Chapter 19

‘Wow, this is … cosy.’

‘You should have seen it when I moved in,’ said Poppy as her friend dumped her bag on the sofa and stuck her hands on her hips. It was the morning before the launch and Zoey had arrived on the early helicopter flight. Poppy had been up late putting the finishing touches to the flat to make it welcoming.

‘I wish I had a spare room and an en suite for you, but at least you have a great view. Come and look.’

‘I’ll be fine,’ said Zoey, crossing to the window and letting out a loud ‘wow’. ‘And I agree about the view. It’s amazing.’ She turned back to the flat. ‘Where are your mum and dad? I thought they were arriving for the launch tomorrow?’

‘Mum and Dad got the ferry this morning, but they’re on Gull Island. They got a special deal at the Hell Cove B&B.’

Hell Cove?’ Zoey wrinkled her nose. ‘And is it?’

Poppy laughed. ‘Not been yet, but Jake says GIT have recently restored the B&B and the cottages there.’

Zoey stared at her. ‘GIT?’

‘The Gull Island Trust. They’re a collective of local people who help restore each other’s properties. Everyone joins in. They even repaired my roof in return for a website.’

Zoey shook her head. ‘Bloody hell. You’ve settled in fast. Helping the neighbours, joining a collective. Then there’s Jake. He sounds like he has potential … and it’s nearly been two months now since Dan and you split. You should grab the chance while you can. The guy collecting tickets on the ferry said only two thousand people live across all the islands. Jesus, that’s less than at our insurance HQ.’ Zoey pulled a face.

‘Just as well I’m not looking and, besides, it’s way too soon after Dan, and anyway, Jake’s the last person I’d want to be involved with even if he was staying.’ Poppy tried to sound breezy to put her friend off the scent.

Zoey raised an eyebrow. ‘Really? Why?’

‘His fiancée died in a yacht accident a few years ago and he’s not over it. I think any time would be too soon for Jake. I’m not sure he’ll ever be ready to get involved with someone else, and even if he was, it wouldn’t be me.’ Poppy hesitated, wondering whether to tell Zoey about the kiss and Jake’s strange behaviour afterwards. Over the past week, he’d popped in to help with a few jobs, alongside Fen and Kelly, but he’d also been absent a lot too, presumably dealing with the prints for the launch and his other work.

‘Why not? If you like him – well, you don’t owe Dan anything.’

‘I know that, Zoey. Sorry, hun, I didn’t mean to sound sharp.’

‘OK, so you and Jake. It doesn’t have to be a big romance. You could just … sleep with him or whatever?’

‘Zoey!’ Poppy picked up a cushion and threw it at her friend, who caught it and held it up for mock protection. Then she sighed. ‘It’s not that simple. Jake is gorgeous, but he’s also – technically – a business acquaintance and he’s leaving soon.’

‘Exactly why you should sleep with him now. There isn’t time for things to get complicated.’

‘Not with me, maybe, but he’s carrying so much baggage already, it’s really not a great idea. Zoey, can we drop this for a bit, please?’

Zoey looked puzzled. ‘If you say so, but I’ll check him out over the weekend and give you my opinion.’ She held out her arms. ‘I’ve missed you. Big hug?’

Poppy hugged her, a lump forming in her throat. Now Zoey was here at the heart of her new environment, she felt disoriented, almost as if she’d dreamt the past few weeks. ‘I tell you what, I think I’d like a large glass of wine. Shall we go to the pub? I’ll introduce you to Kelly and a few of the other locals.’

Zoe gasped. ‘There’s a pub?’

Poppy picked up a cushion and threw it at her. ‘It’s not the end of the world, you know.’

Zoey glanced out of the window. ‘No, it only feels like it …’ She leaned forward and peered outside again before letting out a breath. ‘Wow. That’s something you don’t see on Broad Street on a Saturday night. Or any night. Or day.’

‘What are you on about?’ said Poppy, crossing to the window.

Zoey pointed at Jake who was walking away from the harbour, with a large cardboard container in his arms. ‘That. Him. The guy with the big package.’ She smirked. ‘Could it possibly be … the gorgeous Jake who you’re not the slightest bit interested in?’

Pulling a face, Poppy sneaked a look. Zoey was right. It was a very big package. Jake was almost swamped by the cardboard box, which he had to put down on the cobbles for a second and then pick up again. It looked more awkward than heavy. She watched as he headed for the studio, excitement making her pulse rise. He must have the photos in that box. She really hoped he had …

‘Is he coming in?’ Zoey said in a stage whisper. Poppy hoped not – she didn’t want to face Jake with Zoey watching and probably analysing every move.

He stopped outside the veranda, rested the box on the cobbles and glanced at the windows.

‘Get down!’ Poppy ducked and pulled Zoey’s arm.

‘Why the secrecy?’ said Zoey, rubbing her elbow as they crouched under the window.

‘I don’t want him to know we’ve been spying on him.’

‘Wow. He must be special.

‘Ssh. Stay out of sight.’ Poppy batted her on the arm and poked her head above the sill. She needn’t have worried about being spotted. Jake had picked up his box and was now heading towards Archie’s cottage. If the photos were in that package, as she suspected, it looked like she was going to have to wait a while longer.

He arrived later that evening while Zoey was in the shower.

‘I’ve brought the pictures,’ he said. ‘Do you want a sneak preview or are you willing to trust me?’

When it came to the photographs, Poppy did trust him, but she was still wary of getting too close to him, physically or emotionally.

‘I know they’ll be amazing,’ she said.

‘Amazing? You have more faith in me than I deserve.’ He moved quickly on. ‘I thought I’d hang them on the wall and I’ve brought a screen to cover them until the big reveal. Is that OK?’

‘It’s fine. I think that the secrecy will add an air of mystery,’ she said. ‘People love a surprise.’

‘I hope so … Poppy?’


‘The other day. Last week. It was lovely. I enjoyed it. It was … well, wow, but I just don’t think that either of us is ready to start anything.’

‘Don’t,’ she said, already on the edge of tears, with the emotion of the launch. ‘Don’t say any more. You’re right, of course. It’s a terrible idea, so can we forget the whole thing for now? I don’t want anything to spoil tomorrow.’

‘Of course. I’ll go and set these pictures up. If you can promise me one thing? Don’t look until tomorrow?’

‘I can promise you that much,’ said Poppy.

He smiled and left her digging her nails into her palm. Until he’d actually spoken about the kiss, she’d managed to convince herself it wasn’t a big deal. Now, she knew it was.