BAD British Admiralty Delegation (to British Joint Staff Mission in Washington)
BAS British Army Staff (attached to British Joint Staff Mission in Washington)
BL British Library
CAS Chief of the Air Staff (British)
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff (British)
CNO Chief of Naval Operations (U.S.)
CNS Chief of the Naval Staff (British)
COMINCH Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet
COS British Chiefs of Staff Committee
COSSAC Chief of Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander
CPRB Combined Production and Resources Board
CV fleet aircraft carrier
CVE escort aircraft carrier
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations of the United States Army
FRUS Foreign Relations of the United States
JCS U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
JPS Joint Planning Staff (one British, one American)
JSM British Joint Staff Mission in Washington
JWPS Joint War Production Staff (British)
LC Library of Congress
LHC Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King’s College London
MAP Ministry of Aircraft Production (British)
NA National Archives (U.S.)
OPM Office of Production Management (U.S.)
POW prisoner of war
RAF Royal Air Force
RAFDEL Royal Air Force Delegation to the British Joint Staff Mission in Washington
RN Royal Navy
SEAC Southeast Asia Command
TNA The National Archives (of the UK, Kew)
USN U.S. Navy
VMI Virginia Military Institute
WPB War Production Board (U.S.)
WSA War Shipping Administration (U.S.)