From: AnneMarie
Subject: BALD DAY
Sent: 6 August 2003

Well, the day is about to dawn—my B Day. But not that one where I get presents and cake back on April 1st.

No, this is BALD Day.

On Saturday I will wake up with my sparklingly attractive 134 hairs on my head and by lunchtime I will have a shiny pate! That is assuming Ross Coco wields his shears cleanly. And I’ve borrowed one of granddaughter Madeleine Kate’s special ‘bald baby head elastics’ to make sure I am very fetching!

Saturday is Bluey Day—the day around Australia when some brave police and emergency services personnel shave their heads to raise money for children’s cancer research. To demonstrate my support for Bluey Day I have agreed to have my head shaved—and on TV!

I suddenly realised that this is it! This is the moment of courage for me when baring my head also means baring my soul and baring my identity as a person. I have to admit to a few tears and a real fear. Not only because finally the day of complete hair loss is here, but more because it had finally sunk in that I actually HAD a serious illness. Cancer becomes very real for me. By positively looking ahead every day and never even questioning the fact that I won’t be that disgraceful old 94-year-old, I needed this to jolt me into acknowledging how serious my situation was. I’m not dwelling on it, but sometimes I need that message to realise how very blessed I am.

And blessed I am!! I realise what a gift I have been given. I get to know I can be accepted and loved as me. I am empowered to be the very best person I can be and not be encumbered with my physical appearance—God knows, a bald, middle-aged woman with bad skin, mouth ulcers, stitched up boob and chest wall and a saggy tummy is hardly a page 3 girl!!!! And yet I am loved.

I have a chance to be me and, as scary as that is, I am looking forward to it. (Mind you, ask me how I feel about 6.30pm Saturday or on Monday morning heading off to work for the photo shoot I’m doing, hoping it’s not too cold! … the answer may be more tears.)

So if you’re walking down the street and spot a beautifully bald woman, it just could be me—and if not, she must be gorgeous too!!



PS Important Question: How far do I put my foundation on with no hairline?