Chapter 15

Kathleen woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee which told her that the fancy coffee maker that Hannah insisted she get was doing its job. Kathleen was naked and lying across Morgan’s body; he was still sound asleep. They’d made love several times throughout the night and again in the early hours of the morning. She kissed him gently on his bare chest and eased off him, then slowly walked to the bathroom; her satisfied but sore body reminded her how badly she needed to get back in the gym.

She stood in front of the mirror and barely recognized herself. Yes, she looked the same, except for a few passion bites Morgan had left all over her body. They were strategically placed so that they could be admired by only the two of them. She didn’t mind because the sensation of the act of receiving them had been such a turn-on. Morgan told her it was his way of reminding her that she was his. He even encouraged her to give him a few, which she had. Kathleen figured out the difference; what she saw was happiness, real happiness. It was written all over her face. The spark in her eyes, her rosy cheeks and the wide smile that wouldn’t go away said it all. She was in love, and nothing else mattered. Well, almost nothing else. Kathleen knew she had to tell Morgan the truth about everything. She just had to find the right moment.

Kathleen quickly freshened up and decided to forgo her shower. She knew how much more fun it would be if she waited for Morgan. She giggled at the thought, and she reached for her robe, wrapping her body in it. Kathleen walked down the stairs, passed through her living and dining rooms to get to the kitchen where she found her sister Hannah pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“What are you doing here, Hannah?” Kathleen glanced over her shoulder to ensure that they were alone.

“I thought we’d ride together,” she stated as she poured sugar into her black coffee.

Kathleen gave her sister the once over. She wore blue jeans, a white T-shirt with a blue jean button-down covering it and running shoes. Oh crap, I forgot. “The Ward project.”

“Yes. Was your date so good that you forgot all about our Houston Third Ward service project? We’re painting and doing whatever else they need us to do today?” Hannah took a seat at the island and took a sip from her cup.

“It was, and I did.” Kathleen nervously tightened her robe.

“No worries, we have plenty of time. I’ll make you a breakfast burrito while you change. You can give me all the details on the way over.” Hannah hopped off the chair and walked over to the refrigerator.

“Oh...okay,” she stuttered, not moving. Kathleen ran a number of excuses through her mind she could use to put off her sister at least a few more hours. The idea of leaving Morgan right now was the last thing she wanted.

“How late did he stay last night?”

“Pretty late,” she said, knowing her face was probably in full blush mode.

Hannah peeped around the refrigerator door. “You want cheese, right? I always get confused if it’s you or Kennedy who doesn’t like cheese on their burritos.”

“Yes, I like cheese but—”

“Good. Why are you so flushed?” Hannah returned her focus to the contents of Kathleen’s refrigerator.

Before Kathleen could respond to her sister a pair of large arms engulfed her body. His natural smell, along with her vanilla body wash, was an intoxicating scent. Her body automatically leaned back into him and she closed her eyes. Kathleen felt at home in Morgan’s arms. She hated they didn’t have the chance to share the shower.

Morgan kissed her cheek and softly said, “Good morning,” in her ear.

Hannah closed the refrigerator door, and Kathleen’s eyes popped open.

“I see.” Hannah gave a lopsided grin.

“Good morning, Hannah,” Morgan greeted her, keeping his hold on Kathleen.

“Well, good morning,” Hannah replied, placing the contents in her hands on the island. “I’m guessing everyone had a good night.” Her eyes were bouncing between Morgan and her sister, who had suddenly gone mute.

“We did, and thanks again for the wonderful meal last night,” Morgan said.

“You’re welcome. I’m about to make another one. I hope you like breakfast burritos. With or without cheese?”

“With cheese, of course. Can I help?” he offered.

“You sure can.”

Morgan kissed Kathleen’s hair, walked around and stood next to Hannah. Kathleen stood, still unable to speak, and watched them making breakfast together. She couldn’t get over how handsome Morgan looked wearing last night’s clothes. Kathleen watched in awe at how easily Morgan got along with her sister. Hannah was an easy person to like, but their wealth and her celebrity status made her guarded around others, something she and her sister shared, only Kathleen had kept people at a distance for the sake of her career. At least that was what she told herself.

“Don’t just stand there. Get the plates ready and pour us some glasses of OJ,” Hannah commanded.

“Sure.” Kathleen went to her cabinets and pulled down three plates and three glasses and set them on the island. Kathleen could feel Morgan’s eyes on her as she walked over to the coffeepot, selected two mugs that hung from the wall and turned to face her guest. The smile that Morgan gifted her was breathtaking; she’d never seen him so relaxed and she found it very attractive. Kathleen held up a cup and said, “Want some?”

Morgan’s smile widened. “I most certainly do.”

“Coffee... I mean coffee,” she nervously clarified, trying not to blush. It was a feat she failed miserably at, by the smirk her sister sent her way. All the Winston women tended to turn crimson whenever they got embarrassed, nervous or really angry.

“I take mine with cream and—” he held up two fingers “—two sugars.”

Kathleen poured coffee in both cups, pulled the cream out of the refrigerator and added the appropriate amount to both cups, added the sugar and handed him his coffee.

“Thanks, baby.” He held her gaze, and Kathleen smiled. She loved the term of endearment he’d begun to use.

“I’m good. Thanks for asking,” Hannah said sarcastically.

“I was going to top off your cup too, sis.”

“Let’s eat before our masterpiece gets cold,” Hannah stated, handing Kathleen her plate.

Kathleen looked down at the perfectly rolled stuffed burrito and took a whiff. “This smells divine, Hannah.” She always admired the many masterfully compiled dishes her sister created in her kitchen.

“It was a team effort,” she said.

“Not really,” he countered. “But thanks for sharing the credit.”

They sat at the island and ate. Morgan questioned Hannah about her training as a chef while Kathleen kept quiet. She loved how easily he seemed to fit in, which made her happy and sad all at the same time. Happy because she could see a real future with Morgan and sad because her lies could ruin it all.

“Baby, you okay?” Morgan asked as he rubbed her back.

“Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” Kathleen frowned.

“Because you’ve barely touched even half your food.”

“I’m full. I don’t usually eat such a heavy breakfast. It’s delicious, though.”

Having finished off his burrito, Morgan reached for Kathleen’s plate. “We can’t let this excellent food go to waste.” Both women laughed. “So what are you two lovely ladies doing today?”

Kathleen half shrugged. “Nothing—”

“Actually, we’re helping to rehab the community center not too far from here,” Hannah interjected.

Morgan wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Oh yeah, what kind of rehab?”

“Painting, refurbishing some of the wood furniture, tile work in the bathroom, stuff like that. Did my sister tell you—”


“That she refurbished all the floors in her house?”

“She most certainly did.” Morgan gave Kathleen a proud smile before leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. Kathleen released an audible breath, which didn’t go unnoticed by her sister. Hannah’s brows snapped together, and she mouthed the words, “What’s wrong?”

Kathleen set her face straight. “Could you use another set of hands?” Morgan asked.

“Really?” Kathleen’s whole face lit up, in spite of the fact that her lies were making her sick. She knew she had to tell him the truth as soon as possible, but the idea of spending more time with Morgan made her very happy.

“Sure. I love doing service projects. Plus, I get to spend more time with my girl.” He ran the back of his hand down the side of her face.

Kathleen loved the idea of them working together on such a worthy cause, but she wasn’t sure this particular project was the right one. “That would be great but—”

“Yes, it would. We need all the help we can get if we’re going to meet next weekend’s grand opening.”

Kathleen was trying to think of a counterargument, but she couldn’t think clearly with the way Morgan was looking at her, and his constant touches clouded her mind. “You don’t have anything to wear and didn’t you mention something about going to see your brother and nephew?”

“Nephew?” Hannah asked.

“Yes, I have two. My older brother and his wife just had their first baby a few weeks ago. And my brother KJ—”

“The NBA player? I guess former NBA player is a little more accurate of a description,” Hannah interrupted.

Morgan nodded. “Yes. He and his wife have a four-year-old son and will have another baby soon.”

“That’s great, Morgan.” Kathleen could see the pride in his eyes.

“Yes, it is. I just saw Alexander’s son, but I haven’t gotten to spend much time with Colby since KJ had them out on the road with him. Now that he’s retired, I’ll get to see a lot more of him. He’s a cool little dude too. I can’t wait for you to meet him, Kathleen,” Morgan said.

“So you want kids? Do you have any?” Hannah asked, back in protective sister mode.

“Hannah,” Kathleen chastised, giving her sister the evil eye.

The corners of Morgan’s mouth rose. “It’s fine.” He reached for Kathleen’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “Yes, I want kids...with the right woman.” Morgan squeezed Kathleen’s hand but kept his eyes on Hannah. “And no, I don’t have any children yet.”

“Good answers,” Hannah replied as she started cleaning the kitchen.

Kathleen rolled her eyes skyward. “Sorry about my nosy sister’s question.”

“No worries. Your sister’s just looking out for you.”

“What about your plans?” Kathleen asked, handing her and Morgan’s plates to Hannah.

“I’ll just call KJ and tell him we’ll see them tomorrow.”

Kathleen’s heart stopped. Yes, he’d said he wanted her to meet his nephew, but she didn’t think he meant now. As if she read Kathleen’s mind, Hannah turned and faced her sister. “We?”

“Yes, of course, unless you have other plans.”

Kathleen stared at Morgan in disbelief. He was opening up to her in ways she never expected. Everyone knew how fiercely private the Kingsleys were and yet Morgan wanted to share his life with her while she kept hiding hers.

“No, she has no plans,” Hannah stated for a shell-shocked Kathleen.

One of the many daggers Hannah was shooting Kathleen with her eyes hit its target and snapped her out of it. “I have no plans.”

“Good, you had me worried there for a second.”

Kathleen frowned. “Worried?”

“I thought maybe my mother had you scared. Look, I know my family’s wealth and power can be overwhelming and the media can be intrusive. I try to fly under the radar, so hopefully, they’ll leave us alone. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”

Kathleen fought back tears, and her mouth was suddenly very dry. She knew about trying to hide from her family’s wealth and influence. Kathleen reached for her orange juice and finished it off. “Yes, your mother is scary, but it’s fine. I can handle it.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, bringing their hands to his mouth and kissing the backs of them. “I keep clothes at KJ’s apartment. I’ll go change and be back in less than an hour.”

“You keep clothes at your brother’s house?” Hannah questioned, wiping down the island, having loaded the dishwasher. Kathleen was curious about that herself.

“Yes, at his old apartment downtown. He and his family are staying in his wife’s old house until their new one is built. They’ve been having so many construction issues—maybe he should hire Kathleen,” he teased.

“Maybe he should,” Hannah said, smiling.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Kathleen’s eyes narrowed at her sister. “I’ll walk you out.”

Morgan held Kathleen’s hand as they walked to the front door. As soon as they’d cleared Hannah’s view, Morgan pulled Kathleen into his arms and kissed her in a way that left no doubt about how much he wanted her. Kathleen knew she was falling for him and only hoped he felt the same way about her. When he finally let them both breathe again, he asked, “Should I bring an overnight bag back?”

He looked like he didn’t know the answer to that question. Kathleen rose up on her bare feet, wrapped her arms around his neck, gently kissed him on the lips and whispered, “Yes.”