
Adaptation, 98

Alternating clean, 33–34, 36–38

Alternating press-up (from floor), 64, 68–69

Baseball, 155–61

in-season workouts, 158–60

off-season workouts, 155–56

postseason workouts, 160–61

preseason workouts, 156–58

Basketball, 147–54

in-season workouts, 152–53

off-season workouts, 148–49

postseason workouts, 153–54

preseason workouts, 150–51

Becker Bucket, 199

Bend, side, 71, 74–75

Bent-over row, 2, 7–9

Bottoms-up press, 84, 87–88

Buffet workouts, 193–94

Cautions, 48, 51, 53. See also Notes and safety tips

Circle of pain, 197–99

Circuit training, 194–96


alternating, 33–34, 36–38

double, 11, 12, 16–17

single, 21, 23–25

Combinations, 55–61. See also Double clean-squat; Double clean-squat-press; Kettlebell push-up–row

Connolly, Tom, 197–98

Coordination and rhythm development, 33–44. See also Alternating clean; Double row; Double squat; Double swing; One-stays-up press; Single floor press

Crawl, kettlebell, 83–84, 86–87

Curl, hammer, 84, 93–94

Deadlift, 1, 2–3

Density, 98, 101–2

Double clean, 11, 12, 16–17

Double clean-squat, 55, 57–58

Double clean-squat-press, 55–56, 59–60

Double floor press, 46, 53–54

Double press, 21, 23, 30–31

Double row, 33, 34, 38–39

Double snatch, 21–22, 25–26, 71, 72, 80–81

Double snatch–overhead squat, 63, 64–66

Double snatch–overhead squat–press, 63, 66

Double squat, 33, 34, 41–43

Double swing, 33, 35–36

Drills, 193–99

buffet workouts, 193–94

circle of pain, 197–99

circuit training, 194–96

kettlebell duals, 197

Fatigue, workouts to avert, 185–86

Figure 8, 45–46, 50–51

Firefighters. See Military, fire, and law-enforcement personnel

Football, 115–21

in-season workouts, 119–20

off-season workouts, 116–17

postseason workouts, 120–21

preseason workouts, 112, 117–19

Front squat, 41–42

Get-up, 71–72, 76–78

Goal setting, 95–113

basic program design, 102–11

incorporating kettlebells into program, 111–13

progressing with kettlebells, 98–102

for strength, 97

Grappling. See Wrestling/grappling

Grip, 38, 68

Hammer curl, 84, 93–94

Heavy ballistics, 21–31. See also Double press; Double snatch; Power movements; Side shuffle; Sidewinder; Single clean

High pull. See Squat-pull

High-intensity training (HIT), 115

In-season workouts, 103

for baseball, 158–60

basic program design, 108–9

for basketball, 152–53

for football, 119–20

for karate/striking sports, 142–44

for long-distance runners, 174

for soccer, 124–26

for sprinters, 168–69

for throwers, 178–79

for wrestling/grappling, 134–35

Intensity, 98

high, workouts for, 188–90

in-season workouts for, 108

low, workouts for, 190–91

moderate, workouts for, 187–88

off-season workouts for, 104, 106

preseason workouts for, 106

training tips, 100–101

Karate and striking sports, 137–46

in-season workouts, 142–44

off-season workouts, 137–38

postseason workouts, 144–46

preseason workouts, 139–41

Kettlebell back lunge, 45, 46–47

Kettlebell crawl, 83–84, 86–87

Kettlebell duals, 197

Kettlebell forward lunge, 45, 48

Kettlebell pass, 45, 48–49

Kettlebell Poker, 194

Kettlebell push-up–row, 55, 56–57, 60–61

Law-enforcement personnel. See Military, fire, and law-enforcement personnel

Leg raise, 71, 72–73, 81–82

Light weeks, 106

Linebacker position. See Deadlift

Live toes, 72

Long-distance runners, 171–75

in-season workouts, 174

off-season workouts, 171–72

postseason workouts, 175

preseason workouts, 172–73


kettlebell back, 45, 46–47

kettlebell forward, 45, 48

Military, fire, and law-enforcement personnel, 183–91

advanced conditioning, 187–88

basic training, 185–86

fighting fit, 188–90

R&R, 190–91

Neutral grip, 38, 68

Notes and safety tips, 60–61, 65–66, 68, 79, 87, 90. See also Cautions

Off-season workouts for baseball, 155–56

basic program design, 103–6

for basketball, 148–49

for football, 116–17

for karate/striking sports, 137–38

for long-distance runners, 171–72

for soccer, 121–22

for sprinters, 164–65

for throwers, 176–77

for wrestling/grappling, 131–32

Olympic-style lifting, 115

One-hand swing, 11, 12–14, 71, 73–74

One-stays-up floor press (into leg raise), 71, 72–73, 81–82

One-stays-up press, 33, 34, 40–41

One-stays-up row, 63–64, 67–68

Overhead towel swing, 84, 89–90

Pass, kettlebell, 45, 48–49

Postseason workouts, 103

for baseball, 160–61

basic program design, 110–11

for basketball, 153–54

for football, 120–21

for karate/striking sports, 144–46

for long-distance runners, 175

for soccer, 126–27

for sprinters, 169–70

for throwers, 180–81

for wrestling/grappling, 136–37

Power movements, 11–19. See also Double clean; Heavy ballistics; One-hand swing; Single press; Single snatch

Power vs. strength, 148

Powerlifting, 115

Preseason workouts, 103

for baseball, 156–58

basic program design, 106–8

for basketball, 150–51

for football, 112, 117–19

for karate/striking sports, 139–41

for long-distance runners, 172–73

for soccer, 122–24

for sprinters, 166–67

for throwers, 177–78

for wrestling/grappling, 113, 132–34


bottoms-up, 84, 87–88

double, 21, 23, 30–31

double clean-squat-, 55–56, 59–60

double floor, 46, 53–54

double snatch–overhead squat–, 63, 66

one-stays-up, 33, 34, 40–41

one-stays-up floor (into leg raise), 71, 72–73, 81–82

push-, 31

single, 11, 12, 17–19

single floor, 33, 34, 43–44

squat-, 46, 51–53

two-hand, 2, 9–10, 12

Press-up, alternating (from floor), 64, 68–69

Prone grip, 38, 68

Pull, squat-, 1, 4–5, 46

Pullover, 84, 90–91

Push-press, 31

Recovery, 98, 110


bent-over, 2, 7–9

double, 33, 34, 38–39

kettlebell push-up–, 55, 56–57, 60–61

one-stays-up, 63–64, 67–68

Runners. See Long-distance runners

Side bend, 71, 74–75

Side shuffle, 21, 22–23, 28–29

Sidewinder, 21, 22, 27–28

Single clean, 21, 23–25

Single floor press, 33, 34, 43–44

Single press, 11, 12, 17–19

Single snatch, 11–12, 14–15


double, 21–22, 25–26, 71, 72, 80–81

single, 11–12, 14–15

Soccer, 121–27

in-season workouts, 124–26

off-season workouts, 121–22

postseason workouts, 126–27

preseason workouts, 122–24

Sprinters, 163–70

in-season workouts, 168–69

off-season workouts, 164–65

postseason workouts, 169–70

preseason workouts, 166–67


double, 33, 34, 41–43

double clean-, 55, 57–58

double snatch–overhead, 63, 64–66

front, 41–42

Squat-press, 46, 51–53

Squat-pull, 1, 4–5, 46

Stand-up (from knees), 71, 72, 78–79


excessive, 97

power vs., 148

Stress, 98

Supine grip, 38, 68


double, 33, 35–36

one-hand, 11, 12–14, 71, 73–74

overhead towel, 84, 89–90

two-hand, 2, 5–7, 11, 12–13

walking, 83, 85–86

Throwers, 176–81

in-season workouts, 178–79

off-season workouts, 176–77

postseason workouts, 180–81

preseason workouts, 177–78

Triceps extension, 84, 91–93

Two-hand press, 2, 9–10, 12

Two-hand swing, 2, 5–7, 11, 12–13

Volume, 98

building, 185–86

high, workouts for, 187–88

in-season workouts for, 108

low, workouts for, 190–91

moderate, workouts for, 188–90

off-season workouts for, 104, 106

preseason workouts for, 106

training tips, 99–100

Walking swing, 83, 85–86

Wrestling/grappling, 131–37

in-season workouts, 134–35

off-season workouts, 131–32

postseason workouts, 136–37

preseason workouts, 113, 132–34