1. The Lightning Dancer
2. The Myzerahl’s Song
3. When Everything Goes Wrong
4. The Monster in the Courtyard
5. A Shabby Pen
6. The Gang of Terror
7. One Mouse and One Hundred Monster Cats
8. Hello, Father
9. Through the Portal
10. Thaltorose
11. Upside Down
12. A Child No Longer
13. The Gang of Rogues
14. The Guardians’ Riddle
15. The Gang of Rogues
16. A Moment With Time
17. The Death of the Author
18. Birth of The Shadowfog
19. A Dimming Light
20. When Eyes Are Opened
21. A Decision Made
22. The Child Bows
23. A Mountain of Darkness
24. A Timely Battle
25. To Lose a Battle
26. An Unexpected Visitor
Excerpt from Jack Staples and the Poet's Storm