This section of the book is filled with goddess-based meditations and activities for you to try out to connect with different goddesses. If you want to have a fun and goddess-oriented week, you can do one of these each day. Or just do one (or two!) whenever you are so moved. They’re great to do at night before bed or in the morning to start the day. Keep a journal at hand so that after you enact the meditation or activity you can take notes on anything you noticed or any goddess guidance you received. It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water after meditations or activities like these. Water helps everything in the body function more optimally, including the nervous system, which is positively affected when you meditate or engage in transcendent activities.


With the help of beloved goddesses, experience the meditation and activity contained in this section to bring new levels of love and passion into your life.


Today you have the opportunity to meditate on the concept of love. Love is a broad term that includes self-love, romantic love, unconditional love, spiritual love, and passionate love, among other things. As you meditate on the idea of love today, understand that it’s an experience to be had by the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of yourself. Your soul is fed by love. Love is soul food. The energy of love infuses you with light and positivity in most cases. Love on its own is pure and perfect. When we add other ingredients to the mix, sometimes that’s when we hear about love in the form of heartbreaking love songs and Shakespearean tragedies. In our meditation today, we will connect with all the positive aspects of love with the intention of improving our ability to love ourselves and enhance our loving relationships. We also will allow ourselves to experience and infuse the world with unconditional love.

Meet the goddess Janaína. She is a Brazilian deity of love and the ocean. She will be our guide today as we meditate on this idea of love. You can picture her wading in the ocean or floating above it. She sometimes is known as a mermaid goddess.

Find a quiet and comfortable place in which you can lie down uninterrupted for about twenty minutes. Relax into the space and relax your body. Make sure you’re nice and comfortable so that you can really let go into the meditation. Breathe deeply into the center of your chest. Feel your lungs expand and fill completely. Slow down your breathing and allow your body and mind to slow down and calm.

Bring your focus and attention to your brow center. With your focus there, you may feel pulsing or tingling. State aloud, “I ask that everything that transpires in the entirety of this meditation be for the very highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none. I now connect with Janaína. I open my heart to the love that she brings, and I’m grateful for her fluid blessing of liquid love. Thank you, Janaína.”

Now bring your attention to the center of your chest. Feel it pulsing. You may sense warmth. Feel Janaína pouring light pink sparkling liquid love into your heart. Envision yourself floating on your back in an endless sea of light pink glistening, iridescent water. This is the ocean of love. Float there and envision Janaína above you continuing to pour love water over you. Maybe she’s sprinkling it over you or misting you with it. The water is warm and inviting. Allow yourself to explore. You can turn over in this ocean and open your eyes and see what’s beneath you. Everything in this ocean is made of pure love. Open your pores and absorb it. Let it fill you. Let it heal you. Let it stir you. Feel love for yourself and love for the world. Let yourself feel romantic love. You may feel stirrings of passionate love in your body and heart. Let everything unfold as the waves and ripples of love flow through you.

When you turn over in the ocean, allow yourself to sense or visualize benevolent, joyful dolphins beneath you. These dolphins are residents of the sea of love. Are they pink? Are they aqua? Allow them to swim around you and feel the resonance of the concept of the freedom of love flow through you. Love is free. It does not require physical proximity. It transcends space and time. Let these truths permeate you and reprogram every cell in your body and all of your energy bodies.

When you’re ready, you can turn back over and see Janaína above you. You can speak to her telepathically with ease. Ask her for any blessing or favor you would like. Understand that our spirit guides love to intervene for us but cannot usurp our free will, and so we must ask for their help in many cases.

Thank the goddess and offer to serve her if she needs anything for the highest good. Stay in the space as long as you like. Let yourself receive guidance and healing from the goddess.

When you’re ready, you can begin to bring your awareness back into the room. Feel yourself present in your body. Notice where you’re lying. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Take some deep breaths. Drink some water. Sit up and briskly rub your hands over your feet, lower legs, hands, and forearms and say aloud, “I’m here now. I am present.”

Once you are fully back to yourself, go about your day and make sure to drink plenty of water. Because of the oceanic nature of this meditation, if you have some untreated Celtic, Hawaiian, or Himalayan sea salt and you’d like to put a few grains under your tongue after the meditation, that would be perfect.


The next activity is brought to you by the goddess Aphrodite. She is a famous Greek love goddess, bringing romance, passion, fertility, and beauty. This activity is designed to help you connect with the passionate nature within you. The passion that flows through you is the lifeblood of humanity. You may feel passion for your work or creative pursuits, and you may feel sexual and romantic passion. Passion is full of fervor. It’s the lust for life within us all, whether on the surface or deeply buried. This energy and vigor can be part of what makes life worth living. Aphrodite will bring this to you today in whatever form is for your highest good. It might be desire or sexual passion. It might be poetry and song that flows from you in a passionate rush. It could come in the form of renewed passion for aspects of your life that have grown stale. Passion moves energy. It is kinetic. It is in motion and emotional. Allow yourself to feel it today.

Stand tall. Reach your arms up above you and feel the blessings of Aphrodite rain down upon you. Bring your arms down and begin to move your body in an undulating motion. Move your arms and legs as if you’re dancing even though there’s not any music playing. Keep moving, swaying your hips and undulating your body.

State aloud, “Dear Aphrodite, I invite you into all corners of my life for all time, as needed, for my highest good and the highest good of all life. I ask that everything we do together be in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none. I invite you to infuse me and my life with the vigorous, joyful passion of existence. I invite you to flow the kinetic energy of engagement with life through me. I choose peak performance and peak experiences. I choose to experience ecstatic, joyous, passionate abandon in a way that is safe and healthy for me, for my highest good, and for the highest good of all life. I trust that you and all of my guides will provide me with the perfect balance of rest, relaxation, and joyous peak experiences. I choose to allow myself to feel safe and attract situations in which I can indulge in my passions in a way that is safe and holistically healthy for all involved. It is done.”

Now lie down on the floor or a couch and close your eyes. Tune in to your body. How do you feel? Feel Aphrodite all around you, igniting your passion and enlivening your soul. Feel your body. Where is the energy moving and pulsing? Where is the passion reverberating in your body?

When that feels complete, bring your attention back into the room and go about your day. As you continue through the rest of the day and night, periodically bring your thoughts back to the passion that you began to feel moving through you. Notice if it informs your choices or decisions during your daily life. Notice opportunities to infuse your life with more passion. What could you do that would be more of a peak experience in each moment?


The meditation and activity in this section will connect you more deeply with your potential for success and activate your ability to receive abundant wealth.


What does success mean to you? Does it mean career achievement? A certain salary or profit? Does it mean a certain level of recognition or fame? Helping more people or animals? Success can mean different things to different people. One of the things I want for you as you do this meditation is to expand your idea of success. Think even bigger. Expand the possibilities of success in your mind and heart. Allow yourself to connect with what true unbridled success would feel like for you. And then go get it.

To connect with the true essence of success and your ability to step into it, we will meditate with the goddess Fortuna. She’s the Roman deity of good fortune, good luck, abundance, money, success, and possibilities.

Spend a few minutes getting comfortable and cozy. Have your journal nearby to take notes after meditating. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Allow your mind to become unfocused. With less of a grip on your mental functioning for a few minutes, discover what comes up in your mind without prompting. Just watch it as if it’s floating by on a cloud. No judgments or feelings of obligation to change what you’re thinking and feeling are allowed—just complete, utter acceptance.

Now bring your awareness to your solar plexus. Find this in the center of your torso between your sternum and your belly button. You have an energy center, or chakra, there. It’s like a galaxy inside you. Feel it revolving within you. You can place your hands over that area of your body to help you tune in to it. Connect with that part of yourself—it is the seat of your success and your will. This is the place from which you effect change in the world. This is the place that governs your action in this world.

Does the area feel jumpy, low-energy, high-energy? Does it feel healthy? Irritated? Balanced? Just notice. Now state aloud, “I invite the benevolent goddess Fortuna to infuse my being with the essence of success. I accept Fortuna’s blessings and good fortune into my life with ease. I give Fortuna clearance to shape and mold my life and being into a joyous, fortunate, successful, prosperous form. I accept Fortuna’s guidance with gratitude. I ask that all that transpires in this meditation be for the very highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none.”

Meditate with Fortuna and feel her with you as you continue bringing your attention to that solar plexus chakra in your body. You want to optimize that area. You are powerful and wield your strength with benevolence and ease.

If you choose, you can tell Fortuna with your mind that you would like to dream with her tonight. In your dreams she can help calibrate optimal success. You may find yourself dreaming of her sending forth a golden strand of energy with which to magnetize your heart’s desires. Allow Fortuna to teach you this over time.

Once that feels complete, bring your attention back into the room and make sure that you feel present. Thank Fortuna for her attention. As you continue with your day, you may feel Fortuna with you on the periphery. She is available to help you; all you have to do is ask for her help.


This next activity is all about increasing your wealth with the help of a benevolent goddess named Demeter. Demeter is a Greek goddess of harvest and a mother goddess. She reaps the fruitfulness of abundance, and you can do that, too. Demeter’s blessing and energy will help you connect to a flowing stream of unlimited wealth. Money is energy, just like everything else. When you receive money, you’re receiving energy. When you give money, you’re giving energy. You can simplify your relationship with money by taking all your biases and cultural ideas about it and releasing them. Instead, allow yourself to expand your mind and adopt the idea that money is simply a tool that assists us in the exchange of energy. There is enough energy in the universe for everyone to have an unending surplus. That is the essence of abundance, and that is the energy Demeter will help you integrate into your body, being, and bank account.

Grab a journal or notebook and a pen or marker. Think about the color of the pen or marker. What color represents wealth to you? Some good choices would be green, purple, gold, red, and silver.

In your journal, write down the title “My Joyful Wealth Statements.” Underneath that, we will create ten affirmative statements about your experience with wealth, prosperity, and money. I’m going to give you some examples, and I want you to individualize them. Remember to think big!

Choose ten of the following statements or create your own:

Demeter is here to help you integrate the idea that money is your friend. There’s nothing bad about it. You are a person of principle and caring, and by aligning with the goddesses you will use money for good and you can be trusted with it.

After you’ve compiled your ten statements, sit in a meditative posture with your journal nearby. Close your eyes and say the following out loud, “Thank you, Demeter, for joining me now. I am grateful for your presence and help. I ask that all that we do together be for the very highest good of all life.”

Feel Demeter sit across from you. With your journal in your lap, reach out your hands and feel Demeter’s spirit hands join with yours. When you’re ready, say your ten affirmative statements slowly with feeling, in succession. Demeter will be saying those words with you. Feel and hear yourself say those words of affirmation. Sense and perceive Demeter’s voice joining with yours as you speak those words of wealth aloud.

After that is complete, write in your journal about how it felt and anything you noticed. Journal about any emotions that came up or thoughts that popped into your head. Notice how it felt to connect with Demeter. You can ask her to help you with this or any other area of your life. Remember that our guides do not have carte blanche to help us unless we ask. So ask Demeter for help and blessings. She is eager to give them.

It is safe for you to be rich and prosperous. You will use your wealth to enhance your life and the lives of those around you. Let Demeter be your guide and helper on this journey.


The following meditation and activity will bring you into a powerful circle of protection and from that safe space enhance and open your intuition.


The following meditation will bring you into a circle of protection. The world is generally a safe place. Sometimes we feel fearful or anxious, and sometimes we have real things we need to be aware of to keep ourselves safe. Enter the goddess Durga. Durga is a specialist in keeping you safe, and she is definitely known in the Hindu tradition for kicking butt and taking names. She is a goddess who clears away that which no longer serves so that new growth can occur. She is mother, wise woman, benevolent destroyer, and shepherdess of evolution via rebirth. Allow Durga’s courage and psychic strength to be transferred to you and to bring out those qualities in you.

Sit or lie down in a meditative posture. Get comfortable, but in this meditation you will want to stay relatively aware. State out loud or internally, “I ask that all that transpires in the entirety of this meditation be for the very highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law. Helping all and harming none. I invite Durga, representative of the Great Goddess, into my life. I accept her protection and blessings for my highest good.”

Feel Durga’s presence within you. What does it feel like? In a moment, you will use a powerful incantation to protect yourself. You can memorize these words and say them whenever you choose. Durga will help you. You do not need to do a full meditation to use these words of protection. I like to use them before I walk into a crowded space such as an airport or a mall. You can say these words if you feel trepidation about a situation any time you choose.

Say the following either internally in your mind or out loud. Either way works: “I seal and protect all wormholes, portals, doorways, and openings in my physical and etheric bodies. I do this in all dimensions, all interdimensions, and all realities for my highest good and the highest good of all life. It is done.”

Whenever you say these words aloud, visualize the area around you as a sphere three feet out from your body. Watch this area become sealed and protected. Visualize it. As you say the words, you can envision that bubble around you strengthening. Or you can envision light coming down around the bubble and sealing it. You can even envision a stream of light spiraling down from above you, from below you, or both and circling around the sphere and sealing and protecting it.

When you have time, meditate with Durga and enact this incantation. Before bed is a great opportunity, but at other times when you do not have time to meditate you can still say these words. You can even write them on a note card and keep it in your purse.


This activity will help you open your intuitive senses on every level with gentleness and ease. Intuition and psychic ability are not things that you want to force or push. It is healthier and more holistically balanced to allow these talents to emerge with gradual encouragement. This intuition activity is inspired by Themis, goddess of prophecy. Themis was thought to be the goddess who spoke to the high priestesses who served over many years at the famed Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. People would come from far and wide to receive guidance from the goddess Themis and her highly trained initiates, who were powerful medicine women in their own right.

So today you get to do an activity with a renowned and heralded intuitive trainer in the form of a loving, benevolent goddess. What could be better?

One of the first things you will learn from this experience is that beings in nonphysical form are as real as beings in tangible, physical form. One simply exists only in the form of energy, and the other exists in the forms of matter and energy. That’s the main difference between you and a spirit guide.

Our goddess friends bring us extra wisdom and healing because they have access to infinite information and energy as a result of their nonphysical status. Themis is now inviting you to tap into this bestowal of goodness. Her contribution today will be to help you open your intuition to a new level. You can do the following activity as frequently as you would like. Once a day is plenty. Or you can do it just one time and you’ll still reap benefits from it for days and weeks to come.

Do this in a place where you will be undisturbed for at least the next fifteen minutes. Stand with your feet a little bit more than shoulder width apart. With your hands at your sides, raise your palms up to about waist level. Bring together the tip of your thumb and your middle finger on both hands. While staying in about the same place, spin all the way around to the left three times.

Next, bring together the tips of your thumb, middle finger, and pointer finger. Still in a wide stance, bring the tips of all six fingers up to rest between your eyebrows just above the bridge of your nose. Feel the energy in your hands and brow center pulsing.

Now say out loud, “I activate my pineal gland to open the gateway to my intuitive senses in a way that is balanced, healthy, and for my highest good. I activate my second sight, my clairaudience, my clairsentience, my claircognizance, my sense of psychic smell, my sense of psychic touch, and my sense of psychic taste. I invite Themis to take my hand and guide me through life and in all ways. I receive her blessings with gratitude and allow her to enhance and open my intuitive senses for my highest good.”

Now lie down on your back in a comfortable place nearby for a few minutes. Feel the goddess Themis within you and allow yourself to be open to whatever happens. Your various psychic senses will be activating and opening, and so you just need to rest and allow. You may sense colors or images, sounds or smells, feel feelings or think new thoughts. Simply observe the process as a witness and allow it to unfold without trying to influence it in any way. After about ten to twenty minutes, when that feels complete, you can return to daily life. Make sure to drink plenty of water and give yourself some time to come back into full physical presence. Make sure to keep a journal near your bed at night and start writing down your dreams. They are going to be enhanced with lots of intuitive information and healing. Have fun!


The following meditation and activity will fill you with happiness and confidence with the help of joyful, powerful goddesses. Yay!


This next meditation is designed to help you connect with happiness and joy. There are so many forms of happiness, and you have the amazing opportunity in this life to try them all out and see which your favorites are. Choosing joy is a conscious choice every day. Joy is the highest vibration in the known universe, and when we feel happiness and joy, we have the ability to heal more easily and deeply.

Our guide into the land of happiness today will be the shining Shinto goddess Uzume from Japan. She is a revered goddess of happiness and is known for her dancing.

Get comfortable and relaxed in a cozy spot on the couch or bed. Keep your journal nearby to jot down any notes. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the center of your chest. Notice how it feels there. Notice any pulsing or tingling or warmth. Notice how you’re feeling emotionally. If you had to give the emotion you are currently feeling a name, what would it be? There’s no wrong or right or good or bad answer. Notice what comes up.

Now, internally or out loud, repeat the following: “I make a conscious commitment to choose joy in each moment. I make choices that promote my happiness, and I acknowledge that I deserve happiness. I am worthy of joy. I connect with Uzume in joyful gratitude. I invite her to infuse my life with happiness. I accept her benevolent blessings in all areas of my life. I ask Uzume to guide me and give her clearance to intervene on my behalf to make my life more joyful and harmonious and to help me live my heart’s desires.”

Place one hand or both hands on the center of your chest. Notice again how you feel. Now repeat the following affirmative statement mantra over and over in your mind or out loud: “I am joy.” Keep saying it aloud and allow yourself to feel it. Keep repeating the mantra “I am joy” as you picture bright white sparkling light radiating through your body. Notice the direction from which it is coming. Does it come from above you? Does it come from all around you? Does it come from within you under your hand in the center of your chest? Is it expanding from your center outward? Or all of the above?

Feel Uzume come closer. She extends her hands to you, and you can reach your hand out to her. Hold hands with her and with the essence of happiness. What does this goddess evoke in you? As you hold hands with her, allow yourself to receive any healing and guidance that she has to offer. You can say yes to her to let her know that you are open to receiving anything for your highest good. Make sure you tell her “Thank you.”

As you return to your day, bring the essence of joy with you. Throughout your day you can repeat the statement “I am joy” to infuse that moment with the essence of happiness.


This activity is about fostering your confidence and enhancing your sense of self-worth. It’s important that we actively work on empowering ourselves if we want to live a happy, accomplished, healthy life. Navigating today’s society requires self-confidence. It requires an ability to face fear and banish self-doubt even in the face of uncertainty. Your confidence is contagious, and you can empower other women and people who are living from their hearts to lead with courage. It is courageous to face your fears. You will find victory in your vulnerability while allowing yourself to be guided by the divine feminine within you. Our representative of the Great Goddess to assist us with confidence is Inanna.

Inanna is a courageous and powerful goddess. When her sister, Ereshkigal, captured her lover and dismembered him, scattering his pieces throughout the underworld, Inanna faced her fears and rescued him. She descended through seven gates into the underworld. At each gate, she had to face an aspect of herself. She was facing her shadow. She had to look her fear in the face and do it anyway. She had to face her vulnerability to be triumphant. And triumph she did, for Inanna retrieved all the pieces of her beloved, Dumuzi, and reassembled him, reconstituting him back into his original form as a representation of the Divine Masculine. Being confident does not mean that you don’t doubt yourself or feel apprehensive. It means you feel the fear and do it anyway. That is the extraordinary stuff of which leaders are made.

Gather this book, your journal, and a candle. Go into a room where you have a mirror and can dim or turn out the lights. An interior bathroom is a great option. Light and set up your candle in a spot where it will be safe to let it burn unsupervised. Have the candle close enough to illuminate the area where you will stand in front of the mirror. Keep your journal on hand.

Turn off the lights so that the only illumination is the candle. You should still be able to see the words in the book. If you can’t, grab a couple more candles.

Now, with the candle’s light, take a few minutes to look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your face. Do this with no judgments, just neutral acceptance. When you are ready, say the following aloud: “I ask that all that transpires in the entirety of this mirror-gazing session be for the very highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none. I now connect with Inanna and all of my highest vibrational goddess guides. I ask Inanna to guide me and help me cultivate confidence so that I can achieve my goals and experience my heart’s desires with joy.”

Gaze into your own eyes with soft focus and allow them to unfocus and relax. Take a look deep within yourself. The flickering light from the candles may help you see different parts of yourself. You may see faces in your face. Your face may change in the mirror ever so slightly. You may see the face of Ishtar flash in the mirror. Or you may see other goddesses in your own reflection. Yes, these are separate beings, but they are also reflections of yourself. You are the Divine Feminine.

As you gaze into your own eyes and face, you may see aspects of yourself from other times: past, present, and future. Simply allow this to unfold. Grasp at nothing. Remain unattached and simply observe. Let go of your identity and feel the interconnection of all time and space. Understand that although you are currently existing in duality, which is where the dimensions of time and space intersect, many nonphysical beings exist outside of time and space that you can access anywhere and anytime. Your higher self exists within you right now, in this time and this space. It also exists in eternity and throughout all existence and beyond.

While feeling your eternal nature and gazing into your face in the flickering light, repeat the following affirmative statements out loud: “I own my space. I am present in my body. I make decisions with ease and trust myself. I speak my truth in a way that is well received and aligned with my heart’s desires. I feel confident. I know that I am worthy of good things. My choices are healthy and holistically good for me and the world. My self-esteem is healthy, and I feel good. I feel self-assured, and I know that I can rely on myself to create the life I choose.”

Even if those statements do not all feel true, you can fake it till you make it. Speak to yourself with confidence and caring. You are the architect of your life. Make healthy choices and take decisive action to create the life you desire. You have that power. You are not a victim of circumstances. You are a creator with an opportunity to craft a joyous existence of your choosing.