I sat in the cabana in front of the pool with a book in one hand and a cocktail in the other. It was a cool sixty-seven degrees outside, but the rays from the sun penetrated my skin, and I soaked up every second.

“Life is good,” Maddie said.

“And this martini is great.”

“You said it. Makes you wonder why we waited so long,” Maddie said.

“One of us had a murder to solve.”

“And now that it’s all over, what about you and Nick?” Maddie said.

“I think I’m ready to move on with my life.”

“Does that mean you need some help packing?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I said.

She gave me a look that indicated her confusion.

“Nick might need some help though,” I said.

“What brought on the change?”

“I discovered something last week that put it all into perspective,” I said. “And now I see things in a different way.”

“Do tell.”

It’s The Secret, I said.

She laughed.

“Oooh, sounds mysterious. What is this secret?

“I don’t want to give it away; you have to experience it for yourself. I’ll loan you the DVD when we get back home,” I said.

She smacked me on the shoulder and stood up.

“Well, sweetie, it’s about time,” she said. “The pool is calling my name, you up for it?”

I shook my head.

“I might get in the hot tub later.”

She grabbed her towel off the chair.


Maddie took her time walking to the pool.  Two guys tanned themselves in one of the adjoining pools, and I could tell by the way her hips swung back and forth in perfect symmetry that she wanted their attention. And she got it.

I dog-eared a page in my book and adjusted my chair. I had just started to drift off when my cell phone rang. The screen on my phone identified the call as an unknown number.  I sent it to voicemail and relaxed back into my chair. A minute later, it rang again. I sent it to voicemail once more. When it rang a third time, I picked it up.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Monroe.”

The voice on the other end was a man’s and unfamiliar to me.

“Who is this?” I said.

“Look to your right.”

I glanced over my shoulder and saw a man dressed in a suit sitting at a table about ten yards from me. He was surrounded by an entourage of men who looked like bouncers at a Las Vegas nightclub. The man made a gesture with two of his fingers, and the entourage stood up in unison and went their separate ways. One of them walked in my direction and tipped his head at me and winked as he passed.  It was the man in black. For a moment time stood still, and I forgot my phone still rested on my ear.

“I would like a moment of your time,” the caller said.

He waved me over and set the phone down.

I looked for Maddie. She had been joined in the pool by her two admirers who were both eager for her attention.  I was reluctant but figured we were outside in the middle of the day amongst several groups of people. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked over. When I got within three feet of him, he pulled a chair out for me and invited me to sit down. I did.

The man leaned in close, a little too close. I pulled back. He looked me up and down and had a look on his face like he was a person with a lot to hide. His hair was cut short and his skin was tan, but not by the sun.

“There’s no need to be alarmed,” he said. “My name is Giovanni Luciana.”

He offered me his hand. I took it. He placed his other hand over mine and held it there for a moment before letting it go.

“Any relation to Daniela Luciana?” I said.

“She is my sister. I believe you offered her a ride home not too long ago after she allowed herself to be placed in an unfortunate circumstance.”

“And now you’re following me?”

He crossed one leg over the other.

“I had a vested interest in your case. Congratulations, by the way.”

“Then you know Parker Stanton was not responsible for Charlotte’s death.”

He nodded.

“Parker had no involvement in the real estate scheme at all,” I said. “And yet someone killed him and then covered it up.”

He interlaced his fingers and rested them on the edge of the table.

“That’s quite an accusation, Ms. Monroe.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about Parker’s murder, would you?”

“I found his treatment of women unacceptable. Men like Parker Stanton don’t deserve the life they have. They think they can do whatever they like because they have money.”

“So you what, took care of him?” I said.

I couldn’t believe I’d blurted it out.

He reached inside his jacket pocket, and I felt a sudden urge to run, but relief washed over me when he pulled out a business card and handed it to me.  Only one thing was printed on it: a phone number.

“You did my sister a service, and for that I’m grateful to you. Should you ever need anything from me, call the number on the card.”

“Aren’t you worried I will go to the police?” I said.

“You could, but I don’t think you will. You see, Miss Monroe, you and I share some commonalities. We both seek justice and do whatever it takes to make sure we get it.”

“I understand what you must have felt for Parker after what he did to Daniela, but it wasn’t your decision to make,” I said.

He rose from his chair, snapped his fingers, and the other men reappeared.

“You’ll have to excuse me; I have other business to attend to. Perhaps our paths will cross again in the future, and we can resume our conversation.”

“What about my questions?”

He started to walk away and then paused and turned toward me.

“I enjoy your passion, Miss Monroe,” he said. “Don’t ever change.”



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