The Ginza
is the holy book of the Mandaeans, the gnostics who come from the marshes of southern Iraq and Iran and now may be found in communities throughout the world. The word Ginza means “treasure,” and the text contains a rich assemblage of mythological, theological, and ritual materials. The brief selections from the Ginza provided here describe Ptahil, the creator god, working on Adam, while Manda dHayye, the Mandaean messenger of light, whose name means “knowledge of life,” cares for the soul and the life of the human. In the Ginza, the term Tibil indicates the physical world, Adakas Ziwa the radiant figure of Adam, and Ruha the fallen spirit of wisdom. The reference to the Jordan is reflective of the baptismal interests of the Mandaeans.
Creating Adam and Giving Him a Soul
After the angel Ptahil came, he said to the planets, “Let us create Adam and make him king of the world.” They made Adam and laid him on the ground, but he had no soul
Ptahil wrapped Adam in his clean turban.
He wrapped him in his robe.
The light being quickly descended, and his helpers all went down with him.
His helpers who went down are men in charge of souls.
When they reached the Tibil, which is the world and where his bodily torso is,
when Ptahil wanted to cast soul into his body,
I, Manda dHayye, removed the soul from his pocket.
When Ptahil lifted Adam up, I raised his bones.
When he laid his hands on him, I made him breathe the fragrance of life.
His body filled with marrow,
and the radiance of life spoke in him.
When the radiance of life spoke in him,
he opened the eyes of his bodily torso.
When the radiance of life spoke in him,
Adakas Ziwa, the radiant Adam, rose to his place.
Manda dHayye, Messenger of Light
I led Adam up to his place.
I led Adam up to his place, the house of powerful life,
the house where the great life is on his throne.
I came and found the wicked, all of them sitting there,
and while they were sitting there
I spread witchcraft and magic around the soul,
and the wicked wanted to chop the soul into tiny parts.
I saw them and I shone in my pure garments.
I appeared to Ptahil Uthra, who howled and wept.
He howled and wept over what he had done.
I appeared to Ruha, the seductive mother of planets and evil creatures
who seduces the worlds.
I showed her the great mystery that subdues rebels.
I showed her the great mystery, but she was blind and didn’t see it.
I showed her a second mystery.
Then I threw a camel bridle on her and showed her a third mystery
and with a blow I split her head open.
The Light Being of Life Rewards Adam
For what Adam had done the light being of life was kind,
the father of light was full of kindness to him
and commanded a building be erected for him
and commanded a planting be planted for him.
He commanded a Jordan river be prepared for him
so at the ripe instant when his measure was full,
he would ascend and inhabit his building and inhabit the place of light
with Adakas Ziwa his father,
and become a light being in the place of light.
Adam Enveloped in Sleep
I am enveloped in sleep
in a robe without error,
in a robe without error
in which nothing lacks.
Life knew about me:
Adam asleep. I woke
The soul took my hand.
Light hurled me into darkness,
darkness filled with light.
On the day the light rises
darkness will go to its cave.
She came to clouds of light,
going to the place of light.
The Savior Talks to the Soul
Soul, if you hear what I say
and do not oppose my word,
for you I will throw a bridge
over the great sea.
For you I will lay a dam
and guide you to the watchtower
where the rebels hold out.
I will guide you past the fire
and smoke touching the sky.
I will take you past the double pits
where Ruha has dug her way.
And over that high mountain
I will smooth the path for you.
In this wall, this wall of iron,
I will hack a breach for you,
hug you with all my strength,
and take you to the place of light.
Loving Life, Performing Good Deeds
Loving life, I let Manda dHayye,
the messenger of light
calm my innermost thought.
Late Saturday evening
and before the good Sunday,
I stuffed alms in my pocket
and went to the temple gate.
I piled alms and bread
on the common plate.
I found an orphan. I fed him.
I found a widow. I filled her pocket.
I found a naked man
and gave him a garment
for his nakedness.
I found a prisoner and found a way
to free him to his village.