Think you’ve got horse fever? Here are a few warning signs.
•You lean forward when your car goes over speed bumps.
•You yell at the kids, and the horse’s name pops out.
•“Stopping by the stable” takes a minimum of two hours.
•You tell the guy at the service station that you’ve got a leak in the “near hind” tire.
•You feel a sharp spot on your back teeth and wonder if they need to be floated.
•You find hay in your bathrobe.
•You cluck at your car when it goes up hills.
•You know more about your horse’s ancestry than your own.
•You carry a hoof pick in your purse.
•You’ve been banned from the laundromat.
•You refer to your shins as “cannon bones.”
•After it snows, the first thing that gets shoveled is the path to the manure pile.
•You spend hundreds of dollars to compete in a horse show for a 98-cent ribbon.