Chapter Nineteen




Karly remained in the hospital for two more days, and Ben took that time to get everything ready. He traded in his sports car for a family-appropriate sedan, paid his office assistant extra to shop for nursery supplies and a car seat, and spent every other second with Karly and the baby, who was also expected to be approved for discharge due to her incredible strength and because she didn’t need any special care after the first couple of days.

Their original nurse—the one who had stayed by their side through the entire traumatic birth—beamed with pride when she heard the news. She said it was rare for a 32 weeker to be discharged so fast, but not unheard of.

On the day of discharge, Ben’s nerves tried to get the best of him.

He knew he didn’t have a choice, nor did he want to change anything, but this shit was getting real.

He stopped at Miss Molly’s shop to pick up a box of chocolates and a sappy card for Karly.

Today’s the day, huh?” Miss Molly questioned him—wanting all the details about what time they’d be discharged, which house they’d be going to, and then insisting on hearing the story of their marriage firsthand from him.

He filled her in the best he could. The short version. He had to hurry to get to the hospital—Karly was texting him.

She was all dressed, packed and ready to go when he dashed up the stairs and into her room. Her excitement was palpable.

Hurry, let’s go get the baby before they decide to keep her.”

Did she pass the final car seat test?” Ben asked. The nurses in the NICU had asked him to bring the car seat in the day before. Zaria had to be able to sit in the car seat for an hour without having any episodes of apnea or bradycardia, which shouldn’t have been a problem since her breathing had been good all along. Still, his heart raced as he awaited her answer.

She should be finishing it up as we speak.”

Sure enough, Zaria Spring scored an A plus on her test and was discharged happily by the doctor and nurses.

Ben couldn’t get over how much enjoyment he got out of escorting his new bride and new baby out of the hospital. Strapping the car seat into the car was a breeze, thanks to Officer Jenkins putting the base in properly for Ben the day before.

Ben kissed Karly before he closed her car door. This was the beginning.

Zaria began to cry on the way home, and Karly gripped her breasts.

Holy sh—shenanigans. Her crying makes my boobs kill. Do you think she’s all right?”

We’re almost home.”

Stopped at the one red light in town, Ben laughed as he saw the makeshift parade trudging down Main Street. So this was why Miss Molly wanted the details.

The fire engine’s siren blared, Officer Jenkins drove the police cruiser while Officer Wright wove in and out of the marching band’s formation on his police bicycle. The senior center’s prized old-fashioned Cadillac rumbled by with Miss Molly in the passenger seat trying to tape the “Welcome Baby” banner back on the side of the car. A group of moms and dads, probably yanked from the town common’s park, shuffled by with their babies in strollers and young kids tossing candy to the onlookers.

Ben had never had a family. Now he had an entire town. And, for once, he felt part of the pack.

I can’t believe they did this for us.” Karly shook her head and smiled, resting her hand on his knee.

Zaria seems to like the commotion.” Ben couldn’t wipe the grin from his face as he looked into the back seat to watch his baby girl’s wise eyes widening.

You know what I like?” Karly slid her hand up his thigh and leaned over to kiss his neck.

I don’t know, but I like your hand on me.”

I like you. Everything about you.”

Remember that when I leave my socks on the floor or forget to put the toilet seat down.”

Oh, crap. I hadn’t thought of all the perils of living with a boy.”

I promise to always do my best to only drive you crazy in the best ways.”

And I’ll do the same.”

As the parade procession ended on the town common, the traffic light turned green, signaling the start of a new chapter in their reformed lives.