Wade enjoyed the wide-eyed look on Kiki’s face as he swooped in, lifting her up. It was a relief to see her mood had changed drastically from the panic she’d awoken with. He also knew the pain of waking from a nightmare only to realize that it wasn’t just a dream, but a new reality. But now they had each other—he’d found his one to take on the world with.
“I love you, Kiki,” he said as he placed a soft kiss on her lips.
Those beautiful almond eyes looked up into his, peering into his soul, filling a place in his chest that had been empty for so long.
“How about that shower?” Kiki bit her bottom lip with a coy smile.
“Hell yeah.” Wade hoisted her up over his shoulder, giving her bottom a slap as he headed to the bathroom.
The squeal from her lips and the way she tenderly scratched her hands across his bare back had his cock at half-mast.
Making his way in the bathroom, he set Kiki on the countertop before moving to the shower, turning it on. Coming back, he stepped between her dangling legs, brushing the wild hair from her face. His hands caressed her cheeks then made their way down her body, brushing every so tenderly past her breasts, finding the hem of her shirt. Slipping his hands under the shirt, he let his fingers glide against her warm skin.
He smiled when Kiki lifted her arms, motioning for him to take the shirt off. A little tell of her impatience to get down to the love making. Lifting the shirt to reveal her bare breasts was a sight he’d never get enough of. Wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her toward the edge of the counter, he held her firmly against his body. Pressing a kiss in the crook of her neck, he was rewarded with a tender moan, and the hardening of her nipples rubbing against his chest had his cock aching.
Impatient himself, he helped Kiki off the counter.
“Take off your skirt.” Wade took a step back as he made the request.
There was a soft blush that brushed across Kiki’s face before she unzipped the skirt, letting it drop to the floor.
“Now it’s your turn,” she said.
“Not just yet…I want to see those panties drop.”
“Eager, are we?” Kiki snickered.
“It’s your fault,” he countered.
“Poor word choice. It’s your doing,” Wade said as he pulled his shorts off.
He liked the way Kiki’s eyes roamed over his body and locked on his hard erection. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as he stalked toward her. He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before reaching around her, pulling a condom from the drawer, giving her a playful wink.
It took him a moment to realize what was going on as Kiki leapt into his arms. He relished in the bold attack of her arms wrapped around his neck, as her wild lips found his.
With Kiki clutched against his body, he walked them into the shower. She tipped her head back as the hot water rushed over her body. With her back arched, Wade took the opportunity to latch on to her nipple, flicking it with his tongue. The act startled Kiki, but she recovered, holding his head against her breast, rocking her core against his body. It was more than Wade could take.
“Turn around,” Wade ordered as he untangled their bodies, settling her on her feet.
Kiki furrowed her brow at him, but ultimately turned around. Wade planted a hand firmly at her waist as he rubbed the other up her spine before guiding her to bend over. He savored the moment of running his hand up her thigh, over her sweet ass, and again. It took all his control to keep from taking her, thrusting hard and deep into her tight cunt. She gave him pleasure in so many ways, and he wanted to make sure he returned that pleasure.
Kiki’s soft panting was music to his ears. Knowing that just his touch, the anticipation of it, could make her so wanton was more than he could ask for.
Running his hand up her silky leg, this time he moved toward her core, teasing the outside, running his fingers across her seam. When he felt a tremble shake through her body, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last without taking her. Wade shook off his own needs, focusing on Kiki as he slipped a finger into her warm body.
“You like that, baby? You like when I fuck you with my hands?” Wade taunted as he upped the pace.
“Yeah? How about this?” Wade reached a hand around in search of her clit.
“Oh God, Wade. Fuck,” Kiki swore.
Wade smirked at the swear word. He must be doing something right if it caused those pretty little lips to swear.
“Here we go. I need you to come. I want you to come. Do it for me,” Wade cooed, massaging the sensitive clit while he took up the pace on his fingers fucking her.
“That’s it. Don’t stop,” Kiki demanded. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
Wade felt her core contract around his fingers as her orgasm rolled through her body; not letting up until every aftershock ran out. Kiki slumped forward as she placed a hand on the shower wall, obviously spent, but now he needed her.
“I can’t… I have to have you.” Wade could hear the desperation in his voice as he fumbled with the condom.
“Yes.” The soft word rolled off Kiki’s lips, barely a whisper.
Sheathing his cock, he slipped into her slick pussy, and the way it grabbed him was glorious. Gliding his hands up from her hips, he pulled her front upright, cupping her breasts, holding them as he thrust into her.
Aware of the warm water showering down on their bodies, the soft glow of the lighting reflecting off Kiki’s flawless, sandy skin had him moments away from coming apart. Frantic, Wade reached his hand down, cupping her smooth pussy, massaging his hand against it, in rhythm with each thrust. He wanted to take her to her breaking point again; he needed her to come apart with his cock buried deep inside.
“Oh God, Wade.” Kiki panted.
He loved the way his name rolled off her wanton lips. Finding the sensitive nub hidden between the folds of her precious pussy, he ever so gently pinched it. Kiki’s head flung back, her ass thrust against him, causing his cock to hit deep inside her.
“Do it again, please,” she begged. “I’m going to come so hard.”
Wade massaged the sweet button until he heard her release echo in the small room, and felt her tight cunt squeeze him. His desperate hands took hold of her hips, thrusting all he had into his perfect woman, as she took it all, riding out her own aftershocks as he came.
“Fuck, Kiki,” Wade cried out, unable to contain his own pleasure.
Both spent, Kiki leaned her back against his chest, reaching her arms up, back around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight as the warm water massaged their bodies. Leaning his head down, Wade nuzzled the crook of Kiki’s neck, inhaling her scent.
“Thank you, baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to her ear.
Kiki only giggled. He hoped she knew that he was thanking her for more than just the sex, but for the love that was thick in the air. Almost tangible in that moment.
* * * *
Kiki laid against Wade’s chest, her hair dripping wet, body wrapped in a towel, drawing circles on his chest as they both enjoying the post-coitus cuddle. It’d been a rough couple of months, but he was loving the normalcy that was starting. There were bumps along the way, but nothing compared to what they’d already gone through. Kiki had been right, starting over would have been dumb. They’d both learned a lot from their past, and it was bringing them closer as a couple.
“I’ve changed my mind,” the sweet voice said, breaking up the comfortable silence. “I want to move in with you. I just have to give my notice, but we could move me in this weekend.”
The words were music to Wade’s ears. He loved the idea of waking up every morning next to the woman who was perfect for him, the woman who’d changed his life. But something seemed a little off. He knew who she was, and he didn’t want to push her into anything; she was the type of girl who made a man wait, and he was okay with that...mostly.
“Kiki, I’d love for you to move in here. But what made you change your mind?” he asked, sitting up, Kiki following suit, holding the towel against her body.
When her eyes didn’t meet his, he knew something was off, and it almost hurt his feelings. If she wanted to move in, to be with him in that way, he wanted to see the spark, the excitement, the love, but it wasn’t in her eyes. He wanted to ignore it, to agree and be happy she’d changed her mind, but his gut feeling overruled his heart on this one.
“Talk to me,” he begged gently.
Kiki pulled her bottom lip between her lips before looking up at him. She shrugged slightly. “I love you, and I’ve been thinking more about it. I just… I feel so safe with you.”
Safe? Why did that word make him cringe? Shouldn’t he be happy to make his girl feel safe? He couldn’t help but think there should be more.
“I’m glad I make you feel safe, and I will always keep you safe, but I’m not sure that’s a good enough reason for you to move in.”
“That’s not the only reason,” Kiki protested. “I love you. I really do. I want to be with you.”
“You are with me.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
“I’m not sure what you mean. Or if you know what you mean,” Wade said with a shake of his head.
Hopping out of bed, he grabbed a pair of boxers from his drawer, slipping them on before handing Kiki a shirt. Wade sighed inwardly. This was going to be a full-blown conversation. It wasn’t going to be as easy as yes, sure, move in. Every fucking time they took two steps forward they took another one back.
When Kiki didn’t respond right away he was taken aback.
“If you truly wanted to be here, if you loved me so much, you’d be fighting for it right now.” Wade paced the room. “Baby, just talk to me. What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing. I just thought this was what you wanted. Why are you making such a big deal about it now?”
“Hey now. It was what I wanted, but it wasn’t what you wanted. Remember? And it still doesn’t feel like something you want.” Wade shot her a pointed look.
“I don’t even know what to say. I thought you’d be happy.”
“Yeah, me too.” Wade shrugged.
“I’m gonna go.”
“Really?” Wade was angry now. He didn’t know what was going on with her, but something had gotten to her. “I thought we were going to be honest with each other? You give me shit when I don’t open up to you. Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on? I’m here for you, baby.” Wade tried to calm down, wanting to reassure her.
“I don’t know what’s wrong!” Kiki shouted.
He’d never seen Kiki so loud or frazzled, and all he wanted to do was help her. And then a thought hit him—was this how he’d been when she pressed him about his feelings? It was in this moment that he realized there was nothing he could do for her except to be there when she wanted to talk.
“I love you, Kiki. Go figure your shit out. You’ll know where to find me.” Wade gave her a flat look before heading off to the bathroom for a nice, hot shower. Watching her leave his apartment wasn’t a sight he wanted to see.