RUSTY wondered what the surprise was, but he didn't ask. He didn't think Alec would tell him.
Wonder how long they had been watching me? he thought again.
He walked with the boys and Alec back through the woods. They did not hurry. They're walking slowly because of me, Rusty thought.
Finally, they reached the road. The afternoon sun blazed in the blue sky, but the air was freezing cold. The boys' cheeks were red as apples, their breaths puffs of fog.
They walked past the houses, and down the long, curving hill. From this high they were able to look down upon the lake. It was frozen over. Kids were skating on it. Their gay laughter reached the boys and Alec.
The three boys walked abreast with Alec. They reached the bottom of the hill, turned left, and walked through the park toward the lake. Rusty's legs ached from all that walking, and he wanted to rest.
Where is Alec taking us? What is the surprise he mentioned?
All at once, Rusty hardly cared about the surprise.
“I'm going to sit down on a bench,” he said, tiredly. “You guys go ahead.”
Alec looked at him. “Guess we walked pretty far, didn't we? Okay.” He looked around, pointed at a bench near the edge of the lake. “Sit over there. Joby, stay with him. Come with me, Perry.”
Five minutes later a tiny iceboat with a navy-blue sail skimmed across the ice from the direction Alec and Perry had gone. Rusty recognized Alec and Perry immediately, and his heart hammered. So this was Alec's surprise!
Alec was sitting in a seat with his hands on a control stick. His feet were on a crossbar underneath and in front of the sail. Rusty realized that Alec was steering the iceboat with his feet.
In the seat behind Alec sat Perry. His feet were on a short crossbar under Alec's seat. A strap was around his chest. Halfway between his seat and Alec's, underneath, was a long crossbar with a runner at each end.
Alec and Perry sailed around for a while, then returned. Alec gave Joby a ride, and finally Rusty.
“Just keep your feet on that crossbar,” advised Alec. “The strap will hold you tight in your seat.”
Alec pushed the craft out and got in. He shoved the control stick forward, letting out the sail, which he had hauled in against the spar when he had stopped the craft.
Instantly, the wind filled the big blue sail, and the iceboat almost took off. Kids who were skating stopped to watch with fascination.
Alec steered the iceboat toward the middle of the ice-covered lake, away from the skaters. The runners thumped and swooshed as they whizzed over the ice. Gradually Alec pushed the left rudder, and the iceboat circled wide to the right. It tipped a little, and Rusty's heart jumped.
Alec grinned back at him. “Don't be afraid!” he shouted against the hard-blowing wind. “We won't tip over!”
Rusty tried to smile back as the wind pressed against his face. Finally, Alec straightened out the iceboat's course.
“How do you like it, Rusty?” he asked.
Rusty laughed. “I love it!”
“I made this myself!”
And then Alec went on: “How would you like to come out here with me every day, if it's nice? This will help you become strong and healthy, too! Help you to get used to rough weather! Would you like to do that?”
“I sure would!” said Rusty. “But I'd have to ask my mom and dad first.”
“Of course!” laughed Alec. His eyes shone like bright stars for a moment.
Then Alec gazed past Rusty's shoulder and steered the iceboat toward shore. He kept looking, as if fascinated by some strange sight.
Suddenly, a gust of wind came up. It filled the sail and whipped the iceboat half around! This time one runner lifted high off the ice!
Rusty yelled. He thought they were going to topple over for sure!
But Alec quickly brought the iceboat under control. He turned and grinned at Rusty.
“Whew!” said Rusty. “Almost went then!”
They were near shore, now. Alec looked again at whatever it was that had attracted his attention.
“Rusty,” he said, at last, “who's that standing with Perry and Joby?”
Rusty turned. A wide grin splashed across his face.
“That's Marylou!” he said. “My sister!”
So it was she who had almost caused them to spill!