wondered through the years, while reading authors’ acknowledgments, about the relationship between writers and their editors. So many, it seems, share a special bond that is born from the book on which they’ve worked together. I am forever grateful to my editor, Vanessa Mobley, for so very much—the wisdom and insights she poured into this project, her steadfast support while I wrote and rewrote, her encouragement and belief in me as a writer, and her caring attention toward shaping this book into all it could be. I consider it an honor and a privilege to have worked with her.

To the truly exceptional team at Crown, I am profoundly grateful for all the hard work, commitment, and care they have invested in this book. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Molly Stern, our publisher, Penny Simon, our publicist, Tricia Wygal, our production editor, and Miriam Chotiner-Gardner for always being there. To Annsley Rosner, Jay Sones, Danielle Crabtree, and Songhee Kim, I also offer special thanks.

From the moment I met Sandi Mendelson, I instinctively knew I belonged in her hands for sharing my vision with the rest of the world. To Sandi, especially, as well as her team—Cathy Gruhn, Claire Daniel, Deborah Jensen, and all at Hilsinger-Mendelson—I am so very grateful for their passion with this project.

I spent two winters writing much of this book while in fellowships at the MacDowell Colony. Working all day long without distraction in my studio, being served delicious home-cooked meals made with tender, loving care, and sharing the company of so many amazingly talented artists was a privilege and gift for which I am so grateful. To the remarkable group of people at MacDowell who make it all happen—I am so very thankful. My special thanks to Blake Tewksbury, who always brought just the right touch to each day.

I will always be grateful to Charlie Nakamura for those life-altering talks we shared in Hilo and Kona and all those places we’d stop in between, to Eric Johnson for his sage advice while we drove on the back roads of Oahu and Kauai and for the early mornings when we’d talk story while eating breakfast at the Yum Yum Tree, and to Carl Izumi for his good-natured kindness on my trips to Maui, including that night we found ourselves locked behind the gates at the KKGC. My deepest thanks to each of them for their friendship through all the years.

Though in some ways my residency seems ancient history, I believe my memories from Cornell will never fade. I am forever grateful to Katherine Houpt for taking me under her wing and bringing me into the world of behavioral medicine. From all the time she invested teaching me in clinics, at rounds, and in the field, the greatest gift she gave me was her abiding encouragement to think on my own and decide for myself, outside the box of current doctrine and theories. She was my guide and mentor then and to this day is a trusted friend.

I wish to thank David Wirth, Lyle George, Richard Freedland, and Noel Laing—all men whose footsteps I tremendously respect. Each inspired me to dare to reach to my highest aspirations and left an enduring impression on me. I am thankful for each of them being in my life.

I am forever grateful to Kris King, Noni AIlerdice, and Johanna Mitchell—enduring friends through so many years since my “monk” days back in Oregon. Whether a short drive away or across the country, they have been there anytime I needed to offer me insight, compassion, and love. I treasure each of these remarkable women for who they are and what they do in the world.

I’d like to give special thanks to Meg Stowe for her keen eye, insightful perspective, and remarkable gift as a visionary. She’s been a confidant, advisor, and a trusted friend along with Jeremy, her husband, as together we’ve watched our daughters grow.

To Sara Granoff-Schor and Charlie Schor I offer my thanks for sharing their hearts, their open arms, and their kitchen table. They’ve made me laugh and touched my heart in more ways than they’ll even know.

To Nancy Yielding and Lisa Tener, my thanks for coaching me as I learned to be a writer. To Donna Wild and the staff at the clinic, I am so very grateful for their care, support, and laughter.

My thanks to Joe Fallon for sharing such wonderful stories of Catie. And, of course, special thanks to Catie, herself.

To the countless animals I’ve known through the years, I am profoundly grateful for their presence in my life and the lessons they have offered me. Though my gratitude in words may not be so important, I hope that, in some way, I’ve touched their lives in return for the many ways they’ve deeply touched mine. My thanks, especially, to our dear cats, Fritz and Clara, and our selflessly loving dogs, Katie and Corrigan.

As I stepped into the shoes of a writer, I hadn’t really fathomed how much my life would change—the countless hours I’d spend alone lost in my thoughts, the struggles and frustrations, the immeasurable highs, the depth of fulfillment I’d find along the way. It’s a journey which I’ve come to love. And through it all, my greatest thanks are to my wife and my daughter for the countless ways they’ve been there for me constantly with patience, understanding, and love.

To Giselle, you are my brightest star, my greatest inspiration.

To Tiffany, my soul mate, you’re the essence of all that is good in my life.