On the Oettinger family, their family papers, and the transmission of the journal: Roberto Zaugg, “Les siècles des Oettinger: Écrits et mémoires d’une famille allemande au fil des générations (1682–1936).” On his travelogue as a source for German-Atlantic history: Craig Koslofsky and Roberto Zaugg, “Ship’s Surgeon Johann Peter Oettinger: A Hinterlander in the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1682–1696.” The genealogical tables of the Oettinger family are included in Gerhart Nebinger, “Die Oetinger in Württemberg: Schwäbische Ahnentafeln in Listenform.” On Johann Peter Oettinger’s life as barber-surgeon master in Künzelsau, see Hartmut Nöldeke, Die Fregatte ‘Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde’ und ihr Schiffs-Chirurg.
On barber-surgeons and medicine in early modern Germany: Mary Lindemann, Health and Healing in Eighteenth-Century Germany; Heike Krause and Andreas Maisch, eds., Auf Leben und Tod: Menschen und Medizin in Schwäbisch Hall vom Mittelalter bis 1950; Barbara Duden, The Woman Beneath the Skin: A Doctor’s Patients in Eighteenth-Century Germany; and Sabine Sander, Handwerkschirurgen: Sozialgeschichte einer verdrängten Berufsgruppe.
The bibliography on the transatlantic slave trade is extremely vast. Recent works that provide a general introduction include Herbert S. Klein, The Atlantic Slave Trade; David Eltis and David Richardson, Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade; David Eltis, The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas; as well as Robin Blackburn, The Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern; and Hugh Thomas, The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1440–1870. On Atlantic Africa and the slave trade as well as slavery in the Americas, see below, under “Places.”
The Middle Passage is an important research field, with several key studies published recently: Marcus Rediker, The Slave Ship: A Human History; Stephanie Smallwood, Saltwater Slavery: A Middle Passage from Africa to American Diaspora; Robert Harms, The Diligent: A Voyage through the Worlds of the Slave Trade; Robert Eric Taylor, If We Must Die: Shipboard Insurrections in the Era of the Atlantic Slave Trade; Emma Christopher, Slave Ship Sailors and their Captive Cargoes, 1730–1807; Sowande Mustakeem, Slavery at Sea: Terror, Sex, and Sickness; Sean M. Kelley, The Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare: A Journey into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina; and Christy Clark-Pujara, Dark Work: The Business of Slavery in Rhode Island. On shipboard slave mortality: Robin Haines, John McDonald, and Ralph Shlomowitz, “Mortality and Voyage Length in the Middle Passage Revisited”; Herbert S. Klein and Stanley L. Engerman, “Long-Term Trends in African Mortality in the Transatlantic Slave Trade”; David Eltis, “Mortality and Voyage Length in the Middle Passage: New Evidence from the Nineteenth Century.” On the Atlantic crossings of European migrants: Stephen R. Berry, A Path in the Mighty Waters: Shipboard Life and Atlantic Crossings.
On resistance, accommodation, flight, and survival, see the readings below under “Places” as well as Aline Helg, Slave No More: Self-Liberation before Abolitionism in the Americas; Edward Bartlett Rugemer, Slave Law and the Politics of Resistance in the Early Atlantic World; Randy M. Browne, Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean; and Hilary Beckles, Natural Rebels: A Social History of Enslaved Black Women in Barbados. The story of Marotta/Magdalena is examined by Ray A. Kea, “From Catholicism to Moravian Pietism: The World of Marotta/Magdalena, Woman of Popo and St. Thomas,” and “Crossroads and Exchanges in the Scandinavian Atlantic and Atlantic West Africa: Framing Texts of Eighteenth-Century African Christians.”
On medieval and early modern guilds and the intricacies of the German guild system, see Sheilagh Ogilvie, The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis. On the position of women: Merry W. Wiesner, Working Women in Renaissance Germany, and “Wandervogels and Women: Journeymen’s Concepts of Masculinity in Early Modern Germany”; Sheilagh Ogilvie, “How Does Social Capital Affect Women? Guilds and Communities in Early Modern Germany”; and Clare Crowston, “Women, Gender, and Guilds in Early Modern Europe: An Overview of Recent Research.”
On immigration to the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century: Jelle van Lottum, Across the North Sea: The Impact of the Dutch Republic on International Labour Migration, c. 1550–1850; Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen, “Migration to the Netherlands”; Jan Lucassen, “The Netherlands, the Dutch, and Long-Distance Migration in the Late Sixteenth to Early Nineteenth Centuries”; Jan Lucassen, “Immigranten in Holland 1600–1800: Een kwantitatieve benadering.”
On the mobility of the maritime workforce: Paul C. van Royen, Jaap R. Bruijn, and Jan Lucassen, ‘Those Emblems of Hell’? European Sailors and the Maritime Labour Market, 1570–1870; Jelle van Lottum and Jan Lucassen, “Six Cross-Sections of the Dutch Maritime Labour Market: A Preliminary Reconstruction and Its Implications (1610–1850)”; Matthias van Rossum et al., “National and International Labour Markets for Sailors in European, Atlantic and Asian Waters, 1600–1850”; Johan Heinsen, Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic World: Convicts, Sailors, and a Dissonant Empire; Patricia Fumerton, Unsettled: The Culture of Mobility and the Working Poor in Early Modern England.
On Germans who worked on ships of the VOC: Roelof van Gelder, Das ostindische Abenteuer: Deutsche in Diensten der Vereinigten Ostindischen Kompanie der Niederlande (VOC) 1600–1800; on surgeons serving in the ranks of the VOC: Iris Bruijn, Ship’s Surgeons of the Dutch East India Company: Commerce and the Progress of Medicine in the Eighteenth Century. On slave ship’s surgeons specifically: Richard B. Sheridan, “The Guinea Surgeons on the Middle Passage: The Provision of Medical Services in the British Slave Trade.” On Dutch and non-Dutch laborers working for the WIC: Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, “Dutch Labor Migration to West Africa (c. 1590–1674).”
On long-distance migrations from the German-speaking lands: Jason Coy, Jared Poley, and Alexander Schunka, eds., Migrations in the German Lands, 1500–2000; Georg Fertig, “Transatlantic Migration from the German-Speaking Parts of Central Europe, 1600–1800: Proportions, Structures, and Explanations”; Georg Fertig, Lokales Leben, atlantische Welt: Die Entscheidung zur Auswanderung vom Rhein nach Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert; Karwan Fatah-Black, “A Swiss Village in the Dutch Tropics: The Limitations of Empire-Centred Approaches to the Early Modern Atlantic World”; Mark Häberlein, Vom Oberrhein zum Susquehanna: Studien zur badischen Auswanderung nach Pennsylvania im 18. Jahrhundert; William O’Reilly, “Working for the Crown: German Protestants and Britain’s Commercial Success in the Early Eighteenth-Century American Colonies”; Richard Elphick and Hermann Giliomee, eds., The Shaping of South African Society, 1652–1840.
On chartered companies: Leonard Blussé and Femme Gaastra, eds., Companies and Trade: Essays on Overseas Trading Companies during the Ancien Régime; William A. Pettigrew, Freedom’s Debt: The Royal African Company and the Politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1672–1752; Éric Roulet, Les premières compagnies dans l’Atlantique 1600–1650, vol. 1, Structures et modes de fonctionnnement; and Angela Sutton, “The Seventeenth-Century Slave Trade in the Documents of the English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and Prussian Royal Slave Trading Companies.” On interlopers: Ruud Paesie, Lorrendrayen op Africa: De illegale goederen- en slavenhandel op West-Afrika tijdens het achttiende-eeuwse handelsmonopolie van de West-Indische Compagnie, 1700–1734.
On the Dutch expansion in the seventeenth century: Wim Klooster, The Dutch Moment: War, Trade, and Settlement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World; Catia Antunes and Jos Gommans, Exploring the Dutch Empire: Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600–2000; Gert Oostindie and Jessica V. Roitman, Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680–1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders; Michiel van Groesen, ed., The Legacy of Dutch Brazil. On the WIC and Dutch slave trade in general: Johannes Postma, The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600–1815; Pieter C. Emmer, The Dutch Slave Trade, 1500–1850; Henk den Heijer, Goud, ivoor en slaven: Scheepvaart en handel van de Tweede Westindische Compagnie op Afrika, 1674–1740, and Geschiedenis van de WIC: Opkomst, bloei en ondergang. On the organization of the WIC (and the Portuguese) in West Africa: Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa: Empires, Merchants, and the Atlantic System, 1580–1674. On Dutch investment in the Swedish African Company: György Nováky, “Small Company Trade and the Gold Coast: The Swedish Africa Company, 1650–1663.”
On the BAC/BAAC: Adam Jones, ed., Brandenburg Sources for West African History, 1680–1700, and “Brandenburg-Prussia and the Atlantic Slave Trade”; Sven Klosa, Die Brandenburgische-Africanische Compagnie in Emden: Eine Handelscompagnie des ausgehenden 17. Jahrhunderts zwischen Protektionismus und unternehmerischer Freiheit; Andrea Weindl, “Die Kurbrandenburger im ‘atlantischen System’, 1650–1720”; Ulrich van der Heyden, Rote Adler an Afrikas Küste: Die brandenburgisch-preußische Kolonie Großfriedrichsburg in Westafrika; Jürgen G. Nagel, “Die Brandenburgisch-Africanische Compagnie: Ein Handelsunternehmen”; Till Philip Koltermann, “Zur brandenburgischen Kolonialgeschichte: Die Insel Arguin vor der Küste Mauretaniens”; Nils Brübach, “‘Seefahrt und Handel sind die fürnembsten Säulen eines Etats’: Brandenburg-Preussen und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert”; Hermann Kellenbenz, “Die Brandenburger auf St. Thomas”; Richard Schück, Brandenburg-Preussens Kolonial-Politik unter dem Grossen Kurfürsten und seinen Nachfolgern (1647–1721). On Brandenburg-Prussia’s base on St. Thomas, see Waldemar C. Westergaard, The Danish West Indies under Company Rule (1671–1754).
Prior to the BAC, the only—brief and failed—attempt of a German state to enter the triangular trade had been made by the Duchy of Courland: Otto H. Mattiesen, Die Kolonial-und Überseepolitik der Kurländischen Herzoge im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert; Edgar Anderson, “The Couronians and the West Indies: The First Settlements”; Karin Jekabson-Lemanis, “Balts in the Caribbean: The Duchy of Courland’s Attempts to Colonize Tobago Island, 1638 to 1654.”
More generally, the involvement of German speakers in the early modern Atlantic world, including the Caribbean, is a growing field of inquiry: Rosalind J. Beiler, Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650–1750; Felix Brahm and Eve Rosenhaft, eds., Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680–1850; Susanna Burghartz, ed., Staging New Worlds: De Brys’ Illustrated Travel Reports, 1590–1630; Thomas David, Bouda Etemad, and Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Schwarze Geschäfte: Die Beteiligung von Schweizern an Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert; Christian Degn, Die Schimmelmanns im atlantischen Dreieckshandel: Gewinn und Gewissen; Renate Dürr, “The World in the German Hinterlands: Early Modern German History Entangled”; Mark Häberlein and Michaela Schmölz-Häberlein, Die Erben der Welser: Der Karibikhandel der Augsburger Firma Obwexer im Zeitalter der Revolutionen; Philip Hahn, “‘Rather Back to Ceylon than to Swabia’: Global Sensory Experiences of Swabian Artisans in the Service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC)”; Christine R. Johnson, The German Discovery of the World: Renaissance Encounters with the Strange and Marvelous; Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov, Schwarze Europäer im Alten Reich: Handel, Migration, Hof; Mary Lindemann, The Merchant Republics: Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg, 1648–1790; Marília dos Santos Lopes, Afrika: Eine neue Welt in deutschen Schriften des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts; Rebekka von Mallinckrodt, Sarah Lentz, and Josef Köstlbauer, eds., Traces of the Slave Trade in the Holy Roman Empire and Its Successor States: Discourses, Practices, and Objects, 1500–1850; Rebekka von Mallinckrodt, “Verhandelte (Un)Freiheit—Sklaverei, Leibeigenschaft und innereuropäischer Wissenstransfer am Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts”; Peter Martin, Schwarze Teufel, edle Mohren: Afrikaner in Geschichte und Bewusstsein der Deutschen; Philip Otterness, Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York; Jorun Poettering, Migrating Merchants: Trade, Nation, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal; Heike Raphael-Hernandez and Pia Wiegmink, eds., “German Entanglements in Transatlantic Slavery”; Magnus Ressel, “Hamburg und die Niederelbe im atlantischen Sklavenhandel der Frühen Neuzeit”; Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Deutsche Kaufleute in London: Einbürgerung und Welthandel (1660–1818); Jon F. Sensbach, Rebecca’s Revival: Creating Black Christianity in the Atlantic World; Jutta Wimmler and Klaus Weber, eds., Globalized Peripheries: Central Europe and the Atlantic World, 1680–1860; Béatrice Veyrassat, Histoire de la Suisse et des Suisses dans la marche du monde (XVIIe siècle—Première Guerre mondiale); Klaus Weber, “Deutschland, der atlantische Sklavenhandel und die Plantagenwirtschaft der Neuen Welt” and Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel (1680–1830): Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cádiz und Bordeaux; Andrea Weindl, “The Slave Trade of Northern Germany from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries”; and Michael Zeuske, “Tod bei Artemisa: Friedrich Ludwig Escher, Atlantic Slavery und die Akkumulation von Schweizer Kapital ausserhalb der Schweiz.”
For surveys of the social and cultural history of early modern Germany, see Peter Claus Hartmann, Kulturgeschichte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches 1648 bis 1806: Verfassung, Religion und Kultur; Robert W. Scribner and Sheilagh C. Ogilvie, eds., Germany: A New Social and Economic History; and Michael Hughes, Early Modern Germany, 1477–1806. On the Holy Roman Empire as a political institution, see Len Scales and Joachim Whaley, eds., “Rewriting the History of the Holy Roman Empire”; Joachim Whaley, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, vol. 2, From the Peace of Westphalia to the Dissolution of the Reich, 1648–1806; and Peter H. Wilson, The Holy Roman Empire, 1495–1806.
Monographs of the last two decades that examine the period after 1600 include Marc R. Forster, Catholic Revival in the Age of the Baroque: Religious Identity in Southwest Germany, 1550–1750; William Hagen, Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg Junkers and Villagers, 1500–1840; Joel F. Harrington, The Executioner’s Journal: Meister Frantz Schmidt of the Imperial City of Nuremberg; Beat A. Kümin, Drinking Matters: Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe; Stephanie Leitch, Mapping Ethnography in Early Modern Germany: New Worlds in Print Culture; Kathy Stuart, Defiled Trades and Social Outcasts: Honor and Ritual Pollution in Early Modern Germany; Andrew Talle, Beyond Bach: Music and Everyday Life in the Eighteenth Century; and B. Ann Tlusty, The Martial Ethic in Early Modern Germany: Civic Duty and the Right of Arms.
Older works in English that still shape our understanding of the German-speaking lands in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries include Thomas Robisheaux, Rural Society and the Search for Order in Early Modern Germany; David Warren Sabean, Power in the Blood: Popular Culture and Village Discourse in Early Modern Germany, and Property, Production, and Family in Neckarhausen, 1700–1870; James Allen Vann, The Making of a State: Württemberg, 1593–1793; Mack Walker, German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate, 1648–1871; and Heide Wunder, He Is the Sun, She Is the Moon: Women in Early Modern Germany.
For overviews on the Atlantic world: Bernard Bailyn, Atlantic History: Concept and Contours; Bernard Bailyn and Patricia L. Denault, eds., Soundings in Atlantic History: Latent Structures and Intellectual Currents, 1500–1830; Thomas Benjamin, The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians, and Their Shared History, 1400–1900; Nicholas Canny and Philip Morgan, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World, 1450–1850; and John K. Thornton, A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250–1820. On Africa and the Atlantic world: Herman L. Bennett, African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic; Toby Green, A Fistful of Shells: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution; Toby Green, ed., Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Precolonial Western Africa; Robin Law, “West Africa’s Discovery of the Atlantic”; John K. Thornton, Africa and the Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400–1800; and David Wheat, Atlantic Africa and the Spanish Caribbean, 1570–1640. On slavery in African societies: Paul Lovejoy, Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa; and Sean Stilwell, Slavery and Slaving in African History.
On Arguin and the Emirate of Trarza: Théodore Monod, L’île d’Arguin (Mauritanie): Essai historique; Till Philip Koltermann, “Zur brandenburgischen Kolonialgeschichte: Die Insel Arguin vor der Küste Mauretaniens”; and Till Philip Koltermann and Ulrich Rebstock, “Die ältesten arabischen Briefe der Emire von Trarza (Mauretanien): Dokumente der maurischen Bündnispolitik mit Holland und England 1721–1782.” On the gum trade: Jutta Wimmler, “From Senegal to Augsburg: Gum Arabic and the Central European Textile Industry in the Eighteenth Century.”
On the Gold Coast: Gérard Chouin and Christopher R. DeCorse, “Prelude to the Atlantic Trade: New Perspectives on Southern Ghana’s Pre-Atlantic History (800–1500)”; Kwame Y. Daaku, Trade and Politics on the Gold Coast, 1600–1720: A Study of the African Reaction to European Trade; Ray A. Kea, Settlements, Trade, and Polities in the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast, and A Cultural and Social History of Ghana from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century: The Gold Coast in the Age of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; Pernille Ipsen, Daughters of the Trade: Atlantic Slavers and Interracial Marriage on the Gold Coast; Tom C. McCaskie, State and Society in Pre-Colonial Asante; Rebecca Shumway, The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade; Randy J. Sparks, Where the Negroes Are Masters: An African Port in the Era of the Slave Trade; Pierluigi Valsecchi, Power and State Formation in West Africa: Appolonia from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century; Ivor Wilks, Forests of Gold: Essays on the Akan and the Kingdom of Asante; and Roberto Zaugg, “Grossfriedrichsburg, the First German Colony in Africa? Brandenburg-Prussia, Atlantic Entanglements, and National Memory.”
On the Slave Coast: Isaac Adeagbo Akinjogbin, Dahomey and Its Neighbours, 1708–1818; Finn Fuglestad, Slave Traders by Invitation: West Africa’s Slave Coast in the Precolonial Era; Robin Law, The Slave Coast of West Africa, 1550–1750: The Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade on an African Society, as well as The Kingdom of Allada and Ouidah: The Social History of a West African Slaving ‘Port’, 1727–1892; J. Cameron Monroe, The Precolonial State in West Africa: Building Power in Dahomey; and Silke Strickrodt, Afro-European Trade in the Atlantic World: The Western Slave Coast, c. 1550–c. 1885. Specifically on Hueda: Kenneth G. Kelly, “Using Historically Informed Archaeology: Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Hueda/European Interaction on the Coast of Bénin”; Robin Law, “‘The Common People Were Divided’: Monarchy, Aristocracy and Political Factionalism in the Kingdom of Whydah, 1671–1727”; and Neil L. Norman, “Hueda (Whydah) Country and Town: Archaeological Perspectives on the Rise and Collapse of an African Atlantic Kingdom.” On court ceremonials, sumptuary norms, and intercultural diplomacy in what is now Benin: Edna G. Bay, Wives of the Leopard: Gender, Politics, and Culture in the Kingdom of Dahomey; Suzanne Preston Blier, “Europia Mania: Contextualizing the European Other in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Dahomey Art”; Christina Brauner, Kompanien, Könige und caboceers: Interkulturelle Diplomatie an der Gold- und Sklavenküste im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert and “Connecting Things: Trading Companies and Diplomatic Gift-Giving on the Gold and Slave Coasts in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”; and Roberto Zaugg, “The King’s Chinese Spittoon: Global Commodities, Court Culture, and Vodun in the Kingdoms of Hueda and Dahomey Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries).”
On São Tomé: Tony Hodges and Malyn Newitt, São Tomé and Principe: From Plantation Colony to Microstate; and Robert Garfield, A History of Sao Tome Island, 1470–1655: The Key to Guinea. On Italian Capuchins in São Tomé: Alan Ryder, Benin and the Europeans, 1485–1897.
The most recent history of the Caribbean is Gad Heuman, The Caribbean: A Brief History. The works of Sarah Barber, The Disputatious Caribbean: The West Indies in the Seventeenth Century, and Jesse Cromwell, “More than Slaves and Sugar: Recent Historiography of the Trans-imperial Caribbean and Its Sinew Populations,” propose new frameworks for the study of the region.
On Caribbean slavery and plantation society, see Daina Ramey Berry, The Price for Their Pound of Flesh: Slavery, Debt, and the Value of Bodies; Sherwin K. Bryant, Rachel Sarah O’Toole, and Ben Vinson, eds., Africans to Spanish America: Expanding the Diaspora; Trevor Burnard and John Garrigus, The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica; Philip D. Curtin, The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic History; Jerome Handler and M. C. Reilly, “Contesting ‘White Slavery’ in the Caribbean”; Michael Harrigan, Frontiers of Servitude: Slavery in Narratives of the Early French Atlantic; Rana A. Hogarth, Medicalizing Blackness: Making Racial Differences in the Atlantic World, 1780–1840; Russell R. Menard, Sweet Negotiations: Sugar, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture in Early Barbados; Sidney W. Mintz, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History; Simon P. Newman, A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic; Gregory E. O’Malley and Alex Borucki, “Patterns in the Intercolonial Slave Trade across the Americas before the Nineteenth Century”; Gregory E. O’Malley, Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 1619–1807; and Peter Thompson, “Henry Drax’s Instructions on the Management of a Seventeenth-Century Barbadian Sugar Plantation.” On transimperial trade, smuggling, and contraband, see Karwan Fatah-Black, White Lies and Black Markets: Evading Metropolitan Authority in Colonial Suriname, 1650–1800; Wim Klooster, Illicit Riches: Dutch Trade in the Caribbean, 1648–1795; and Linda M. Rupert, Creolization and Contraband: Curaçao in the Early Modern Atlantic World.
On the Danish Caribbean: Erik Gøbel, The Danish Slave Trade and Its Abolition; Neville A. T. Hall, Slave Society in the Danish West Indies: St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix; and Waldemar C. Westergaard, The Danish West Indies under Company Rule (1671–1754).
On the relationship between race and gender: Guillaume Aubert, “‘The Blood of France’: Race and Purity of Blood in the French Atlantic World”; Francisco Bethencourt, Racisms: From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century; Marisa J. Fuentes, Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive; Jennifer L. Morgan, Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World Slavery; and Sasha Turner, Contested Bodies: Pregnancy, Childrearing, and Slavery in Jamaica.
On culture and daily life in the early modern Caribbean, see Kristen Block, Ordinary Lives in the Early Caribbean: Religion, Colonial Competition, and the Politics of Profit; Vincent Brown, The Reaper’s Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery; Doris L. Garraway, The Libertine Colony: Creolization in the Early French Caribbean; Linda M. Heywood and John K. Thornton, Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles, and the Foundation of the Americas, 1585–1660; Kwasi Konadu, The Akan Diaspora in the Americas; L. H. Roper, ed., The Torrid Zone: Caribbean Colonization and Cultural Interaction in the Long Seventeenth-Century Caribbean; Emily Senior, The Caribbean and the Medical Imagination, 1764–1834: Slavery, Disease, and Colonial Modernity; and Jenny Shaw, Everyday Life in the Early English Caribbean: Irish, Africans, and the Construction of Difference.
On personal narratives by German journeymen: Sigrid Wadauer, Die Tour der Gesellen: Mobilität und Biographie im Handwerk vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. For an overview of research on German-language self-narratives, see Claudia Ulbrich, Kaspar von Greyerz, and Lorenz Heiligensetzer, eds., Mapping the ‘I’: Research on Self-Narratives in Germany and Switzerland.
Several travel accounts of West Africa by other surgeons have been published: Andreas Josua Ultzheimer, Warhaffte Beschreibung ettlicher Reisen in Europa, Africa, Asien, und America, 1596–1610; Samuel Brun, Des Wundartzet und Burgers zu Basel Schiffarten (1624); John Atkins, A Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West Indies (1735); Paul Erdmann Isert, Reise nach Guinea und den Caribäischen Inseln in Columbien, in Briefen an seine Freunde beschrieben (1788); and Thomas Winterbottom, An Account of the Native Africans in the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone (1803). Partial English translations of Ultzheimer and Brun have been published in Adam Jones, ed., German Sources for West African History, 1599–1669; Isert has been translated by Selena Axelrod Winsnes in Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann Isert’s Journey to Guinea and the Carribean Islands in Columbia. On methodological challenges concerning such texts, see Beatrix Heintze and Adam Jones, eds., European Sources for Sub-Saharan Africa before 1900: Use and Abuse; and Gérard Chouin, “Seen, Said, or Deduced: Travel Accounts, Historical Criticism, and Discourse Theory: Towards an ‘Archaeology’ of Dialogue in Seventeenth-Century Guinea.”
Paul Oettinger’s fake edition has been published twice: first in 1885 as “Unter kurbrandenburgischer Flagge: Deutsche Kolonialerfahrungen vor zweihundert Jahren: Nach dem Tagebuch des Chirurgen Johann Peter Oettinger unter Mitwirkung des Kaiserlichen Vize-Admirals z.D. von Henk herausgegeben von Hauptmann a.D. Paul Oettinger,” across six issues of Schorers Familienblatt; and in 1886 as Unter kurbrandenburgischer Flagge: Deutsche-Kolonialerfahrungen vor zweihundert Jahren: Nach dem Tagebuch des Chirurgen Johann Peter Oettinger unter Mitwirkung des Kaiserlichen Vize-Admirals z.D. von Henk herausgegeben von Hauptmann a.D. Paul Oettinger. A part of the 1885–86 version has been annotated and translated into English: see Adam Jones, ed., Brandenburg Sources for West African History, 1680–1700, 180–98. For the travelogue by Otto Friedrich von der Gröben, see his Guineische Reise-Beschreibung, nebst einem Anhange der Expedition in Morea (original German ed., 1694) and Adam Jones, Brandenburg Sources, 23–57 (partial annotated translation). For Müller’s account on Efutu, see Wilhelm Johann Müller, Die Africanische, auf der Guineischen Gold-Cust gelegene Landschafft Fetu (1676); and Adam Jones, German Sources, 134–259 (annotated translation). Oettinger’s source for the description of German and Dutch towns and cities is Eberhard Rudolph Roth, Memorabilia Europae (6th ed., 1688). On ars apodemica, see Justin Stagl, A History of Curiosity: The Theory of Travel, 1550–1800.
On the celebration of the Brandenburg African Company in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: Klaus-Jürgen Matz, “Das Kolonialexperiment des Großen Kurfürsten in der Geschichtsschreibung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts”; Roberto Zaugg, “Grossfriedrichsburg, the First German Colony in Africa? Brandenburg-Prussia, Atlantic Entanglements, and National Memory”; Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon, Unter deutschen Palmen: Die “Musterkolonie” Togo im Spiegel deutscher Kolonialliteratur (1884–1944); and Wolfgang Struck, Die Eroberung der Phantasie: Kolonialismus, Literatur und Film zwischen deutschem Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik.