Readers’ Group Questions
1. Do you have a family member that you are searching for?
2. Has the absence of a family member greatly impacted your life?
3. Jenise stayed in an abusive marriage because she felt God wanted her to. Do you believe that an abused woman should remain in her marriage because God hates divorce?
4. Do you feel that your local church has resources/ help for women who find themselves in abusive relationships?
5. After Rip and Semaj kidnapped Wayne, did you feel they had gone too far?
6. Do you believe that a woman can adequately raise a son without a man in his life?
7. How do you feel that your local church is dealing with the problem of young men who do not have fathers in their lives?
8. Ellen decided to call off her wedding because she felt Semaj was acting like a different person. Have you ever felt that someone you loved was changing? If so, how did you deal with that situation?
9. As Christians, we are expected to be strong and pray in the face of adversity, but Semaj did not. Have you ever been in a difficult situation and felt that before you turned to God you spiraled out of control?