Horses were a vital part of American history, so it’s no surprise that there are some looney laws about them. Some of these are still on the books.
Maryland: It’s illegal for a horse to sleep in a bathtub unless his owner sleeps with him.
Georgia: Horses can’t “neigh” after 10:00 pm.
Washington: It’s illegal to ride an ugly horse.
Nebraska: A man can’t ride on horseback without his wife until the couple has been married for one year.
New Jersey: It’s illegal to pass a horse-drawn carriage on the street.
California: Horses can’t mate within 500 yards of a church, school, or tavern.
North Dakota: Every house within the city limits of Bismarck has to have a hitching post.
Virginia: Married women who ride horses through the town of Upperville while wearing “body hugging clothing” can be fined up to $2.
Ohio: Men may not “make remarks to or concerning, or cough, or whistle at, or do any other act to attract the attention of any woman riding a horse.”
Iowa: It’s illegal for horses to eat fire hydrants.
Louisiana: Horses cannot be tied to trees on public highways.
New York: It’s illegal to open or close an umbrella when a horse is around.
Tennessee: In Cumberland County, the horse speed limit is 3 mph.
Texas: No one can take pictures of horses on Sunday. (The fine for doing so is $1.50.)
New Mexico: Women who ride horses in public have to wear corsets.
Arizona: Cowboys may not walk through the lobby of a hotel with their spurs on.