
2ic second in command
556 5.56 millimetre round
ANA Afghan National Army
ANP Afghan National Police
CLU command launch unit
CO commanding officer, commander of a large military unit (see also OC)
DC district centre
dick, dicker observe, observer
FIBUA fighting in a built-up area (also known as FISH)
FISH fighting in somebody's house (see FIBUA)
FLET forward line of enemy troops
FOB forward operating base
FOO forward observing officer
FSG fire support group
GMG grenade machine gun
GMLRS guided multiple launch rocket system
GPMG general purpose machine gun
HE high explosive
Hesco large collapsible wire mesh and heavy-duty fabric container which, filled with earth or sand, is used to construct protective barriers
IDF indirect fire, ordnance not fired directly at a target, for example mortar rounds
IED improvised explosive device
ISAF International Security Assistance Force, the NATO-led United Nations security and development mission in Afghanistan
Jackal British all-terrain four-wheel-drive military vehicle introduced to replace the WMIK Land Rover (see WMIK)
LZ landing zone
Mastiff British heavily armoured six-wheel-drive patrol vehicle derived from the American Cougar family of vehicles
MERT medical emergency response team
Minimi Belgian-manufactured light machine gun used by the British Army
NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, the organization that runs recreational facilities and shops for the British armed forces
NDS Afghan special police
OC officer commanding, commander of a small military unit (less than battalion size) (see also CO)
OMLT operational mentor and liaison team
OP observation post
Pinzgauer all-terrain British military truck
PKM Russian-made general purpose machine gun used by the Taliban
REMF rear-echelon motherfucker
RPG rocket-propelled grenade
RV rendezvous
SA80 A2 standard rifle of the British Army
sit rep situation report
Viking amphibious armoured all-terrain vehicle consisting of two tracked units linked by a steering mechanism
WMIK Weapons Mount Installation Kit, a stripped-down Land Rover fitted with roll bars and weapons mounts