Route of Funeral Procession

Saturday, 29 April 1865 / The Ohio Daily Statesman

MILITARY PREPARATIONS in this city for the Funeral Ceremonies of the late Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who Died at Washington by the Hands of an Assassin, on the 15th day of April, 1865.

  1. The remains of Abraham Lincoln, late president of the United States, will arrive in the city of Columbus, O., at 7:30 o’clock A.M. Saturday, the 29th inst., at the Union Depot.
  2. The funeral escort will consist of the 88th O.V. Infantry.

III. Officers of the army not on duty with troops are respectfully invited to participate in the obsequies.

  1. Detachments of the army and volunteer organizations, not on duty with the escort, will be assigned positions on application to Capt. L. Nichols, Tod Barracks.
  2. All military officers to be in uniform and with side arms. The usual badge of mourning will be worn on the left arm and sword hilt.
  3. In order to prevent confusion at the entrance gate, all who are not in line of procession, will form after the left of the procession has entered the Capitol square, in two ranks on the outside of square fence, on High street, running North to Broad, South to State, thence East on Broad and State streets, for extent.

ROUTE OF PROCESSION. The procession will move promptly from south of depot at 7:30 A.M. South on High to Broad, east on Broad to Fourth, South on Fourth to State, west on State to High, north on High to main entrance of Capitol. A mounted cavalry force will be stationed at all intersections of High street north of Town street, for the purpose of preventing all vehicles from entering on High street. That street must be kept clear for the movement of the procession. At 6 P.M. the Capitol will be closed. The procession will reform in the following order to escort the remains to the depot…