The Jig Is Up
June rolled her head in a way that seniors like me are warned not to. “My best friend, Zoe, she came here from Chicago right after I did. We’ve been friends, like, forever.” She took a deep breath. “She’s in jail.”
What to ask first? Why? Where? I settled on “When did this happen?”
June looked around the living room. “Where’s Skip?” she asked, accusingly, as if we were hiding him from her.
“I assume you tried all his numbers, June?” Richard asked.
“I left messages everywhere,” she wailed.
“What can we do to help?” I asked.
June’s head jerked up. She gave me a wide-eyed look. “Gerry, you have to look into this. You know, the way you and Maddie are always solving cases.”
It was Richard’s turn for a wide-eyed look.