I would like to thank my adviser, Professor Bernard Wasserstein, for his support, wise guidance, and careful editing. I would also like to thank Ms. Carolyn Locke, who was the associate dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Brandeis University during my time there. I am indebted to Professors Paul Jankowski and Pierre-Henri Laurent. I am grateful to Chris Warren and Tom Wilson for helping me to focus and for reminding me of the importance of emphasizing my strengths.
I would like to thank Admiral Sir Jock Slater, GCB LVO DL, who said that his family would be happy for me to quote from the papers of his great-uncle, Admiral Lord Cunningham. I would also like to thank Kevin Smith and Mr. Sebastian Cox.
Evelyn M. Cherpak, PhD, the archivist and curator of Special Collections at the U.S. Naval War College, in Newport, Rhode Island, provided indispensable assistance to me. I am grateful to the staffs of the U.S. National Archives and of the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, respectively, for their assistance. I would like to thank the staff of the George C. Marshall Research Center. The staff of the Government Documents department of the Lamont Library at Harvard University was also very helpful to me.
While in England, I encountered many helpful people. The efficiency displayed by the staff of The National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office) made working there a pleasure. The staffs of the British Library and Christ Church, Oxford, were very helpful to me. I would particularly like to thank the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, as well as the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of Churchill College in the University of Cambridge.
I am deeply indebted to my late father, without whose support this book never would have been written. All of these people contributed mightily to whatever is good in this manuscript. Any mistakes belong to me alone.