Hello everyone!
Today I started my radiotherapy: one down, 32 to go. For the next seven weeks (three off days) I have radiotherapy each week day. The end seems like eons away, but so did chemo and I survived that.
By the second week in December this will be just a memory! I’ll then have two weeks until I finish work and get ready for the best Christmas of my life. Cancer-free, two of the most beautiful tiny girls in the world, family and friends. Don’t need Christmas presents with those gifts.
Radiotherapy seems pretty easy—lie on a bed, get zapped, get up from the bed. I understand it is very draining and by the end I will be very tired, but it helps that I can plan for that. I go at 3.30ish each day and then go home, so I can have a catnap and catch up on energy and still occasionally have that Christmas party night out!!!
In fact, after radiotherapy today I booked in for a Chinese massage—bliss. I felt that I needed to combine these two from the start so that I make sure I get the rest I need—and any excuse to lie down and relax!
The other good thing about radiotherapy is that it doesn’t make me sick. The joys of food are returning quickly. After 162 days of feeling sick to a greater or lesser degree, it is such a pleasure to eat my favourite foods again. In fact, to mark this new stage, I arrived home to find the bubbly was cold and a dozen plump oysters waiting. Pete had also cooked a roast dinner for us.
Now—if only I could lose the weight I’ve put on with chemo and get all the tufts of hair to gel together I’d be happy. Actually, I really am happy. I’m on the final stretch, and with your continued support (not long now) the time will fly and we’ll all be toasting 2004 with Moet.
Keep smiling