Thanks are due to a great number of folks who helped Changers evolve from a lightning-bolt idea in the park to an actual book series we are proud to have our children (and others) read. The love and kindness of the following friends, family, and colleagues can be felt on every page of Book Two (and beyond):
Johnny Temple, Johanna Ingalls, Aaron Petrovich, Ibrahim Ahmad, and Susannah Lawrence at Akashic Books; Jason Amos of Chocolate Shores, for “Change Is at Hand”; Kaleb Anderson, for contributing writing to DJ’s slam poem in the Change 2–Day 20 chapter; Karl Austen and Ryan LeVine at Jackoway, Tyerman, Wertheimer; Kate Bornstein, for everything; Kevin Buchmeier, Nick Gotten, and John Chaisson of the Changers band, The Bickersons; Sarah Chalfant and Rebecca Nagel at the Wylie Agency; our families; John Green; Laurie Hasencamp and Mike Lurey; Tom Léger; Téa Leoni and family; Jennifer Mencken and Ben Pivar; Misty Travis Oaks; Langley Perer and Dawn Saltzman at Mosaic; Alex Petrowsky; Spencer Presler; Amy Ray; Scott Turner Schofield; Zac Simmons and Dana Spector at Paradigm; Doug Stewart at Sterling Lord Literistic.
And to the seventh grader at Middle School 378 in New York City who asked, “Are there Changers in the real world?” Yes!