“I’m not sure family game night counts as date night, darlin’. In fact, if I remember correctly, last month we even took Greer with us to family game night. And I’m pretty sure that’s blatantly against the date night bylaws.”
Sidney rubbed her favorite lavender and rose scented lotion into her leg and smiled as she tried to hide the eye roll.
“I didn’t say we should count it as date night, baby. I was merely pointing out that both events fall in the same weekend this month.”
“Well, how’d that happen?” Ike pulled on a pair of cotton pajama shorts and climbed onto the bed, facing her. The ends of his honey-blond hair were slightly damp from their bath, and his magnificent chest was on full display.
Sidney was momentarily hypnotized by his beauty.
He took the bottle of lotion from her hands, pumped a dollop into his palm, rubbed his hands together and then began rubbing it into her other leg.
Sidney watched his handsome face as he watched the movement of his hands over her thigh. Sometimes when he touched her, his handsome face took on a look of wonder. Maybe even awe, and seeing it always touched Sidney’s heart. She had to pull her gaze from his face so that she could focus on his question.
“We had our date night set for Saturday,” Sidney finally replied, trying not to be distracted by his hands on her skin. “And then Bree chose the Friday before for family game night. As this month’s hostess that’s her right.”
“Well, we could always change our plans. Hold off until next weekend,” he suggested. “And the tickets were free, so it’s not like we’d be out any money.”
“We could. But I thought you were looking forward to the Guardians game.”
“I was. But you weren’t.”
“Isaac, I’m just happy to spend some alone time with you. I don’t care what we do.”
“Nice try, Sid.”
He grinned at her, his deep, sexy dimples causing every muscle in her female region to clench and spasm. Her husband was so freaking hot.
“I know you weren’t real thrilled with my choice of date night activity,” he continued.
“It was your turn to plan date night. We both agreed to be open to new things. Besides, I like the balance.”
“The balance?”
“Yes. So far, the dates I plan tend to be more girly or romantic in nature, while the dates you plan are more…” She paused, searching for the right word.
“Male? Testosterone driven? Uninteresting to women?”
Sidney giggled. “I was going to say adventurous.”
“Sure you were,” Ike smiled.
“I was!”
“Mmm hmm. Well now… I could just stop trying to come up with a unique date night experience when it’s my turn and start booking a night in a different 5-star hotel instead. Go straight to the most important part of the evening.”
He wiggled his eyebrows at her and Sidney gave him her best shocked look. “Sex is not the most important part of date night, Isaac.”
“It’s not?”
“Are you sure?” He sounded truly puzzled and his confused frown was exaggerated.
“I’m positive. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the sex is great. But the most important part is supposed to be spending time together. Having fun together. Alone. Without the tiny human who calls us Mommy and Daddy.”
“Oh, right. Okay, I get it now,” Ike nodded. He slid his hand up further, beneath her satin teddy and over her hip. “But you know… we could still do that in a swanky hotel room. Spend time together, having fun. Alone. Without the tiny human with the muppet voice under foot.”
His hand moved between her thighs and Sidney’s breathing shuddered.
“In fact,” he continued, “we could check into said hotel and then avail ourselves of all of their amenities. Pool, spa, world-class restaurants. It would be like a mini-honeymoon every other month. How’s that sound?”
One long, slender finger slipped between her folds and into her sacred places, and Sidney’s breath hitched in her throat. “I think that sounds much better than a baseball game.”
His sexy laughter rumbled up from his chest, and his lips latched onto the pulse-point on her neck. Sidney spread her legs wider giving him better access, and she reached into his pajama shorts with both hands.
As soon as she took hold of him his cellphone rang.
Isaac’s head hit her shoulder with a defeated sigh. “See, this is why we need those mini-honeymoon date nights.”
Sidney sucked her lips in to try to keep from laughing, and Ike reached for his cellphone.
As Ike was still laying on top of her, Sidney could hear the dispatcher’s side of the conversation too.
“Good evening, Detective. There’s a situation at the city zoo, and I was instructed by Lt. Hayes to give this one to you rather than one of the nightshift teams.”
“A situation?”
“Yes, sir.”
“What kind of situation?”
“I’m not sure exactly, sir. The caller was a bit frantic. But it sounds as though someone’s been mauled to death.”
“Mauled? Like by an animal?”
“I guess so, sir.”
Sidney looked up into his eyes and saw the questions begin to swirl.
“Then why is this a homicide case?” he asked.
“I don’t know, sir.”
“All right. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Call Detective Pete Vega. And have an officer from Animal Control meet us there.”