Adams, George W., 97
Ainsworth. H. C., 254–55
Alabama & Florida Railroad, 53
Appleton’s Guide, 200
Archer, Tom F., 23
Arnold, Samuel, 4
Atlanta (GA), capture of, 159
Atlanta & West Point Railroad, 53
Augusta Constitutionalist, 151
Baker, Asbury, 178–79, 218, 259
Baker, Lafayette, 175, 184–85, 186
Baltimore Riot, 185
Barney, E. G., 73–74
Beale, Robert G., 178
Belknap, William, 219–20
Benjamin, Judah, 116
letter to Lawton, 106
and war’s end, 166
Bidaux, Gustave, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 261
See also Lloyd & Bidaux’s Minstrels
Blanks, James E. W., 19
Blass, Charley, 54
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 103
Bonfanti, Francis Joseph, 224, 225, 258
depositions of, 226–27, 230–34, 236, 240, 244, 248–49
on Lloyd’s friendship with Lincoln, 228
Booker, Johnny, 201–2, 205, 207, 261
See also Roberts, Sam
Boone, Daniel, 9
Boyd, Charles C., 49, 133, 219, 258
on contract with Lincoln, 248
depositions in new claim, 246
on Lloyd’s new claim, 225, 226, 228–29, 231, 237–38
Boyd, Reuben Tyler, 49
Boyd, Thomas H. S., 3, 48–49, 59, 178, 194
on contract with Lincoln, 245, 249, 250
death of, 258
depositions in new claim, 240–43, 244, 245–46, 247, 250
depositions of, 172–73, 174, 181–82
deserts army, 131
Howser’s deposition on, 178
illness of, 147–48
on Lloyd in Richmond, 138, 152, 165
Lloyd’s ad disavowing, 51–52
on Lloyd’s imprisonment, 108, 125, 130–31
and Lloyd’s new claim, 225, 226, 227, 229–30, 233, 236, 239, 244
and Lloyd’s papers, 197–98
on Lloyd’s spying, 119–21, 127–28
on Lloyd’s whereabouts, 80, 106, 132, 135
meets with brother, 133
payment from Lloyd, 196
publications by, 218, 253, 258
in Richmond prison, 154, 158, 159, 160
and Ryan, 210
surrenders to army, 162
tried as deserter, 147
visits Lloyd, 88–89
Boyd, William H., 218
Boyd’s Office Directory, 218
Brace, Aleck, 152
Bradley, G. W., 51
Bradley, Joseph P., 252
letter to Lloyd, 182–83
Breckinridge, John C., 166
Brinkley, Ralph C., 71–72
Bristow, Benjamin, 251
Brock, Sallie, 164
Brooks, Noah, 65
Brown, Jack, 260
Brown, John, 49
Brown, T. Allston, 22–23, 29, 32
on Lloyd’s prison sentence, 30–31
Brown, William Andrew Jackson, 126
Browning, W. A., 183
Bryan, Joe, 96
Bryant, Jerry, 54
Buchanan, Franklin, 158
Burnt Cork and Tambourines (directory), 22
Butler, Benjamin, 244
Callan, John, 188
Cameron, Angus, 254
Cameron, Simon, 254
Causten, James H., 181
Caxton, William, 48
Chamberlain, Francis Henry, 144
Chambers, William N., 28
Charleston Courier, 43
Chase, Salmon, 108
Chisholm, Walter, 218
Cincinnati (OH), newspapers in, 40
Cincinnati Sun, 43–44
Civil War
advance on Richmond, 163–64
capture of Atlanta, 159
capture of Savannah, 161
cost of, 193
creation of Confederacy, 53
end of, 165–66
and Washington City, 64
Clark, Micajah, 166
Cleveland Daily Herald, 54
Clifford, Nathan, 252
Confederate States Steamboat & Railroad Guide, 145
Cooper, Samuel, 58
Crook, William, 65
Cruickshank, John, 225
Currier, Charley, 202
Dailey, Elizabeth Ann, 19–20, 68
Daily Cleveland Herald, 201
Daily Missouri Republican
Lloyd’s ad in, 28
on Sable Harmonists, 27
Daily Ohio Statesman
and Lloyd’s troupe, 206–7
on Lloyd’s troupe, 204–5
Daily Richmond Examiner, 158, 160, 161
Daniel Boone (steamboat), 13
Davies, Harry W., 216
Davis, David, 252
Davis, Isaac, 81
president of Confederacy, 53
and war’s end, 163–64, 165, 166
Davis, John W., 159
Davis, Joseph Robert, 81
Davis, William Alvin, 87–88
Day After the Wedding, A (play), 11
de Arnaud, Charles, 254–55
De Kalb Regiment, 60
DeLeon, Thomas Cooper, 164
Detroit Free Press, 204
Dickens, Charles, 70
Dix, John Adams, 64
Dixon, George Washington, 12
D’Lyon, Levi Sheftall, 105
Dooley, Ellen R., 3, 49, 132, 194, 258
in Augusta, 133
on contract with Lincoln, 245, 246–47, 248, 250
deposition of, 174
goes to Washington, 168–69
and Lloyd’s new claim, 224
returns to Augusta, 141
testimony of, 155
Dunn, William McKee, 222
Eastmead, J., 55
Emancipation Proclamation, 139
Emery, Prudence, 15
Empire Minstrels, 29–30
Erwin, Bob, 96
Evans, George P., 141
Farragut, David Glasgow, 144, 158
Farrell, James B., 23
Felton, Samuel, 64
Field, Stephen J., 252
Filkins, S. B., 207
First District Colored Regiment, 194
Flynn, Sean C., 255
Foans, J. Milton, 28
Foster, Stephen, 25
Foul Play (Lloyd), 209–10
Fremont, John C., 44
Fremont Journal, 208
deposition on Lloyd, 104
letter to Lloyd, 106
Garrison, William Lloyd, 24
Goforth, John, 250
Golson, Hugh, 100
Gorgas, Josiah, 155
Grant, J. A., 85
Grant, Ulysses S., 165
at parade, 2–3
Graves, William P., 166
Gray, Alexander J., 224, 226, 238
Gray, Charles A., 222
Great New York Business Chart for the Western States, 41
Guide to the South (Lloyd), 53
Hardie, James A., 208, 210, 211, 218
Harman, William N., 154
Harvey, Charles T., 180, 218, 259
letter to Stanton, 198–99
on Lloyd’s claim, 211, 212, 236–37
meeting with Virginia, 218–19
Harvie, E. L., 164
Hasell, Bentley D., 53
Hay, John, 65
Heiss, J. P., 32
letter to Davis, 149–50
Higgins, Virginia Van Rensselaer, 45, 47
See also Lloyd, Virginia
Hindman, Thomas, 182
History of the American Stage (Brown), 22
History of the New York Stage (Brown), 22
Holman, John, 194
Holt, Joseph, 4, 5, 69, 176, 260
and Conover, 191
and Lloyd’s claim, 177, 186, 187–88, 190
in Louisville, 16
and Wirz, 194–95
Hosmer, Addison A., 5–6
Howe, Frank Howard, 224, 225, 227, 259
Howe, Timothy Otis, 225
Howser, Marcellus, 178, 224, 226, 233, 259
depositions of, 222–23, 226, 234–36, 237
on Lloyd’s friendship with Lincoln, 228
Hull, George G., 53
Hunt, Ward, 252
Hutchings, Juliet, 45
Illustrated New Age, 196, 199–200
Indrisano, Matthew, 255
Jacques, James Monroe, 257
James T. Lloyd & Co., 40–41
See also Lloyd, James T.
Jauss, Frederick G., IV, 255
Jesper Harding & Sons, 43
in New Haven, 207
proclaims celebration, 2
vouches for witnesses, 183
Johnson, J. D., 261
Jones, Frank M., 222
Kash, Douglas, 255
Keeble, Walter, 86
Keely, Leslie, 26–27
slave trade in, 14
state penitentiary, 31
Kentucky Rifle (play), 11
King, William Nephew, 123
letters to Lloyd, 124–25, 126, 128–29
Klinck, Hayne Irby, 72–73, 260
Kneass, Nelson, 23
Lakeman, Abner Young, 219
Latta, James W., 222
Latting, John J., 224
Lee, Custis, 104
Lee, David Williamson, 257
Lewis, Pryce, 82
Lieber, Francis, 152, 153, 188, 190
Lincoln, Abraham
and de Arnaud’s claim, 254
election of, 50
Emancipation Proclamation, 139
plot against, 63–64
reelection of, 160
travel passes by, 3, 62, 66, 236–37
Lincoln, Robert T., 177
Little Arthur, 55
Lloyd, Annie. See Taylor, Annie
Lloyd, Clarence Alvin, 3, 68, 131–32, 257
birth of, 47
enrolls in school, 218
Lloyd, Elizabeth Ann, 261
Lloyd, James McCracken, 14
Lloyd, James T., 9, 19, 196, 200, 218, 261–62
arrest of, 45
and Cincinnati Sun, 43–44
and Clay, 18
publishes guide, 253
publishing company of, 40–43 returns to St. Louis, 29
works for Noble, 26
Lloyd, John, 14–15
Lloyd, Thomas G., 9, 15–16, 68, 261
on Keely cure, 26
occupation of, 18
remarriage of, 19
Lloyd, Virginia, 3, 49, 139, 140, 202
on contract with Lincoln, 245, 247–48
death of, 258
depositions in new claim, 232, 237, 239–40, 246, 247
depositions of, 173–74, 180–81, 183
goes to Augusta, 131–32
goes to Washington, 168–69
letters with husband, 76–77
and Lloyd’s death, 215
on Lloyd’s health, 126
during Lloyd’s imprisonment, 122, 123–24
and Lloyd’s new claim, 211–15, 217–20, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228
on Lloyd’s whereabouts, 91–92, 135
meets with Harvey, 218–19
returns to Augusta, 141
Lloyd, William Alvin, ix–x
in Atlanta, 79–80, 154–55, 156
Baker’s deposition on, 178–79
Boyd’s testimony about, 119–21
Branner’s “letter” to, 182–83
Confederate payments to, 152–53
contract with Lincoln, 3, 6–7, 245, 249–50
correspondence in prison, 105–19, 121–26
depositions of, 171–72, 173, 179, 180, 183–84
early life of, 9–11, 13, 15, 17, 18–19
first marriage of, 19–20
forms Lloyd’s Minstrels, 53–57
forms publishing company, 40–43
gives documents to Grant, 1–2, 4
goes to Washington, 168–69
and Harvey’s letter, 199
Higgins’ defense of, 150
and Howser’s deposition, 178
illness and death of, 211–12, 215, 216
in Jackson and Selma, 155–56
journeys and diary entries after prison, 132–39, 140–42
in Kentucky State Prison, 30–31, 32
leaves New York, 58–63
letters to Davis, 62, 72, 76, 87–88, 103–4, 226
letters to Lee, 32, 108–9, 114, 115
letter to Stanton, 187, 188–89
Lloyd & Willis company, 160
in Louisville, 26, 27, 32, 67, 68–70
love of steamships, 13–14
in Lynchburg, 132
in Macon, 125–29
manages Empire Minstrels, 29–30
May’s testimony about, 175–76
meeting with Barney, 73–74
in Mobile, 78–79, 83–84, 141–42, 143, 144–46, 147, 148–49, 156
Moore’s deposition on, 179
new guide of, 200
new minstrel band, 200–208
in New Orleans, 38–40, 44, 75–78
in New York, 47, 48, 49, 50–52
in Norfolk, 88–89
papers of, 126, 174, 181, 197–98, 208
at parade, 2–3
in Philadelphia, 195–96, 197, 198, 199–200
play by, 209–10
political views of, 17–18, 52–53
postmortem investigation of, 216–17
publishing company of, 40–43
receives payment for claim, 191–92, 193–94
resubmits claim, 210–12
in Richmond, 81, 89–90, 131–32, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161–62
with Sable Harmonists, 20–21, 22, 23–24, 26, 28, 30
in Savannah, 97, 98, 99–100, 101–3, 184
scheme with Boyd, 153–54
and Shaw, 45–46
shoots Mackey, 44–45
shot by Mullany, 149
tailoring business of, 26, 32–35
tours factories and mills, 138–39
travel pass from Lincoln, 3, 62, 64–66, 249, 250
and war’s end, 165, 166, 167–68
Winthrop’s opinion of, 176
Woodall’s deposition on, 184–85
Lloyd, William (grandfather), 15
Lloyd, William (uncle), 9, 15, 18
Lloyd & Bidaux’s Minstrels, 201–6
See also Lloyd, William Alvin
See also Lloyd, William Alvin
Lloyd’s Southern Railroad Guide and Railroad Map, 160
Lloyd’s Southern Steamboat & Railroad Guide, 3, 50–51, 56, 104
1863 issues, 139–40, 141, 144, 145, 147, 148
1864 issues, 155
Lloyd’s Steamboat Directory and Disasters on the Western Waters, 42–43
Louisville Courier, on Lloyd’s arrest, 73, 76
Louisville Daily Courier, 70
Louisville Daily Democrat, 45, 46
on Lloyd’s tailoring, 32–33
on minstrel show, 20
war report, 70
Louisville Daily Journal, on Lloyd’s return, 67
Louisville (KY), 9–10, 15, 16–17
churches in, 18
1848 City Directory, 26
during civil war, 67–69
flood in, 18
minstrel shows in, 20
opinion of Boyd in, 52
Lyons, William H., 161
Mackey, J. C., 44–45
Macon Telegraph, 151
Macon & Western Railroad, 53
Magoffin, Beriah, 69
Major Anderson (steamship), 67
Marked Scalpel, The (May), 175
Maury, Dabney Herndon, 157
May, John Frederick, 174–76, 260
McClellan, George B., 216
McCullough, Benjamin, 70
McDaniel, John Robin, 51, 81, 104, 135, 260
correspondence with Lloyd, 105–6, 127
Melville, Herman, 4
Memminger, Christopher, 131
Lloyd’s ad in, 51–52
on Lloyd’s arrest, 76
on Steamboat Guide, 50–51
Memphis (TN), rail project to, 37
Mercer, Hugh, 123
Miller, Eliza J., 86
Miller, Samuel F., 252
Millington, Thomas H., 94
See also specific shows
Missouri Daily Republican, 34–35
Mobile (AL), 143–44
ads for in guide, 145
Farragut’s assault on, 158
Mudd, Samuel Dr., 4
Mulford, Sylvanus S., 215
Mullany, Andrew J., 149
Muscogee Railroad, 53
Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, 53
Natchez Courier, 30
Neblett, J. S., 85
Newcomb, Bill, 209
New Orleans Daily Crescent, 39
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 38, 39, 40
New York and Hudson River Railroad, 63
New York Clipper, 22
on Lloyd, 54
on Lloyd’s troupe, 203
New York Daily Tribune, 41
New York Herald
on Floyd’s Minstrels, 53–54, 55
Lloyd’s ad in, 52–53
Lloyd’s death notice, 216
New York (NY)
publishing in, 48
New York Times, 195
Lloyd’s death notice, 216
New York World, 52
Nicolay, John, 65
Noble, George, 26
North Carolina, cotton mills in, 138
Oehl, Nick, 54
Ohio River, coal traffic on, 36–37
O’Laughlen, Michael, 4
Oliphant, James, 27
Parker, Gideon Marsena, 144
Parkes, J. H., 79
Parsons, George W., 222
Penn, Shadrach, Jr., 17
Penny Press, 46
Perkins, Samuel C., 222
Peters, Samuel, 14
Peterson, W., 148
Philadelphia North American and United States Gazette, 198, 200
Philadelphia Public Ledger, 195
Pines, Daniel L., 255
Pinkerton, Allan, 63–64, 175, 185, 216, 217
and Webster, 82
Pittsburgh (PA), and coal traffic, 36–37
Planter’s House (hotel), 27–28
Plumer, William G., 23
Post Office Bill, 76–77
Potter, M. D., 44
Prefontaine, Joseph R. de, 29
Prentice, George D., 17
Preston, Billy, 207
Rainer’s Sable Melodists, 20
Randolph, J. W., 148
Rehnquist, William, 256
Revenue Act, 193
Rhodes, Charles C., 41
Rice, Dan, 39
Rice, Edward Le Roy, 12
Rice, Thomas Dartmouth, 11–12, 13
Richardson, W. Holt, 137
Richmond Daily Dispatch
on Boyd, 159
on Woodall, 185
Richmond Examiner
on Boyd, 159
on Lloyd’s shooting, 151
Richmond Whig, 56
Ripley, Edward Hastings, 164
Roberts, Mrs. John, 19
See also Booker, Johnny
Rochester Daily Union, 209
Rockwell, William S., 89, 98, 99–100, 243, 260
letter to Benjamin, 101–2
rumors about Lloyd, 107–8, 110–14
Ross, W. J., 72
Russell, Waring, 100, 105, 113, 260
Ryan, Allen, 210
Ryan, Rolla, 210
Sable Harmonists (minstrel band), 22, 23–24, 25–26
Lloyd leaves and returns, 29, 30
in St. Louis and New Orleans, 27–28
Savannah Daily Morning News
on list of army, 97–98
on Lloyd’s guide, 102–3
jail in, 100–101
Scott, M. Ainsley, 202, 205, 206–7
Scott, Winfield, 96
Scully, John, 82
Semmes, Raphael, 146
Seward, William, 65
Seymour, Ed, 2025
Seymour, Nelse, 209
Shaw, George T., 45, 46–47, 68
Shellings, William H., 158
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 141, 218
capture of Atlanta, 159
capture of Savannah, 161
Sliter, Richard H., 29–30
South-Western Railroad, 53
Spangler, Edman, 4
Spencer, William B., 253
Springfield Republican, 201
on Lloyd’s troupe, 203
St. Louis (MO), fire in, 27
Stanton, Edwin M., 4
and Lincoln’s assassination, 5
and Lloyd’s claim, 177, 187, 190–91, 191
Lloyd’s letter to, 188–89
resignation of, 208
on Washington City, 64
Stanwood, Harry, 202
State Secrets Privilege, 255, 256
steam packets, 13
Stoddard, William O., 65
Strong, George Templeton, 64
Strong, William, 252
Sutherlin, William Thomas, 167
Swayne, Noah H., 252
Syracuse Daily Courier, 208
Tallis’s Pocket Map of the City of New York, 41
Taylor, Annie, 83, 86, 110, 134, 243
journey with Lloyd, 91–95
and Lloyd’s arrest, 99
success of, 90–91
Taylor, W. H., 109
Telman, Jeremy, 255
Temple, G. G., 28
Tenet, George, 256
Tiernan, J. A., 43
Tiger Rifles, 67–68
Times-Picayune, 24
Totten, Enoch, ix, 71, 192, 194, 195, 259
appeal to Supreme Court, 251–53
and Bonfanti’s deposition, 249
deposition of Woodall, 184, 186
depositions in new claim, 245–46, 248
hired by Lloyd, 6–8
instructions to Boyd, 138
and Lloyd’s contract with Lincoln, 245
plans Lloyd’s claim, 170–75, 176, 177
reopens Lloyd’s claim, 220–26, 231, 236, 237, 238–39, 240, 245–46
takes case to Congress, 253–54
Townsend, Edward D., 191–92, 194
on Lloyd’s claim, 210–11
Turner, Jarvis, 145
United States Gazette, 200
Valentine, Richard C., 48
Van Lew, Elizabeth, 137
W. Alvin Lloyd’s Rail Road Guide, 196, 199–200
W. Alvin Lloyd’s Southern Steamboat and Railroad Guide, 44
W. Alvin Lloyd’s Steamboat and Railroad Directory and Disasters on the Southern and Western Waters, 44
Wagner, Cal, 201, 204, 205, 207, 261
performance in Cleveland, 206
Waite, Morrison, 252
Walthour, Mamie Remington, 257
Warne, Kate, 63
Wayne, Henry C., 114
Weston, A., 28
Whale, Charles, 15
White Cloud (steamboat), 27
Whitman, Walt, 2
Whitney, William, 28
Wilderness Road, 9–10
Wilkinson, Charles, 202, 203, 204
Wilks, H., 55
Williams, Harvey, 180
Williams, Theodore S., 77–78
Willis, James M., 159–60
Wilmer, Lambert A., 41
arrests and discharges Boyd, 136
on Lloyd’s arrest, 102
Provost Marshal of Richmond, 132
vanity of, 136–37
and Webster, 82
Winthrop, William W., 176
Wirz, Henry Hartmann, 194–95
Woodall, Theodore, 184–86, 225, 259
Wright, George Grover, 253
Yates, Louis Augustus, 165