For Horse Lovers Only

More “you know you’re a horse person when . . .”

In the grocery store, you move someone aside by poking them and saying “over.”

You walk out in the middle of a movie because the “cowboy” flaps his elbows at the trot.

You see a jogger on the street, and think some corrective shoeing might help that hitch in his gait.

You’re too sick to work, but think a two-hour ride will do you good.

You watched Bonanza as a kid because you had a crush on Michael Landon’s horse.

You look at a picture of Santa’s reindeer and think, “They’ll never clear that jump if they don’t pick up their knees.”

You buy shirts to match the color of your horse’s slobber.

You have a saddle-soap stain on the living room rug.

You’re thinking of living in the barn since it’s cleaner than the house.

You clean the tack after every ride, but you’ve never washed the car.