acceptance 64

aegirine 135

affirmations 54, 61

agate 14, 17, 26

blue lace 26, 112

fire 89

moss 77, 97

Agrippa, Cornelius 18, 98

albite 107

Alexander the Great 17

altars 68

amazonite 160

amber 20, 27, 74, 136

amethyst 21, 29, 137

ametrine 108

andalusite 141

anima mundi 15

apatite, blue 109

Apollonius of Tyana 99

aquamarine 26, 81

aragonite 110

Aristotle 17

attachment 77

attraction, law of 47

aventurine 17, 27, 82

azurite 111


black crystals 28

bloodstone 26, 138

blue crystals 26

blue lace agate 26, 112

Boot, Anselmus de 105

bronzite 161

brown crystals 28



clear 83

orange 27

Cardano, Gerolamo 112

caring for crystals 32

carnelian 16, 26, 113

cat's eye 84

caxocenite 139

celestite 21, 26, 114

chakras 38, 109, 136, 137, 139, 142, 154, 160

chalcedony 115

Charlemagne 17

charoite 29, 140

chi 15

chiastolite 141

choosing crystals 30, 76

chrysocolla 162

chrysoprase 116

Cicero 115

cinnabar 27, 70, 85

cinnamon stone see hessonite

citrine 15, 27, 70, 86

cleansing crystals 32

clear crystals 28

Cleopatra 170

clusters 22

color visualization 59

colors of crystals 24

copper 87

Crawford, Joan 86

creative engagement 60

crocodile jasper see Kambaba jasper

crystal balls 23, 99

crystal beds 23

Curie, Pierre 15

cymophane 84


dedicating crystals 34

deprogramming crystals 37

diamond 88

dioptase 117

divination 21


emerald 17, 27

Eriiksson, Leif 122


Fabergé, Carl 174

Filipe, Don 108

fire, earth, air, and water ritual 33

fire agate 89

fire opal 119

flat crystals 23

fluorite 20, 77, 118

purple 29

yellow 27

fool's gold see iron pyrite

formation of crystals 14


Galen 144

Garbo, Greta 86

garnet 16, 21, 26, 163

generator crystals 68

geodes 22

Giesecke, K. L. 148

goals, defining 52, 54, 62 see also intention

goldstone 26, 90

goshenite 164

gratitude 64

green crystals 27

green kunzite see hiddenite

grids and layouts 66, 67

manifest abundance 70

manifest harmony in the home 74

spiral to attract love 72


healing, crystals for 20

Heineman, Gustav 114

heliodor 91

hematite 142

Henry V 100

hessonite 120

hiddenite 143

history 16

How, Henry 121

howlite 121


intention 54, 56 see also goals

iolite 77, 122

iron pyrite 19, 123


jade 18

green 27, 92

red 124

jadeite 92

jasper 16, 74

brown 21

green 144

red 26, 93

yellow 125

jet 28, 145


Kambaba jasper 94

Karam, Princess 166

Kublai Khan 129

Kunz, George F. 158, 165, 169

kunzite 165

kyanite 166


labradorite 95

lapis lazuli 16, 26, 63, 167

Larimar 171

layouts see grids and layouts

lazulite 146

lepidolite 126

lignite see jet

lithia emerald see hiddenite

lodestone see magnetite

Lucifer 170

Luvulite 177


magic 21, 66

magic mantra ritual 55

magnetite 28, 168

malachite 16, 27, 96

mana 15

manifestation 44

seven steps 48

manifestation crystals 23

mantras 55

Margaret, Princess 156

moldavite 127

money stone see citrine

mood boards 60

moonstone 21, 28, 147

morganite 169

moss agate 77, 97


"nanny brooches" 90

natural shapes 22

Nechepsus 144

negativity 47, 50

nephrite 92

nuummite 148


obsidian 14, 15, 20, 28, 74, 150

onyx, black 28, 149

opal 17, 18

fire opal 119

orange crystals 27


pearl 170

pectolite, blue 171

pentagrams 66, 67

peridot 18, 27, 98

phantom crystals 23

pietersite 151

piezoelectric effect 15

pink crystals 28

Pliny 17, 19, 88, 91, 118, 157, 168

Posidippus 93

Prehn, H. von 152

prehnite 152

programming crystals 36

protection, crystals for 20

purple crystals 29

pyrite 19, 123


Qin Shi Huang, Emperor 124


clear 17, 28, 69, 70, 99

rose 28, 72, 172

smoky 20

white 40, 57


Rabanus Maurus 18

rainbow moonstone 107

red crystals 26

rhodochrosite 28, 72, 173

rhodolite 174

rhodonite 175

rhyolite 128

rose quartz 28, 72, 172

ruby 26, 129


sacred spaces 68

sapphire black 130

blue 26

clear 153

pink 176

purple 29

yellow 131

scepters 23

selenite 28, 154

self-awareness 49

septarian 132

serpentine 155

shapes of crystals 22

smoky quartz 20

sodalite 156

sourcing crystals 30


red Burmese 100

Samarian 100

storing crystals 32

sugilite 29, 77, 177

sulfur 157

sunstone 27, 77, 101


terminated crystals 22

Theophrastus 150

Tiffany & Co. 158, 169, 174

tiger's eye 102

timing 62


blue 26

imperial 103

white 28

yellow 27, 77

tourmaline 26

black 20, 28, 74, 133

blue 158

green 27, 104

watermelon 180

tugtupite 178

tumbled stones 22

turquoise 105

Tutankhamun 16, 160


ultramarine 167

unakite 179

universal energy 47


vibrational energy 15

violet crystals 29

Viracocha 173

visualization techniques 58

color visualization 59

imagining outcomes 59


white crystals 28


yellow crystals 27


zircon 181

zodiac stones 31
