Blending In

One of the greatest gifts from God that is often taken for granted is the company of good friends. Billy did not yet understand that. What he certainly did not know is that his friends were standing in the gap for him even though he may have acted poorly toward them. Good friends will do battle on their behalf, even when help is not requested.

Maxine let Curtis into the house and sent him down the hall into Clay’s room. He found Clay sitting on his bed while Mike took a chair next to him. After a rough explanation of the circumstances, Curtis got down on his knees in front of them both. They held hands as a united praying force.

Clay began. “Almighty God: The evil one is working on Billy. We pray for Your protection on him. Please deliver him from the traps that are set before him tonight …”

Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Clay’s prayer was not the kind that you would expect to hear from some seasoned minister. It was just the words of a regular teenage boy. But you better believe that God was all ears that night.

Their friend was busy looking about the house. He floated from room to room looking at the other guests. Many of them were completely unknown to him; those he may have recognized, he still did not know. Chloe was his single connection there. And for now, he wondered where she had gone. Starting any kind of conversation at a party such as this was going to prove difficult for him. Marching right up to strangers and starting deep conversations was not really his forte – that was more Mike’s specialty. But he somehow managed to find his courage buried deep within and had decided to make a go of it.

He quickly found the first target for this social experiment. Billy sat uneasily in a seat next to an unknown, college-age type. “Hi. I’m Billy.” The other guy turned to look at him but did not say anything. Billy waited for a polite response, but none came. So he tried again. “Are you a friend of Chloe’s?” The other dude did not even change his expression. In fact, he really did not have any expression at all. Nothing. A complete blank. Perhaps he had trouble hearing. Billy repeated the question. This time, the other guy grinned but still said nothing. Clearly this was pointless. So, Billy felt that it was time to move on.

He made his way into another room and approached two girls who were laughing hysterically. The laughter was somewhat contagious and Billy had this same urge to laugh as well. After a few seconds of mutual laughing, Billy was curious enough to ask, “So, what are we laughing at?” The ladies began to laugh even more. “No really. What is so funny?” The laughing raised up another notch. “Uh … was something that I said funny?” Now the girls were laughing so hard, they could scarcely stand. As their bodies got limp, they began to rely on each other for physical support. Now they were howling with laughter. “I don’t get it. Is there something wrong with me? Is it my hair?” While he was growing more self-conscience, they kept laughing harder and harder. The more Billy spoke, the harder they laughed. I’m not having any success with these people, he thought.

Wesley got out of his car and walked up the path to Chloe’s front door. The boys previously standing at the door had long since gone inside since one of them had thrown-up in the bushes. So Wesley approached the door unhampered by any half-drunken, would-be bouncers. He rang the bell and waited, folding his arms behind him. After about ten seconds, he reached over and rang the bell again. Nothing. All he could hear was the thumping from some muffled loud music. Why am I trying so hard to attend this horrible party? I don’t even want to be here at all. Wesley was mentally preparing himself to leave. He decided to split and go back to his car and drive back. His lonely abode was calling. But before he had the opportunity to turn on his pivot foot, Chloe opened the door excitedly.

“Wesley! You’re here. I was beginning to wonder if you would ever show up.”

Wesley avoided making eye contact. “Hello, Chloe.” That lonesome house of his was now looking cozier in his mind.

She stepped outside and linked arms with a hesitant Wesley. She escorted him over the threshold. “Now that you are here, we can get this party started. This is your first time here, isn’t it?”


“Well, I’m going to have to give you the extra special VIP tour later tonight. Are you thirsty?”

“No. Not right now. Who are all these people?”

Chloe began to laugh nervously. “Actually, I don’t know. It’s like I just opened the door and they all fell into the house. But don’t worry; now that you are here, this party won’t be so lame.”

Wesley gave a crooked smile. “You are giving me way too much credit.” Chloe thought his crooked smile was cute - - but being cute was far from Wesley’s intention.

Chloe let go of Wesley’s arm and twirled to face him. “Well, you just wait. This evening will certainly be one for the history books.” Her eyes narrowed, which told him that something sneaky was going on.

Wesley had been avoiding eye contact but now he looked in her eyes as if he were studying her face. “One for the history books? Why? Just what sort of things do you have planned?”

Suddenly, Chloe’s voice was changed from flirty to very flirty. “What indeed?” She lowered her chin and looked at him through suspicious eyes. She grinned. “Stick around and find out. This is gonna be fun.” She turned and walked away in an alluring fashion.

Wesley certainly noticed. Physically, she was very attractive. But there was something about her personality that he did not trust. He thought, I wonder what she meant by that.

Billy missed all of that. He was wandering around throughout the house. He had noticed a while earlier someone either going in or coming out of a nearby door. Out of curiosity, he approached the door and opened it slowly. He instantly regretted that decision. A girl screamed from inside as he slammed the door shut again. Quickly, he raced away from the door to the other side of the room and pretended clumsily that nothing happened. But seconds later, the door opened again and an embarrassed young woman stormed out, purse in hand, and making a break toward the front door. She was followed by the guy that she was with. He looked furiously around the room to see who it was that interrupted them. Fortunately for Billy, the guy gave up and chased after his date.

The eight people or so that were in the room with Billy saw the whole thing and burst out with laughter. Billy was not really in a laughing mood, but he forced himself so that he could blend in. But if it were not for Chloe, he would have left at that moment. This was not really his idea of fun. He decided to quietly make his way into the room where some guests were watching a movie on a projection TV. Until he could spend more time with Chloe, maybe he could pass the time with whatever they were watching.

We all know what you are thinking. This boy is just going from one boring scenario to another. But worry not. The plot is about to thicken …

Diane had just finished putting the rest of dinner in the fridge as William put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. They both adjourned from the kitchen/dining room to maybe find some old movie on TV. But on the way, Diane spotted Billy’s blue duffle bag by the front door.

“Well, lookie here,” she pointed it out to William. “Someone was in quite a hurry when he left. All his church clothes he planned to wear tomorrow are right here.” She crossed over to the front of the couch and plopped herself down. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Maybe he’ll want us to bring them with us in the morning. He can change there.”

Diane looked over her shoulder at her husband. “Well, there may be other things in there that he may need before then. You probably need to call him just to make sure.”

“That’s not a problem. It would only take me a minute to run over to the Baker’s.” William pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to dial as he replied. “I’m on it.”

Billy’s phone rang okay, but he never heard it. He shut off the ringer.

After enough time, William lowered the phone from his ear and looked at the screen. “Hmmmm. That’s weird. He didn’t pick up. It kicked me into voice mail.”

“They are probably too busy playing video games or something. Try calling Curtis. Do you have his number?”

“Yeah. It’s in here.” The phone rested in William’s right palm and he scrolled down to the correct number with his right thumb.

The boys were all taking turns. Mike’s prayer had followed Clay’s and now Curtis’ was winding down. “Heavenly Father, I don’t know what has gotten into Billy tonight. Whatever it is, would you please knock some sense into him before he does something that he might regret? Please help him to find the right path. Please watch him and take care of him. All this we pray in Your Precious Son’s Name …”

In sincere unison, all three boys said, “Amen.”

They sat looking at each other for a couple of seconds. Curtis then began to stand. He put his hand on Clay’s shoulder with a firm and brotherly grip. “Alright, guys. Thanks. I’d better be getting home. I’m supposed to be picking up some pizza and my kid brother is probably going into full berserk mode right about now.”

Clay looked back up at Curtis. “Hey, dude. Call us back when you hear something.” He did not say it, but this was the first interaction he has had since the accident that was not totally focused on his missing legs. It felt nice. These were truly his lifelong friends.

Mike’s facial expression suddenly changed. He viewed Curtis with questioning eyes. “Hey. What did you mean just then?” His words were laced in authentic interest.

Curtis did not know what he meant. “Huh? Do what?”

“You know - - during that prayer just now. What was that? You asked God to knock some sense into Billy before it was too late. That’s a strong prayer, a heavy prayer, full of meaning. What if God actually did just as you asked?”

Right on cue, Curtis’ phone began to ring. All three boys were startled slightly (although these tough guys would never admit it). Something about that ringing seemed scary and supernatural. Instantly, their blood ran ice cold.

Curtis pulled his phone out of his pocket in order to see who this call was from. It was the one person in the world that he did not want to talk to: William Harris. His friends looked to him with apprehension. Curtis returned their gaze with a pained look on his face. He reluctantly turned his phone outward to show his friends. Their jaws dropped.

Curtis Baker clearly did not want to pick up, but there was precious little choice in the matter. In that instant, he weighed the situation over in his head. Something deep inside was forcing him to do what he did next. He answered the call and brought the phone up to his head. “Hello?” This was going to be super awkward. He did not know how he was going to be able to hear Mr. Harris’ voice over the sound of his own heart beating.

If Billy’s dad knew anything, he covered it well. Mr. Harris’ voice betrayed no suspicions. “Hey. I’m sorry for bothering you, but Billy isn’t answering his phone. Could I speak to him, please?”

“Uh …” How was he going to get out of this one? Here come the half-truths - - and he was going to have to pour it on thick. “I don’t think he can come to the phone right at this moment.”

“Oh? Why not? Is he in the bathroom?”

Now is his chance to lie. The bathroom is the perfect alibi - - at least, for however long it would take for someone to come out. And for all Curtis knew, Billy really could be in the bathroom at that exact moment. If he could convince Mr. Harris that his son would call him back later, Curtis could try to get Billy on the phone and tell him to call his dad right away. If he played his cards carefully, that would make it right.

No. That would be dishonest. He may be able to muddle through the call without technically lying – but the core of his statements would not be the truth. Falsehoods would be at the heart of his meaning. And lying would not truly solve anything; in fact, it would make the situation worse. In addition, Mr. Harris would eventually find out the truth. Once that happens, Mr. and Mrs. Harris would never be able to truly trust Curtis again. And what about the example of his friends? What about God? Curtis just got finished praying to God, and now he is thinking about lying. How pathetic is that?

Curtis closed his eyes and began to speak. “I cannot get Billy to my phone right now because I’m not with him at this moment. That is to say, he is not with me.”

“Oh? And just where is he?” came the voice over the phone.

Curtis took a deep breath. Here it goes. “I’m assuming that he is at Chloe Chastain’s house.”

“Chloe Chastain’s house? I thought he was with you. What is he doing over at the Chastain’s house?”

“Well, she is throwing some big party tonight. She invited Billy and so he went.”

There was a long pause.

“He didn’t say anything to us about any party.”

Curtis could hear Mrs. Harris in the background. “Party?”

Mr. Harris continued. “What kind of party is this? Is it very …?”


“Did you know anything about this when you picked him up tonight?”

“No, Mr. Harris. I swear. I was surprised by it myself.”

“I see.” Mr. Harris gave another thoughtful pause. “Well, I’m just going to invite myself over to this party. I’m sure there is nothing like a concerned father to liven things up.”

“Do you know where it is?”

“In this small town? Everyone knows where the Chastain’s live. Curtis, thank you for your honesty. You’ve done us a service tonight.”

Curtis’ face said, What have I just done? He ended the conversation. “You’re welcome, Mr. Harris. Bye.” He sat down stunned.

Clay and Mike said nothing. They simply stared at Curtis in disbelief. They understood that Curtis only said what he needed to say. Had they just witnessed strange forces at work?

Curtis was still shocked from the entire conversation. He made sure that the call was done and then he quietly put his phone down. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Uh, guys? We may need to pray for Billy all over again. His parents are going to kill him.”

William quickly slid his arms through his jacket and grabbed his keys. “I need to get Billy. He has decided not to go to Curtis’ house and has gone to some wild party over at Chloe Chastain’s instead.”

Diane’s face was very concerned as she watched her husband. “Yes. Go get him and bring him home. But please be careful. Don’t do or say anything dumb.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t. I may not win any cool daddy awards tonight in the eyes of our boy, but I won’t do anything weird. Trust me.”

She tried to lighten his mood. “Is this one for your journals?”

He replied with an amused grunt. With that, he was out the door and gone. The truck made its usual loud squeal as it backed out of the driveway.

Diane prayed.