Introduction. A Mirror of the Universe

1. Margulis and Sagan, Microcosmos.

2. Ho, The Rainbow and the Worm.

Chapter 1. The Fall of Man

1. See Wolff, Original Wisdom; and Leidloff, The Continuum Concept.

2. Goodall, The Chimpanzees of Gombe.

3. Wilson, The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture.

Chapter 2. Emotion in Evolution

1. This article’s provenance is now lost, but subsequent research by Bruce Lipton document the same phenomenon. See Lipton, The Biology of Belief.

2. Pert, Molecules of Emotion.

3. Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.

Chapter 3. The Great Conflict

1. Miller, For Your Own Good.

2. Leidloff, The Continuum Concept.

3. Childre and Martin, The HeartMath Solution; see also www.heartmath.com.

Chapter 4. Cultural Default and Intentional Evolution

1. Pearce, The Biology of Transcendence.

Chapter 6. Scientific Perspectives of Mind-Heart and Resonant Fields

1. Pert, Molecules of Emotion.

2. Childre and Martin, The HeartMath Solution and www.heartmath.com.

3. Buzzell, Children of Cyclops.

4. Sperry, “Mind-Brain Interactions,” 193–206.

Chapter 7. Nature’s Plan and Culture’s Conniving

1. For an extensive treatment of the primacy of movement, see “The Art of Perceiving Movement” in Bohm, On Creativity.

2. Williamson and Pearse, Science, Synthesis and Society.

Chapter 8. Darwin’s Evolution

1. Storpher, Intelligence and Giftedness.

2. Montagu, The Natural Superiority of Women, and Storpher’s classic study Intelligence and Giftedness offer clarification of these issues, which lie quite beyond any petty “gender warfare” or conflict, as plagues “civilized” humans today.

Chapter 9. Darwin II: Death and the Evolution of the Mind

1. Weber, Dialogues with Scientists and Sages.

2. Laski, Ecstasy in Secular and Religious Experience.

Chapter 10. Mind, Spirit, and Creative Fields

1. Gardner, Frames of Mind.

2. MacLean, The Triune Brain in Evolution.

3. Von Halle, And If He Has Not Been Raised.

4. Werner, Life from Light.

5. Werner, “Professor claims to survive on just sunshine and fruit juice,” UK Daily Mail, June 28, 2007.