A question often asked is whether Tesla had anything to do with the massive explosion which occurred in Tunguska, Siberia in June of 1908. As no meteor or crater was found, a rumor stemming from Andrija Puharich, picked up by Tad Wise in his Tesla novel suggested that Tesla used Wardenclyffe to deliver the charge. Since the tower became disoperational in 1903, I saw no reason to include the incident in the first edition of Wizard. However, because the story was repeated on TV, rumors have persisted. Roy Gallant estimates in his book The Day the Sky Split Apart that the Tunguska explosion devastated a forty square mile area, and released energy 2,000 times greater than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima! Tesla expert James Corum allowed that if Tesla had the capability of releasing just 1% of the earth’s magnetic charge, in theory, he could have produced comparable results. However, both Corum and the author are in agreeement that Tesla not only did not do this, but further, Wardenclyffe simply had nowhere near that kind of capability. As Gallant suggests, the Tunguska explosion was probably caused by a comet or asteroid, which barely missed the earth by skipping along its atmosphere two or three miles above the site.