Chapter 28

Cam’s head whipped up. Instead of disappointment or anger, his eyes burned with admiration. They were so close she could see the slight nod as if of approval that he made. Her heart faltered for a second as their eyes held the connection.

‘Are you mad?’ Robert managed to squeeze his way in front of Laurie, oblivious to the charged chemistry arcing between them.

‘You can’t keep the car. Be sensible, Laurie.’ Robert planted his hands firmly on his hips. ‘I can see the romance, the allure. You’ve just had a lovely holiday. Nice time. It’s like when you buy Ouzo − when you get it back it tastes rank.’

Actually she rather liked Ouzo but it probably wasn’t helpful to say so just now.

She sighed. ‘It’s not about the now. It’s about so much more.’ How could she possibly explain to him? She’d shifted up a gear and left him behind. It sounded so callous and heartless but he was part of the problem. She couldn’t go back.

‘What more? It’s an expensive car you don’t need. We need a bigger house, a better lifestyle. We could have all that.’

‘That’s just material things, they don’t make you happy.’

‘Don’t you think that’s a bit fucking hypocritical? It doesn’t get much more material than a multi-million pound Ferrari.’

‘Miles wanted me to have it, I know he did. He taught me to love life again. I don’t expect you to understand.’

‘Love life! What the fuck are you on about.’ He grabbed Laurie’s shoulders, pushing Cam out of the way. Millions of pounds! You can buy other cars with that. Another fucking Ferrari for all I care. We can have a big fancy wedding, like you wanted. It’ll hardly put a dent in the money. Laurie, what are you thinking?’

Robert’s panicked expression pulled her back to reality. She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. Desperation was written all over his face, from the pugnacious tilt of the weak chin – why hadn’t she noticed that before – to the anxious blinking of his eyes and the tension lines across his high forehead. He clutched her harder, his fingers sinking into her collar bones.

‘Robert.’ She wriggled, trying to get out of the hold. He just held on tighter.

‘You can’t do this to me.’

‘I’m not doing anything to you.’

‘You selfish cow.’

Cam grabbed Robert’s arm, his angry stance making him looker bigger and dangerous.

‘Touch her again and I’ll flatten you.’

He shook Cam off with angry scowl, reminding Laurie of a pesky wasp, but he did let go of her shoulders. ‘Butt out buster. Bet you’ve shagged her, haven’t you? I know your type. Anything in a skirt.’

He caught sight of Laurie’s instant blush.

‘Bloody hell, you have as well.’ His face contorted into an ugly sneer. ‘You fool. He’s a player. What’s he going to see in you? Plain Jane. Flat-chested. No sex-appeal. He’s played you. And you fell for it. Well I can tell you now, if you keep the car, we’re finished.’

‘I warned you.’ Cam’s voice, low and deadly serious, was all the notice given before he socked Robert in the jaw.

He went down onto his knees.

Laurie’s eyes widened and she let out a horrified gasp. ‘Cam!’

He shrugged. ‘I’m not sorry. No one talks to you to you like that.’

Her face overheated, furious at Robert’s insults and shocked by Cam’s defence of her.

Robert swayed on his knees, rubbing his jaw and shooting Cam evil looks. He rounded on her. ‘Christ, I’ve stuck by you all this time. Since your dad died. I could have got a better job. But no I stayed in Leighton to be with you. Mum said I could do better. You owe me.’

Owed him? Something slipped and loosened in her chest. Rage bubbled at the back of her throat and vitriolic words threatened to spill out in her defence. He wasn’t worth it. Mortification washed over her. What a fool. Accepting Robert’s domineering crap all this time. Because it was easier than being on her own?

‘I don’t owe you anything, Robert.’ She stood tall, staring him down. ‘You’ve lived in my house rent free for the last two years. I think that’s ample compensation.’ She could have said a lot more, the flat-chested remark still stung, but she didn’t need to. She was the better person.

‘We’ll see. Don’t expect me to come crawling back when you’re all alone. He’s,’ Robert pointed to Cam, ‘going to dump you now that you won’t give him his precious car. You’re going to be a laughing stock.’

Robert stomped down the steps of the podium and as he got to the bottom he looked back. ‘By the way. You owe me for the flights and the hotel room. I’ll send you a bill.’

‘Don’t bother, take it out of this month’s rent.’ She was proud of how calm and cool her voice sounded. If she’d responded to his venomous tones with bitchiness, she might have broken down.

Cam stepped forward. ‘You OK?’

She levelled a dangerous look at him. ‘Let’s just say it’s been an eye-opening morning. Ron, I’d really like to get out of here.’

Cam caught her arm. ‘Wait, I didn’t …’

‘Didn’t what? Sleep with me to get the car? Who are you trying to convince, Cam? Yourself or me?’ She shook him off.

‘Do you need a moment dear?’ Ron’s kind face blurred.

Sod it, she wasn’t going to cry now. She felt like shit inside but no one needed to know that. She’d get over Cam and as for Robert, all she could feel was sadness that she’d been so dumb and needy that she’d mistaken companionship for love.

‘Your uncle would have been so proud of you.’ Ron beamed and thrust the envelope into her hand, as he pulled out a hanky to dab at his eyes.

‘Really?’ She wasn’t so sure about that.

‘Oh, yes. Miles really wanted to help you. He knew you weren’t happy. It worried him greatly. He spent a great deal of time talking about you. I have to say I wasn’t sure about his methods and after that little debacle I’m still not. Upsetting for you, my dear.’

‘Yes, but life goes on … and Miles has given me a lot to think about.’ Her life would never be the same again.

‘All part of his plan.’

‘Miles’ plan?’ Her voice rose an octave in disbelief. ‘He couldn’t have …’ Of course he could. The sneaky old devil was nobody’s fool.

‘He wanted you to rediscover the happiness of your youth. It was a great regret he didn’t insist to your father you continued to visit. Celeste upset him terribly with her treatment of you. He never forgave her, you know.’

‘So why did he insist on me visiting the Chateau?’

‘It was important that you came to your own understanding. Learned you hadn’t missed out at all.’

‘Wasn’t that taking quite a gamble?’

Ron snorted. ‘Miles’ life was one long gamble.’

She thought of the horses and the cars and the wives. ‘True; he didn’t always come out on top though.’

‘I know. Which is why I did try and talk him out of it,’ Ron smiled ruefully, ‘but Miles … you know.’

She nodded.

‘Testament, really, to how well he knew you. I think you were the daughter he never had.’

‘Yeah I’ve inherited his extravagant taste in cars.’ she grinned. She had no idea how the hell she’d afford to run the car. Could she even afford the insurance? All Robert’s incandescent objections came back to her.

Cam had simply nodded and walked away as if accepting defeat.

‘So you are going to keep it?’ asked Ron as they got into the Ferrari.

She sighed, starting up the engine. It was easier now Robert and Cam weren’t hanging on her every word. ‘Yep. I know I can’t really afford it but …’ she shot Ron a mischievous look, ‘I love it. It came to me last night, the first time I heard the engine with Uncle Miles. I was seven. In the paddock at his house. I heard that rumble and went running over to see it. I asked him if there was a dragon under the bonnet.’ She smiled at the memory and could feel that initial excitement as her young mind wondered at what could possibly make such a mighty roar. ‘Typical Miles; he didn’t disillusion me.’ He’d bent down and whispered in her ear. She still remembered the words now.

‘That’s why Laurie, you are the smartest little girl. No one else knows it’s a dragon. It’s our secret.’

The moment had cemented their friendship and forever confirmed the magical status of the car. As she got older and learned more about the mechanics of the engine, she knew there wasn’t really a dragon under the bonnet but on more fanciful days, she liked to imagine there might be.

‘He told me the story. He also told me that the light went out in you as you got older. As one tragedy hit you after another.’

Laurie turned. ‘I never thought of them as tragedies. Parents separate. Parents die. You just have to get on with it. Be practical.’

‘Miles thought you became too practical. He worried terribly that you’d settled … not for second best … but just settled for what was there. He wanted more for you.’

She sighed. ‘And he’s given it to me. It’s not just the car. My eyes have been opened during this trip. There’s so much I could do. Sell the house. Go to Uni. Try to get a job with something to do with wine.’

‘That sounds exciting. Miles said you had an amazing palate.’

‘Probably because he brought me up on Chateauneuf du Pape. It’s spoilt me for anything else.’ Something that had been idling at the back of her mind popped into the forefront, unleashing a stream of conscious thought ,which made her blurt out, ‘The Comte has invited me back to spend some time with him, learning more about how the wine is made.’

Ron raised an eyebrow and took his time before he opened his mouth to comment on her sudden random statement, as if he’d pondered the possibilities.

‘Will you go?’

Laurie paused. At the time the Comte made the offer, she hadn’t even considered it. ‘Yes, I think I probably will.’

It was an opportunity she couldn’t let pass by.

‘I’m afraid there’s something else I need to tell you. You probably don’t need to worry about selling your house.’

The length of his pause made her suspicious. What did he mean? She glanced over at him.

‘Miles has left you the remainder of his estate.’

The engine roared in protest as she mismanaged a gear change and dropped from fourth to second.