Reader’s Discussion Guide

See the “rest of the story” by visiting the Pinterest page
Stephanie created for Soaring Eagle here:

1.Publishers sometimes talks about the “take-away” value of a book. What do you think is the “take-away” value of Soaring Eagle ? What will you remember most about it?

2.Jim Callaway is a homeless veteran suffering from what we call PTSD today. What do you think is essential in helping men like him recover?

3.Is there a Scripture verse in one chapter that proved unusually meaningful to you? How did that Scripture apply to the events in the chapter? Why do you think it resonated with you personally?

4.In Chapter 3, LisBeth talks about planting a pine tree at her mother’s grave as a remembrance. Jim Callaway puts engraved stones at the previously unmarked graves of LisBeth’s in-laws. What kinds of things have you or family members done to create a positive remembrance for a loved one?

5.Were you surprised by LisBeth’s decision regarding a husband? Do you agree it was the best decision? Why or why not?

6.What people or events were most instrumental in bringing Soaring Eagle to the Christian faith? Why do you think they had a positive result in his life?

7.What special challenges would the missionaries at the Santee Normal Training School have encountered in their ministry? Do you see examples in the story of ways they tried to surmount those challenges? How does that relate to our methods of sharing Christ with different ethnic groups today?

8.Discuss the unique role Carrie Brown plays in Soaring Eagle’s life. Was there someone in your past who had a significant positive influence on you—someone who probably didn’t know how important they were to you at the time?

9.Has quilting or some other craft helped you get through a difficult time? How? Why do you think it helped?

10.Who was your favorite minor character? What character quality did you like most about him/her?

11.The characters in this book experience a great deal of loss and pain. Why do you think the author chose to include those things in the story?

12.Do you know of real life examples of the kind of forgiveness granted when Soaring Eagle and LisBeth finally met?

13.What will you remember most from your reading of Soaring Eagle ?