
I watched as Jacob drifted off to sleep, his jaw slack and the death grip he had on my hand now a bit lighter. He was so tired, and though he had been a trooper throughout the entire process, I knew he needed his rest. For the last hour we just sat here and enjoyed our little Nora, marveling at the miracle we had made together. It was still hard for me to believe that I was now a mom, that someone depended on me for the rest of my life. I was responsible for her, and the thought scared the shit out of me. And Jacob, as well. Though I could tell he was thrilled about her being here, I could see the worry in his eyes. Heck, I had the same in mine.

With a sigh, I leaned back on the pillow, exhausted. The birthing process had been a marathon of epic proportions. Now that all the excitement was over and she was finally here, I could feel the weariness starting to creep up in my body, urging me to get the rest while I could. My father and Merry couldn’t be any prouder of their granddaughter, promising to have everything ready at the house when we’d come home. Auntie Cara was ecstatic, as well. I was very blessed to have such a good support system around Jacob and me.

Looking down, I noted that my wedding band wasn’t as tight as it had been over the last few days. Thank God. It was a beautiful set, one that I had worn proudly until I couldn’t get the square-cut engagement ring on anymore and was reduced to wearing just the sparkling band. Still, I couldn’t imagine ever forgetting our wedding day.

It had been a small ceremony, taking place outdoors on my father’s estate. The wedding dress was not what I had pictured growing up, but when you’re six months preggo, you don’t get the long, form-fitting gown. But I had still fallen in love with my choice.

I settled on a long and elegant lacy dress with an empire waist. And when my father walked me down the aisle the look of appreciation in Jacob’s eyes was all I needed to reaffirm that the dress was a winner. The ceremony was beautiful and orderly, but the reception was far from quiet. The whole day seemed to echo our different personalities, the joining of two people who loved each other so much but who were quite opposite in so many ways. And I did. I loved Jacob with everything I had. He was my soulmate, my rock, and my best friend—though Cara would tell you otherwise—and I was extremely proud to be his wife.

Nora whimpered, and I laid a hand on her little body, glancing over at Jacob to ensure that he was still asleep. As much as I thought I wanted him in the delivery room, I could see that he was beside himself with worry. We’d made the quick decision to sub in Merry and Cara so he could gather himself. It was sweet of him to try and stay, but he looked like he was going to faint at any moment, and I shooed him away between pushes. Both Merry and Cara had been wonderful replacements.

But now our little family was together, and we had the world to take on. Jacob’s performance was the best that it ever had been, and he was already touted to be the starter next season. And though I’d be on maternity leave, the practice was flourishing. I was now the consultant for a number of pro sports teams in the south, which couldn’t make me happier. There was not one day that I regretted making that move.

“How are you still awake?” Jacob whispered and took my hand.

“Taking it all in, I guess. Planning, too. There’s so much we need to do.”

“Try and sleep, my love. Let me take care of you, of everything, okay? You’ve done enough for one day. Dream about our little girl and our future.”

With a happy sigh and a nod, I closed my eyes, the day’s events starting to catch up with me, comforted by the fact Jacob was taking charge.

“I love you, Mrs. Maddox,” he said, caressing my hand. As I started to fall into a blissful sleep, I wondered if my dreams would show our futures, because I couldn’t wait to see what life had in store for us next.

♥ The End ♥

Don’t miss the other books in the series:

#2 The Curve Ball (Cara & Luke’s story)

#3 The Love Game (Ginny & Damon’s story)

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