EBC. Edwin Booth Collection, Hampden-Booth Theatre Library, The Players Foundation for Theatre Education, Players Club, New York City
EBWP. Elihu B. Washburne Papers
EMSP. Edwin M. Stanton Papers
FL. Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine
GFP. Grant Family Papers
GMA. Grant Monument Association
GPL. Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi (S = Series; B = Box; F = Folder)
Grant, Memoirs. Ulysses S. Grant. Memoirs and Selected Letters. New York: Library of America, 1990.
HGP. Hamlin Garland Papers. Copies used for this book at Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library. Originals at Special Collections, Collection no. 0200, USC Libraries, University of Southern California
JHWP. James H. Wilson Papers
JSPP. James S. Pike Papers
Julia Grant, Memoirs. Julia Dent Grant. The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant. Edited by John Y. Simon. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975. Reprint.
LLP. Lloyd Lewis Papers
LoC. Library of Congress
LRGP. Lucretia Rudolph Garfield Papers
NL. Newberry Library
NYHS. New-York Historical Society
OEBP. Orville E. Babcock Papers
OR. War of the Rebellion . . . Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 128 vols. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880–1901.
PUSG. The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant. Edited by John Y. Simon et al. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967–2012.
Richardson, A Personal History. Albert D. Richardson. A Personal History of Ulysses S. Grant. Washington, D.C.: National Tribune, 1868.
SCP. Sylvanus Cadwallader Papers
Sheridan, Memoirs. Philip Henry Sheridan. Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army. 2 vols. New York: Charles L. Webster, 1888.
Sherman, Memoirs. William Tecumseh Sherman. Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman. New York: Library of America, 1990.
TNC. Thomas Nast Cartoons, Steven K. Yasinow Collection
USGA. Ulysses S. Grant Association
USGH. Ulysses S. Grant Homepage. Interviews.
USGP. Ulysses S. Grant Papers
Washburne, Biography. Mark Washburne. A Biography of Elihu Benjamin Washburne: Congressman, Secretary of State, Envoy Extraordinary. Vol. 2, Illinois Republican During the Civil War and the Rise of Ulysses S. Grant. N.p.: Xlibris Corporation, 2001.
WCCP. William Conant Church Papers
WFSP. William Farrar Smith Papers
Wilson, Rawlins. James Harrison Wilson. The Life of John A. Rawlins: Lawyer, Assistant Adjutant General, Chief of Staff, Major General of Volunteers, and Secretary of War. New York: Neale Publishing, 1916.
Young, Around the World. John Russell Young. Around the World with General Grant. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Reprint.
1. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 236.
2. Ibid., 235.
3. Grant, Memoirs, 1:5.
4. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 73.
5. The Saturday Evening Post, September 9, 1901.
6. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 165.
7. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
8. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 276; Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 140.
9. Twain, The Letters of Mark Twain, 3:261.
10. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 130-31.
11. Paine, “Mark Twain’s Letters.” Letter to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
12. Fowler, Patriotic Orations, 164–65.
13. USGA Newsletter, April 1964.
14. Wilentz, “The Return of Ulysses.”
15. Young, Around the World, 378.
16. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 464.
17. Keegan, The American Civil War, 124.
18. Ibid., 328.
19. Wilentz, “The Return of Ulysses.”
20. Woodward, “The Enigma of U. S. Grant.”
21. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
22. Ibid.
23. Wilentz, “The Return of Ulysses.”
24. Murthy, “Facing Addiction in the United States.”
1. USGA Newsletter, January 1971.
2. GPL. S2 B54 F36. Letter from Henry K. Hannah to Hamlin Garland, September 9, 1896.
3. Simon, “Ulysses S. Grant and the Jews.”
4. Grant, Memoirs, 1:17.
5. Grant, “The Early Life of Gen. Grant.”
6. Grant, Memoirs, 1:17.
7. Grant, “The Early Life of Gen. Grant.”
8. Dorsett, “The Problem of Ulysses S. Grant’s Drinking During the Civil War.”
9. Grant, Memoirs, 1:18.
10. Corum, Ulysses Underground, 41.
11. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 7.
12. Ibid., 1.
13. Grant, Memoirs, 1:19.
14. USGA Newsletter, October 1970.
15. White, American Ulysses, 20.
16. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 128–29.
17. Richardson, A Personal History, 58.
18. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 59–60.
19. Smith, Grant, 22.
20. New York Graphic, September 16, 1879.
21. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
22. GPL. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with W. E. Wade.” HGP.
23. The Castigator, February 27, 1827.
24. Ibid., January 15, 1828.
25. Grant, Memoirs, 1:30.
26. USGA Newsletter, October 1970.
27. The Castigator, September 25, 1832.
28. Donald, Lincoln, 129.
29. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 86.
30. GPL. S2 B54 F39. Letter from G. N. Merrymasher to Hamlin Garland. HGP.
31. Ibid. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with W. E. Wade.” HGP.
32. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 10.
33. USGA Newsletter, October 1970 & January 1971.
34. New York Graphic, September 16, 1879.
35. The Philadelphia Press, December 20, 1879.
36. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 9.
37. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:476.
38. Chicago Daily Tribune, November 1, 1879.
39. Burlington Free Press, July 29, 1885.
40. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 27, 1897.
41. Richardson, A Personal History, 48.
42. Corum, Ulysses Underground, 78.
43. The Philadelphia Press, December 20, 1879.
44. PUSG, 12:332. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 20, 1864.
45. Grant, Memoirs, 1:27.
46. PUSG, 15:329.
47. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 9.
48. Grant, Memoirs, 1:19.
49. USGA Newsletter, October 1970 & January 1971.
50. GPL. S2 B54 F35. Letter from Nathan Fenn to Julia Dent Grant. HGP.
51. Porter, “Personal Traits of General Grant.”
52. Simpson, “Butcher? Racist?”
53. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 14.
54. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 166.
55. Grant, “The Early Life of Gen. Grant.”
56. The Philadelphia Press, December 20, 1879.
57. USGA Newsletter, January 1971.
58. Grant, Memoirs, 1:26.
59. LoC. USGP. Series 4, Vol. 1. Original manuscript of Grant’s Memoirs.
60. Grant, Memoirs, 1:26–27.
61. USGA Newsletter, January 1971.
62. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 214.
63. Richardson, A Personal History, 60.
64. GPL. S2 B54 F12. Letter from Richard Dawson to Hamlin Garland, July 17, 1896. HGP.
65. White, American Ulysses, 22.
66. GPL. S2 B54 F3. “Interview with Jane Howard Chapman.” HGP.
67. Grant, Memoirs, 1:28.
68. PUSG, 1:3.
69. Ibid., 36. Letter to Julia Dent, August 31, 1844.
70. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
71. Richardson, A Personal History, 60.
1. Richardson, A Personal History, 66.
2. Grant, Memoirs, 1:29.
3. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 11.
4. Grant, Memoirs, 1:33.
5. PUSG, l:5. Letter to R. McKinstry Griffith, September 22, 1839.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid., 1:6.
8. Ibid., 6.
9. Foote, The Civil War, 1:701.
10. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
11. GPL. S2 B54 F12. “Interview with Fred Dent.” HGP.
12. Snell, From First to Last, 8.
13. White, American Ulysses, 41–42.
14. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
15. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 256.
16. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 342.
17. Young, Around the World, 378.
18. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
19. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 16.
20. Young, Around the World, 261.
21. Ibid., 433.
22. Ibid., 304.
23. Grant, Memoirs, 1:32.
24. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
25. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 28.
26. Ibid., 31.
27. Grant, Memoirs, 1:33.
28. Ibid., 33–34.
29. Ibid., 34.
30. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 24.
31. Fry, “An Acquaintance with Grant.”
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.
34. McFeely, Grant, 16.
35. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 401.
36. Grant, Memoirs, 1:35.
37. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
38. Grant, Memoirs, 1:39.
39. Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, 5.
40. GPL. S2 B54 F13. “Interview with Julia Dent Grant.” HGP.
41. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
42. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 17–18.
43. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 33.
44. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
45. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 39.
46. Farmer, National Exposition Souvenir, 58.
47. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 37.
48. Ibid., 35–36.
49. Ibid., 34–35.
50. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
51. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
52. Farmer, National Exposition Souvenir, 59.
53. Pryor, My Day, 379.
54. Farmer, National Exposition Souvenir, 59.
55. Saratoga Daily Advertiser, April 27, 1893.
56. USGH. “Interview with Julia Dent Grant.”
57. McFeely, Grant, 24.
58. Los Angeles Times, February 23, 1896, and Julia Grant, Memoirs, 42.
59. GPL. S2 B5 F20. Los Angeles Times, February 23, 1896, and Julia Grant, Memoirs, 34.
60. Taussig, “Personal Recollections of General Grant.”
61. USGH. “Interview with Eliza Shaw.”
62. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
63. Ibid.
64. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
65. St. Louis Republican, July 24, 1885.
66. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
67. Ibid.
68. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 50.
69. Ibid., 49.
1. Stahr, Seward, 96.
2. Grant, Memoirs, 1:41.
3. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 51.
4. GPL. S2 B54 F29. “Conversations with Grant” by John Russell Young. HGP.
5. PUSG, 1:28. Letter to Mrs. George B. Bailey, June 6, 1844.
6. Ibid., 40. Letter to Julia Dent, January 12, 1845.
7. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin’.”
8. Berkin, Civil War Wives, 232.
9. PUSG, 1:44. Letter to Julia Dent, May 6, 1845.
10. Grant, Memoirs, 1:50.
11. PUSG, 1:48. Letter to Julia Dent, July 6, 1845.
12. Ibid., 50. Letter to Julia Dent, July 11, 1845.
13. Ibid., 53. Letter to Julia Dent, September 14, 1845.
14. Ibid., 57. Letter to Julia Dent, October 10, 1845.
15. Sherman, Memoirs, 105.
16. Greenberg, A Wicked War, 99.
17. Grant, Memoirs, 1:95.
18. Girardi, Civil War Generals, 68.
19. PUSG, 31:65. Letter to Thomas H. Taylor, September 19, 1883.
20. “General Grant and the South.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
21. Ibid.
22. USGH. “Interview with J. D. Elderkin.” HGP.
23. GPL. S2 B54 F27. Letter from Jesse R. Grant to Thomas L. Hamer, April 20, 1846. HGP.
24. Shapiro, Shakespeare in America, xix.
25. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 49.
26. Shapiro, Shakespeare in America, xix.
27. Young, Around the World, 376–77.
28. PUSG, 1:71. Letter to Julia Dent, February 5, 1846.
29. Ibid., 81. Letter to Julia Dent, April 20, 1846.
30. Grant, Memoirs, 1:66.
31. Smith, Grant, 48.
32. PUSG, 1:96. Letter to John W. Lowe, June 26, 1846.
33. Ibid., 85. Letter to Julia Dent, May 11, 1846.
34. Smith, Grant, 339.
35. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
36. Grant, Memoirs, 1:68.
37. Ibid., 69.
38. PUSG, 1:87. Letter to Julia Dent, May 11, 1846.
39. Young, Around the World, 246.
40. PUSG, 1:91. Letter to Julia Dent, June 5, 1846.
41. Ibid., 102. Letter to Julia Dent, July 25, 1846.
42. Ibid., 97. Letter to John W. Lowe, June 26, 1846.
43. Ibid., 106–7. Letter to Bvt. Col. John Garland, August 1846. [n.d.]
44. USGH. “Interview with J. D. Elderkin.” HGP.
45. PUSG, 1:121. Letter from Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Hamer to a friend [Dec. 1846].
46. Ibid., 105. Letter to Julia Dent, August 14, 1846.
47. Grant, Memoirs, 1:76.
48. Smith, Grant, 55.
49. Simpson, “Butcher? Racist?”
50. Smith, Grant, 55.
51. Grant, Memoirs, 1:78.
52. Ibid., 81–82.
53. Ibid., 82.
54. PUSG, 1:117. Letter to Julia Dent, November 7, 1846.
55. Ibid.
56. GPL. S2 B54 F43. “Interview with Chilton A. White.” HGP.
57. Grant, Memoirs, 1:83.
58. Smith, Grant, 59.
59. Grant, Memoirs, 1:83.
60. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 193.
61. Grant, Memoirs, 1:94.
62. PUSG, 1:128. Letter to Julia Dent, February 25, 1847.
63. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 117.
64. Grant, Memoirs, 1:87.
65. PUSG, 1:129. Letter to Julia Dent, April 3, 1847.
66. Greenberg, A Wicked War, 208.
67. USGA Newsletter, January 1971.
68. Grant, Report of the First Reunion, 41.
69. PUSG, 1:131. Letter to Julia Dent, April 24, 1847.
70. Ibid., 132.
71. Ibid., 145. Letter to Addressee Unknown, September 12, 1847.
72. Ibid., 144. Letter to Addressee Unknown, August 22, 1847.
73. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 141.
74. PUSG, 1:143. Letter to Addressee Unknown, August 22, 1847.
75. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 315.
76. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
77. Grant, Memoirs, 1:104.
78. USGH. “Interview with J. D. Elderkin.” HGP.
79. GPL. S2 B54 F41. Letter from Major Edwin A. Sherman to Edward J. Wheeler, October 6, 1908. HGP.
80. PUSG, 11:298. Letter from Bvt. Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott to Elihu B. Washburne, July 2, 1864.
81. Grant, Memoirs, 1:106.
82. Ibid., 109.
83. PUSG, 1:183. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. Roger Jones, January 14, 1850.
84. Young, Men and Memories, 2:474.
85. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 155.
86. Pryor, Reading the Man, 167.
87. New York World, July 5, 1881.
88. Grant, Memoirs, 1:111.
89. PUSG, 1:146. Letter to Julia Dent, September 1847.
90. Ibid., 147.
91. Grant, Memoirs, 1:112.
92. PUSG, 1:149. Letter to Julia Dent, January 9, 1848.
93. Grant, Memoirs, 1:119.
94. Ibid., 120.
95. PUSG, 1:157. Letter to Julia Dent, May 7, 1848.
96. GPL. S2 B54 F13. “Interview with J. D. Elderkin.” HGP.
97. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 44–45.
98. GPL. S2 B4 F10. Letter from Tekones Rowe [John Rowe?] to his wife, May 12, 1848.
99. Ibid., S2 B24 F12. Letter from Richard Dawson to Hamlin Garland, July 17, 1896. HGP.
100. Grant, Memoirs, 1:129.
101. Foner, Fiery Trial, 52.
102. Grant, Memoirs, 1:42.
103. Foner, Fiery Trial, 53.
1. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 80.
2. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
3. Casey, “When Grant Went a-Courtin.’”
4. Ross, The General’s Wife, 45.
5. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 33.
6. GPL. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with Samuel Simpson.” HGP.
7. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
8. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
9. GPL. S2 B21 F8. LLP.
10. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
11. Ross, The General’s Wife, 48.
12. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 56.
13. Ibid., 57.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid., 58.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Richardson, A Personal History, 110.
19. The New York Times Book Review, July 1, 2012.
20. Smith, Grant, 75.
21. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
22. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 85.
23. USGH. “Interview with Colonel James E. Pitman.” WCCP.
24. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
25. Ibid.
26. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 68.
27. USGH. “Interview with Colonel James E. Pitman.” WCCP.
28. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 51.
29. USGH. “Interview with Colonel James E. Pitman.” WCCP.
30. GPL. S2 B54 F8. “Interview with Silas Farmer.” HGP.
31. PUSG, 1:194. Letter to Bvt. Maj. Oscar F. Winship, June 14, 1850.
32. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 52.
33. USGH. “Interview with Colonel James E. Pitman.” WCCP.
34. Ibid.
35. Richardson, A Personal History, 119.
36. PUSG, 1:206–7. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 7, 1851.
37. Ibid., 212. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 22, 1851.
38. Ibid., 223. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 3, 1851.
39. Ibid., 215. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 29, 1851.
40. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 53.
41. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
42. Okrent, Last Call, 9.
43. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 87.
44. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
45. Ross, The General’s Wife, 68.
46. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 69.
47. Ibid., 71.
48. Ibid.
49. PUSG, 1:243. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 1, 1852.
50. LoC. WCCP. Box 2. “Interview with H. C. Hodges.”
51. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 93.
52. PUSG, 1:248. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 15, 1852.
53. GPL. S2 B5 F27–28. Undated obituary of Ulysses S. Grant Jr.
54. McFeely, Grant, 47.
55. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
56. Ohio Daily Journal, January 27, 1880.
57. Grant, Memoirs, 1:131.
58. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
59. Grant, Memoirs, 1:131.
60. Ibid., 132.
61. Lewis, “Reminiscences of Delia B. Sheffield.”
62. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
63. PUSG, 1:253. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 9, 1852.
64. Ibid., 252.
65. Ibid., 288. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 15, 1853.
66. San Francisco Chronicle, October 6, 1879.
67. PUSG, 1:257. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 20, 1852.
68. Ibid., 257–58.
69. Grant, Memoirs, 1:135.
70. PUSG, 1:267. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 19, 1852.
71. Ibid., 279. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, January 3, 1853.
72. Allen and Boskey, “The Aftereffects of Alcoholism.”
73. GPL. S2 B54 F10. “Interview with General A. G. Smith.” HGP.
74. Ibid. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Julia Dent Grant.” HGP.
75. PUSG, 1:268. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 7, 1852.
76. Stahr, Seward, 138.
77. PUSG, 1:270. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 26, 1852.
78. Ibid., 286. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, January 29, 1853.
79. USGH. “Interview with J. D. Elderkin.” HGP.
80. Lewis, “Reminiscences of Delia B. Sheffield.”
81. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
82. PUSG, 1:307. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 13, 1853.
83. GPL. S2 B54 F30. Letter from Thomas M. Anderson, November 25, 1897. HGP.
84. PUSG, 1:296. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 19, 1853.
85. GPL. S2 B54 F41. Letter from Major Edwin A. Sherman to Edward J. Wheeler, October 6, 1908. HGP.
86. PUSG, 1:300. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 20, 1853.
87. Lewis, “Reminiscences of Delia B. Sheffield.”
88. Ellington, The Trial of U. S. Grant, 122.
89. Smith, Grant, 638.
90. GPL. S2 B4 F10. Letter from Henry C. Hodges to William C. Church, January 5, 1876. WCCP.
91. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 58.
92. Lewis, “Reminiscences of Delia B. Sheffield.”
93. GPL. S2 B24 F15. “Interview with General Robert Macfeely.” HGP.
94. Ellington, The Trial of U. S. Grant, 168.
95. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 101.
96. PUSG, 1:288. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 15, 1853.
1. PUSG, 1:315. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, January 18, 1854.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid., 316. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 2, 1854.
4. Ibid., 317.
5. Ibid., 316.
6. Ibid., 320. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 6, 1854.
7. Ibid., 321.
8. Ellington, The Trial of U. S. Grant, 151.
9. Shields, “General Grant at Fort Humboldt in the Early Days.”
10. Ibid.
11. GPL. S2 B54 F39. Letter from Stephen L. Merchant to Hamlin Garland, December 27, 1896. HGP.
12. Shields, “General Grant at Fort Humboldt in the Early Days.”
13. Ellington, The Trial of U. S. Grant, 133.
14. Shields, “General Grant at Fort Humboldt in the Early Days.”
15. GPL. S2 B24 F14. “Interview with General Henry Heth.” HGP.
16. LoC. WCCP. Box 2. “Interview with W. I. Reed.”
17. Grant, Memoirs, 1:141.
18. PUSG, 1:323. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 6, 1854.
19. Ibid.
20. Smith, Grant, 88.
21. GPL. S2 B54 F7. “Interview with General Augustus Chetlain.” HGP.
22. LoC. WCCP. Box 2. Letter from Col. Granville O. Haller to William Conant Church. [n.d.]
23. GPL. S2 B54 F9. Letter from Ben Perley Poore to Hamlin Garland, August 1, 1885. HGP.
24. Ibid. S2 B4 F9–11. Letter from Thomas M. Anderson to Gen. Charles King, January 20, 1915.
25. Ibid. S2 B4 F10. Letter from Henry C. Hodges to William C. Church, January 5, 1876. WCCP.
26. Ibid. S2 B54 F30. Letter from Thomas M. Anderson to Hamlin Garland. August 15, 1896. HGP.
27. Ibid.
28. Morgan, “From City Point to Appomattox with General Grant.”
29. Wilson, Rawlins, 18.
30. Woodward, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War, 520. Diary entry for January 1, 1864.
31. PUSG, 1:330–31. Letter from Jesse Grant to Jefferson Davis, June 21, 1854.
32. McFeely, Grant, 56.
33. Ross, The General’s Wife, 75.
34. Ibid.
35. “Mrs. U. S. Grant Sinking.” Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 14, 1902.
36. Young, Around the World, 378.
37. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
38. Richardson, A Personal History, 135.
39. Ellington, The Trial of U. S. Grant, 163.
40. Shields, “General Grant at Fort Humboldt in the Early Days.”
41. PUSG, 1:332. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 2, 1854.
42. Grant, Memoirs, 1:139.
43. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Julia Dent Grant.” HGP.
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid. S2 B25 F13. “Interview with Major Elderkin.” HGP.
46. Garland, “Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts.”
47. “New Story of Grant.” The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, December 13, 1896.
48. Stahr, Seward, 144.
49. PUSG, 32:11–12. Letter to Thomas H. Stevens, June 13, 1854.
50. Ibid., 1:305. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 28, 1853.
51. GPL. S2 B54 F33. Letter from Walter B. Camp to Hamlin Garland, October 17, 1896. HGP.
52. USGH. “Interview with Simon Bolivar Buckner.” HGP.
53. Ranney, The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, 346.
54. Corum, Ulysses Underground, 240.
55. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 41.
56. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 36.
57. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Dent Grant.” HGP.
58. McFeely, Grant, 56–57.
59. Ibid., 57.
60. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 76.
61. Ibid.
62. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
63. GPL. S2 B54 F34. Letter from G. W. Fishback to Hamlin Garland, March 7, 1895. HGP.
64. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 78.
65. Garland, “Grant’s Life in Missouri.”
66. USGA Newsletter, January 21, 1971.
67. Richardson, A Personal History, 140.
68. Taussig, “Personal Recollections of General Grant.”
69. Ibid.
70. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 78.
71. Grant, Memoirs, 1:141.
72. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 79.
73. USGH. “Interview with Julia Grant.”
74. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 75.
75. St. Louis Republican, July 24, 1885.
76. Grant, “General Grant’s Son Speaks of His Father.”
77. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
78. Grant, “General Grant’s Son Speaks of His Father.”
79. St. Louis Republican, July 24, 1885.
80. Grant, “My Father as I Knew Him.”
81. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
82. Watrous, “Grant as His Son Saw Him.”
83. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 162.
84. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
85. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 162.
86. GPL. S2 B5 F27–28. Undated obituary for Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.
87. Ross, The General’s Wife, 139.
88. Smith, Grant, 92.
89. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 44.
90. GPL. S2 B54 F37. Letter from Jesse A. Jones to Hamlin Garland, March 16, 1896.
91. St. Louis Republican, July 24, 1885.
92. Smith, Grant, 91.
93. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 43.
94. USGH. “Interview with James Longstreet.”
95. Ibid.
96. PUSG, 1:335. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, December 28, 1856.
97. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 68.
98. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 91.
99. Grant, Memoirs, 1:150.
100. Young, Around the World, 284.
101. Fish, “General Grant.”
102. McFeely, Grant, 68.
103. Grant, Memoirs, 1:143.
104. Goodheart, 1861, 65.
105. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 181.
106. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 71.
107. Ibid., 67.
108. Ross, The General’s Wife, 96.
109. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 107.
110. Garland, “Grant’s Life in Missouri.”
111. GPL. S2 B54 F12. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
112. Simpson, “Butcher? Racist?”
113. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
114. PUSG, 1:337. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, February 7, 1857.
115. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 162.
116. Ross, The General’s Wife, 93.
117. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 80.
118. GPL. S2 B54 F12. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
119. Grant, Memoirs, 2:473.
120. “How Grant Got to Know Rawlins.” Army and Navy Journal, September 12, 1868.
121. GPL. S2 B24 F12. “Interview with Mrs. Baker.” HGP.
122. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 80.
123. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.”
124. Garland, “Grant’s Life in Missouri”; USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.”
125. GPL. S2 B54 F12. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.” HGP.
126. Ibid.
127. Wickenden, “Union Man.”
128. Garland, “Grant’s Life in Missouri.”
129. McFeely, Grant, 68–69.
130. Young, Around the World, 375.
131. Richardson, A Personal History, 155.
132. The Macon [Missouri], January 24, 1917.
133. Ross, The General’s Wife, 96.
134. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.”
135. PUSG, 1:346. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, March 12, 1859.
136. Ibid., 347. “Manumission of Slave,” March 29, 1859.
137. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 52.
138. USGH. “Interview with Mary Robinson.”
139. Taussig, “Personal Recollections of General Grant.”
140. “Chat in Public Resorts.” New York Tribune, August 2, 1885.
141. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 326.
142. Grant, Memoirs, 1:142.
143. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 482.
144. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 58.
145. Donald, Lincoln, 169.
146. Grant, Memoirs, 1:142.
147. Foote, The Civil War, 1:31.
148. Grant, Memoirs, 1:19.
149. Garland, “Grant’s Life in Missouri.”
150. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 82.
151. GPL. S2 B54 F25. “Interview with George W. Fishback.”
152. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 82.
153. PUSG, 1:355. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 14, 1860.
154. GPL. S2 B5 F13. Letter from Jesse Root Grant to James G. Wilson, March 20, 1869.
155. Ibid. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with Andrew M. Haines.” HGP.
1. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 83.
2. The Revolution, March 3, 1869.
3. Chicago Inter-Ocean, November 4, 1879.
4. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 84.
5. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
6. Grant, “My Father as I Knew Him.”
7. USGH. “Interview with Melancthon T. Burke.”
8. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
9. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
10. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 31.
11. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 217.
12. PUSG, 1:359. Letter to Addressee Unknown, December 1860.
13. GPL. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with Andrew M. Haines.” HGP.
14. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
15. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
16. GPL. S2 B21 F5. Letter from Lawrence E. Blair to Lloyd Lewis, May 27, 1945. LLP.
17. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Grant, In the Days of My Father, 10–11.
21. GPL. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with Melancthon T. Burke.” HGP.
22. Ibid. S2 B21 F5. Letter from Lawrence E. Blair to Lloyd Lewis, May 21, 1945. LLP.
23. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 84.
24. Ibid., 73–74.
25. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 74.
26. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 204.
27. USGH. “Interview with Melancthon T. Burke.”
28. Washburne, Biography, 491.
29. Goodheart, 1861, 39.
30. USGA Newsletter, July 1964.
31. Grant, Memoirs, 1:144.
32. Richardson, A Personal History, 166.
33. PUSG, 1:357. Letter to Mr. Davis, August 7, 1860.
34. Grant, Memoirs, 1:144.
35. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
36. Ibid. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with M. T. Burke.” HGP.
37. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 86.
38. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 115.
39. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
40. “How Grant Got to Know Rawlins.” Army and Navy Journal, September 12, 1868.
41. Grant, Memoirs, 1:145.
42. Stahr, Seward, 211.
43. Grant, Memoirs, 1:146.
44. PUSG, 32:17. Letter to Charles W. Ford, December 10, 1860.
45. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
46. Catton, The Coming Fury, 314.
47. GPL. S2 B54 F10. “Interview with M. T. Johnson.” HGP.
48. PUSG, 32:145. Letter from Jesse Root Grant to Salmon P. Chase, February 28, 1861.
49. Foner, Fiery Trial, 155.
50. Catton, The Coming Fury, 260.
51. New York Herald, July 2, 1878.
52. Goodheart, 1861, 177.
53. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 76.
54. McFeely, Grant, 73.
55. Young, Around the World, 375.
56. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Interview with Julia Grant.” HGP.
57. Farmer, National Exposition Souvenir, 59.
58. Catton, Grant Moves South, 487–88.
59. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
60. Wilson, Rawlins, 46.
61. Richardson, A Personal History, 170.
62. Ibid.
63. Ferrier, “Memoir,” 23.
64. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
65. Richardson, A Personal History, 171.
66. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 68; Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
67. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
68. USGH. “Interview with Augustus Chetlain.”
69. PUSG, 2:3–4. Letter to Frederick Dent, April 19, 1861.
70. Ibid., 7. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, April 21, 1861.
71. Richardson, A Personal History, 173.
72. Ferrier, “Memoir,” 23.
73. Chetlain, “Reminiscences of General Grant.”
74. “How Grant Got to Know Rawlins.” Army and Navy Journal, September 12, 1868.
75. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
76. PUSG, 2:9. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 27, 1861.
77. Ibid., 13–14. Letter to Mary Grant, April 29, 1861.
78. GPL. S2 B54 F23. Letter from M. T. Burke to Hamlin Garland, September 26, 1896. HGP.
79. McCullough, Greater Journey, 278.
80. Foner, Fiery Trial, 6.
81. GPL. S2 B54 F7. “Talk by General Augustus Chetlain.” HGP.
82. Washburne, Biography, 27.
83. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 82.
84. USGH. “Interview with John Russell Young.”
85. PUSG, 2:21. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, May 6, 1861.
86. Grant, Memoirs, 1:157.
87. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
88. McFeely, Grant, 74.
89. PUSG, 2:24. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 6, 1861.
1. USGH. “Interview with Mary Robinson.”
2. PUSG, 2:31. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 15, 1861.
3. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 67.
4. USGH. “Interview with Louisa Boggs.”
5. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 87.
6. Young, Around the World, 388–89.
7. Ibid., 390.
8. Smith, Grant, 105.
9. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
10. The St. Louis Times, August 5, 1874.
11. Galena Daily Advertiser, May 31, 1861.
12. PUSG, 2:37. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, May 30, 1861.
13. Ibid., 35. Letter to Bvt. Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, May 24, 1861.
14. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 92.
15. “Grant’s Only War Speech.” New York Tribune, September 27, 1885.
16. Ibid.
17. GPL. S2 B54 F10. “Interview with S. S. Boggs.” HGP.
18. Richardson, A Personal History, 178.
19. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 84.
20. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
21. GPL. S2 B54 F10. “Interview with S. S. Boggs.” HGP.
22. “Grant’s Only War Speech.” New York Tribune, September 27, 1885.
23. Garland, “Grant at the Outbreak of the War.”
24. Smith, Grant, 111.
25. Moore, “Grant’s First March.”
26. PUSG, 2:59. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 7, 1861.
27. Ibid., 62. “General Orders No. 24,” July 9, 1861.
28. Ibid., 60. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 7, 1861.
29. Crane, “Grant as a Colonel.”
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. GPL. S2 B24 F14. “Interview with Captain Ed Garland.”
33. Grant, Memoirs, 1:163.
34. Ibid., 164.
35. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 182.
36. Stahr, Seward, 300.
37. New York Herald, July 6, 1878.
38. PUSG, 2:83. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 3, 1861.
39. Crane, “Grant as a Colonel.”
40. Ibid.
41. PUSG, 2:81. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, August 3, 1861.
42. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
43. Catton, Grant Moves South, 20.
44. PUSG, 2:105. Letter to Mary Grant, August 12, 1861.
45. Ibid.
46. Thayer, “Grant at Pilot Knob.”
47. Young, Around the World, 264.
48. Thayer, “Grant at Pilot Knob.”
49. PUSG, 2:97. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 10, 1861.
50. Ibid., 128. Letter to Capt. Speed Butler, August 22, 1861.
51. Grant, Memoirs, 1:170.
52. Ibid., 171.
53. Smith, Grant, 117.
54. Thayer, “Grant at Pilot Knob.”
55. PUSG, 2:149. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 29, 1861.
56. Young, Around the World, 376.
57. Richardson, A Personal History, 183.
58. Grant, Memoirs, 1:173.
59. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 85.
60. Grant, Memoirs, 1:174.
61. Catton, Grant Moves South, 52.
62. Ibid., 4.
63. Wilson, Rawlins, 428–29.
64. Crane, “Grant as a Colonel.”
65. LoC. JHWP. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary Rawlins, August 22, 1861.
66. Ibid. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary Emma Rawlins, February 13, 1864.
67. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Worlds, 74.
68. GPL. S2 B21 F18. “Statement of Edward Rawlins.” LLP.
69. Wilson, Rawlins, 24–25.
70. PUSG, 2:207. “General Orders No. 5,” September 8, 1861.
71. GPL. S2 B10 F66. “John A. Rawlins.” Pledge signed October 14, 1862.
72. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 279.
73. “Gen. Grant’s Morality.” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 27, 1887.
74. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 119–120.
75. Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
76. GPL. S2 B24 F16. “Interview with Lieutenant Frank Parker.” HGP.
77. “How Grant Got to Know Rawlins.” Army and Navy Journal, September 12, 1868.
78. Washburne, Biography, 63.
1. Foner, Fiery Trial, 169.
2. Foote, The Civil War, 1:53.
3. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 138.
4. Grant, Memoirs, 1:175.
5. PUSG, 2:194. “Proclamation, to the Citizens of Paducah!,” September 6, 1861.
6. GPL. S2 B54 F9. “Interview with A. H. Markland.” HGP.
7. PUSG, 3:23. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 6, 1861.
8. Ibid., 2:214. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 8, 1861.
9. Ibid.
10. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 95.
11. PUSG, 5:8. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 3, 1862.
12. Ibid., 3:64. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 20, 1861.
13. Smith, Grant, 127.
14. PUSG, 3:137. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, November 8, 1861.
15. Richardson, A Personal History, 191.
16. Ibid.
17. Grant, Memoirs, 1:180.
18. Ibid., 82–83.
19. GPL. S2 B54 F5. “Interview with William Lonergan.” HGP.
20. Grant, Memoirs, 1:185.
21. Ibid., 184.
22. Catton, Grant Moves South, 79–80.
23. PUSG, 3:130. “Orders,” November 8, 1861.
24. McFeely, Grant, 93.
25. Wilson, Rawlins, 66.
26. Smith, Grant, 130.
27. McFeely, Grant, 95.
28. Richardson, A Personal History, 200.
29. Young, Around the World, 391.
30. Catton, Terrible Swift Sword, 68.
31. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 93.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. PUSG, 3:212. Letter to Capt. John C. Kelton, November 22, 1861.
36. Ibid., 4:47. Letter to Brig. Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, January 13, 1862.
37. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 106.
38. PUSG, 3:76. Letter to Mary Grant, October 25, 1861.
39. Ibid., 226–27. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, November 27, 1861.
40. Ibid., 238–39. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, November 29, 1861.
41. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 132–33.
42. Ibid., 133.
43. McPherson, Tried by War, 27.
44. PUSG, 3:228. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, November 27, 1861.
45. Ibid., 209. Letter to Capt. John C. Kelton, November 21, 1861.
46. Ibid., 4:111. Dispatch from Cairo, January 12, 1862.
47. Ibid., 110. Letter to Capt. William J. Kountz, January 29, 1862.
48. Ibid., 112.
49. Ibid., 113.
50. GPL. S2 B54 F5. “Interview with Charles Galligher.” HGP.
51. LoC. EBWP. Box 20. Letter from William Bross to Secretary of War Simon Cameron, December 30, 1861.
52. Chicago Sunday Tribune Magazine, January 14, 1962.
53. Ibid.
54. Ibid.
55. Washburne, Biography, 94.
56. Ibid.
57. PUSG, 4:116. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Elihu B. Washburne, December 30, 1861.
58. Ibid., 117.
59. Ibid., 118.
60. Richardson, A Personal History, 188.
61. PUSG, 4:277. Letter from William R. Rowley to Elihu B. Washburne, January 30, 1862.
62. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 96.
63. Berner, Mrs. Leland Stanford, 35.
64. PUSG, 4:96. Letter to Mary Grant, January 23,1862.
65. Ibid., 91. Letter from Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith to Capt. John A. Rawlins, January 22, 1862.
66. “General Rawlins’ Address.” Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, 1877.
67. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 192.
68. Catton, Grant Moves South, 124.
69. Grant, Memoirs, 1:190.
70. PUSG, 27:17. Letter to Gen. William T. Sherman, January 29, 1876.
71. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 116.
72. PUSG, 4:99. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 28, 1862.
73. Ibid., 104. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 30, 1862.
74. McPherson, Tried by War, 63.
75. Ibid.
76. Ibid., 69.
77. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 43.
78. McPherson, Tried by War, 69.
79. PUSG, 4:122. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 31, 1862.
80. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 245.
81. Catton, Grant Moves South, 138.
82. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 111.
83. Smith, Grant, 144.
84. Grant, Memoirs, 1:191.
85. PUSG, 4:149. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 4, 1862.
86. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 43.
87. Smith, Grant, 121.
88. Richardson, A Personal History, 201.
89. Chetlain, “Reminiscences of General Grant.”
90. PUSG, 32:160. Letter from Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith to his wife, March 1863. [n.d.]
91. Ibid., 4:151. “Field Orders No. 1,” February 5, 1862.
92. White, “Civil War Diary of Patrick H. White.”
93. Catton, Terrible Swift Sword, 151.
94. Ibid.
95. Smith, Grant, 147.
96. McClellan, The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan, 172.
97. Smith, Grant, 148.
98. McPherson, War on the Waters, 75–76.
99. Smith, Grant, 149.
100. McFeely, Grant, 98.
101. PUSG, 4:193–94. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, February 8, 1862.
102. Ibid., 193. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, February 11, 1862.
103. Ibid., 179. Letter to Mary Grant, February 9, 1862.
104. Grant, Memoirs, 1:197.
1. PUSG, 4:273. Letter to Orvil L. Grant, February 22, 1862.
2. Grant, Memoirs, 1:196.
3. PUSG, 4:180. Letter to Mary Grant, February 9, 1862.
4. Ibid., 182. Letter from Flag Officer Andrew H. Foote, February 11, 1862.
5. McFeely, Grant, 99.
6. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 113.
7. PUSG, 4:195. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, February 12, 1862.
8. Ibid., 203. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 13, 1862.
9. White, “Civil War Diary of Patrick H. White.”
10. Foote, The Civil War, 1:195.
11. Ibid., 203.
12. Grant, Memoirs, 1:203.
13. Ibid., 206.
14. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
15. Grant, Memoirs, 1:204.
16. Catton, Grant Moves South, 165.
17. McFeely, Grant, 100.
18. Catton, Grant Moves South, 166.
19. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 115.
20. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 65.
21. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
22. Catton, Grant Moves South, 167.
23. Grant, Memoirs, 1:205.
24. Ibid., 206.
25. Catton, Grant Moves South, 173.
26. Simpson, “Butcher? Racist?”
27. McFeely, Grant, 104.
28. Smith, Grant, 161.
29. Foote, The Civil War, 1:211.
30. Catton, Grant Moves South, 174–75.
31. PUSG, 4:218. Letter to Brig. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, February 16, 1862.
32. “General Rawlins’ Address.” Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, 1877.
33. PUSG, 4:218. Letter from Brig. Gen. Simon B. Buckner, February 16, 1862.
34. USGH. “Interview with Simon Bolivar Buckner.” HGP.
35. Simon, “Grant at Belmont.”
36. Grant, Memoirs, 1:212.
37. USGH. “Interview with Simon Bolivar Buckner.” HGP.
38. Catton, Grant Moves South, 182.
39. New York Tribune, February 22, 1862.
40. Ibid., 229. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 16, 1862.
41. Ibid., 264. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, February 21, 1862.
42. Young, Around the World, 6
43. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 55.
44. Catton, Grant Moves South, 179–80.
45. The New York Times, February 25, 1862.
46. Foote, The Civil War, 1:214.
47. Ibid.
48. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 381.
49. Parker, The Life of General Ely S. Parker, 136–37.
50. Taussig, “Personal Recollections of General Grant.”
51. PUSG, 4:222. Letter from Col. James B. McPherson, February 21, 1862.
52. Washburne, Biography, 101.
53. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 119.
54. Burlingame, With Lincoln in the White House, 69.
55. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 427.
56. PUSG, 4:271. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 22, 1862.
57. Ibid., 284. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 24, 1862.
58. Keegan, The American Civil War, 161.
59. Grant, Memoirs, 1:214.
60. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 68.
61. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 93.
62. PUSG, 4:257. Letter to Brig. Gen. George W. Cullum, February 21, 1862.
63. Ibid., 320. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, March 3, 1862.
64. Ibid. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, March 4, 1862.
65. Ibid. Telegram from Gen. George B. McClellan to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 3, 1862.
66. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 123.
67. PUSG, 11:231. Letter from Charles A. Dana to John A. Rawlins, July 13, 1864.
68. GPL. S2 B6 F14. From Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton.
69. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 150.
70. PUSG, 4:319. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 4, 1862; Smith, Grant, 178.
71. Ibid., 331. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 7, 1862.
72. GPL. S2 B54 F18. “Interview with John M. Thayer.” HGP.
73. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
74. Grant, Memoirs, 1:221.
75. PUSG, 4:338. Letter from Brig. Gen. John A. McClernand et al., March 9, 1862.
76. GPL. S2 B24 F15. “Interview with Mr. McDonald.” HGP.
77. Sherman, Memoirs, 966.
78. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 375.
79. Sherman, “General Sherman’s Opinion of General Grant.”
80. GPL. S2 B4 F10. Letter from William T. Sherman to Col. John Eaton Tourtellotte, February 4, 1887.
81. McPherson, “The Bloody Partnership.”
82. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 462.
83. Ibid., 460.
84. Smith, Grant, 15.
85. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
86. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 193–94.
87. PUSG, 4:355. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 13, 1862.
88. Ibid., 306. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 1, 1862.
1. Grant, Memoirs, 1:222.
2. PUSG, 4:348–49. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 11, 1862.
3. Ibid., 375. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 15, 1862.
4. Grant, Memoirs, 1:221.
5. Wilson, Rawlins, 80.
6. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
7. Grant, Memoirs, 1:239.
8. PUSG, 4:400. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 21, 1862.
9. Foote, The Civil War, 1:325.
10. PUSG, 5:7. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 3, 1862.
11. Ibid., 9. Letter to Brig. Gen. William T. Sherman, April 4, 1862.
12. Grant, Memoirs, 1:224.
13. PUSG, 5:14. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, April 5, 1862.
14. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 187.
15. PUSG, 5:14. Letter from Brig. Gen. William T. Sherman, April 5, 1862.
16. Catton, Grant Moves South, 220–21.
17. Foote, The Civil War, 1:169.
18. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 187.
19. “General Rawlins’ Address.” Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, 1877.
20. Young, Around the World, 390.
21. Wilson, Rawlins, 90.
22. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 409.
23. GPL. S2 B4 F9. Letter from W. R. Rowley to E. Hempstead, April 19, 1862.
24. White, “Civil War Diary of Patrick H. White.”
25. Ibid.
26. GPL. S2 B4 F10. Letter from Mrs. W. H. Cherry to T. M. Hurst, December 6, 1892.
27. USGA Newsletter, January 1964.
28. PUSG, 6:275. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, November 7, 1862.
29. USGA Newsletter, January 1964.
30. Ibid.
31. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 131.
32. Catton, Grant Moves South, 230.
33. Grant, Memoirs, 1:228.
34. Sherman, Memoirs, 917.
35. PUSG, 7:29. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, December 14, 1862.
36. Wilson, Rawlins, 87.
37. PUSG, 18:193. Letter from Brig. Gen. Lewis Wallace, February 28, 1868.
38. Grant, Memoirs, 1:241.
39. Chetlain, “Reminiscences of General Grant.”
40. White, “Civil War Diary of Patrick H. White.”
41. Wilson, Rawlins, 88.
42. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 133.
43. “New York: High Honors Paid to Gen. Grant by the Lotos Club.” Chicago Daily Tribune, November 21, 1880.
44. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 412.
45. PUSG, 5:111. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 4, 1862.
46. Foreman, A World on Fire, 245.
47. Grant, Memoirs, 1:234.
48. Grant, “My Father as I Knew Him.”
49. Smith, Grant, 201.
50. Richardson, A Personal History, 243.
51. Sherman, Memoirs, 259–60.
52. Grant, Memoirs, 1:235.
53. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 58.
54. Foote, The Civil War, 1:350.
55. LoC. USGP. Container 10.2, Reel 3. Letter from William S. Hillyer to his wife, April 11, 1862.
56. Grant, Memoirs, 1:238.
57. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 413.
58. Faust, This Republic of Suffering, 36.
59. PUSG, 5:119–20. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, May 14, 1862.
60. Curtis, The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley, 2:210. Letter from Dr. O. W. Holmes to John Lothrop Motley, October 10, 1865.
61. Young, Around the World, 393.
62. Foreman, A World on Fire, 247.
63. Foote, The Civil War, 1:372.
64. Ibid.
65. PUSG, 5:103. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 30, 1862.
66. GPL. S2 B4 F9. Letter from L. S. Felt to Elihu B. Washburne, April 12, 1862.
67. Catton, Grant Moves South, 259.
68. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 89.
69. GPL. S2 B21 F17. Letter from William R. Rowley to Elihu B. Washburne, April 19, 1862. LLP.
70. Ibid. S2 B10 F66. Letter from John A. Rawlins to his aunt, June 15, 1862.
71. Ibid. S2 B24 F18. “Interview with Gen. James Harrison Wilson.” HGP.
72. Ibid. S2 B54 F10. “Interview with Benjamin Johnson.” HGP.
73. Ibid. S2 B54 F3. “Interview with R. C. Rankin.” HGP.
74. Simon, “From Galena to Appomattox.”
75. Washburne, Memoirs, 132.
76. Catton, Grant Moves South, 260.
77. GPL. S2 B4 F11. Letter from Col. Clark B. Lagow to E. B. Washburne.
78. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 99; Catton, Grant Moves South, 260.
79. McPherson, Tried by War, 84–85.
80. Richardson, A Personal History, 336.
81. PUSG, 9:522. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne, January 24, 1864.
82. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
83. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:216. Diary entry for April 9, 1862.
84. Catton, Grant Moves South, 272.
85. PUSG, 4:413. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 23, 1862.
86. PUSG, 5:119. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, May 14, 1862.
87. USGH. “Interview with W. W. Smith.” HGP.
88. Richardson, A Personal History, 254.
89. PUSG, 5:79. Letter from William S. Hillyer to Jesse Root Grant, April 21, 1862.
90. Ibid., 82. Letter from Jesse Root Grant to Gov. David Tod, July 11, 1862.
91. Ibid., 264. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, August 3, 1862.
92. Ibid., 6:61–62. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, September 17, 1862.
93. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 122–23.
94. Ibid., 83. Letter to Mrs. Charles F. Smith, April 26, 1862.
95. Fry, “An Acquaintance with Grant.”
96. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 122.
97. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 136.
98. Catton, Grant Moves South, 272.
99. Borchgrave and Cullen, Villard, 194.
100. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 142.
101. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 124.
102. PUSG, 5:134. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 31, 1862.
103. Ibid., 118. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 13, 1862.
104. Grant, Memoirs, 1:251.
105. PUSG, 5:114. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 11, 1862.
106. Ibid., 130. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 24, 1862.
107. Sherman, Memoirs, 275.
108. Ibid., 276.
109. Newsham, “The Turning Point of the War.”
110. Sherman, Memoirs, 276.
111. Newsham, “The Turning Point of the War.”
112. Chetlain, “Reminiscences of General Grant.”
113. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 126.
114. McFeely, Grant, 117.
115. PUSG, 5:138. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 3, 1862.
116. USGH. “Interview with W. W. Smith.”
117. Washburne, Biography, 148.
118. Ibid.
119. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
120. Grant, Memoirs, 1:259.
121. Ibid., 261.
122. PUSG, 5:165. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 27, 1862.
123. Ibid., 207. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 11, 1862.
124. Donald, Lincoln, 369.
125. McPherson, Tried by War, 101.
126. PUSG, 5:226. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, July 22, 1862.
127. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:181.
128. McPherson, Tried by War, 121.
129. Ibid., 119.
130. GPL. S2 B6 F14. Diary entry of Gideon Welles, November 4, 1862.
1. PUSG, 5:226. Letter from Elihu Washburne, July 25, 1862.
2. Ibid., 244. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, August 2, 1862.
3. Grant, Memoirs, 1:265.
4. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 165.
5. PUSG, 5:310. Letter to Mary Grant, August 19, 1862.
6. Ibid., 124. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 16, 1862.
7. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 115.
8. PUSG, 5:272. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Maj. John A. Rawlins, August 14, 1862.
9. Ibid., 226. Letter from Elihu Washburne, July 25, 1862.
10. Ibid., 311. Letter to Mary Grant, August 19, 1862.
11. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 153.
12. PUSG, 6:67. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, September 19, 1862.
13. Ibid., 71. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, September 20, 1862.
14. The New York Times, October 5, 1862.
15. PUSG, 6:87. Letter from Franklin A. Dick to Attorney General Edward Bates, September 28, 1862.
16. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 104.
17. PUSG, 6:143. Telegram from President Abraham Lincoln, October 8, 1862.
18. Ibid., 155. Letter to Mary Grant, October 16, 1862.
19. Foote, The Civil War, 1:725.
20. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 20.
21. PUSG, 6:266. “Special Field Orders No. 1,” November 7, 1862.
22. Young, Around the World, 312-13.
23. Baltimore American, September 12, 1862.
24. Foote, The Civil War, 1:704.
25. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 559.
26. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 2.
27. PUSG, 6:315. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, November 15, 1862.
28. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 2 and 5.
29. Ibid., 6.
30. Ibid., 12.
31. Ibid., 15.
32. Grant, Memoirs, 1:285.
33. Ibid.
34. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
35. Foner, Fiery Trial, 234.
36. Young, Around the World, 299.
37. LoC. USGP. Series 4, Vol. 9. “Memoirs,” 291. Original manuscript of Grant’s Memoirs.
38. Stahr, Seward, 356.
39. Foote, The Civil War, 2:116.
40. GPL. S2 B10 F66. Letter from John A. Rawlins to “Enos,” December 20, 1862.
41. LoC. JHWP. Box 50. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary Sheean, December 14, 1862.
42. PUSG, 5:244. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, August 2, 1862.
43. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 43–44.
44. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 22.
45. PUSG, 5:240. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to John A. Rawlins, July 30, 1862.
46. Ibid., 6:394. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 5, 1862.
47. Ibid., 7:50. “General Orders No. 11,” December 17, 1862.
48. Ibid., 56–57. Letter to Christopher P. Wolcott, December 17, 1862.
49. Ibid., 4:326–27. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 5, 1862.
50. Ibid., 412. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 23, 1862.
51. Ibid., 6:344. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, November 23, 1862.
52. Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph, December 26, 1886.
53. PUSG, 19:21. Letter from William S. Hillyer to the editor of the New York World, January 29, 1869.
54. Wilson, Rawlins, 96.
55. The Cincinnati Enquirer, May 17, 1864.
56. Ash, “Civil War Exodus.”
57. PUSG, 7:54. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 21, 1863.
58. Ash, “Civil War Exodus.”
59. PUSG, 7:55–56. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne, January 6, 1863.
60. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 25.
61. PUSG, 7:54. Telegram from Paducah merchants to President Lincoln, December 29, 1862.
62. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 30.
63. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 107.
64. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 48.
65. Ibid., 141.
66. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
67. GPL. S2 B24 F16. “Interview with J. P. Riordan.” HGP.
68. Ibid. S2 B24 F18. “Interview with General James Harrison Wilson.” HGP.
69. Ibid. S2 B18 F69. “Abraham Lincoln.”
70. Foote, The Civil War, 2:60; White, American Ulysses, 245.
71. White, American Ulysses, 245.
72. McPherson, Tried by War, 153.
73. PUSG, 9:82. Diary entry of Gideon Welles, July 31, 1863.
74. White, American Ulysses, 246.
75. Grant, Memoirs, 1:285.
76. McPherson, Tried by War, 153.
77. PUSG, 6:30. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, November 14, 1862.
78. Foote, The Civil War, 2:73.
79. Ibid., 1:570.
80. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 26.
81. PUSG, 7:225. Letter to Silas Hudson, January 14, 1863.
82. Grant, Memoirs, 1:290.
83. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 34.
84. Foreman, A World on Fire, 360.
85. Smith, Grant, 224.
86. PUSG, 7:171. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 5, 1863.
87. Foote, The Civil War, 2:133.
88. PUSG, 7:209. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 11, 1863.
89. Ibid., 210. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, January 12, 1863.
90. McPherson, Tried by War, 153–54.
1. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 245.
2. Crane, “Grant as a Colonel.”
3. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 106.
4. PUSG, 9:218. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, August 30, 1863.
5. Young, Around the World, 157.
6. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 83.
7. Ibid., 126.
8. USGA Newsletter, January 1971.
9. Ross, The General’s Wife, 138.
10. Ibid.
11. PUSG, 7:24. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, December 13, 1862.
12. Ibid., 308. Letter from Brig. Gen. Charles S. Hamilton to U.S. Senator James R. Doolittle, February 11, 1863.
13. Ibid., 468. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 24, 1863.
14. Ibid., 225. Letter to Silas Hudson, January 14, 1863.
15. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 61.
16. Catton, Grant Moves South, 368.
17. Foote, The Civil War, 2:186.
18. Foreman, A World on Fire, 366.
19. Catton, Grant Moves South, 368.
20. PUSG, 7:413. Letter to Brig. Gen. William A. Hammond, March 12, 1863.
21. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 175.
22. PUSG, 32:43. Letter to William S. Hillyer, February 5, 1863.
23. Foote, The Civil War, 2:145.
24. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 44.
25. Foote, The Civil War, 2:202; Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 48.
26. PUSG, 7:287. Letter from 1st Lt. James H. Wilson to Lt. Col. John A. Rawlins, February 4, 1863.
27. Foote, The Civil War, 2:202.
28. PUSG, 7:455–56. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 22, 1863.
29. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 51.
30. Maihafer, “Mr. Grant and Mr. Dana.”
31. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 62.
32. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 590.
33. McPherson, Tried by War, 168.
34. PUSG, 7:386. Letter from Col. Lewis B. Parsons, March 9, 1863.
35. Grant, Memoirs, 1:295.
36. Smith, Grant, 230.
37. Washburne, Biography, 242.
38. Catton, Grant Moves South, 209.
39. PUSG, 7:275. Letter from Capt. William J. Kountz to Abraham Lincoln, circa March 15, 1863.
40. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 114.
41. Smith, Grant, 231.
42. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 588.
43. McPherson, Tried by War, 168.
44. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 28.
45. Maihafer, “Mr. Grant and Mr. Dana.”
46. The New York Times, May 31, 1914.
47. Maihafer, “Mr. Grant and Mr. Dana.”
48. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 61.
49. Washburne, Biography, 258.
50. Maihafer, “Mr. Grant and Mr. Dana.”
51. Wilson, Rawlins, 124.
52. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 279.
53. PUSG, 7:479–80. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 27, 1863.
54. Foote, The Civil War, 2:219.
55. Richardson, A Personal History, 293.
56. McPherson, Tried by War, 169.
57. PUSG, 7:478. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 27, 1863.
58. Catton, Grant Moves South, 387.
59. Foote, The Civil War, 2:326.
60. Young, Around the World, 426.
61. McPherson, War on the Waters, 165.
62. Foote, The Civil War, 2:324.
63. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 160.
64. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 37.
65. Grant, Memoirs, 1:307.
66. PUSG, 8:86. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to John A. Rawlins, April 17, 1863.
67. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 626.
68. Foote, The Civil War, 2:330.
69. PUSG, 8:109. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, April 21, 1863.
70. Catton, Grant Moves South, 419.
71. Ibid., 420.
72. Ibid.
73. PUSG, 8:144. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 3, 1863.
74. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 628.
75. White, American Ulysses, 265.
76. Grant, Memoirs, 1:317.
77. Young, Around the World, 429.
78. Grant, Memoirs, 1:318.
79. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 43.
80. Grant, Memoirs, 1:318.
81. Ibid., 321.
82. Washburne, Biography, 249.
83. White, American Ulysses, 269.
84. PUSG, 8:143. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 3, 1863.
85. Catton, Grant Moves South, 438.
86. PUSG, 29:328. Letter to Mrs. E. B. Moore, May 1863. [n.d.]
87. McPherson, Tried by War, 170.
88. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 254.
89. Grant, Memoirs, 1:325.
90. Ibid.
91. PUSG, 8:155. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 3, 1863.
92. Foote, The Civil War, 2:351.
93. PUSG, 8:160. Letter to Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, May 5, 1863.
94. Ibid., 171. General Orders No. 32, May 7, 1863.
95. Smith, Grant, 244–45.
96. PUSG, 8:200. Letter to Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, May 11, 1863.
97. Foote, The Civil War, 2:363.
98. Catton, Grant Moves South, 441.
99. Foreman, A World on Fire, 438.
100. Pittsburgh Times, June 17, 1881.
101. Young, Around the World, 312.
102. Grant, Memoirs, 1:339.
103. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 80.
104. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journal.” Entry for July 12, 1863.
105. Catton, Grant Moves South, 443.
106. Smith, Grant, 249.
107. Foote, The Civil War, 2:372.
108. Catton, Grant Moves South, 445.
109. Grant, Memoirs, 1:348.
110. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 83.
111. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 201.
112. Catton, Grant Moves South, 447.
113. Burlingame, With Lincoln in the White House, 114.
114. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
115. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 87.
116. Catton, Grant Moves South, 456.
117. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 86.
118. Smith, Grant, 251.
1. Grant, Memoirs, 1:354.
2. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 202.
3. Foote, The Civil War, 2:382.
4. Grant, Memoirs, 2:589.
5. Foote, The Civil War, 2:384.
6. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 92.
7. PUSG, 8:261. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 24, 1863.
8. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant.
9. Sherman, Memoirs, 354.
10. Young, Around the World, 302.
11. Catton, Grant Moves South, 455.
12. McPherson, Tried by War, 170.
13. Ibid., 177.
14. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 69.
15. McPherson, Tried by War, 181.
16. Maihafer, “Mr. Grant and Mr. Dana.”
17. PUSG, 8:322–23. Letter from John A. Rawlins, June 6, 1863.
18. Ibid., 323. Endorsement of letter by John A. Rawlins. [n.d.]
19. New York Sun, January 28, 1887.
20. Wilson, Rawlins, 139.
21. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 62.
22. PUSG, 12:199. Letter to Sylvanus Cadwallader, September 23, 1864.
23. GPL. S2 B13 F43. “Sylvanus Cadwallader.”
24. Quoted on the back cover of the University of Nebraska reprint of Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant.
25. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 353.
26. GPL. S2 B13 F43. “Sylvanus Cadwallader.”
27. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 83.
28. New York Sun, January 28, 1887.
29. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 103.
30. Ibid., 104.
31. Ibid., 108.
32. Ibid., 109.
33. Ibid., 116.
34. Ibid., ix.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. Ibid.
38. McFeely, Grant, 135; New York Sun, January 28, 1887.
39. The Macon [Missouri], January 24, 1917.
40. New York World Sunday Magazine, April 25, 1897.
41. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 15.
42. USGH. “Interview with General Grenville Dodge.”
43. Missouri Democrat, May 31, 1866.
44. Foreman, A World on Fire, 443.
45. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 209.
46. Foote, The Civil War, 2:407.
47. Catton, Grant Moves South, 460.
48. Foote, The Civil War, 3:333.
49. Ibid., 2:425.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid., 408.
52. Foreman, A World on Fire, 443.
53. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 475.
54. Foreman, A World on Fire, 358.
55. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 282.
56. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 198.
57. PUSG, 8:370. Letter from Col. John E. Whiting to Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, June 15, 1863. Endorsed by McClernand and sent to Grant.
58. Ibid., 93. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, March 30, 1863.
59. Ibid., 91–92. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, April 19, 1863.
60. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 187.
61. Catton, Grant Moves South, 403.
62. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 64.
63. Ibid.
64. PUSG, 8:342. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, June 11, 1863.
65. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
66. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 102–3.
67. Ibid., 86.
68. Ballard, Grant at Vicksburg, 67.
69. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 86.
70. Ibid.
71. Keegan, The American Civil War, 294.
72. Grant, Memoirs, 1:366.
73. PUSG, 8:328. Letter to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, June 16, 1863.
74. Ibid., 9:219. Letter from Senator Henry Wilson to Cong. Elihu B. Washburne, July 25, 1863.
75. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 549.
76. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 179.
77. PUSG, 9:196–97. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, August 23, 1863.
78. Niven, The Salmon P. Chase Papers, 428. Diary entry for August 29, 1863.
79. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 36.
80. Grant, Memoirs, 1:373.
81. Smith, Grant, 221.
82. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 7.
83. OR, I, xxiv, part 1, 285.
84. Grant, Memoirs, 1:374.
85. PUSG, 8:455. Letter from Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, July 3, 1863.
86. Young, Around the World, 433.
87. PUSG, 8:455. Letter to Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, July 3, 1863.
88. Foote, The Civil War, 2:609.
89. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 213.
90. Grant, Memoirs, 1:376.
91. PUSG, 31:240. Letter to Marcus J. Wright, November 30, 1884.
92. Ibid., 8:457. Letter to Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, July 3, 1863.
93. Ibid., 458. Letter from Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, July 3, 1863.
94. Watrous, “Grant as His Son Saw Him.”
1. Grant, Memoirs, 1:383.
2. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 82.
3. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 103.
4. Catton, Grant Moves South, 479.
5. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 86.
6. Smith, Grant, 256.
7. Catton, Grant Moves South, 483.
8. Grant, Memoirs, 1:379.
9. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 82.
10. Ibid., 83.
11. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 99.
12. GPL. S2 B24 F16. “Interview with Lieutenant Frank Parker.” HGP.
13. Korda, Ulysses S. Grant, 89.
14. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 207.
15. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 665.
16. Foote, The Civil War, 2:623.
17. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 1:364. Diary entry for July 7, 1863.
18. Stahr, Seward, 369.
19. Smith, Grant, 259.
20. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 215.
21. PUSG, 9:197. Letter from President Abraham Lincoln, July 13, 1863.
22. “General Rawlins’ Address.” Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, April 1929.
23. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 90.
24. New York Tribune, June 17, 1906.
25. GPL. S2 B18 F69. “Alcohol.”
26. Richardson, A Personal History, 337.
27. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 283.
28. Adams, “The Session.”
29. Young, Around the World, 375–76.
30. PUSG, 9:130. Letter to Charles W. Ford, July 28, 1863.
31. Marszalek, Sherman, 229.
32. Donald, Lincoln, 446.
33. Foote, The Civil War, 2:593.
34. Young, Around the World, 307.
35. PUSG, 9:146. Letter to Charles A. Dana, August 5, 1863.
36. Young, Around the World, 387.
37. PUSG, 4:444. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, March 29, 1862.
38. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
39. Simon, “From Galena to Appomattox.”
40. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 1:386. Diary entry for July 31, 1863.
41. GPL. S2 B24 F15. “Interview with Mr. McDonald.” HGP.
42. PUSG, 9:124–25. Letter to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, July 27, 1863.
43. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John Rawlins, September 15, 1863. JHWP.
44. Young, Around the World, 625.
45. PUSG, 9:45–46. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, July 14, 1863.
46. Marszalek, Sherman, 229.
47. Grant, Memoirs, 1:387–88.
48. PUSG, 9:92. Letter to Brig. Gen. Charles P. Stone, July 21, 1863; Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 126.
49. PUSG, 9:110. Letter to Maj. Gen. William Henry Halleck, July 24, 1863.
50. Ibid., 9:23. Letter to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, July 11, 1863.
51. Ibid., 197. Letter from Abraham Lincoln, August 9, 1863.
52. Ibid., 196. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, August 23, 1863.
53. Ibid., 8:483. Letter to Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, July 5, 1863.
54. Ibid., 9:3. Letter to Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, July 7, 1863.
55. Wittenmyer, Under the Guns, 176, 178–79.
56. Grant, Memoirs, 1:388.
57. PUSG, 9:200. Letter to Maj. Frederick T. Dent, August 23, 1863.
58. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 20.
59. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 98.
60. Missouri Democrat, September 2, 1863.
61. PUSG, 9:190. Letter from Jesse R. Grant to Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, August 19, 1863.
62. New Orleans Era, September 4, 1863.
63. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 22.
64. Ibid., 24.
65. Ibid., 23; Grant, Memoirs, 1:390.
66. PUSG, 9:223. Lawrence Van Alstyne diary entry for September 4, 1863.
67. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 25.
68. GPL. S2 B24 F16. “Interview with Lieutenant Frank Parker.” HGP.
69. LoC. USGP. Series 4, Vol. 6. Original manuscript of Grant’s Memoirs.
70. Grant, Memoirs, 1:390.
71. GPL. S2 B4 F10. Letter from N. P. Banks to his wife, September 5, 1863.
72. Ibid. Letter from W. B. Franklin to George B. McClellan, February 4, 1864.
73. Ibid. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
74. Ibid. S2 B4 F10. Letter from Gen. William B. Franklin to William F. Smith, December 28, 1863. WFSP.
75. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 117.
76. PUSG, 9:475. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Hurlbut, November 17, 1863.
77. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 107.
78. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 246.
79. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journal.” Letter from Charles A. Dana to Edwin Stanton, September 20, 1863.
80. Richardson, A Personal History, 262.
81. PUSG, 9:298. Letter from Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Hurlbut, November 23, 1863.
82. McPherson, Tried by War, 196.
83. Foote, The Civil War, 2:747.
84. PUSG, 9:274. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 4, 1863.
85. Foote, The Civil War, 2:782.
86. Stahr, Seward, 379.
87. Ibid.
88. Grant, Memoirs, 1:391.
89. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 115.
90. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journal.” Letter from Charles A. Dana to Edwin Stanton, September 27, 1863.
91. Foote, The Civil War, 2:767.
92. PUSG, 9:298. Letter from Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Hurlbut, November 23, 1863.
93. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 226.
94. Carnegie, Autobiography, 106.
95. Donald, Lincoln, 186.
96. Foote, The Civil War, 1:244.
97. Ibid., 2:630.
98. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
99. PUSG, 15:46. “Testimony,” May 18, 1865. Before the Committee on the Conduct of the War.
100. Grant, Memoirs, 2:749.
101. Young, Around the World, 334.
102. Grant, Memoirs, 2:404.
103. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 34.
104. Ibid.
105. Grant, Memoirs, 2:409.
106. Ibid.
107. GPL. S2 B21 F16. Letter from Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Hurlbut, October 18, 1863.
108. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:366. Diary entry for October 22, 1863.
109. Brooks, Lincoln Observed, 72.
110. PUSG, 12:329. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, October 20, 1864, and 11:125–26, telegram from Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. Dana to Abraham Lincoln, July 1, 1864.
111. Grant, Memoirs, 2:410.
112. Missouri Democrat, November 3, 1863.
113. McFeely, Grant, 143.
114. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 274.
115. Young, Around the World, 298.
116. Grant, Memoirs, 2:410.
117. McFeely, Grant, 144.
118. USGH. “Interview with Oliver Otis Howard.”
119. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 228.
120. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 38.
121. White, American Ulysses, 297.
122. PUSG, 9:317. Letter from Surgeon Edward D. Kittoe to Julia Dent Grant, October 24, 1863.
123. Ibid., 317–18.
1. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 6.
2. Wilson, Rawlins, 166.
3. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 14–15.
4. Ibid., 5.
5. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 124.
6. PUSG, 13:291. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 21, 1865; Young, Around the World, 303.
7. Young, Around the World, 304.
8. Smith, From Chattanooga to Petersburg, 8.
9. Foote, The Civil War, 2:804.
10. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 7.
11. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 100.
12. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 27, 1897.
13. Foote, The Civil War, 2:811.
14. PUSG, 9:335. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, October 28, 1863.
15. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 259.
16. Grant, Memoirs, 2:449.
17. Foote, The Civil War, 1:567.
18. PUSG, 9:396. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, November 14, 1863.
19. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 63.
20. Sherman, Memoirs, 387.
21. Smith, “Holocaust Holiday.”
22. Smith, Grant, 269.
23. GPL. S2 B14 F5. “James H. Wilson–Adam Badeau.” Letter from James H. Wilson to Adam Badeau, November 21, 1863.
24. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 74.
25. Smith, “Holocaust Holiday.”
26. USGH. “Interview with W. W. Smith.” HGP.
27. PUSG, 9:218. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, August 30, 1863.
28. Ibid., 475–76. Letter from Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, November 17, 1863.
29. GPL. S2 B21 F16. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary Emma Hurlbut, November 10, 1863. LLP.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. PUSG, 9:476. Telegram from Maj. Gen. David Hunter to Edwin M. Stanton, December 14, 1863.
33. Ibid., 413. Letter to Col. John Riggin Jr., November 18, 1863.
34. Ibid., 428. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, November 21, 1863.
35. Ibid.
36. Foreman, A World on Fire, 562.
37. PUSG, 9:443. Letter to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, November 24, 1863.
38. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 67.
39. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 165.
40. Grant, Memoirs, 2:771.
41. Ibid., 441.
42. Foreman, A World on Fire, 56.
43. PUSG, 9:491. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, December 2, 1863.
44. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
45. New York Tribune, August 22, 1878.
46. Foote, The Civil War, 2:850.
47. PUSG, 29:262. Grenville M. Dodge, conversation with Grant, October 27, 1882.
48. Ibid., 9:434. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, November 23, 1863.
49. Foreman, A World on Fire, 563.
50. PUSG, 9:561. Letter to Col. John C. Kelton, December 23, 1863.
51. Smith, “Holocaust Holiday.”
52. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 680.
53. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 83.
54. Foote, The Civil War, 2:854.
55. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 151.
56. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 242.
57. PUSG, 9:563. Letter to Col. John C. Kelton, December 23, 1863.
58. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 150; Waugh, U. S. Grant, 67.
59. PUSG, 9:496. Letter to J. Russell Jones, December 5, 1863.
60. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journals.” Letter from Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, November 26, 1863.
61. Smith, Grant, 280.
62. Foreman, A World on Fire, 566.
63. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 90–91.
64. Smith, Grant, 281.
65. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 76.
66. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:374. Diary entry for November 27, 1863.
67. PUSG, 32:61. Letter to John J. Speed, November 30, 1863.
68. Curtis, The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley, 2:146. Letter to his mother, December 29, 1863.
69. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 91.
70. White, American Ulysses, 311–12.
71. PUSG, 9:465. Letter to Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, November 29, 1863.
72. Sherman, Memoirs, 394.
73. Washburne, Biography, 294.
74. Foote, The Civil War, 2:918.
75. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 246.
76. Ibid., 247.
77. PUSG, 9:541. Letter to Barnabas Burns, December 17, 1863.
78. Wilson, Rawlins, 434.
79. USGH, “Interview with Sarah Hill.”
80. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 111.
81. GPL. S2 B24 F14. “Interview with J. Russell Jones.” HGP.
82. PUSG, 9:554. Letter from William T. Sherman, December 29, 1863.
83. Ibid., 555.
84. Ambrose, Halleck, 157.
85. Foote, The Civil War, 2:918.
86. PUSG, 9:522. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, December 12, 1863.
87. LoC. EMSP. Reel 7. Letter from Ulysses S. Grant to Henry W. Halleck, January 15, 1864.
88. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 104–5.
89. Ibid., 105.
90. Grant, Memoirs, 2:459.
91. Ibid., 459–60.
92. Foote, The Civil War, 2:917.
93. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Julia Grant Interview.” HGP.
94. LoC. JHWP. Box 50. Letter from John A. Rawlins to unnamed recipient, January 16, 1864.
95. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 125.
96. Washburne, Biography, 290.
97. Ibid., 291.
98. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 126–27.
99. Missouri Democrat, January 30, 1864.
100. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 115.
101. “Gen. Grant’s Morality.” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 27, 1887.
102. Wilson, Rawlins, 395.
103. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 126.
104. LoC. JHWP. Box 50. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. (Hurlbut) Rawlins, February 14, 1864.
1. PUSG, 10:121–22. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, February 14, 1864.
2. Washburne, Biography, 299.
3. Ibid., 304.
4. Ibid., 301.
5. Ibid.
6. Morgan, “From City Point to Appomattox with General Grant.”
7. Wilson, Rawlins, 396.
8. PUSG, 29:38. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, December 24, 1878.
9. Ibid., 10:187. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 4, 1864.
10. Ibid., 187–88. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 10, 1864.
11. Ibid., 188.
12. LoC. JHWP. Box 50. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 5, 1864.
13. Ibid. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 8, 1864.
14. Ibid. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 5, 1864.
15. PUSG, 10:259. Letter to Henry Wilson, April 4, 1864.
16. GPL. S2 B21 F17. Letter from Ely Parker to Elihu B. Washburne, April 12, 1864. LLP.
17. PUSG, 10:260. Letter from Lt. Col. William R. Rowley to Elihu B. Washburne, April 10, 1864.
18. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 260. Diary entry for March 7, 1864.
19. PUSG, 10:187. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 4, 1864.
20. GPL. S2 B13 F66. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 8, 1864. JHWP.
21. Wilson, Rawlins, 400.
22. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 45.
23. Foote, The Civil War, 2:52.
24. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 22.
25. Richardson, A Personal History, 387.
26. Foote, The Civil War, 3:5.
27. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 287.
28. Titone, My Thoughts Be Bloody, 312.
29. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 259.
30. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 19.
31. Ibid.
32. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 126.
33. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 20.
34. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 126.
35. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 128.
36. New York Herald, March 12, 1864.
37. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 171.
38. Burlingame, With Lincoln in the White House, 130.
39. PUSG, 10:195. “Speech,” Abraham Lincoln, March 9, 1864.
40. Ibid.
41. Grant, Memoirs, 2:473.
42. New York Herald, May 27, 1878.
43. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
44. New York Herald, May 27, 1878.
45. Grant, Memoirs, 2:474.
46. New York Herald, May 27, 1878.
47. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 26.
48. Wilson, Rawlins, 403.
49. Woodward, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War, 585. Diary entry for March 12, 1864.
50. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 78.
51. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 131.
52. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 227.
53. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 334.
54. Morris, Sheridan, 544.
55. Grant, Memoirs, 2:770.
56. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 115.
57. Smith, Grant, 292.
58. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 29.
59. Young, Around the World, 305–6.
60. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 65.
61. Foote, The Civil War, 3:11.
62. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 410.
63. Foote, The Civil War, 3:12.
64. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 120.
65. Young, Around the World, 264.
66. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 2:19.
67. Ibid., 19–20.
68. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 137.
69. USGH. “Interview with General Grenville Dodge.”
70. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 137.
71. Sherman, Memoirs, 430.
72. Foote, The Civil War, 3:13.
73. Ibid., 2:966.
74. Grant, “The Early Life of Gen. Grant.”
75. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 267.
76. GPL. S2 B4 F11. “Grant and Drinking.”
77. Foote, The Civil War, 3:8.
78. Ibid., 21.
79. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 172.
80. Ibid., 171.
81. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 129.
82. Richardson, A Personal History, 394.
83. Ibid., 413.
84. Young, Around the World, 158.
85. Donald, Lincoln, 81.
86. Foner, Fiery Trial, xv.
87. Stoddard, Lincoln’s Third Secretary, 197–98.
88. Donald, Lincoln, 497.
89. Stoddard, Lincoln’s Third Secretary, 198.
90. Young, Around the World, 265.
1. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 2:32.
2. PUSG, 15:165. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
3. Ibid., 10:253. Telegram from William T. Sherman, April 9, 1864.
4. Ibid., 15:175. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
5. Ibid., 10:201. Letter to Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, March 15, 1864.
6. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary Emma Rawlins, April 13, 1865. JHWP.
7. Grant, Memoirs, 2:485.
8. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 618.
9. Stahr, Seward, 396.
10. Young, Around the World, 375.
11. Ambrose, Halleck, 168.
12. Young, Around the World, 375.
13. Ibid.
14. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, April 22, 1864. JHWP.
15. Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 313.
16. PUSG, 10:315. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 17, 1864.
17. Ibid., 316.
18. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 96.
19. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 38.
20. Wilson, Rawlins, 421–22.
21. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 284.
22. Ibid.
23. Foreman, A World on Fire, 605.
24. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 73.
25. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 284.
26. Ibid., 284–85.
27. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 67.
28. GPL. S2 B4 F11. “Grant and Drinking.” Letter from Maj. Henry L. Abbott to his mother, March 13, 1864.
29. Young, Around the World, 387.
30. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 82.
31. Young, Around the World, 388.
32. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
33. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 24.
34. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:346.
35. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 24.
36. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 8, 1864. JHWP.
37. Ibid.
38. Ibid. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, April 12, 1864.
39. Ibid. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, April 17, 1864.
40. Ibid. S2 B54 F18. “Interview with General Harry Wilson.” HGP.
41. Genetin-Pilawa, “The Indian at Appomattox.”
42. Ibid.
43. USGH. “Interview with Ely S. Parker.”
44. Ibid.
45. Ibid.
46. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 196.
47. Ibid., 133.
48. Ibid., 250.
49. Ibid., 242.
50. Ibid., 251.
51. The New York Times, March 25, 1885.
52. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 66.
53. Ibid., 81.
54. Ibid., 214.
55. Ibid.
56. Ibid., 213–14.
57. Ibid., 215.
58. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 87.
59. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 20.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid., 21.
62. PUSG, 13:299. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, January 23, 1865.
63. Ibid., 10:274. Letter to Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, April 9, 1864.
64. Ibid.
65. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 78.
66. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:416. Diary entry for March 18, 1864.
67. Girardi, The Civil War Generals, 67.
68. Foote, The Civil War, 3:123.
69. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 47.
70. Grant, Memoirs, 2:476.
71. Young, Around the World, 384.
72. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 345.
73. Foote, The Civil War, 3:547.
74. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 67–68.
75. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 251.
76. Pryor, Reading the Man, 320.
77. Foote, The Civil War, 1:478.
78. GPL. S2 B24 F15. “Interview with James Longstreet.” HGP.
79. Grant, Memoirs, 2:748.
80. Foote, The Civil War, 2:37.
81. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 320.
82. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 188.
83. Pryor, Reading the Man, 416.
84. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 370. Diary entry for February 1, 1865.
85. Ibid., 401.
86. Ibid., 409.
87. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 116.
88. Foreman, A World on Fire, 606.
89. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 224.
90. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
91. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 147.
92. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 270.
93. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Papers.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, April 23, 1864. JHWP.
94. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 55.
95. Grant, Memoirs, 2:463.
96. PUSG, 10:302. Letter to Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, April 17, 1864.
97. Ibid., 306. Letter to Maj. Gen. David Hunter, April 17, 1864.
1. PUSG, 10:377. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 30, 1864.
2. Ibid., 380. Letter from Abraham Lincoln, April 30, 1864.
3. Ibid. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 1864.
4. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant. Part 1.”
5. PUSG, 10:394. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 2, 1864.
6. Ibid.
7. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 37.
8. Washburne, Biography, 327.
9. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 307.
10. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 175.
11. Grant, Memoirs, 2:524.
12. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 42.
13. PUSG, 15:169. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
14. Foote, The Civil War, 3:148.
15. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 99.
16. Pryor, Reading the Man, 417.
17. PUSG, 10:397. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 4, 1864.
18. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 100.
19. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 46.
20. Ibid., 63.
21. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 185.
22. Ibid., 189.
23. Ibid., 192.
24. Grant, Memoirs, 2:527.
25. Washburne, Biography, 332.
26. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 195.
27. Smith, Grant, 327.
28. Foreman, A World on Fire, 609.
29. Ibid., 612.
30. Grant, Memoirs, 2:531.
31. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 297.
32. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 120.
33. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 72.
34. Curtis, The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley, 2:211. Letter from Dr. O. W. Holmes, October 10, 1865.
35. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 298.
36. Grant, Memoirs, 2:534.
37. Foote, The Civil War, 3:185–86.
38. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 71.
39. Beckwith, “With Grant in the Wilderness, by His ‘Shadow.’”
40. Foote, The Civil War, 3:187.
41. Ibid., 186.
42. Holzer, Lincoln and the Power of the Press, 47.
43. Wilson, Rawlins, 218.
44. Grant, Memoirs, 2:534.
45. Donald, Lincoln, 501.
46. Dorsett, “The Problem of Ulysses S. Grant’s Drinking During the Civil War.”
47. GPL. S2 B13 F26. “Walt Whitman.”
48. New York Herald, September 12, 1876.
49. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 66.
50. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 134.
51. Smith, Grant, 338.
52. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 79.
53. Foote, The Civil War, 3:190.
54. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 78.
55. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journal.” Letter from Charles A. Dana to Edwin Stanton, May 8, 1864. JHWP.
56. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 291.
57. Wilson, Rawlins, 217.
58. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 108.
59. Foote, The Civil War, 3:375.
60. McPherson, Tried by War, 219.
61. Foote, The Civil War, 3:191.
62. Washburne, Biography, 341.
63. Foote, The Civil War, 3:204.
64. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 84.
65. Ibid.
66. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:370.
67. Grant, Memoirs, 2:497.
68. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:387.
69. Foote, The Civil War, 3:198.
70. PUSG, 10:415. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 9, 1864.
71. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 89.
72. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 217.
73. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 90.
74. PUSG, 10:418–19. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 10, 1864.
75. USGH. “Interview with M. Harrison Strong.”
76. Smith, Grant, 348.
77. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 163.
78. The New York Times, March 17, 1881.
79. Washburne, Biography, 343.
80. PUSG, 10:434. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, May 13, 1864.
81. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 307.
82. Wilson, Rawlins, 219.
83. PUSG, 10:422. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 11, 1864.
84. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 86.
85. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 295.
86. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 731.
87. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 57.
88. McFeely, Grant, 166.
89. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:452.
90. Cincinnati Gazette, October 5, 1880.
91. PUSG, 10:427. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, May 11, 1864.
92. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 101.
93. Smith, Grant, 350.
94. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 101.
95. Ibid., 104.
96. Foote, The Civil War, 3:217.
97. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 730.
98. Campi, Civil War Battlefields, 99.
99. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 110.
100. Dana, Recollections of the Civil War, 197.
101. Holmes, Touched with Fire, 117.
102. PUSG, 10:444. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 13, 1864.
103. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 235–36.
104. GPL. S2 B54 F14. “Interview with General Henry Heth.” HGP.
105. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 119.
106. PUSG, 10:443–44. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, May 13, 1864.
1. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 220.
2. PUSG, 10:477. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 22, 1864.
3. Foreman, A World on Fire, 615.
4. PUSG, 10:460. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 17, 1864.
5. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 109.
6. Holmes, Touched with Fire, 122.
7. Wilson, Rawlins, 198–99.
8. Donald, Lincoln, 500.
9. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 127.
10. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 208.
11. PUSG, 10:464. Letter to Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, May 18, 1864.
12. Smith, Grant, 359.
13. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 249.
14. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 320.
15. PUSG, 10:480. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 23, 1864.
16. Foote, The Civil War, 3:273–74.
17. McPherson, “Our Monstrous War.”
18. Foote, The Civil War, 3:275.
19. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 262.
20. PUSG, 10:491. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 26, 1864.
21. Foote, The Civil War, 3:279.
22. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 164.
23. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, May 30, 1864. JHWP.
24. Badeau, Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, 279.
25. Holmes, Touched with Fire, 138.
26. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 323.
27. McFeely, Grant, 159.
28. PUSG, 11:5. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 1, 1864.
29. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 735.
30. Foote, The Civil War, 3:290.
31. Keegan, The American Civil War, 247.
32. Foote, The Civil War, 3:292.
33. McFeely, Grant, 171.
34. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 735.
35. PUSG, 11:9. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 3, 1864.
36. GPL. S2 B13 F38. “James H. Wilson Journal.” Letter from Charles A. Dana to Edwin Stanton, June 3, 1864. JHWP.
37. Ibid. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, June 4, 1864. JHWP.
38. PUSG, 15:176. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
39. Bean, “Memoranda of Conversations Between General Robert E. Lee and William Preston Johnston.”
40. Grant, Memoirs, 2:588.
41. LoC. USGP. Series 4, Vol. 8. Original manuscript of Grant’s Memoirs.
42. Young, Around the World, 310.
43. USGH. “Interview with W. W. Smith.” HGP.
44. Beckwith, “With Grant in the Wilderness, by His ‘Shadow.’”
45. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 184.
46. PUSG, 11:17. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, June 5, 1864.
47. Ibid., 22. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, June 6, 1864.
48. Ibid., 26–27. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, June 7, 1864.
49. McPherson, “Grant: A Biography.”
50. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
51. Missouri Democrat, May 31, 1866.
52. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 301.
53. Pittsburgh Times, June 17, 1881.
54. PUSG, 15:175. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
55. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 742.
56. Foote, The Civil War, 3:295.
57. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:275. Diary entry for February 8, 1868.
58. Foner, Fiery Trial, 303.
59. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 94.
60. “Stories of Grant.” Chicago Daily Tribune, April 12, 1885.
61. Donald, Lincoln, 513.
62. Ibid., 515.
63. Ibid., 513.
64. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 742.
65. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 84.
66. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 82.
67. Smith, Grant, 366.
68. Washburne, Biography, 351.
69. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 282.
70. PUSG, 11:55. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 15, 1864.
71. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 344.
72. PUSG, 11:45. Telegram from President Abraham Lincoln, June 15, 1864.
73. Kazin, “The Generals in the Labyrinth.”
74. Missouri Democrat, May 31, 1866.
75. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 740.
76. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 339.
77. Foreman, A World on Fire, 634.
78. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 741.
79. PUSG, 32:70. Letter to Henry Wilson, December 8, 1864.
80. Stahr, Seward, 403.
81. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 131.
82. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 217.
83. Foote, The Civil War, 3:443.
84. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 217.
85. Ibid.
86. Ibid., 218.
87. Ibid., 218–19.
88. Ibid., 219–20.
89. EBC. Letter from Adam Badeau to Edwin Booth, June 27, 1864.
90. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 220.
91. Ibid.
92. Ibid., 223.
93. EBC. Letter from Adam Badeau to Edwin Booth, June 27, 1864.
94. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 223.
95. Donald, Lincoln, 516.
96. Ibid.
1. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:464. Diary entry for July 1, 1864.
2. FL. JSPP. Box 273, letter 173. Letter from Charles A. Dana to James S. Pike, July 10, 1864.
3. PUSG, 11:141. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 28, 1864.
4. Ibid., 32:65. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, July 5, 1864.
5. Ibid., 11:176. Letter to J. Russell Jones, July 5, 1864.
6. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 564.
7. PUSG, 11:170. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 5, 1864.
8. Marszalek, Commander of All Lincoln’s Armies, 206.
9. Grant, Memoirs, 2:606.
10. PUSG, 11:199. Telegram from President Abraham Lincoln, July 10, 1864.
11. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 313.
12. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, July 11, 1864. JHWP.
13. McPherson, Tried by War, 226.
14. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 405.
15. Donald, Lincoln, 518.
16. PUSG, 11:242–43. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 14, 1864.
17. Ibid., 253. Telegram from Charles A. Dana to Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, July 15, 1864.
18. Ibid., 280. Telegram to President Abraham Lincoln, July 19, 1864.
19. Ibid. Telegram from President Abraham Lincoln, July 20, 1864.
20. Ibid., 9:477. Letter to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, November 12, 1863.
21. Longacre, Army of Amateurs, 176.
22. Snell, From First to Last, 325.
23. Smith, From Chattanooga to Petersburg, 9.
24. PUSG, 11:208. Letter from Gen. William F. Smith to Senator Solomon Foot, July 30, 1864.
25. Smith, From Chattanooga to Petersburg, 174–75.
26. Longacre, Army of Amateurs, 177.
27. GPL. S2 B10 F66. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, June 29, 1864.
28. Longacre, Army of Amateurs, 177.
29. PUSG, 11:156. Letter from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 3, 1864.
30. Longacre, Army of Amateurs, 181.
31. Smith, From Chattanooga to Petersburg, 52.
32. Ibid., 131–32.
33. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 256.
34. Chicago Daily Tribune, January 22, 1887.
35. PUSG, 11:210. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, July 19, 1864.
36. Ibid. Letter from Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. Dana to John A. Rawlins, July 11, 1864.
37. Grant, Memoirs, 2:503.
38. Foote, The Civil War, 3:323.
39. Ibid., 400.
40. Keegan, The American Civil War, 330.
41. Sherman, Memoirs, 573.
42. Foote, The Civil War, 3:415.
43. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 326.
44. Ibid.
45. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 244.
46. Grant, Memoirs, 2:506.
47. Beckwith, “With Grant in the Wilderness, by His ‘Shadow.’”
48. PUSG, 11:397. Letter to Lydia Slocum, August 10, 1864.
49. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 758.
50. Grant, Memoirs, 2:607.
51. Foreman, A World on Fire, 641.
52. Grant, Memoirs, 2:771.
53. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 759.
54. PUSG, 13:142. “Testimony,” December 20, 1864.
55. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 321.
56. Wilson, Rawlins, 249.
57. Foote, The Civil War, 3:535.
58. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 322.
59. Grant, Memoirs, 2:612.
60. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 264.
61. Ibid., 267.
62. Faust, This Republic of Suffering, 46.
63. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 269.
64. Young, Around the World, 300.
65. PUSG, 13:140. “Testimony,” December 20, 1864.
66. Ibid., 11:363. Letter from Lt. Col. Theodore S. Bowers to Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson, August 1, 1864.
67. Ibid. Letter from Lt. Col. Theodore S. Bowers to Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson, August 2, 1864.
68. Foote, The Civil War, 3:538.
69. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 92.
70. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:92. Diary entry for August 2, 1864.
71. GPL. S2 B18 F69. “Abraham Lincoln.”
72. Sheridan, Memoirs, 1:461.
73. PUSG, 11:358. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, August 1, 1864.
74. Ibid., 360. Telegram from Abraham Lincoln, August 3, 1864.
75. Morris, Sheridan, 1.
76. Foote, The Civil War, 3:866.
77. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 305.
78. Morris, Sheridan, 258.
79. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
80. Young, Around the World, 305.
81. USGH. “Interview with Augustus Chetlain.” HGP.
82. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 461.
83. Morris, Sheridan, 179.
84. Ibid., 184.
85. Foreman, A World on Fire, 644.
86. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 236.
87. PUSG, 11:378. Letter to Maj. Gen. David Hunter, August 5, 1864.
88. Ibid., 381. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, August 7, 1864.
89. Ibid. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, August 7, 1864.
90. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 348.
91. Ibid., 353.
92. Ibid.
93. Morgan, “From City Point to Appomattox with General Grant.”
94. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 370.
95. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 275.
96. PUSG, 12:16. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, August 16, 1864.
97. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 234.
98. GPL. S2 B21 F15. Letter from Ely Parker to Col. William R. Rowley, July 11, 1864.
99. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 273.
100. GPL. S2 B14 F5. “James H. Wilson–Adam Badeau.” Letter from James H. Wilson to Adam Badeau, August 1, 1864.
101. Wilson, Rawlins, 237.
102. Ibid., 261.
103. GPL. S2 B4 F4. From “Inside Lincoln’s Army: The Diary of Marsena Rudolph Patrick, Provost Marshal General, Army of the Potomac.” Edited by Davis S. Sparks. Diary entry for August 18, 1864.
104. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 376.
105. Wilson, Rawlins, 258.
106. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 283.
107. Ibid., 284.
108. Smith, Grant, 384.
109. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 466. Diary entry for August 26, 1864.
110. Woodward, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War, 637. Diary entry for August 19, 1864.
1. GPL. S2 B21. Letter from George K. Leet to Col. William R. Rowley, August 23, 1864. LLP.
2. PUSG, 11:425. Telegram from Abraham Lincoln, August 17, 1864.
3. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 279.
4. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 3:467. Diary entry for July 23, 1864.
5. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 381.
6. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 322.
7. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 114.
8. PUSG, 11:396–97. Letter to Isaac N. Morris, August 10, 1864.
9. GPL. S2 B14 F5. “James H. Wilson–Adam Badeau.” Letter from James H. Wilson to Adam Badeau, August 19, 1864.
10. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 186.
11. Ibid., 190.
12. Ibid., 191.
13. Ibid.
14. PUSG, 12:17. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, August 16, 1864.
15. Ibid., 36. Letter to Commander Daniel Ammen, August 18, 1864.
16. Stahr, Seward, 406.
17. Foner, Fiery Trial, 306.
18. Grant, Memoirs, 2:625.
19. Cincinnati Gazette, October 5, 1880.
20. PUSG, 11:383. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, August 7, 1864.
21. Keegan, The American Civil War, 267.
22. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 398.
23. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 751.
24. Foner, Fiery Trial, 308.
25. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 113.
26. PUSG, 12:155. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, September 12, 1864.
27. Ibid., 128. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, September 6, 1864.
28. Sherman, Memoirs, 889.
29. Guelzo, “The Civil War’s Unlikely Genius.”
30. Grant, Memoirs, 2:634.
31. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 288.
32. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 363.
33. Morris, Sheridan, 194.
34. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 298.
35. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 132.
36. New York Tribune, September 19, 1864.
37. PUSG, 12:179–80. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 20, 1864.
38. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 379.
39. McPherson, Tried by War, 245.
40. PUSG, 12:177. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, September 20, 1864.
41. Ibid., 193. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, September 22, 1864.
42. Ibid. Telegram from Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton to Julia Dent Grant, September 23, 1864.
43. Sheridan, Memoirs, 2:82.
44. PUSG, 12:328. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, October 19, 1864.
45. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 307–8.
46. Ibid., 301.
47. EBC. Letter from Adam Badeau to Edwin Booth, October 1, 1864.
48. Smith, Grant, 387.
49. EBC. Letter from Adam Badeau to Edwin Booth, October 1, 1864.
50. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 294.
51. Ibid., 313.
52. PUSG, 12:291. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 9, 1864.
53. Ibid., 290. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 11, 1864.
54. Ibid., 375. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, November 6, 1864.
55. Young, Around the World, 302.
56. PUSG, 12:303. Telegram from Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, October 12, 1864.
57. Ibid., 302–3. Telegram to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, October 13, 1864.
58. Ibid., 318. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 16, 1864; telegram to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 17, 1864.
59. Sherman, Memoirs, 634.
60. PUSG, 12:372. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, November 2, 1864.
61. Sherman, Memoirs, 655.
62. Grant, Memoirs, 2:647.
63. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 391.
64. Grant, Memoirs, 2:638.
65. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:214. Diary entry for December 29, 1864.
66. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 385.
67. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 314.
68. PUSG, 11:281. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 19, 1864.
69. Ibid., 12:298. Telegram to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, October 12, 1864.
70. Ibid., 27. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, August 18, 1864.
71. Ibid., 263. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, October 3, 1864.
72. Ibid. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, October 3, 1864.
73. Ibid., 325. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, October 19, 1864.
74. Ibid., 345. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 24, 1864.
75. Ibid., 262. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, October 2, 1864.
76. Ibid., 24. Letter to Frederick Dent, August 17, 1864.
77. Ibid., 166. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 14, 1864.
78. Ibid., 212–13. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, September 27, 1864.
79. Donald, Lincoln, 542.
80. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 804.
81. Donald, Lincoln, 544.
82. PUSG, 12:398. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, November 10, 1864.
83. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 86.
84. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 97.
85. Ross, The General’s Wife, 173.
86. EBC. Letter from Adam Badeau to Edwin Booth, November 28, 1864.
87. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Papers.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, November 23, 1864. JHWP.
88. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 328.
89. Ibid.
90. PUSG, 13:67. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, December 5, 1864.
91. Grant, Memoirs, 2:655–56.
92. Young, Around the World, 303.
93. PUSG, 13:83. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, December 8, 1864.
94. Ibid., 88. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, December 8, 1864.
95. Ibid. Telegram from Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, December 9, 1864.
96. Young, Around the World, 303; Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 347.
97. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 117.
98. Ibid.
99. Ibid., 118.
100. McPherson, Tried by War, 253.
101. PUSG, 13:124. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, December 15, 1864.
102. Keegan, The American Civil War, 277.
103. PUSG, 13:151. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, December 22, 1864.
104. Ibid., 130. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 18, 1864.
105. Ibid., 129.
106. Ibid., 21–24. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, November 24, 1864.
107. Sherman, Memoirs, 657.
108. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 65.
109. PUSG, 13:74. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 16, 1864.
110. Foner, Fiery Trial, 321.
111. PUSG, 13:75. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 16, 1864.
112. Ibid., 170. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 22, 1864.
113. Sherman, Memoirs, 705.
114. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 109.
115. Sherman, Memoirs, 711.
116. Donald, Lincoln, 553.
117. Foote, The Civil War, 3:713.
1. Grant, Memoirs, 2:662.
2. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 393.
3. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 337.
4. Ibid.
5. McPherson, War on the Waters, 215–17.
6. PUSG, 13:223. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, January 4, 1865.
7. Ibid., 224. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, January 11, 1865.
8. Ibid., 22:234. Letter from John B. Alley to Senator Henry Wilson, November 30, 1871.
9. Ibid., 13:185. Telegram from Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, December 28, 1864.
10. Ibid., 219. Letter to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Alfred H. Terry, January 3, 1865.
11. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 820–21.
12. GPL. S2 B1 F38. Letter from Adam Badeau to James H. Wilson, January 26, 1865.
13. “Admiral Porter’s Letter to Ex-Secretary Welles.” New York Tribune, December 5, 1870.
14. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 179.
15. PUSG, 21:68. Letter from Vice Admiral David D. Porter, December 3, 1870.
16. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 329–30.
17. PUSG, 13:163. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, December 24, 1864.
18. Ibid., 204. Letter to William W. Smith, January 1, 1865.
19. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 404.
20. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 533. Diary entry for December 27, 1864.
21. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 1:214. Diary entry for December 29, 1864.
22. Wilson, Rawlins, 297.
23. PUSG, 32:73. Letter to James L. Crane, January 2, 1865.
24. Pryor, Reading the Man, 421.
25. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 351.
26. Foote, The Civil War, 3:761.
27. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 822.
28. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 691; Foote, The Civil War, 3:773.
29. Westwood, “Lincoln and the Hampton Roads Peace Conference.”
30. McFeely, Grant, 200.
31. Grant, Memoirs, 2:685.
32. USGA Newsletter, July 1964.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.
36. Foote, The Civil War, 3:774.
37. PUSG, 13:345. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, February 1, 1865.
38. Westwood, “Lincoln and the Hampton Roads Peace Conference.”
39. Ibid.
40. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 18.
41. Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 429.
42. Foote, The Civil War, 3:777.
43. Donald, Lincoln, 560.
44. Grant, Memoirs, 2:686.
45. Porter, “Lincoln and Grant.”
46. PUSG, 13:281. Letter from President Abraham Lincoln, January 19, 1865.
47. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 419.
48. Smith, Grant, 390.
49. PUSG, 13:391. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, February 8, 1865.
50. Grant, Memoirs, 2:688.
51. PUSG, 13:429. Letter to Isaac N. Morris, February 15, 1865.
52. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 571.
53. Ibid., 583.
54. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 359.
55. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 573. Diary entry for February 11, 1865.
56. PUSG, 13:131. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, December 24, 1864.
57. McPherson, Tried by War, 244.
58. PUSG, 13:201. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, December 31, 1864.
59. Foote, The Civil War, 3:751.
60. Ibid.
61. Grant, Memoirs, 2:765.
62. PUSG, 13:295. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 29, 1865.
63. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 408.
64. Grant, Memoirs, 2:681.
65. Foote, The Civil War, 3:794.
66. Mayer, All on Fire, 577.
67. PUSG, 14:31. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, February 23, 1865.
68. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 585. Diary entry for February 25, 1865.
69. PUSG, 13:458. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, February 20, 1865.
70. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 136.
71. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 387.
72. PUSG, 14:63–64. Memo from Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, February 27, 1865.
73. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 141.
74. PUSG, 14:99. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, March 2, 1865.
75. Ibid., 91. Telegram from Edwin M. Stanton, March 3, 1865.
76. PUSG, 14:100. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, March 4, 1865.
77. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 346.
78. Donald, Lincoln, 567–68.
79. Stahr, Seward, 428.
80. Donald, Lincoln, 565.
81. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 2.
82. Grant, Memoirs, 2:690.
83. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 396.
84. PUSG, 14:186. Letter to Jesse Root Grant, March 19, 1865.
85. Ibid., 175. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 12, 1865.
86. Ibid. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 16, 1865.
87. Foote, The Civil War, 3:836.
88. Ibid., 815.
89. Ibid., 816.
90. Ibid., 817.
91. Young, Around the World, 333.
92. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 709.
93. Ibid.
94. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 404.
95. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 710.
96. Ibid.
97. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 38.
98. Young, Around the World, 332.
99. Ibid., 331.
100. Donald, Lincoln, 572.
101. Ibid.
102. Porter, “Lincoln and Grant.”
103. Ibid.
104. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
105. Young, Around the World, 331.
106. Porter, “Lincoln and Grant.”
107. Donald, Lincoln, 275.
108. Ibid., 160.
109. Ibid., 324.
110. Ibid., 475.
111. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 248.
112. Foote, The Civil War, 3:845.
113. Ross, The General’s Wife, 184.
114. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 360.
115. Donald, Lincoln, 427.
116. Ross, The General’s Wife, 178.
117. Ibid.
118. PUSG, 11:192. Letter to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, July 8, 1864.
119. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 358–59.
120. Ibid., 359.
121. Ibid.
122. Ibid., 360.
123. Foote, The Civil War, 3:837.
124. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 417.
125. Foote, The Civil War, 3:838.
126. Sherman, Memoirs, 813.
127. Ibid., 810.
128. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 420.
129. Sherman, Memoirs, 15.
130. Holzer, Lincoln on War, 283.
131. Donald, Lincoln, 574.
132. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 713.
133. Sherman, Memoirs, 813.
134. Foote, The Civil War, 3:856.
135. Ibid., 857.
136. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 425.
137. Ibid., 426.
1. Foote, The Civil War, 3:853.
2. Grant, Memoirs, 2:695.
3. Ibid., 696.
4. Sheridan, Memoirs, 2:116.
5. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 419.
6. Catton, Never Call Retreat, 441.
7. Ibid.
8. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 98.
9. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, March 29, 1865. JHWP.
10. PUSG, 14:253. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, March 29, 1865.
11. Ibid., 273. Telegram to Julia Dent Grant, March 30, 1865.
12. Morris, Sheridan, 244.
13. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 98.
14. PUSG, 14:273. Telegram to Abraham Lincoln, March 31, 1865.
15. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 441.
16. Morris, Sheridan, 247.
17. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 305.
18. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 437.
19. Foote, The Civil War, 3:873.
20. Ibid., 875.
21. Grant, Memoirs, 2:704.
22. PUSG, 14:330. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 2, 1865.
23. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 647.
24. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 149.
25. PUSG, 14:327. Telegram from Abraham Lincoln, April 2, 1865.
26. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 846.
27. Foreman, A World on Fire, 759.
28. Woodward, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War, 782. Diary entry for April 7, 1865.
29. Young, Around the World, 434.
30. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 575. Diary entry for April 3, 1865.
31. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 310.
32. Grant, Memoirs, 2:707.
33. Donald, Lincoln, 576.
34. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 716.
35. Foote, The Civil War, 3:894.
36. GPL. S2 B11 F57. Letter of April 1900 [n.d.] from Charles A. Clark to Ida Tarbell.
37. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 452.
38. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 450.
39. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 452.
40. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 846.
41. Curtis, The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley, 2:202. Letter to the Duchess of Argyll, May 27, 1865.
42. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary, 612. Diary entry for April 5, 1865.
43. Holzer, Lincoln on War, 285.
44. Foote, The Civil War, 3:898.
45. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 150.
46. Ibid.
47. Foote, The Civil War, 3:901.
48. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, April 4, 1865. JHWP.
49. PUSG, 14:342. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, April 4, 1865.
50. Ibid., 348. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, April 5, 1865.
51. Young, Around the World, 308.
52. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 312.
53. Richardson, A Personal History, 480.
54. Young, Around the World, 309.
55. Ibid.
56. Grant, Memoirs, 2:717.
57. Young, Around the World, 309.
58. Sheridan, Memoirs, 2:182.
59. Foreman, A World on Fire, 763–64.
60. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 848.
61. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 721.
62. PUSG, 14:358. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, April 6, 1865. Telegram from Abraham Lincoln, April 7, 1865.
63. Young, Around the World, 309.
64. Grant, Memoirs, 2:724.
65. PUSG, 14:362. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, April 7, 1865.
66. Grant, Memoirs, 2:728.
67. Smith, Grant, 399.
68. PUSG, 14:361. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 7, 1865.
69. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 458.
70. Foote, The Civil War, 3:929.
71. Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 333.
72. PUSG, 14:361. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 7, 1865.
73. Ibid., 367. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 8, 1865.
74. Green, “Civil War Public Opinion of General Grant.”
75. Foote, The Civil War, 3:932–33.
76. PUSG, 14:367. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 8, 1865.
77. New York Herald, July 6, 1878.
78. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 463.
79. Foote, The Civil War, 3:936.
80. Wilson, Rawlins, 320.
81. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 463.
82. PUSG, 14:371. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 9, 1865.
83. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 848.
84. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 432.
85. PUSG, 14:373. Letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 9, 1865.
86. Richardson, A Personal History, 490.
87. Morris, Sheridan, 256.
88. Young, Around the World, 382.
89. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
90. USGH. “Interview with John Russell Young.”
91. GPL. S2 B24 F18. “Interview with Amos Webster.” HGP.
92. Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies, 180.
93. Foote, The Civil War, 3:939.
94. Ibid.
95. Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, 537.
96. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 307.
97. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 665.
98. Smith, Grant, 404.
99. Foote, The Civil War, 3:946.
100. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 475.
101. Grant, Memoirs, 2:735.
102. Korda, Ulysses S. Grant, 157.
103. Grant, Memoirs, 2:736.
104. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 475.
105. Ibid., 476.
106. PUSG, 14:374. Letter to Gen. Robert E. Lee, April 9, 1865.
107. Young, Around the World, 383.
108. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 465.
109. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 482.
110. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 109.
111. Ibid.
112. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 315.
113. Grant, Memoirs, 2:741.
114. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 482.
115. Morgan, “From City Point to Appomattox with General Grant.”
116. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 479–80.
117. Ibid., 485.
118. Foreman, A World on Fire, 767.
119. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 100.
120. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 469.
121. Foote, The Civil War, 2:32.
122. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
123. PUSG, 15:204. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 20, 1865.
124. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 329.
125. PUSG, 14:375. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, April 9, 1865.
126. Ibid. Telegram from Edwin M. Stanton, April 9, 1865.
127. Donald, Lincoln, 580.
128. Ibid.
129. Sherman, Memoirs, 815.
130. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 725.
131. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 182.
132. McPherson, Tried by War, 262.
133. Foner, Fiery Trial, 331.
134. McPherson, Tried by War, 262.
135. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 152.
136. USGH. “Interview with John Sergeant Wise.”
137. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 111.
138. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
139. Ibid.
140. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 153.
141. USGH. “Interview with M. Harrison Strong.”
142. “Grant’s Drinking Habits.” New York Sun, January 28, 1887.
143. PUSG, 14:31. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, February 23, 1865.
144. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
145. McPherson, “America’s Wicked War.”
146. Ibid., “Our Monstrous War.”
147. PUSG, 20:143. Letter to Henry C. Bowen, April 21, 1870.
148. New York Herald, May 28, 1878.
149. Ibid.
150. Pepper, Under Three Flags, 328.
151. Wilson, General Grant, 366–67.
152. Fuller, Grant & Lee, 245.
153. Pepper, Under Three Flags, 327.
154. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
155. Young, Around the World, 385.
156. Grant, Memoirs, 2:774.
157. PUSG, 29:318. “Speech,” Chicago, December 4, 1879.
158. Grant, Memoirs, 2:774.
1. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 153.
2. Ibid., 154.
3. Porter, “Lincoln and Grant.”
4. Holzer, The Lincoln Assassination, 181.
5. Kauffman, American Brutus, 215.
6. Ibid., 215–16.
7. Holzer, The Lincoln Assassination, 185.
8. Kauffman, American Brutus, 216.
9. PUSG, 14:384. Telegram from Maj. Gen. John Gibbon, April 13, 1865.
10. Donald, Lincoln, 591.
11. Ibid., 591–92.
12. Ibid., 582–83.
13. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:282–83. Diary entry for April 14, 1865.
14. Ibid., 2:283. Diary entry for April 14, 1865.
15. Ibid.
16. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 133.
17. Holzer, Lincoln on War, 246.
18. Young, Around the World, 332.
19. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
20. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 497.
21. Donald, Lincoln, 593.
22. Goodwin, Team of Rivals, 734.
23. Burlingame, Lincoln Observed, 275.
24. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 362.
25. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 155.
26. Ibid.
27. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 35.
28. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 156.
29. Ibid.
30. Young, Around the World, 332.
31. Ibid.
32. Kauffman, American Brutus, 283.
33. Holzer, The Civil War in 50 Objects, 320.
34. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 134.
35. Bolles, “General Grant and the News of Mr. Lincoln’s Death.”
36. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 499–500.
37. PUSG, 14:390. Telegram from Maj. Thomas T. Eckert, April 14, 1865.
38. Ibid., 25:259. “Speech,” October 15, 1874.
39. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant. Part 1.”
40. Young, Around the World, 331.
41. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 156.
42. Grant, Memoirs, 2:751.
43. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 110.
44. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 91.
45. PUSG, 14:396. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 16, 1865.
46. Ibid., 390. Letter from Edwin M. Stanton, April 15, 1865.
47. Kauffman, American Brutus, 248.
48. PUSG, 14:391. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, April 15, 1865.
49. Ibid., 397. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, April 17, 1865.
50. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 157.
51. LoC. USGP. Container 102, Reel 3. Grant tribute to Lincoln, October 1874.
52. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 374.
53. Ibid., 384.
54. Truman, “Anecdotes of Andrew Johnson.”
55. Foner, Fiery Trial, 176.
56. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 43.
57. Foner, Fiery Trial, 176.
58. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 55.
59. Memphis Bulletin, October 30, 1863.
60. Borchgrave and Cullen, Villard, 178.
61. Foner, Reconstruction, 44.
62. Ibid., Fiery Trial, 44.
63. PUSG, 14:405. Letter to Charles W. Ford, April 17, 1865.
64. Ibid., 429. Letter to Silas A. Hudson, April 21, 1865.
65. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 482.
66. PUSG, 14:419. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, April 17, 1865.
67. Foote, The Civil War, 3:968.
68. PUSG, 14:375. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, April 12, 1865.
69. Foote, The Civil War, 3:993.
70. PUSG, 14:422. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 20, 1865.
71. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:295. Diary entry for April 21, 1865.
72. Grant, Memoirs, 2:755.
73. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 297. Letter to John Bright, April 24, 1865.
74. Foote, The Civil War, 3:995.
75. PUSG, 28:42. Letter from Adam Badeau to Gen. William T. Sherman, February 28, 1877.
76. Young, Around the World, 425.
77. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 446.
78. Ibid.
79. Foote, The Civil War, 3:994.
80. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 487.
81. PUSG, 14:433. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 25, 1865.
82. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 150.
83. Ibid., 120.
84. Sherman, Memoirs, 852.
85. PUSG, 15:14. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, April 28, 1865.
86. Ibid., 74. Telegram from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, May 10, 1865.
87. Ibid.
88. Ibid.
89. Ibid., 74–75.
90. Wilson, Patriotic Gore, 186.
91. PUSG, 15:15. Letter from Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, April 29, 1865.
92. Ibid., 73. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, May 19, 1865.
93. Sherman, Memoirs, 864.
94. Grant, Memoirs, 2:761.
95. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 112.
96. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 53.
97. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 101.
98. Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies, 244.
99. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 507.
100. Sherman, Memoirs, 865.
101. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 159.
102. Foote, The Civil War, 3:1017.
103. Grant, Memoirs, 2:768.
104. Sherman, Memoirs, 866.
105. Porter, Campaigning with Grant, 512.
106. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
1. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 47.
2. PUSG, 12:90. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 25, 1864.
3. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 413.
4. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 120.
5. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 158.
6. Ibid., 135.
7. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 247.
8. “Chat in Public Resorts.” New York Tribune, August 2, 1885.
9. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 164.
10. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 341. Diary entry for January 23, 1867.
11. Greely, Reminiscences of Adventure and Service, 232.
12. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 13. Letter to S. Birchard, January 10, 1866.
13. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 339. Diary entry for December 8, 1866.
14. PUSG, 14:428–29. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, April 21, 1865.
15. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 18.
16. Morgan, “From City Point to Appomattox with General Grant.”
17. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 448.
18. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 100.
19. Truman, “Anecdotes of Andrew Johnson.”
20. Young, Around the World, 336; Grant, Memoirs, 2:761.
21. Foner, Fiery Trial, 177.
22. Grant, Memoirs, 2:751.
23. Young, Around the World, 336.
24. Grant, Memoirs, 2:752.
25. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 112.
26. Smith, Grant, 443.
27. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 11.
28. Ibid., 124.
29. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 441.
30. Smith, Grant, 417.
31. The Daily Inter Ocean, October 21, 1885.
32. PUSG, 15:7. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 5, 1865.
33. Ibid., 11. Telegram to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 6, 1865.
34. Philadelphia Inquirer, June 8, 1865.
35. PUSG, 15:150. Letter from Robert E. Lee, June 13, 1865.
36. Ibid. Endorsed letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 16, 1865.
37. Ibid., 149. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, June 16, 1865.
38. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant, 453.
39. Young, Around the World, 385–86.
40. White, American Ulysses, 418.
41. “A Grant Party in the South.” The New York Times, May 24, 1866.
42. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 688.
43. Pryor, Reading the Man, 449.
44. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 680.
45. Ibid.
46. Pryor, Reading the Man, 470.
47. Bean, “Memoranda of Conversations Between General Robert E. Lee and William Preston Johnston.”
48. Korda, Clouds of Glory, 69.
49. Pryor, Reading the Man, 451.
50. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
51. Grant, Memoirs, 2:775.
52. Young, Around the World, 247.
53. USGH. “Interview with M. Harrison Strong.”
54. Stahr, Seward, 442.
55. Sheridan, Memoirs, 2:206.
56. Catton, Terrible Swift Sword, 3.
57. Young, Around the World, 248.
58. PUSG, 15:163. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, June 28, 1865.
59. Stahr, Seward, 443.
60. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:317. Diary entry for June 16, 1865.
61. Ibid., 322. Diary entry for June 23, 1865.
62. Stahr, Seward, 443.
63. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:333. Diary entry for July 14, 1865.
64. Morris, Sheridan, 266.
65. The New York Times, August 10, 1865.
66. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 366.
67. Wilson and Simon, Ulysses S. Grant, 133.
68. PUSG, 16:84. Letter to Edward C. Boynton, February 17, 1866.
69. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 27, 1897.
70. PUSG, 30:19. Letter to Edward F. Beale, October 22, 1880.
71. New York Herald, September 25, 1877.
72. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 366.
73. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
74. PUSG, 15:86. Letter from Rep. Elihu B. Washburne, May 18, 1865.
75. Ibid., 85. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, May 21, 1865.
76. Richardson, A Personal History, 514.
77. Ross, The General’s Wife, 194.
78. PUSG, 15:300. Letter to Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, August 20, 1865.
79. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 351.
80. McFeely, Grant, 237.
81. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
82. Ross, The General’s Wife, 194.
83. PUSG, 15:358. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, October 20, 1865.
84. Ibid., 390. Telegram to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, November 4, 1865.
85. Ibid., 301. Letter to Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, August 20, 1865.
86. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:51. Diary entry for November 18, 1865.
87. PUSG, 15:403. Letter from Rep. Elihu B. Washburne to Bvt. Col. Adam Badeau, October 25, 1865.
88. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 106.
89. PUSG, 15:400. Letter from Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, November 8, 1863; ibid., 16:53. Letter from Maj. Gen. Peter J. Osterhaus to Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, November 11, 1865.
90. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 323. Diary entry for November 22, 1865.
91. Grant, Memoirs, 1:419.
92. PUSG, 15:423. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, November 29, 1865.
93. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 30.
94. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus Comstock, 324. Diary entry for December 1, 1865.
95. Ibid.
96. Ibid.
97. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 383.
98. PUSG, 15:434. Letter to Andrew Johnson, December 18, 1865.
99. Ibid., 435.
100. Ibid.
101. Simpson, “Butcher? Racist?”
102. Schafer, Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 356. Letter to his wife, January 12, 1866.
103. Ibid., 457. Letter to his wife, December 20, 1868.
1. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 177.
2. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 398.
3. PUSG, 16:7–8. “General Orders No. 3,” January 12, 1866.
4. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 331. Diary entry for January 30, 1866.
5. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 193–94.
6. Smith, Grant, 426.
7. PUSG, 16:72. Letter from Bvt. Col. Theodore S. Bowers to southern commanding officers, February 17, 1866.
8. Ibid., 69. Letter to Andrew Johnson, February 17, 1866.
9. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 238.
10. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 149.
11. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:71. Diary entry for February 23, 1866.
12. PUSG, 16:101. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 10, 1866.
13. Foner, Reconstruction, 243.
14. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 200–201.
15. Foner, Reconstruction, 250.
16. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:129. Diary entry for August 7, 1866.
17. Foner, Reconstruction, 209.
18. PUSG, 16:114. Letter to Andrew Johnson, March 14, 1866.
19. Ibid., 235. Letter from Maj. Gen. George Stoneman, May 12, 1866.
20. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 207.
21. Ibid.
22. PUSG, 16:233. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, July 7, 1866.
23. Ibid., 230. Letter to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, July 6, 1866.
24. Ibid., 228. “General Orders No. 44,” July 6, 1866.
25. Missouri Democrat, May 31, 1866.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. PUSG, 16:199. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, May 16, 1866.
29. Ibid., 234–35. Letter from Attorney General James Speed to President Andrew Johnson, July 13, 1866.
30. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 215.
31. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:70.
32. McFeely, Grant, 263.
33. PUSG, 16:246. Letter to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, July 21, 1866.
34. The New York Times, September 24, 1866.
35. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 208.
36. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 414.
37. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 208.
38. PUSG, 16:288. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, August 1, 1866.
39. Ibid.
40. Ibid., 289. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, August 2, 1866.
41. Ibid., 290. Telegram from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, August 13, 1866.
42. Ibid., 289. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, August 3, 1866.
43. Ibid., 294. Telegram from Edwin M. Stanton to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, August 7, 1866.
44. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 70.
45. PUSG, 16:294. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan to President Andrew Johnson, August 6, 1866.
46. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 208.
47. McFeely, Grant, 249.
48. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 38.
49. Ibid.
50. Ibid., 47.
51. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter from John A. Rawlins to Mary E. Rawlins, August 30, 1866. JHWP.
52. Ibid. S2 B10. “Swing Around the Circle.”
53. PUSG, 16:306. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, August 31, 1866.
54. Ibid., 32:92. Letter to Clarence W. Richardson, September 16, 1866.
55. McFeely, Grant, 253.
56. Ibid., 252.
57. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 115.
58. New York Herald, September 6, 1866.
59. Cadwallader, Three Years with Grant, 340.
60. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:115. Diary entry for December 3, 1866.
61. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:593. Diary entry for September 17, 1866.
62. Foner, Reconstruction, 26.
63. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 250.
64. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:591. Diary entry for September 17, 1866; The New York Times, September 5, 1866.
65. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:593. Diary entry for September 17, 1866.
66. PUSG, 16:307. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 4, 1866.
67. Stahr, Seward, 473.
68. Foner, Reconstruction, 265.
69. PUSG, 16:308. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, September 9, 1866.
70. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 251.
71. McFeely, Grant, 252.
72. Chicago Daily Tribune, September 14, 1866.
73. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 2:591. Diary entry for September 17, 1866.
74. GPL. S2 B1 F38. “Adam Badeau Letters.” Letter from Adam Badeau to James H. Wilson, September 13, 1866.
75. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:94. Diary entry for September 20, 1866.
76. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 76.
77. PUSG, 17:14. Letter to Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 13, 1867.
78. Ibid., 16:302. Letter to Andrew Johnson, August 22, 1866.
79. Ibid., 330–31. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, October 12, 1866.
80. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:175. Diary entry for August 20, 1867.
81. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:123. Diary entry for January 30, 1867.
82. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:103–4. Diary entry for October 25, 1866.
83. PUSG, 15:426. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, February 7, 1866.
84. Missouri Democrat, May 31, 1866.
85. PUSG, 16:347. Letter to Andrew Johnson, October 21, 1866.
86. Sherman, Memoirs, 904.
87. Ibid.
88. Ibid.
89. PUSG, 16:340. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, October 26, 1866.
90. Sherman, Memoirs, 906.
91. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 52.
92. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 169.
93. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 53–54.
94. Ibid., 51.
95. PUSG, 17:50. Letter to Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, January 18, 1867.
96. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:42. Diary entry for February 15, 1867.
97. Ibid., 44.
98. Foner, Reconstruction, 276.
99. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 114.
100. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:27. Diary entry for January 19, 1867.
101. PUSG, 17:38. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, January 29, 1867.
102. The New York Times, February 20, 1867.
103. Ibid.
104. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 222.
105. PUSG, 17:76. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, March 4, 1867.
106. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:65. Diary entry for March 13, 1867.
107. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 438.
108. Berg, Wilson, 41.
109. PUSG, 17:76. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, March 4, 1867.
110. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 344. Diary entry for February 28, 1867.
111. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:63. Diary entry for March 11, 1867.
112. PUSG, 17:39. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, January 25, 1867.
113. Ibid., 91. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, March 29, 1867.
114. Ibid., 122. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, April 21, 1867.
115. Ibid.
116. PUSG, 17:95. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, April 5, 1867.
117. Ibid., 127. Letter from Bvt. Brig. Gen. Orville E. Babcock to Col. Adam Badeau, May 10, 1867.
118. Ibid.
119. Ibid., 128. Letter from Bvt. Brig. Gen. Horace Porter to Adam Badeau, May 1867 [n.d.].
120. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 289.
121. PUSG, 17:126. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, May 10, 1867.
122. Sheridan, Memoirs, 2:267.
123. Morris, Sheridan, 291.
124. PUSG, 17:185. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, June 7, 1867.
125. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:121. Diary entry for June 27, 1867.
126. PUSG, 32:104. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, May 3, 1867.
127. Ibid., 17:212, 214. “Testimony.” July 18, 1867.
128. Ibid., 214.
129. White, American Ulysses, 443.
130. PUSG, 17:236. Telegram from Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, July 22, 1867.
131. Ibid. Telegram to Edwin M. Stanton, July 23, 1867.
132. PUSG, 17:239–40. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, July 24, 1867.
133. Truman, “Anecdotes of Andrew Johnson.”
134. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 68–70.
135. “Speech of General Rawlins.” Army & Navy Journal, July 13, 1867.
1. Young, Around the World, 333–34.
2. Ibid., 333.
3. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:154. Diary entry for August 3, 1867.
4. PUSG, 17:252. Letter to Andrew Johnson, August 1, 1867.
5. Ibid., 269. Letter from Andrew Johnson to Edwin M. Stanton, August 5, 1867.
6. Ibid. Letter from Edwin M. Stanton to Andrew Johnson, August 5, 1867.
7. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 112.
8. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 165.
9. Wilson, Rawlins, 344.
10. PUSG, 17:268. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, August 12, 1867.
11. Ibid., 269. Letter from Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, August 12, 1867.
12. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:169. Diary entry for August 13, 1867.
13. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:158. Diary entry for August 16, 1867.
14. PUSG, 17:277–78. Letter to Andrew Johnson, August 17, 1867.
15. Ibid., 280. Letter from Andrew Johnson, August 19, 1867.
16. Ibid., 343. Letter to Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, September 18, 1867.
17. White, American Ulysses, 450.
18. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:161. Diary entry for October 8, 1867.
19. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:234. Diary entry for October 19, 1867.
20. Schafer, Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 408. Letter to his wife, October 12, 1867.
21. PUSG, 18:331–32. Letter from Henry J. Raymond, October 13, 1867.
22. GPL. S2 B10. “Presidential Campaigns.”
23. Ibid.
24. Stahr, Seward, 496.
25. PUSG, 18:58–59. Letter from Andrew Johnson, November 30, 1867.
26. Ibid., 59.
27. Stahr, Seward, 497.
28. PUSG, 17:291. Letter from Bvt. Brig. Gen. Orville E. Babcock to Rep. Elihu B. Washburne, August 13, 1867.
29. GPL. S2 B6 F65. Letter from President Andrew Johnson to the Senate, December 12, 1867.
30. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:240. Diary entry for December 12, 1867.
31. Ibid., 180. Diary entry for August 22, 1867.
32. Ibid., 197. Diary entry for September 5, 1867.
33. Ibid., 483. Diary entry for December 12, 1868.
34. Ibid., 556. Diary entry for March 17, 1869.
35. Ibid., 246. Diary entry for December 24, 1867.
36. Ibid., 180. Diary entry for August 22, 1867.
37. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 255.
38. Ibid., 254.
39. Ibid., 256.
40. PUSG, 17:260–61. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. John Pope, July 24, 1867.
41. Ibid., 18:95–96. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. John Pope, December 31, 1867.
42. Ibid., 17:354. Letter to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, September 22, 1867.
43. Ibid., 18:34. Letter to Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, November 21, 1867.
44. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 110.
45. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 415–16. Letter to John Bright, January 18, 1868.
46. PUSG, 18:117. Letter to Andrew Johnson, January 28, 1868.
47. Ibid., 107. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 27, 1868.
48. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 166.
49. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:173. Diary entry for January 14, 1868.
50. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 111.
51. PUSG, 18:108. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 14, 1868.
52. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 47.
53. Niven, Gideon Welles, 558.
54. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:174. Diary entry for January 14, 1868.
55. PUSG, 18:118. Letter to Andrew Johnson, January 28, 1868.
56. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:261. Diary entry for January 14, 1868.
57. Ibid.
58. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:180. Diary entry for February 6, 1868.
59. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:267, 273–74. Diary entry for February 8, 1868.
60. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 107.
61. PUSG, 18:118. Letter to Andrew Johnson, January 28, 1868.
62. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 111.
63. PUSG, 18:126. Letter to Andrew Johnson, February 3, 1868.
64. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 115.
65. PUSG, 18:146. Letter from Andrew Johnson, February 10, 1868.
66. Ibid., 22:297. George H. Williams, Eulogy for Grant, August 8, 1885.
67. Ibid., 18:139–40. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, February 14, 1868.
68. Ibid., 141. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman to Andrew Johnson, February 14, 1868.
69. Sherman, Memoirs, 917.
70. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 142.
71. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 171.
72. Ibid.
73. PUSG, 18:170. Letter from Robert Bonner to Jesse Root Grant, February 26, 1868.
74. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:187. Diary entry for February 7, 1868.
75. GPL. S2 B4 F9. Letter from Helen Griffing to Theodore Tilton, January 17, 1868.
76. Ibid. Letter from Rufus P. Stebbins to Elihu B. Washburne, March 10, 1868.
77. Smith, Grant, 453.
78. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 233.
79. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 134.
80. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 115.
81. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, 120.
82. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 233.
83. Ibid., 234.
84. PUSG, 18:89. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, February 29, 1868.
85. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 101.
86. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 136.
87. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 425–26. Letter to Francis Lieber, May 2, 1868.
88. PUSG, 18:190. Letter from Edwards Pierrepont, March 16, 1868.
89. Ibid., 212. Letter to Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, March 31, 1868.
90. Ibid., 257. Letter to Charles W. Ford, May 15, 1868.
91. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, 126.
92. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 170.
93. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 211. Letter from Andrew Johnson to Edmund Cooper, July 6, 1868.
1. PUSG, 18:196. Letter to Andrew Johnson, March 13, 1868.
2. Ibid., 255. Telegram from Stephen B. Packard, May 14, 1868.
3. Ibid. Letter to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Robert C. Buchanan, May 15, 1868.
4. New York Herald, June 5, 1871.
5. Ibid.
6. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 171.
7. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 119.
8. New York Herald, May 22, 1868.
9. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 82.
10. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 1:481. Diary entry for December 1863 [n.d.].
11. Donald, Lincoln, 265.
12. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 144.
13. Young, Around the World, 379.
14. PUSG, 18:266. Letter from Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, May 22, 1868.
15. Ibid., 264. Letter to Joseph R. Hawley, May 29, 1868.
16. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 445.
17. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 66.
18. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 83.
19. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 236.
20. The New York Times, July 22, 1868.
21. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 66.
22. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
23. PUSG, 19:9. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 17, 1868.
24. Ibid., 43. Letter to John M. Schofield, September 25, 1868.
25. Ibid., 12–13. “Speech,” August 7, 1868.
26. Ibid., 12. “Speech,” August 15, 1868.
27. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 438. Letter to Henry W. Longfellow, August 4, 1868.
28. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:230. Diary entry for October 31, 1868.
29. McFeely, Grant, 283.
30. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 172.
31. Foner, Reconstruction, 340.
32. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
33. PUSG, 19:70. Letter to Capt. Daniel Ammen, November 23, 1868.
34. GPL. S2 B4 F52. “Grant and Jews.” Letter from Schuyler Colfax to John Russell Young, August 12, 1867.
35. PUSG, 19:20. Letter from Joseph Medill to Rep. Elihu B. Washburne, June 16, 1868.
36. Ibid., 37. Letter to Isaac N. Morris, September 14, 1868.
37. White, American Ulysses, 467.
38. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 235.
39. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 448.
40. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 36.
41. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 241.
42. PUSG, 26:3. “To Senate,” January 13, 1875.
43. Ibid., 19:42. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, September 23, 1868.
44. Ibid., 57. Letter to Isaac N. Morris, October 22, 1868.
45. Ibid., 32:118. Letter to J. Russell Jones, October 22, 1868.
46. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 150.
47. PUSG, 18:293. Letter from Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 7, 1868.
48. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:220. Diary entry for October 14, 1868.
49. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 149.
50. PUSG, 19:64–65. “Speech,” November 4, 1868.
51. Ibid., 68–69. Letter to Matías Romero, November 11, 1868.
52. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 123.
53. PUSG, 19:130. “Speech,” February 13, 1869.
54. McFeely, Grant, 290.
55. Ibid., 289–90.
56. PUSG, 28:457–58. Recollection of John A. Kasson, 1885 [n.d.].
57. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 56–57. Letter from Rutherford B. Hayes to his uncle, December 19, 1868.
58. PUSG, 22:41. James McCosh, “Speech,” June 27, 1871.
59. Ibid., 21:188. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson to Hiram Barney, December 29, 1868.
60. Ibid., 19:94. “Speech,” December 15, 1868.
61. Ibid. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, December 14, 1868.
62. McFeely, Grant, 285.
63. GPL. S2 B13. “Rawlins Letters.” Letter to Mary E. Rawlins, December 10, 1868. JHWP.
64. PUSG, 16:187. Letter to Edwin M. Stanton, May 8, 1866.
65. Wilson, Rawlins, 352.
66. “‘This Thankless Office.’” American History Illustrated, January 1977.
67. PUSG, 19:103. Letter to Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 5, 1869.
68. Sumner, Republicanism vs. Grantism, 14.
69. GPL. S2 B10. “Presidential Campaigns.” Letter from C. Washburn to William Drew Washburn, February 26, 1870.
70. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:138.
71. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 250.
72. Young, Around the World, 290.
73. The Philadelphia Times, December 17, 1879.
74. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:559–60. Diary entry for March 24, 1869.
75. PUSG, 20:231. Letter from John Russell Young to Elihu B. Washburne, January 5, 1869.
76. Ibid., 30:172. “Speech,” March 11, 1881.
77. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:500. Diary entry for January 5, 1869.
78. Ibid., 498. Diary entry for January 2, 1869.
79. Singleton, The Story of the White House, 2:123.
80. Gordon-Reed, Andrew Johnson, 142.
81. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 60.
82. PUSG, 19:160. Letter to Mary Grant Cramer, March 31, 1869.
83. Richardson, A Personal History, 58.
84. PUSG, 19:122. Letter from Jesse Grant to Bvt. Brig. Gen. Frederick Dent, February 17, 1869.
85. GPL. S2 B21 F7. “Howe’s Historical Collections of Ohio.” LLP.
86. PUSG, 19:139. “Inaugural Address,” March 4, 1869.
87. Ibid., 140.
88. Ibid.
89. Ibid., 142.
90. Ibid.
91. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 40.
92. Foner, Reconstruction, 448.
93. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 265.
94. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 2:229–30.
95. Ross, The General’s Wife, 204.
96. PUSG, 21:188. Letter from Bvt. Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson to Hiram Barney, March 5, 1869.
1. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 122.
2. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:371.
3. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 59. Letter to S. Birchard, March 7, 1869.
4. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 119–20.
5. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:565. Diary entry for March 27, 1869.
6. PUSG, 21:148. Letter from Ebenezer R. Hoar to Jacob D. Cox, February 9, 1871.
7. Fish, “General Grant.”
8. USGH. “Interview with Ely S. Parker.”
9. Sumner, Republicanism vs. Grantism, 16.
10. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 378. Diary entry for March 6, 1869.
11. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:281.
12. Smith, Grant, 472.
13. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 233.
14. Foner, The Fiery Trial, 13.
15. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 154.
16. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 177.
17. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 73.
18. Ibid., 97.
19. Ibid.
20. Summer, The Diary of Cyrus B. Comstock, 383. Diary entry for January 20, 1870.
21. GPL. B24 F16. “Interview with Eliza M. Shaw.” HGP.
22. Ross, The General’s Wife, 216.
23. Schafer, Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 475. Letter to his wife, March 20, 1869.
24. Smith, Grant, 554.
25. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 85.
26. Harper’s Weekly, January 9, 1869.
27. Foote, The Civil War, 1:166.
28. Donald, Lincoln, 570.
29. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 45.
30. PUSG, 19:160. Letter to Mary Grant Cramer, March 31, 1869.
31. Beale, Diary of Gideon Welles, 3:576. Diary entry for April 12, 1869.
32. PUSG, 19:109. Letter from Orville E. Babcock to George T. Downing, January 1870 [n.d.].
33. Ibid., 108. Letter from George T. Downing et al., May 13, 1869.
34. Ibid., 20:11. Letter from Ebenezer D. Bassett, March 17, 1869.
35. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 36.
36. PUSG, 19:108. Letter from George T. Downing et al., May 13, 1869.
37. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 102.
38. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
39. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 88.
40. Ibid., 101.
41. Ibid., 102.
42. Ibid., 104.
43. Ibid., 111.
44. Ibid., 112.
45. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 859.
46. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 149.
47. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 292.
48. PUSG, 24:272. “Draft Annual Message,” December 1, 1873.
49. Ibid.
50. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 57.
51. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 174.
52. Ibid.
53. Ibid.
54. Ibid., 175.
55. Singleton, The Story of the White House, 131.
56. Greely, Reminiscences of Adventure and Service, 235.
57. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 93.
58. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:135.
59. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 177.
60. Ibid., 174.
61. Fish, “General Grant.”
62. PUSG, 20:73. Letter to John P. Newman, circa December 1869 [n.d.].
63. Ibid. Letter to John P. Newman, December 24, 1869.
64. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 191.
65. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:429. Diary entry for October 28, 1875.
66. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant. Part 1.”
67. Sherman, Memoirs, 928–29.
68. USGA Newsletter, April 1964.
69. Ibid.
70. GPL. S2 B13 F26. “Walt Whitman.”
71. Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 9, 1872.
72. PUSG, 19:189. “Proclamation,” May 19, 1869.
73. USGH. “Interview with Colonel James E. Pitman.”
74. Ross, The General’s Wife, 229.
75. PUSG, 27:167. Letter to Rutherford B. Hayes, July 4, 1876.
76. USGH. “Interview with William H. Crook.”
77. Ibid.
78. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 178.
79. GPL. S2 B5 F28. Undated reminiscence of Jesse Root Grant Jr.
80. Truman, The President’s House, 160.
81. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 411.
82. McFeely, Grant, 404.
83. “Mrs. U. S. Grant Sinking.” Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 14, 1902.
84. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 294.
85. USGH. “Interview with Eliza Shaw.”
86. GPL. S2 B24 F15. “Interview with Olive Logan.” HGP.
87. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 192.
1. USGA Newsletter, April 1964.
2. Foner, Reconstruction, 311.
3. Smith, Grant, 480.
4. PUSG, 19:163. “To Congress,” April 7, 1869.
5. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 41.
6. Lemann, Redemption, 55.
7. PUSG, 19:222. Letter from Lewis Dent, August 14, 1869
8. Ibid. Letter to Lewis Dent, August 1, 1869.
9. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 258.
10. Ibid., 259.
11. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 181.
12. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 27.
13. Ibid., 26.
14. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 181.
15. Morris, Sheridan, 324.
16. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 539.
17. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 312.
18. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 119.
19. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 549.
20. New York Herald, June 8, 1871.
21. PUSG, 15:40–41. Telegram to Maj. Gen. John Pope, May 17, 1865.
22. Philadelphia Public Ledger, October 12, 1872.
23. Cozzens, The Earth Is Weeping, 118.
24. PUSG, 18:257–58. Letter to Lt. Gen. William T. Sherman, May 19, 1868.
25. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 137.
26. PUSG, 20:39. “Speech,” December 6, 1869.
27. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 147; Cozzens, The Earth Is Weeping, 115.
28. Cincinnati Gazette, November 31, 1870.
29. PUSG, 21:41. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1870.
30. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:260.
31. Cox, “How Judge Hoar Ceased to Be Attorney-General.”
32. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:259.
33. PUSG, 24:62. “Second Inaugural Address,” March 4, 1873.
34. Ibid., 20:74. “Memorandum,” 1869–70 [n.d.].
35. Ibid., 75.
36. Ibid., 74.
37. Ibid.
38. Ibid.
39. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
40. Grant, Memoirs, 2:778.
41. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:261.
42. Ibid.
43. Cox, “How Judge Hoar Ceased to Be Attorney-General.”
44. PUSG, 19:209. Letter to Buenaventura Báez, July 13, 1869.
45. GPL. SX BL. “Orville Babcock Papers.” Diary entry for July 24, 1869.
46. Cox, “How Judge Hoar Ceased to Be Attorney-General.”
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid.
49. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:246. Letter from Hamilton Fish to George Bancroft, September 4, 1869.
50. PUSG, 20:169. Hamilton Fish diary entry for July 10, 1870.
51. Smith, Grant, 496.
52. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:244.
53. Smith, Grant, 497.
54. PUSG, 20:26. “Annual Message,” December 6, 1869.
55. Ibid., 19:260. Letter from John A. Rawlins to Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, August 19, 1869.
56. Parker, “General Rawlins.”
57. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:246. Letter from Hamilton Fish to George Bancroft, September 4, 1869.
58. Washington Evening Star, September 7, 1869.
59. Armstrong, Warrior in Two Camps, 145.
60. McFeely, Grant, 330.
61. PUSG, 19:240. Letter to Roscoe Conkling, September 5, 1869.
62. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:247.
63. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 305.
64. PUSG, 19:240. Letter to Mary E. Rawlins, September 6, 1869.
65. Ibid., 260. Letter from Senator George E. Spencer to Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, September 9, 1869.
66. Ibid., 220. Letter from Adolph E. Borie to Adam Badeau, October 3, 1869.
67. Ibid., 257. Letter from Lt. Col. James H. Wilson to Orville E. Babcock, October 13, 1869.
68. LoC. SCP. Box 1. Letter from Gen. John E. Smith to Sylvanus Cadwallader, February 4, 1896.
69. GPL. S2 B13 F43. Letter from James H. Wilson to Sylvanus Cadwallader, October 12, 1904.
70. Catton, Grant Takes Command, 137.
1. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 157.
2. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:409. Diary entry for January 8, 1872.
3. Klein, The Life and Legend of Jay Gould, 102.
4. PUSG, 20:234. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Katherine Felt, April 25, 1869.
5. New York Herald, October 8, 1869.
6. PUSG, 15:220. Letter to Andrew Johnson, June 26, 1865.
7. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 171.
8. Adams, “The New York Gold Conspiracy.”
9. PUSG, 19:244. Letter to George S. Boutwell, September 12, 1869.
10. New York Tribune, September 13, 1869.
11. PUSG, 19:244–45. Letter from Jay Gould to Horace Porter, September 16, 1869; telegram from Horace Porter to Jay Gould, September 19, 1869.
12. Adams, “The New York Gold Conspiracy.”
13. Klein, The Life and Legend of Jay Gould, 106.
14. PUSG, 19:245. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Virginia Grant Corbin, September 18 or 19, 1869.
15. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 182.
16. Adams, “The New York Gold Conspiracy.”
17. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 175.
18. Ibid., 168–69.
19. McFeely, Grant, 321.
20. Ibid.
21. PUSG, 19:257. Letter from Lt. Col. James H. Wilson to Horace Porter, October 12, 1869.
22. Ibid., 256. Letter from Robert Bonner, October 11, 1869.
23. Ibid., 255. Letter to Robert Bonner, October 13, 1869.
24. Ibid., 256. Telegram from Robert Bonner, October 16, 1869.
25. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 254.
26. Ibid., 248.
27. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 177.
28. PUSG, 22:79. Letter to Hamilton Fish, July 21, 1871; ibid., 20:318, letter to Adam Badeau, October 23, 1870.
29. Simpson, “Henry Adams and the Age of Grant.”
30. GPL. S2 B5 F19. “Letters of Henry Adams.”
31. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 104.
32. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 249.
33. Ibid., 248.
34. Ibid., 247.
35. Ibid.
36. Adams, “The Session.”
37. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 34.
38. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 105–6.
39. Young, Around the World, 281.
40. PUSG, 28:306. Letter to Hamilton Fish, November 14, 1877.
41. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 153.
42. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 258.
43. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 212.
44. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 481; Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 465.
45. Grant, Memoirs, 2:777.
46. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:160.
47. The Times (London), June 3, 1869.
48. PUSG, 20:50. “Speech,” December 11, 1869.
49. The Nation, January 20, 1870.
50. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 58.
51. PUSG, 20:91. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, January 28, 1870.
52. Ibid., 130–31. “To Congress,” March 30, 1870.
53. Ibid., 137. “Speech,” April 1, 1870.
54. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 65–66.
55. Berg, Wilson, 41.
56. Foner, Reconstruction, 417.
57. Ibid., 238.
58. Young, Around the World, 336.
59. PUSG, 20:55. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 7, 1870.
60. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 198.
61. PUSG, 20:78. Letter from Edwin M. Stanton to Bishop Matthew Simpson, October 26, 1869.
62. Ibid., 80. Letter from Edwin M. Stanton, December 21, 1869; Young, Around the World, 334.
63. Ibid. Letter to Department Heads, December 24, 1869.
64. Young, Around the World, 334.
65. PUSG, 20:56. Letter from Robert C. Grier, March 31, 1869.
66. New York Tribune, February 14, 1870.
67. Friedman and Israel, Justices of the United States Supreme Court, 1181.
68. PUSG, 20:92. Letter from Elihu Washburne, January 7, 1870.
1. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 11.
2. PUSG, 20:20. “Speech,” December 6, 1869.
3. Ibid., 60. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, December 17, 1869.
4. Sumner, Naboth’s Vineyard, 14.
5. PUSG, 28:307. Letter to Hamilton Fish, November 14, 1877.
6. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:322. Letter from Senator Timothy O. Howe to Hamilton Fish, November 8, 1877.
7. PUSG, 28:307. Letter to Hamilton Fish, November 14, 1877.
8. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 558. Letter from John W. Forney to Orville E. Babcock, June 6, 1870.
9. PUSG, 28:308. Memorandum of George S. Boutwell, November 12, 1877.
10. McFeely, Grant, 341.
11. Smith, Grant, 502.
12. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:312.
13. McFeely, Grant, 356.
14. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 631. Letter to William Washburn, March 9, 1874.
15. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:317.
16. Sumner, Republicanism vs. Grantism, 20.
17. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:317.
18. McFeely, Grant, 342.
19. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:318.
20. Jones, John A. Logan, 42.
21. PUSG, 20:135. Hamilton Fish diary entry for April 4, 1870.
22. Ibid., 154–55. “To the Senate,” May 31, 1870.
23. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:330. Diary entry for June 1, 1870.
24. PUSG, 20:162. Hamilton Fish diary entry for June 4, 1870.
25. NL. OEBP. Box 3, F149. Letter from J. W. Fabens to Orville E. Babcock, June 6, 1870.
26. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:331.
27. McFeely, Grant, 343.
28. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:364. Diary entry for June 13, 1870.
29. Ibid. Diary entry for June 14, 1870.
30. PUSG, 20:180. Rutherford B. Hayes diary entry for June 27, 1870.
31. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 399.
32. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 205.
33. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:204.
34. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 206.
35. PUSG, 20:185. Hamilton Fish diary entry for June 25, 1870.
36. Ibid. Hamilton Fish diary entry for July 1, 1870.
37. Ibid. Cable from Hamilton Fish to John Lothrop Motley, July 1, 1870.
38. Ibid., 186. Letter from John Lothrop Motley to Hamilton Fish, July 14, 1870
39. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 207.
40. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 516. Letter to Timothy O. Howe, August 28, 1870.
41. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:380. Letter from Bancroft Davis, August 3, 1870.
42. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 522. Letter to Hamilton Fish, September 14, 1870.
43. Ibid., 515. Letter from John Bigelow, July 23, 1870.
44. New York Herald, February 22, 1878.
45. PUSG, 28:307. Letter to Hamilton Fish, November 14, 1877.
46. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 214.
47. Smith, Grant, 502.
48. PUSG, 20:171. Hamilton Fish diary entry for June 17, 1870.
49. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 210.
50. PUSG, 22:351. Letter from Jacob D. Cox to Willard Warner, January 30, 1872.
51. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:379. Benjamin Moran diary entry for July 15, 1870.
52. McFeely, Grant, 367.
53. Webb, “Benjamin H. Bristow.”
54. Ibid.
55. PUSG, 23:66. “To House of Representatives,” April 19, 1872.
56. Ibid., 20:211. Letter from Gov. William W. Holden, March 10, 1870.
57. Ibid., 210. Letter to Gov. William W. Holden, July 22, 1870.
58. Swinney, “Enforcing the Fifteenth Amendment, 1870–1877.”
59. PUSG, 20:249. Letter from Gov. Robert K. Scott, October 22, 1870.
60. Ibid., 250.
61. Ibid., 21:19. Letter from Gov. William H. Smith, November 18, 1870.
62. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 298.
63. Ibid., 299.
64. PUSG, 21:263. Letter from Mrs. S. E. Lane, April 19, 1871.
65. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 278.
66. Foner, Reconstruction, 442.
67. Ibid., 428.
68. PUSG, 21:151. Letter from Gov. William W. Holden, January 1, 1871.
69. Ibid., 259. Letter from Gov. Robert K. Scott to Brig. Gen. Alfred H. Terry, January 17, 1871.
70. Ibid., 262. Letter from Reps. Warren D. Wilkes and Samuel Nuckles, March 2, 1871.
71. Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 22, 1871.
72. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 407.
73. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 357.
74. PUSG, 21:218–19. Letter to James. G. Blaine, March 9, 1871.
75. Ibid., 247. Letter from Rep. James A. Garfield to Jacob D. Cox, March 23, 1871.
76. Ibid.
77. Ibid., 249. Rep. James B. Beck, “Speech,” March 30, 1871.
78. Ibid., 250. Rep. John B. Hawley, “Speech,” April 1, 1871.
79. Parsons, Ku-Klux, 166.
80. Marszalek, Sherman: A Soldier’s Passion for Order, 426.
81. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 63.
82. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 406.
83. PUSG, 21:337. General Orders No. 48, issued by Adjutant General Edward D. Townsend, May 15, 1871.
84. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 300.
85. Foner, Reconstruction, 457.
86. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 560.
87. PUSG, 21:336. “Proclamation,” May 3, 1871.
88. Ibid., 336–37.
89. Ibid., 355. Letter from Adjutant General Edward D. Townsend to Brig. Gen. Alfred H. Terry, May 13, 1871.
90. Ibid., 22:164. Quoted in letter from Senator John Scott, September 1, 1871.
91. Ibid., 167. Letter from Javan Bryant, September 8, 1871.
92. Ibid., 23:65. Letter from Amos T. Akerman, October 16, 1871.
93. Ibid., 22:161. “Proclamation,” October 12, 1871.
94. Webb, “Benjamin H. Bristow.”
95. Gillette, Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869–1879, 42.
96. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 70.
97. Foner, Reconstruction, 458.
98. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 79.
99. Ibid.
100. PUSG, 22:201. Hamilton Fish diary entry for October 31, 1871.
101. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 301.
102. PUSG, 21:345. Letter from Senator Adelbert Ames to Blanche Butler Ames, October 26, 1871.
103. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 94.
104. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 570. Letter to Gerrit Smith, August 20, 1871.
105. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 85.
106. Parsons, Ku-Klux, 174.
107. PUSG, 22:288. Letter to Amos T. Akerman, December 12, 1871.
108. Ibid., 296. Letter from Amos T. Akerman, December 13, 1871.
109. Ibid., 297. George H. Williams, August 8, 1885, eulogy for Grant.
110. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 72.
1. PUSG, 21:39. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1870.
2. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 122. Letter to S. Birchard, December 11, 1870.
3. The New York Times, December 8, 1870.
4. Sumner, Naboth’s Vineyard, 3.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid., 5.
7. Ibid., 7.
8. PUSG, 21:81, December 21, 1870; Sumner, Naboth’s Vineyard, 14.
9. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 533. Senator Zachariah Chandler, “Speech,” December 21, 1870.
10. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 161.
11. PUSG, 21:82. Congressional Globe, 41–43, speech by Senator Oliver P. Morton, December 21, 1870.
12. McFeely, Grant, 351.
13. Ibid.
14. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:450.
15. PUSG, 21:135. Letter from Frederick Douglass to Senator Charles Sumner, January 6, 1871.
16. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 547. Letter from Hamilton Fish to Benjamin Morgan, December 30, 1870.
17. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 486.
18. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Summer, 540. Letter from Charles Sumner to Gerrit Smith, January 17, 1871.
19. McFeely, Frederick Douglass, 77.
20. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 67.
21. PUSG, 21:149. Letter from Ebenezer R. Hoar to Jacob D. Cox, February 9, 1871.
22. PUSG, 21:290. Letter from Benjamin F. Wade to Caroline Wade, February 1, 1871.
23. Ibid., 367. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 19, 1871.
24. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:451 and 461. Letter to Elihu Washburne, February 20, 1871.
25. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 214.
26. New York Herald, September 25, 1877.
27. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 237.
28. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 546. Letter to Edward Eggleston, March 10, 1871.
29. PUSG, 21:369. Senator Charles Sumner, “Speech,” March 27, 1871.
30. Sumner, Republicanism vs. Grantism, 44.
31. McFeely, Frederick Douglass, 277.
32. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
33. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 83.
34. Ibid., 70.
35. The New York Times, March 30, 1871.
36. PUSG, 21:294. “To Congress,” April 5, 1871.
37. Ibid., 238. Letter to Alexander G. Cattell, March 21 [23?], 1871.
38. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 167.
39. PUSG, 21:295. “To Congress,” April 5, 1871.
40. Ibid., 370. Letter from Senator Carl Schurz to Jacob D. Cox, April 4, 1871.
41. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 570. Letter from Senator Charles Sumner to Gerrit Smith, August 20, 1871.
42. PUSG, 22:232. Letter to Henry Wilson, November 15, 1871.
43. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 174–75.
44. GPL. S2 B5 F20. “Hamlin Garland.”
45. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 556. Letter to John Sherman, May 1, 1871.
46. LoC. USGP. Series 4, Vol. 6. “Memoirs.”
47. PUSG, 22:248. Letter to George W. Childs, November 28, 1871.
48. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 1:438.
49. PUSG, 21:55. “Annual Message,” December 5, 1870.
50. Foreman, A World on Fire, 802.
51. McFeely, Grant, 354.
52. Ibid.
53. PUSG, 21:63. Letter from Hamilton Fish to Senator Simon Cameron, May 30, 1871.
54. Ibid., 22:54. Hamilton Fish diary entry for May 29, 1871.
55. Ibid., 107. Letter to Schuyler Colfax, August 4, 1871.
56. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:495. Diary entry for April 22, 1871.
57. PUSG, 22:53–54. Letter from Hamilton Fish, July 10, 1871.
58. New York Herald, June 3, 1871.
59. PUSG, 22:79. Letter to Hamilton Fish, July 21, 1871.
60. Fish, “General Grant.”
61. PUSG, 22:320. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 5, 1871.
62. Ibid. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 20, 1871.
63. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:527. Letter from Prime Minister Gladstone to Queen Victoria, January 30, 1872.
64. Foreman, A World on Fire, 803.
65. PUSG, 23:14. Benjamin Moran diary entry for February 28, 1872.
66. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:531.
67. PUSG, 23:14. Letter from Orville E. Babcock to Adam Badeau, March 10, 1872.
68. Ibid., 122. Hamilton Fish diary entry for May 18, 1872.
69. NYHS. TNC. Cartoon of July 6, 1872.
70. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:564. Letter to ElihuWashburne, October 7, 1872.
71. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 230.
1. Fowler, Patriotic Orations, 161.
2. USGH. “Interview with Eliza Shaw.”
3. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
4. PUSG, 28:448. Letter to Daniel Ammen, August 13, 1878.
5. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 405.
6. USGH. “Interview with James B. Fry.”
7. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 20.
8. Grant, “My Father as I Knew Him.”
9. Boutwell, Reminiscences of Sixty Years, 251.
10. PUSG, 20:91. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, January 28, 1870.
11. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 87.
12. Cox, “How Judge Hoar Ceased to Be Attorney-General.”
13. PUSG, 20: 242–43. Letter from Jacob D. Cox, August 22, 1870.
14. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:466. Diary entry for October 4, 1870.
15. PUSG, 20:292. Letter from Jacob D. Cox, October 3, 1870.
16. Ibid. Letter to Jacob D. Cox, October 5, 1870.
17. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 58.
18. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 605. Letter from Jacob D. Cox, August 3, 1872.
19. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 218.
20. PUSG, 21:40–41. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1870.
21. The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
22. PUSG, 22:359. Letter from Rep. James A. Garfield to Jacob D. Cox, January 16, 1872.
23. Ibid., 23:3. Letter to Joseph Medill, February 1, 1872.
24. Ibid., 62. “Order,” April 16, 1872.
25. Ibid., 293. Letter from Charles W. Eliot, November 26, 1872.
26. Ibid., 28:265. Letter to Edward F. Beale, September 9, 1877.
27. Young, Around the World, 281.
28. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 254.
29. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 202.
30. Cincinnati Gazette, October 5, 1880.
31. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:589.
32. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
33. Watrous, “Grant as His Son Saw Him.”
34. The Southern Illinoisan, January 7, 2007.
35. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 174.
36. Ibid., 134.
37. Ibid., 136.
38. Ibid., 137.
39. Ibid.
40. PUSG, 20:142. Letter from Orville E. Babcock to Thomas Murphy, July 14, 1870.
41. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 138.
42. New York Tribune, November 21, 1870.
43. PUSG, 22:240. Letter to Thomas Murphy, November 20, 1871.
44. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 256.
45. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 174.
46. PUSG, 23:56. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 13, 1872.
47. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 411. Diary entry for January 25, 1872.
48. Levine, “Indian Fighters and Indian Reformers.”
49. PUSG, 22:72. Report of the House Committee on Appropriations, February 25, 1871.
50. Ibid., 71. Letter to Ely S. Parker, July 13, 1871.
51. Ibid., 84. Letter from William Welsh to Jacob D. Cox, September 13, 1871.
52. Philadelphia Evening Telegram, August 12, 1875.
53. New York Herald, June 8, 1871.
54. PUSG, 23:270. Letter to George H. Stuart, October 26, 1872.
55. Ibid., 22:72. Letter from Ely S. Parker to Columbus Delano, January 12, 1871.
56. Ibid., 23:40. Letter to Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, March 6, 1872.
57. Ibid., 22:77–78. Letter from Samuel F. Tappan, May 25, 1871.
58. Ibid., 23:145. “Speech,” May 28, 1872.
59. New York Herald, August 6, 1872.
60. PUSG, 22:230. Letter to Schuyler Colfax, November 14, 1871.
61. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 14.
62. McFeely, Grant, 381.
63. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 77.
64. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 262.
65. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 179.
66. McPherson, “Grant or Greeley?”
67. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 500.
68. Foner, Reconstruction, 503.
69. PUSG, 21:8. Letter to John Russell Young, November 15, 1870.
70. Young, Around the World, 291.
71. PUSG, 22:232. Letter to Henry Wilson, November 15, 1871.
72. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 274.
73. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 318.
74. Truman, “Anecdotes of Andrew Jackson.”
75. Parsons, Ku-Klux, 192; Daily Arkansas Gazette, June 4, 1871.
76. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 493.
77. Foner, Reconstruction, 503.
78. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 494.
79. Sumner, Republicanism vs. Grantism, 4.
80. Ibid., 27.
81. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 204. Letter to S. Birchard, June 10, 1872.
82. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 180.
83. New York Herald, June 14, 1872.
84. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 180.
85. Ibid.
86. Foner, Reconstruction, 505.
87. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 81.
88. PUSG, 24:169. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne to Adam Badeau, July 19, 1872.
89. Ibid., 20:313. Letter to Oliver P. Morton, October 20, 1870.
90. PUSG, 21:350. Letter to Charles W. Ford, May 3, 1871.
91. Ibid., 22:273. “Annual Message,” December 5, 1871.
92. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 282.
93. Ibid., 280.
94. Washington Evening Star, April 17, 1872.
95. Corum, Ulysses Underground, 257.
96. PUSG, 23:100–101. Letter from Charles Lenox Remond and Charles E. Pindell, September 5, 1872.
97. Smith, Grant, 550.
98. McPherson, “Grant or Greeley?”
99. Ibid.
100. Ibid.
101. PUSG, 23:214. Gerrit Smith, “Speech,” June 22, 1872.
102. McPherson, “Grant or Greeley?”
103. Palmer, The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner, 603. Letter from Frederick Douglass, July 19, 1872.
104. Foner, The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, 75.
105. Bunting, Ulysses S. Grant, 115.
106. Douglass, “U. S. Grant and the Colored People.”
107. Ibid.
108. PUSG, 23:211. Letter to Gerrit Smith, July 28, 1872.
109. Ibid., 200. Letter to Roscoe Conkling, July 15, 1872.
110. McFeely, Grant, 384.
111. Fish, “General Grant.”
112. PUSG, 23:242. Letter to J. Russell Jones, September 5, 1872.
113. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 287.
114. Foner, Reconstruction, 508.
115. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 213. Letter to S. Birchard, September 22, 1872.
116. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 503.
117. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 181.
118. Clews, Fifty Years in Wall Street, 189.
119. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 552.
120. PUSG, 23:237. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, August 26, 1872.
121. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 142.
122. Ibid., 143.
123. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:434. Diary entry for August 28, 1872.
124. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:609. Letter to C. C. Amsden, October 25, 1872.
125. PUSG, 24:66. Letter from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, March 10, 1873.
126. Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1871.
127. Gordon, The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, 199. Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, July 10, 1872.
128. New York Herald, October 8, 1872.
129. Sherr, Failure Is Impossible, 109.
130. St. Louis Democrat, March 3, 1873.
131. Sherr, Failure Is Impossible, 267.
132. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 296.
133. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 150.
134. Foner, Reconstruction, 510.
135. Young, Around the World, 379.
136. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 145.
137. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 269.
138. Taliaferro, All the Great Prizes, 158.
139. New York Tribune, December 5, 1872.
140. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 503.
141. PUSG, 24:68. Letter to Schuyler Colfax, March 4, 1873.
142. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 120.
143. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 190.
144. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 61.
145. The New York Times, March 5, 1873.
146. PUSG, 24:61. “Second Inaugural Address,” March 4, 1873.
147. Ibid., 62.
148. Ibid., 63.
149. Ibid., 62.
150. Ibid., 64.
151. Gillette, Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869–1879, 74.
1. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 495.
2. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant. Part 1.”
3. PUSG, 24:3. Letter to William W. Belknap, January 5, 1873.
4. Ibid., 52. “To Congress,” February 25, 1873.
5. Ibid., 57. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 21, 1873.
6. Ibid. Letter to Elisha Baxter, February 26, 1873.
7. Ibid., 53. Letter from Joseph T. Hatch, January 21, 1873.
8. Ibid., 54. Endorsement of telegram from William P. Kellogg, March 5, 1873.
9. Lemann, Redemption, 21.
10. PUSG, 26:6. “To Senate,” January 13, 1875.
11. Ibid., 7.
12. Ibid., 24:123. Letter from Gov. William P. Kellogg, May 8, 1873.
13. Ibid., 122. “Proclamation,” May 22, 1873.
14. Lemann, Redemption, 25.
15. Foner, Reconstruction, 550.
16. Harper’s Weekly, March 6, 1875.
17. PUSG, 25:215–16. Letter from Gov. William P. Kellogg, August 19, 1874.
18. Ibid., 26:8. “To Senate,” January 13, 1875.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid., 25:187. Letter to William W. Belknap, September 2, 1874.
21. Ibid., 224. Letter from Gen. William H. Emory, September 17, 1874.
22. Ibid., 26:9. “To Senate,” January 13, 1875; ibid., 25:213. “Proclamation,” September 15, 1874.
23. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:741.
24. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 358.
25. PUSG, 25:222. Hamilton Fish diary entry for September 16, 1874.
26. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 348.
27. PUSG, 25:226. Letter from Marshall Jewell to Elihu B. Washburne, September 19, 1874.
28. Ibid., 223. Hamilton Fish diary entry for September 16, 1874.
29. Ibid., 224.
30. Ibid., 234. Letter from “a Lover of Justice” to Julia Grant, September 23, 1874.
31. Ibid. Anonymous letter to Julia Grant, September 17, 1874.
32. Ibid., 235. Letter from “We the Colored people of New Orleans,” September 25, 1874.
33. McFeely, Grant, 386.
34. PUSG, 23:308. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 3, 1872.
35. Ibid., 24:253. Letter to Roscoe Conkling, November 8, 1873.
36. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 199.
37. Ibid., 201.
38. PUSG, 24:254. Letter from Hamilton Fish, November 30, 1873.
39. Ibid., 285. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 1, 1873.
40. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 361.
41. PUSG, 24:285. Letter from Horace Porter to Benjamin H. Bristow, December 18, 1873.
42. Ibid., 287. Letter from Noah H. Swayne to Benjamin H. Bristow, December 21, 1873.
43. Ibid., 286. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 30, 1873.
44. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 132.
45. Smith, Grant, 562.
46. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 363.
47. Harper’s Weekly, February 7, 1874.
48. PUSG, 23:329. Letter to Isaac H. Bailey, December 16, 1872.
49. Ibid., 197. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Margaretta Pierrepont, December 6, 1872.
50. Ibid., 24:161. Letter to Adolph E. Borie, July 3, 1873.
51. USGH. “Eliza Shaw Interview.”
52. PUSG, 24:161. Letter from Aaron F. Perry, July 5, 1873.
53. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 301.
54. PUSG, 24:293. Letter to Abel R. Corbin, December 16, 1873.
55. Ibid., 21:33. Letter from David Clark to Sayles J. Bowen, July 22, 1872.
56. The New National Era, July 30, 1874.
57. PUSG, 21:31. Letter from James Smith to David Clark, June 30, 1870.
58. Ibid., 30. Letter from David Clark, July 8, 1870.
59. The New National Era, August 25, 1874.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. Ibid., August 7, 1874.
63. Ibid., August 25, 1874.
64. PUSG, 21:32. Letter from David Clark to Sayles J. Bowen, July 22, 1872.
65. McFeely, Grant, 378.
66. PUSG, 21:73. Letter to Ulysses S. Grant Jr., December 8, 1870.
67. Ibid., 27:78. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to U.S. Senator John Sherman, March 10, 1876.
68. Ibid., 23:83. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, June 13, 1872.
69. Ibid., 249. Letter to Abel R. Corbin, September 13, 1872.
70. Ross, The General’s Wife, 219.
71. PUSG, 25:260. Letter to Adam Badeau, October 25, 1874.
72. Ibid., 21:28. Letter to Ulysses S. Grant Jr., October 9, probably 1870.
73. Ross, The General’s Wife, 240.
74. PUSG, 25:261. Letter to Adam Badeau, October 25, 1874.
75. Ibid.
76. Ibid., 23:221. Letter from Julia Grant to Maj. Cyrus B. Comstock, August 12, 1874.
77. Grant, “My Father as I Knew Him.”
78. Ross, The General’s Wife, 219.
79. PUSG, 23:121. Letter to Robert C. Schenck, May 17, 1872.
80. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 413.
81. Ross, The General’s Wife, 237.
82. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 181.
83. PUSG, 24:163. Letter to Edward J. Sartoris, July 7, 1873.
84. Ibid.
85. GPL. S2 B13 F26. “Walt Whitman.”
86. Ross, The General’s Wife, 239.
87. Grant, “General Grant’s Son Speaks of His Father.”
88. GPL. S2 B6 F59. “Henry James Letters.” Letter of May 19, 1879.
1. PUSG, 24:214. Letter from William A. Richardson, August 28, 1873.
2. Ibid., 213. Telegram from Oliver P. Morton, September 19, 1873; ibid., 24:214. Telegram from Thomas Murphy, September 19, 1873.
3. Harper’s Weekly, October 11, 1873.
4. PUSG, 24:219. Letter to Horace B. Claflin and Charles L. Anthony, September 27, 1873.
5. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:703. Diary entry for October 3, 1873.
6. PUSG, 24:226. Letter to Anthony J. Drexel, October 10, 1873.
7. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 331.
8. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:701.
9. Schlesinger, The Cycles of American History, 35.
10. Donald, Lincoln, 395.
11. PUSG, 20:21. “Annual Message,” December 6, 1869.
12. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 207.
13. PUSG, 25:172. Letter from Vice President Henry Wilson, April 5, 1874.
14. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 208.
15. New York Tribune, April 18, 1874.
16. Washington National Republican, April 18, 1874.
17. Young, Around the World, 239.
18. Ibid., 240.
19. PUSG, 26:310. Letter from Hamilton Fish, September 24, 1875.
20. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:713. Diary entry for April 21, 1874.
21. PUSG, 25:77. Telegram from Edwards Pierrepont, April 22, 1874.
22. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 336.
23. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 255. Letter to Gen. M. F. Force, April 27, 1875.
24. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:714. Letter to Gen. L. Schuyler, April 25, 1874.
25. PUSG, 25:80. Letter from Henry C. Guffin, April 27, 1874.
26. Ibid., 172. Letter from Vice President Henry Wilson, April 5, 1874.
27. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 338.
28. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 136.
29. Ibid., 137.
30. PUSG, 25:140. Resolution of the Union League of America, October 21, 1874.
31. Ibid., 122. Hamilton Fish diary entry for June 7, 1874.
32. Ibid., 26:37. “To Senate,” January 14, 1875.
33. Ibid., 23:118. Hamilton Fish diary entry for October 27, 1874.
34. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 25.
35. Marszalek, Sherman: A Soldier’s Passion for Order, 387.
36. PUSG, 25:249. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Col. Joseph C. Audenried, November 6, 1874.
37. Ibid., 145–46. Letter from Hamilton Fish, July 13, 1874.
38. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 567.
39. Lemann, Redemption, 80.
40. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:746.
41. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 373.
42. Ibid; Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 154.
43. PUSG, 25:284. “Draft Annual Message,” December 7, 1874.
44. Young, Around the World, 244.
45. PUSG, 25:281. “Draft Annual Message,” December 7, 1874.
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid., 230. Letter from the Reverend H. W. Harris, September 25, 1874.
48. Ibid., 13. Letter from L. F. Pannell, February 20, 1875.
49. Swinney, “Enforcing the Fifteenth Amendment, 1870–1877.”
50. Ibid.
51. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:771. Diary entry for March 12, 1875.
52. Ibid., 772. Diary entry for April 12, 1875.
53. PUSG, 26:105. Letter to George H. Williams, April 28, 1875.
54. Harper’s Weekly, June 5 and June 10, 1875.
55. PUSG, 25:157. Letter from Alexander K. Davis, July 20, 1874.
56. Lemann, Redemption, 74.
57. PUSG, 25:159. Telegram from Senator Charles E. Furlong, August 4, 1874.
58. Lemann, Redemption, 74.
59. PUSG, 25:191. Letter from H. H. Montgomery, September 23, 1874.
60. Ibid., 192. Letter from Isaac Loveless, November 9, 1874.
61. Lemann, Redemption, 88.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid., 91.
64. Ibid.
65. Ibid.
66. PUSG, 25:307. Letter to Capt. Arthur W. Allyn, December 19, 1874, sent via Secretary of War William W. Belknap.
67. Ibid., 305–6. “Proclamation,” December 21, 1874.
68. Ibid., 307. Telegram from Adjutant General Edward D. Townsend to Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, January 4, 1875.
69. Lemann, Redemption, 99.
70. Ibid., 98.
71. PUSG, 26:16. Letter from A. P. Williams, December 17, 1874.
72. Morris, Sheridan, 351.
73. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:751.
74. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 158.
75. Morris, Sheridan, 352.
76. Ibid.
77. Ibid.
78. The Nation, January 7, 1875.
79. Nevins and Thomas, The Diary of George Templeton Strong, 4:547. Diary entry for January 7, 1875.
80. Ibid., diary entry for January 11, 1875.
81. PUSG, 26:21. Letter from Wendell Phillips to Secretary of War William Belknap, January 9, 1875.
82. Ibid., 21. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 9, 1875.
83. Ibid.
84. Ibid., 22. Pennsylvania House of Representatives Resolution, January 11, 1875.
85. Ibid., 23. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 11, 1875.
86. Ibid.
87. Ibid., 8–9. “To Senate,” January 13, 1875.
88. Ibid., 9.
89. Ibid., 12.
90. Ibid., 13–14.
91. Ibid., 25. Letter from Frederick Dent Grant to Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, January 14, 1875.
92. Ibid., 25. Letter from House Speaker James G. Blaine, January 14, 1875.
93. Ibid., 29. Letter from John S. Mosby, January 23, 1875.
94. Morris, Sheridan, 535.
95. Hoar, Autobiography of Seventy Years, 1:209.
96. PUSG, 26:30. Letter from Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan to Orville E. Babcock, January 25, 1875.
97. Ibid., 20. Letter from Rufus B. Bullock to Orville E. Babcock, February 4, 1875.
98. Ibid., 34. Letter from Roland T. Bull et al., May 1, 1875.
99. Ibid., 579–80. Letter from Charles Sumner to Henry W. Longfellow, February 25, 1872.
100. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 311.
101. Harper’s Weekly, June 13, 1874.
102. PUSG, 26:132. Anonymous letter, March 2, 1875.
1. PUSG, 18:267. Letter from Maj. James S. Brisbin, May 25, 1868.
2. Ibid., 21:350. Letter to Charles W. Ford, May 3, 1871.
3. The American, August 5, 1885.
4. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 112.
5. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 25.
6. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 121.
7. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 185.
8. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, October 7, 1973.
9. Smith, Grant, 591.
10. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 155
11. White, American Ulysses, 557.
12. PUSG, 26:285. Bluford Wilson testimony, July 27, 1876.
13. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 193.
14. Ibid., 194.
15. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:769. Diary entry for May 22, 1875.
16. PUSG, 26:238. Hamilton Fish diary entry for May 22, 1875.
17. Ibid., 240. Letter from Orville E. Babcock to John McDonald, July 14, 1875.
18. NL. OEBP. Box 1. Letter to Thomas C. Fletcher, October 1, 1877.
19. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 119–20.
20. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:788.
21. PUSG, 26:233. Letter from William D. W. Barnard, July 19, 1875.
22. Ibid., 232. “Endorsement,” July 29, 1875.
23. Ibid., 233. Letter from Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow, July 30, 1875.
24. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:789. Diary entry for September 17, 1875.
25. PUSG, 26:284. Letter from Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow to Bluford Wilson, August 9, 1875.
26. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 198.
27. PUSG, 26:374. Letter from William L. Burt, October 21, 1875.
28. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 385.
29. PUSG, 26:377. Letter from David P. Dyer to Edwards Pierrepont, November 29, 1875.
30. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 30, 1875.
31. PUSG, 26:379. John B. Henderson, Closing Arguments, December 3, 1875.
32. Ibid., 384. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 10, 1875.
33. Ibid., 380. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 7, 1875.
34. Ibid., 378. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 3, 1875.
35. Ibid., 430. Letter to Annie Campbell Babcock, December 17, 1875.
36. U.S. Congress, House Testimony Before the Select Committee Concerning the Whiskey Frauds, 44th Congress, 1st session, House Miscellaneous Document 186, 366.
37. Chicago Inter-Ocean, February 8, 1876.
38. McFeely, Grant, 413.
39. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 219.
40. PUSG, 27:139. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 6, 1876.
41. Ibid.
42. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:802. Diary entry for February 6, 1876.
43. PUSG, 27:23. Letter from Horace Porter, February 4, 1876.
44. Ibid., 45. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 8, 1876.
45. Ibid., 46.
46. Ibid., 27–28. “Deposition,” February 12, 1876.
47. Ibid., 35.
48. Ibid., 223. “Testimony,” Edwards Pierrepont, March 23, 1876.
49. Ibid., 139. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 14, 1876.
50. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 247.
51. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 11.
52. U.S. Congress, House Testimony Before the Select Committee Concerning the Whiskey Frauds, 44th Congress, 1st session, House Miscellaneous Document 186, 369.
53. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
54. PUSG, 28:164. “Order,” March 1, 1877.
55. Ibid., 27:142. Hamilton Fish diary entry for May 15, 1876.
56. Ibid., 137. Letter from Benjamin H. Bristow, June 17, 1876.
57. Ibid., 136–37. Letter to Benjamin H. Bristow, June 19, 1876.
58. Ibid., 185. Letter to Benjamin H. Bristow, July 12, 1876.
59. Ibid., 146. Hamilton Fish diary entry for October 12, 1876.
60. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 36.
61. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 192.
62. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 133–34.
63. “Stories of Grant.” Chicago Daily Tribune, April 12, 1885.
64. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:417. Diary entry for July 5, 1875.
65. Young, Around the World, 379.
66. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 182.
67. PUSG, 26:133–34. Letter to Harry White, May 29, 1875.
68. Ibid., 129. Letter to Edwin Cowles, May 29, 1875.
69. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 186.
70. Ibid.
71. McFeely, Grant, 426.
72. PUSG, 27:124. To the Editor, Sunday School Times, June 6, 1876.
73. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 270.
74. Ibid.
75. PUSG, 26:343. “Speech,” September 29, 1875.
76. Ibid., 344.
77. “A Presidential Reformer.” The Catholic Record, April 1876.
78. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 151.
79. PUSG, 26:387. “Annual Message,” December 7, 1875.
80. Ibid., 388.
81. Ibid., 293. Letter from William H. Harney to Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 6, 1875.
82. Ibid., 295. Telegram to Adjutant General Edward D. Townsend, September 8, 1875.
83. Ibid., 296. Telegram from James Z. George to Edwards Pierrepont, September 9, 1875.
84. Ibid., 297. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 11, 1875.
85. Ibid. Telegram from Gov. Adelbert Ames to Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 11, 1875.
86. Ibid., 312. Letter to Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 13, 1875.
87. Ibid.
88. McFeely, Grant, 421.
89. PUSG, 26:314. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont to Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 14, 1875.
90. Ibid. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 16, 1875.
91. Lemann, Redemption, 125.
92. PUSG, 26:315. Letter from Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 30, 1875.
93. Lemann, Redemption, 140.
94. Ibid., 132.
95. Ibid.
96. Ibid., 133.
97. Ibid., 137.
98. Ibid., 146.
99. Ibid., 148.
100. PUSG, 26:320. Letter from Hiram R. Revels, November 6, 1875.
101. Lemann, Redemption, 166.
102. McFeely, Grant, 424.
103. Lemann, Redemption, 167.
104. Ibid., 136.
105. Ibid., 137.
1. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:775. Diary entry for April 29, 1865.
2. McFeely, Grant, 433.
3. Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser, July 27, 1875.
4. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:806.
5. PUSG, 27:68. Testimony by Orvil Grant before a House committee examining expenditures in the War Department, March 9, 1876.
6. “The Week.” The Nation, March 16, 1876.
7. “A Trait of Grantism.” New York Tribune, March 10, 1876.
8. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 432.
9. Ibid.
10. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 190.
11. Smith, Grant, 594.
12. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 125.
13. PUSG, 27:53. Letter to William W. Belknap, March 2, 1876.
14. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 191.
15. New York Herald, March 3, 1876.
16. PUSG, 27:55. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 3, 1876.
17. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 293.
18. PUSG, 27:77. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 5, 1876.
19. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:443. Diary entry for March 2, 1876.
20. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 96.
21. PUSG, 27:56. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to U.S. Senator John Sherman, March 4, 1876.
22. Ibid., 57. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 7, 1876.
23. Ibid., 59. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 21, 1876.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:808. Diary entry for March 31, 1876.
27. PUSG, 27:61. Jeremiah Black, Closing Argument, July 24, 1876.
28. The New York Times, July 12, 1876.
29. PUSG, 27:183. Hamilton Fish diary entry for July 10, 1876.
30. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:829.
31. Young, Around the World, 288.
32. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 229.
33. Ibid., 238.
34. PUSG, 26:131. Letter from Robert T. Kent, April 30, 1875.
35. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 113.
36. PUSG, 28:265. Letter to Edward F. Beale, September 9, 1877.
37. Ibid., 27:133. Telegram to Gov. Rutherford B. Hayes, June 16, 1876.
38. Ibid. “Speech,” June 19, 1876.
39. Ibid., 167. Letter to Rutherford B. Hayes, July 4, 1876.
40. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 243.
41. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 434.
42. New York Tribune, July 15, 1876.
43. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 312.
44. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 73.
45. PUSG, 25:35. “To Congress,” February 25, 1874.
46. Ibid., 27:108. “Address,” May 10, 1876.
47. New York Tribune, May 11, 1876.
48. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 88.
49. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 409.
50. PUSG, 26:84. Letter from Secretary of the Interior Columbus Delano, March 17, 1875.
51. Ibid., 139. “Council with Sioux Delegation,” June 2, 1875.
52. Ibid., 140.
53. Ibid., 209. Letter from Othniel C. Marsh, July 10, 1875.
54. Ibid., 208. Letter to Othniel C. Marsh, July 16, 1875.
55. Ibid., 203. Letter to Columbus Delano, July 16, 1875.
56. Ibid., 225. Speech by Thomas C. Fletcher, August 10, 1875.
57. Ibid., 226. Response by Red Cloud, August 10, 1875.
58. The New York Times, November 2, 1875.
59. PUSG, 26:363. Letter from George H. Stuart, December 2, 1875.
60. Ibid.
61. McFeely, Grant, 437.
62. Chicago Inter-Ocean, April 3, 1880.
63. PUSG, 16:202. Letter to Matías Romero, May 16, 1866.
64. Ibid., 15:431. Letter from Cadwallader C. Washburn, October 17, 1865.
65. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 297.
66. New York World, May 2, 1876.
67. PUSG, 27:60. Letter from William W. Belknap to his sister, May 2, 1876.
68. New York World, May 2, 1876.
69. Cozzens, The Earth Is Weeping, 229.
70. PUSG: 27:74. Telegram from Gen. William T. Sherman to Brig. Gen. Alfred Terry, May 8, 1876.
71. Ibid., 170. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman, July 8, 1876.
72. Morris, Sheridan, 363.
73. New York Herald, September 2, 1876.
74. Smith, Grant, 539.
75. PUSG, 27:178. Telegram from Gen. William T. Sherman to Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, July 22, 1876.
76. New York Herald, September 12, 1876.
77. Ibid.
78. PUSG, 28:64. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1876.
79. Ibid., 65.
80. Smith, Grant, 541.
81. The New York Times, October 4, 2012.
82. PUSG, 27:161. Letter from Morris Cohen, June 30, 1876.
83. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 123.
1. Lemann, Redemption, 199.
2. Pittsburgh Telegraph, October 3, 1876.
3. Ibid.
4. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 244.
5. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 435.
6. New York Herald, September 12, 1876.
7. PUSG, 27:321. Letter from Secretary of War James D. Cameron to Gen. William T. Sherman, August 15, 1876.
8. Ibid., 203. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain to Secretary of War James D. Cameron, July 12, 1876.
9. Ibid., 234. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain to Senator Thomas J. Robertson, July 13, 1876.
10. Ibid., 201. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, July 22, 1876.
11. Ibid., 199. Letter to Daniel H. Chamberlain, July 26, 1876.
12. Ibid., 200.
13. Ibid., 231. “To Senate,” July 31, 1876.
14. Ibid., 205. Letter from L. Cass Carpenter, August 19, 1876.
15. Ibid., 206. Letter from David T. Corbin to Alphonso Taft, August 21, 1876.
16. Ibid., 332. Letter from James Majar et al., September 25, 1876.
17. Ibid., 330. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, October 11, 1876.
18. Ibid., 329. “Proclamation,” October 17, 1876.
19. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 411.
20. PUSG, 28:85. Letter from W. W. Heath, December 15, 1876.
21. Lemann, Redemption, 163.
22. PUSG, 27:320. Letter from James H. Pierce to Attorney General Alphonso Taft, September 22, 1876.
23. Ibid., 299. Letter from Senator Joseph R. West, October 3, 1866.
24. Lemann, Redemption, 177–78.
25. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 283.
26. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 413.
27. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 171.
28. PUSG, 28:26. Telegram from Secretary of the Interior Zachariah Chandler, November 9, 1876.
29. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 173.
30. PUSG, 28:19–20. Telegram to Gen. William T. Sherman, November 10, 1876.
31. Ibid., 24. Hamilton Fish diary entry for November 14, 1876.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid., 34. Letter from “An Outlaw of the west,” November 18, 1876.
34. Ibid., 24. Letter from “United Order of Bush Rangers,” November 22, 1876.
35. Ibid., 51. Letter from John C. Winsmith, November 17, 1876.
36. Ibid., 49. Telegram from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, November 25, 1876.
37. Ibid. Letter to James D. Cameron, November 26, 1876.
38. Ibid., 86. Letter from Henry L. Newfville [sic], December 18, 1876.
39. Ibid., 56. Hamilton Fish diary entry for November 30, 1876.
40. Ibid., 58. Letter to Col. Thomas H. Ruger, December 3, 1876.
41. The New York Times, December 8, 1876.
42. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 202.
43. PUSG, 28:77. Letter from Senator John Sherman et al., December 6, 1876.
44. Ibid., 114. Letter to Brig. Gen. Christopher C. Augur, January 14, 1877.
45. Ibid., 116. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 17, 1877.
46. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 112.
47. PUSG, 28:149. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 17, 1877.
48. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 255.
49. PUSG, 28:143. “To Senate,” January 29, 1877.
50. Ibid., 158–59. Letter to Edwards Pierrepont, February 11, 1877.
51. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 416. Diary entry for February 17, 1877.
52. Young, Around the World, 286.
53. Foner, Reconstruction, 579.
54. The New York Times, July 21, 1878.
55. Young, Around the World, 286.
56. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:855.
57. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 205.
58. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 213.
59. PUSG, 28:62. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1876.
60. Ibid., 63.
61. Ibid., 69.
62. Ibid.
63. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 418.
64. PUSG, 28:79. “Memorandum,” Rep. Abram S. Hewitt, December 3, 1876.
65. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 197.
66. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 444.
67. “Mrs. U. S. Grant Sinking.” Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 14, 1902.
68. Greely, Reminiscences of Adventure and Service, 233.
69. New York Herald, March 3, 1877.
70. McFeely, Grant, 449.
71. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 259.
72. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
73. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 156.
74. Smith, Grant, 605.
75. McFeely, Grant, 449.
76. PUSG, 28:142. Letter to John F. Long, January 28, 1877.
77. PUSG, 28:456. Letter from Hamilton Fish, July 12, 1878.
78. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 586.
79. Foner, Reconstruction, 582.
80. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 104.
81. “‘This Thankless Office.’” American History Illustrated, January 1977.
82. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 105.
83. “Overrated and Underrated Americans.” American Heritage, July–August 1988.
84. PUSG, 28:168. Statement by Peter P. Pitchlynn, Choctaw delegate, et al., February 26, 1877.
85. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 348.
86. Young, Around the World, 335.
87. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 326.
88. Ibid.
89. PUSG, 28:252. Letter to Commodore Daniel Ammen, August 26, 1877.
90. “Overrated and Underrated Americans.” American Heritage, July–August 1988.
91. GPL. S2 B4 F8. “Frederick Douglass Papers.” Speech of October 21, 1890.
92. PUSG, 28:168–69. Letter from T. Jefferson Martin, March 12, 1877.
1. Cincinnati Enquirer, March 27, 1877.
2. Ibid., March 28, 1877.
3. PUSG, 28:181. Letter to Hamilton Fish, April 1, 1877.
4. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 297.
5. PUSG, 28:199. Letter to Jesse Root Grant Jr., May 9, 1877.
6. Young, Around the World, 5.
7. PUSG, 28:203. “Speech,” May 17, 1877.
8. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant, Part 2.”
9. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 211.
10. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
11. PUSG, 21:11. Letter from John Russell Young, November 5, 1870.
12. Young, Around the World, 9.
13. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
14. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
15. USGH. “Interview with John Russell Young.”
16. PUSG, 28:205. “Testimonial,” May 26, 1877.
17. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 212.
18. PUSG, 28:207. “Speech,” May 30, 1877.
19. Young, Around the World, 13.
20. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 158.
21. The Times (London), May 23, 1877.
22. McFeely, Grant, 457.
23. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 203.
24. PUSG, 28:213. William E. Gladstone diary entry for June 5, 1877.
25. Chicago Inter-Ocean, June 2, 1883.
26. GPL. S2 B2 F6. Letter from Benjamin Disraeli to Anne Lady Chesterfield, June 22, 1877.
27. The Times (London), June 16, 1877.
28. Simon, General Grant by Matthew Arnold, 12.
29. Young, Around the World, 378.
30. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 227.
31. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 282.
32. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 207.
33. McFeely, Grant, 459.
34. PUSG, 28:232. Edward Henry Stanley diary entry for June 26, 1877.
35. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 288.
36. Ibid., 179.
37. Young, Around the World, 27.
38. Ibid., 246.
39. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 218.
40. PUSG, 28:xxvi. “Chronology,” August 1877 [n.d.].
41. Ibid., 249. Letter to Ulysses S. Grant Jr., August 25, 1877.
42. Ibid., 253–54. Letter to Abel R. Corbin, August 26, 1877.
43. Ibid., 275. “Speech,” September 22, 1877.
44. McFeely, Grant, 463.
45. Ibid., 462.
46. PUSG, 28:219. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, June 18, 1877.
47. Young, Around the World, 45.
48. Ibid., 249.
49. Grant, Memoirs, 2:776.
50. Young, Around the World, 374.
51. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 217.
52. Ibid., 262.
53. Ibid.
54. PUSG, 28:318. Letter to Ulysses S. Grant Jr., November 21, 1877.
55. Campbell, Citizen of a Wider Commonwealth, xii.
56. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 257.
57. Young, Around the World, 83.
58. PUSG, 28:327. Letter from Lt. Commander Albert G. Caldwell to his family, December 20, 1877.
59. Ibid.
60. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 454.
61. PUSG, 28:343. Letter to Frederick Dent Grant, January 25, 1878.
62. New York Herald, May 30, 1878.
63. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 236.
64. PUSG, 28:356. Letter from Lt. Commander Albert G. Caldwell to his mother, March 5, 1878.
65. Ibid., 368. Letter from Lt. Commander Albert G. Caldwell to his mother, March 19, 1878.
66. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 299.
67. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 305.
68. New York Herald, June 14, 1878.
69. The Philadelphia Times, October 20, 1879.
70. Young, Around the World, 155.
71. New York Herald, July 2, 1878.
72. Young, Around the World, 158.
73. Ibid., 160.
74. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 15.
75. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 252.
76. Ibid., 253.
77. PUSG, 28:466. Letter to William W. Smith, September 1, 1878.
78. Ibid., 29:20. Letter to Edward F. Beale, December 6, 1878.
79. McFeely, Grant, 468.
80. Smith, Grant, 607.
81. McFeely, Grant, 468.
82. PUSG, 28:361. Letter to Adam Badeau, March 22, 1878.
83. McFeely, Grant, 479.
84. PUSG, 28:367. Letter to Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen, March 25, 1878.
85. The New York Times, December 7, 1878.
86. PUSG, 29:15. Letter from Secretary of the Navy Richard W. Thompson, October 23, 1878.
87. Ibid., 14. Letter to Richard W. Thompson, November 14, 1878.
88. Ibid., 65. “Travel Diary,” February 20, 1879.
89. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 268.
90. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 165.
91. McFeely, Grant, 472–73.
92. Campbell, Citizen of a Wider Commonwealth, 223.
93. Young, Around the World, 238.
94. PUSG, 29:124. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, May 4, 1879.
95. Ibid., 125. John Russell Young diary entry for May 6, 1879.
96. Ibid., 84. “Travel Diary,” May 23, 1879.
97. Ibid., 86. “Travel Diary,” June 4, 1879.
98. Ibid., 152. “Conversation with Prince Kung,” June 8, 1879.
99. Ibid., 156.
100. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 294.
101. PUSG, 29:193. Letter to Adam Badeau, August 1, 1879.
102. Ibid., 183. Letter to Daniel Ammen, July 16, 1879.
103. Ibid., 176. Address from the Tokyo Reception Committee, July 3, 1879.
104. Campbell, Citizen of a Wider Commonwealth, 1.
105. Young, Around the World, 414.
106. PUSG, 29:204. “Conversation with Emperor Meiji,” August 10, 1879.
107. The New York Times, January 6, 1880.
108. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 161.
109. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 306.
110. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
111. Ibid.
112. Ibid.
113. Ibid.
114. The Philadelphia Times, October 20, 1879.
115. PUSG, 29:93. Letter from John Russell Young to Thomas Nast, February 6, 1879.
116. Chicago Daily Tribune, September 23, 1879.
117. PUSG, 29:140. Letter from Adam Badeau to Gen. William T. Sherman, May 16, 1879.
118. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 317.
119. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 307.
120. San Francisco Chronicle, September 21, 1879.
121. Ibid.
122. GPL. S2 B54 F18. “Interview with Amos Webster.” HGP.
123. Ibid. S2 B4 F9–11. “Drinking Folders.” Letter from Thomas M. Anderson to General Charles King, January 20, 1915.
124. Leitman, “The Revival of an Image.”
125. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 162.
126. PUSG, 29:356. Letter from James M. Comly to President Rutherford B. Hayes, October 27, 1879.
127. Ibid., 248. Letter to Adolph E. Borie, September 28, 1879.
128. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 311.
129. Ibid.
130. Chicago Inter-Ocean, October 29, 1879.
131. Ibid., October 31, 1879.
132. Chicago Daily Tribune, November 2, 1879.
133. Chicago Inter-Ocean, November 5, 1879.
134. Ibid., November 4, 1879.
135. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 224.
136. GPL. S2 B24 F14. “Interview with Russell Jones.” HGP.
137. Gold, “Grant and Twain in Chicago.”
138. Ibid.
139. Ibid.
140. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:181.
141. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 225.
142. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:75.
143. PUSG, 29:297. “Speech,” November 13, 1879.
144. Ibid., 293. “Speech,” November 12, 1879.
145. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:71.
146. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 226.
147. Ibid.
148. Ibid.
149. Ibid., 227.
150. Ibid.
151. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:475.
152. Gold, “Grant and Twain in Chicago.”
153. Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, December 16, 1879.
154. PUSG, 29:341. Letter to Adam Badeau, December 27, 1879.
155. Louisville Courier-Journal, December 11, 1879.
156. PUSG, 29:314. Letter from President Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, December 27, 1879.
157. Ibid., 340. “Speech,” December 26, 1879.
158. The Philadelphia Press, December 19, 1879.
1. PUSG, 28:370. Letter to Abel R. Corbin, March 29, 1878.
2. Young, Around the World, 285.
3. The Times (London), July 11, 1878.
4. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 208.
5. The Times (London), February 27, 1925.
6. PUSG, 28:480. Letter from Gen. Philip H. Sheridan to Gen. William T. Sherman, October 29, 1878.
7. Ibid., 480. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, October 13, 1878.
8. Ibid., 29:138. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman, July 17, 1879.
9. Ibid., 139.
10. Ibid., 344. Letter from John Russell Young to Gen. William T. Sherman, February 14, 1880.
11. Ibid., 305. Letter to Adam Badeau, November 21, 1879.
12. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
13. PUSG, 29:356. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne to John A. Logan, December 29, 1879.
14. Godkin, “General Grant’s Political Education Abroad.”
15. Chicago Inter-Ocean, January 6, 1880.
16. PUSG, 29:347. Letter to Ellen Grant Sartoris, January 18, 1880.
17. Ibid., 364. Letter to George W. Childs, February 26, 1880.
18. Washington National Republican, January 23, 1883.
19. PUSG, 29:365. Letter to George W. Childs, February 26, 1880.
20. Chicago Inter-Ocean, April 3, 1880.
21. “With Grant in Mexico.” The Philadelphia Times, March 14, 1880.
22. PUSG, 29:354. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne, February 11, 1880.
23. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 322.
24. PUSG, 29:371. Letter to Elihu B. Washburne, March 25, 1880.
25. Ibid., 369. “Speech,” Galveston, Texas, March 24, 1880.
26. Galveston News, March 26, 1880.
27. McFeely, Grant, 481.
28. New Orleans Picayune, April 6, 1880.
29. Chicago Inter-Ocean, February 20, 1880.
30. The New York Times, March 29, 1880.
31. Memphis Appeal, April 13, 1880.
32. Mobile Register, April 22, 1880.
33. Chicago Inter-Ocean, April 4, 1880.
34. PUSG, 29:380. “Speech,” April 12, 1880.
35. Ibid., 388. “Speech,” April 16, 1880.
36. Ibid.
37. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 318.
38. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 326.
39. PUSG, 29:411. Letter from John Russell Young to John Hay, June 4, 1880.
40. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 319.
41. Ibid., 320.
42. Leitman, “The Revival of an Image.”
43. GPL. S2 B5 F26. Letter from Edmund Smith to Mr. Chandler, April 29, 1880.
44. Troy Intelligencer, April 17, 1892.
45. PUSG, 23:4. Letter to James E. McLean, February 4, 1872.
46. New York Sun, September 5, 1878.
47. Ibid.
48. “Mr. Orville [sic] D. Grant Insane.” The New York Times, September 5, 1878.
49. Ibid.
50. PUSG, 29:29. Letter to Michael John Cramer, December 10, 1878.
51. The New York Times, January 28, 1879.
52. GPL. S2 B5 F26. Letter from Edmund Smith to Mr. Chandler, April 29, 1880.
53. PUSG, 29:374. Letter from Elihu B. Washburne to Senator John A. Logan, April 30, 1880.
54. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 329.
55. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 321.
56. Ibid.
57. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 332.
58. Ibid., 331.
59. Ibid., 333–34.
60. Ibid., 334.
61. Ibid., 335.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid., 336.
64. Millard, Destiny of the Republic, 38.
65. Young, Around the World, 288.
66. Chicago Inter-Ocean, June 15, 1881.
67. PUSG, 29:373. Letter from Treasury Secretary John Sherman to William H. Smith, April 19, 1880.
68. Chicago Inter-Ocean, May 6, 1880.
69. Smith, Grant, 617.
70. Ross, The General’s Wife, 276.
71. PUSG, 29:416. Letter to Roscoe Conkling, June 10, 1880.
72. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
73. USGH. “Interview with Augustus Chetlain.”
74. GPL. S2 B5 F19. William H. Wilson diary entry for July 5, 1880.
75. Pryor, My Day, 375.
76. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 3:600. Diary entry for June 5, 1880.
77. Milwaukee Sentinel, June 10, 1880.
78. Chicago Inter-Ocean, October 6, 1880.
79. Millard, Destiny of the Republic, 59.
80. Leavenworth Times, July 4, 1860.
81. PUSG, 29:445. Letter to Adam Badeau, August 12, 1880.
82. Denver Tribune, July 18, 1880.
83. PUSG, 29:441. Letter from James A. Garfield, July 26, 1880.
84. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 322.
85. Cincinnati Gazette, October 5, 1880.
86. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:75.
87. Ibid.
88. Ibid., 483.
89. PUSG, 30:14. “Speech,” October 20, 1880.
90. New York Tribune, October 22, 1880.
91. Ibid., October 24, 1880.
92. PUSG, 30:15. “Speech,” October 21, 1880.
93. New York Herald, October 27, 1880.
94. PUSG, 30:63. Letter to Ellen Grant Sartoris, November 4, 1880.
95. New York Tribune, November 4, 1880.
1. PUSG, 30:75. Letter to James A. Garfield, November 11, 1880.
2. Ibid., 127. Letter to James A. Garfield, January 26, 1881.
3. Ibid., 209. Letter to Senator John P. Jones, April 24, 1881.
4. Ibid., 204. Letter to James A. Garfield, April 24, 1881.
5. Ibid., 215. Letter to Adam Badeau, May 7, 1881.
6. Ibid., 205. Letter from President James A. Garfield, May 15, 1881.
7. Ibid., 206.
8. Pittsburg Times, June 16, 1881.
9. New York Evening Post, June 13, 1881.
10. Millard, Destiny of the Republic, 144.
11. Ibid.
12. LoC. LRGP. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, July 26, 1885.
13. PUSG, 30:249. Telegram to Secretary of War Robert T. Lincoln, July 2, 1881.
14. Ibid.
15. New York World, July 5, 1881.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. PUSG, 30:248. Letter to Adam Badeau, July 27, 1881.
19. Ibid.
20. Chicago Inter-Ocean, September 7, 1881.
21. The New York Times, September 20, 1881.
22. Ibid.
23. New York World, July 5, 1881.
24. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 337.
25. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 322.
26. The Two Republics, April 24, 1881.
27. Chicago Morning News, June 13, 1881.
28. PUSG, 30:63. Letter to Ellen Grant Sartoris, November 4, 1880.
29. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 323.
30. Ibid.
31. PUSG, 30:282. Letter to William R. Rowley, October 30, 1881.
32. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 324.
33. PUSG, 30:130. Letter to Elizabeth King, January 27, 1881.
34. Ibid., 464. Congressional Record, 47-1, 1289.
35. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 152.
36. Pittsburg Times, June 17, 1881.
37. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 196.
38. Ibid., 143–44.
39. Ward, “General Grant as I Knew Him.”
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid.
43. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:67.
44. PUSG, 31:153. “Memorandum,” May 1884 [n.d.].
45. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 193.
46. Ibid.
47. The New York Times, April 9, 1885.
48. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 163.
49. Ibid., 194.
50. Ibid., 201.
51. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:66.
52. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
53. PUSG, 31:67. Letter to Ellen Grant Sartoris, October 2, 1883.
54. Burlington Free Press, July 29, 1885.
55. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 418.
56. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 7, 1884.
57. “Stories of Grant.” Chicago Daily Tribune, April 12, 1885.
58. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 211.
59. Fry, “An Acquaintance with Grant.”
60. PUSG, 31:139. Letter from Ferdinand Ward to Ulysses Grant Jr., May 5, 1884.
61. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 217.
62. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 419.
63. Ibid.
64. The New York Times, May 9, 1884.
65. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 20.
66. Ibid., 35.
67. New York Graphic, May 6, 1884.
68. PUSG, 31:332. “Deposition,” March 26, 1885.
69. Fry, “An Acquaintance with Grant.”
70. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 35.
71. Ibid., 37.
72. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 222.
73. The New York Times, October 28, 1885.
74. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 235.
75. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 327.
76. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 234.
77. PUSG, 31:146–47. Letter from Charles Wood, May 10, 1884.
78. Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 11.
79. The Washington Post, July 19, 1886.
80. New York Herald, May 10, 1884.
81. The Washington Post, May 24, 1884.
82. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 235.
83. New York Evening Post, May 6, 1884.
84. PUSG, 31:142. Letter from William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, May 7, 1884.
85. The Washington Post, December 30, 1884.
86. The New York Times, May 15, 1884.
87. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 231.
88. Ibid.
89. Ward, “General Grant as I Knew Him.”
1. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 3, 1877.
2. PUSG, 31:100. Letter to Adam Badeau, January 21, 1884.
3. Kentucky Stock Farm, October 8, 1885.
4. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 329.
5. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 57.
6. Ibid., 57–58.
7. Ibid., 58.
8. Ibid., 60.
9. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 171.
10. Perry, Grant and Twain, 63.
11. PUSG, 31:205. Letter from Roswell Smith to Richard Watson Gilder, September 9, 1884.
12. Perry, Grant and Twain, 65.
13. Badeau, “The Last Days of General Grant.”
14. Perry, Grant and Twain, 69.
15. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 110.
16. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 189.
17. The Philadelphia Press, July 29, 1884.
18. PUSG, 31:211. Letter to Cornelius B. V. Ward, October 4, 1884.
19. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 471.
20. Perry, Grant and Twain, 71.
21. Badeau, “The Last Days of General Grant.”
22. Perry, Grant and Twain, 81, 121.
23. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 428.
24. Ross, The General’s Wife, 293.
25. Perry, Grant and Twain, 80.
26. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 175.
27. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 258.
28. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 175.
29. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 261.
30. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:78.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
33. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:61.
34. Ibid., 61–62.
35. Ibid., 63.
36. PUSG, 31:237. Letter to George W. Childs, November 23, 1884.
37. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 329.
38. PUSG, 31:294. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Anna R. Hillyer, February 28, 1885.
39. Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 18.
40. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 271.
41. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 174.
42. Perry, Grant and Twain, 119.
43. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 272.
44. The New York Times, March 1, 1885.
45. Ibid.
46. PUSG, 31:364. Letter from George M. Arnold to Frederick Dent Grant, March 17, 1885.
47. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 437.
48. PUSG, 30:136. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John A. Logan, February 5, 1881.
49. Ibid. Letter to John A. Logan, February 9, 1881.
50. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 135.
51. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Telegram from Mark Twain to his wife, March 14, 1885.
52. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:70.
53. Flood, Grant’s Last Victory, 136; Ross, The General’s Wife, 294.
54. PUSG, 31:321. Letter to Attorney General Richard C. Drum, March 4, 1885.
55. New York Tribune, March 20, 1885.
56. Perry, Grant and Twain, 162.
57. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 143.
58. The New York Times, March 27, 1885.
59. Ibid., March 30, 1885.
60. Perry, Grant and Twain, 170.
61. Ibid., 172.
62. Shrady, “The Last Days of Our Great General.”
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid.
65. Ibid.
66. Ibid.
67. New York Tribune, April 8, 1885.
68. Ibid., April 7, 1885.
69. PUSG, 31:337. Letter from Frederick T. Dent to Capt. Lafayette E. Campbell, April 15, 1885.
70. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
71. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:99.
72. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 142.
73. Perry, Grant and Twain, 183.
74. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
75. Ibid.
76. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 240.
77. McFeely, Grant, 497.
78. PUSG, 31:280. Letter from William B. Moore to Frederick Dent Grant, March 27, 1888.
79. New York World, April 29, 1885.
80. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 273.
81. PUSG, 31:358. Letter from Adam Badeau, May 2, 1885.
82. Ibid.
83. Ibid., 359. Endorsement by Frederick Dent Grant of Adam Badeau’s letter of May 2, 1885.
84. Ibid., 286. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Clarence A. Seward, May 23, 1888.
85. Ibid., 354. Letter to Adam Badeau, May 2–5, 1885.
86. Ibid., 355–56.
87. Ibid., 359. Letter from Adam Badeau, May 9, 1885.
88. New York Sun, March 21, 1888.
89. PUSG, 31:430–31. Letter to Adam Badeau, July 12, 1885.
90. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
91. PUSG, 31:52. Letter to Roland Worthington, July 3, 1883.
92. New York Sun, May 3, 1903.
93. Ibid.
94. Carnegie, Autobiography, 79.
95. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
96. Ibid.
97. Simon, General Grant by Matthew Arnold, 57.
98. New York Tribune, May 1, 1885.
99. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:71.
100. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 274.
101. PUSG, 31:410.
102. Ibid. Letter to Frederick Dent Grant, July 6, 1885.
103. Ibid., 363–64. “Message,” May 14, 1885.
104. Perry, Grant and Twain, 208.
105. New York Tribune, June 14, 1885.
106. Ibid., June 15, 1885.
107. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 188.
108. Ibid., 191.
109. PUSG, 31:391. Letter to Samuel Clemens, probably June 29–30, 1885.
110. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 331.
111. USGH. “Interview with Dr. George F. Shrady.”
112. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 204.
113. PUSG, 31:441. Letter to John H. Douglas, circa July 1885 [n.d.].
114. Grant, “General Grant’s Son Speaks of His Father.”
115. PUSG, 31:375. Letter to John H. Douglas, June 17, 1885.
116. Ibid., 377. Letter to John P. Newman, circa June 20, 1885.
117. Ibid., 400. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 1, 1885.
118. Ibid., 387. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 29, 1885.
119. Ibid., 388.
120. Ibid., 414–15. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 8, 1885.
121. Perry, Grant and Twain, 221.
122. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:83.
123. Ibid., 82.
124. Procter, “A Blue and Gray Friendship.”
125. Ibid.
126. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 294.
127. Ibid., 295.
128. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 296–97.
129. PUSG, 31:410. Letter to Frederick Dent Grant, circa late June/early July 1885.
130. Ibid., 437. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 16, 1885.
131. Grant, Memoirs, 1:5.
132. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 183.
133. Kazin, “The Generals in the Labyrinth.”
134. Simon, General Grant by Matthew Arnold, 13.
135. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 274.
136. Catton, “U. S. Grant: Man of Letters.”
137. New York World, June 27, 1885.
138. PUSG, 31:440. John P. Newman journal entry for July 21, 1885.
139. Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 20.
140. PUSG, 31:441. John P. Newman journal entry for July 22, 1885.
141. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
142. PUSG, 1:121. Letter to Mrs. Thomas L. Hamer, December 1846 [n.d.].
143. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 232.
144. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 199.
145. GMA. GFP. Box 1. Letter from Mayor W. R. Grace to Julia Dent Grant, July 23, 1885.
146. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
147. USGA Newsletter, April 1964.
148. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 241.
149. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 135.
150. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 252.
151. USGH. “Interview with John Singleton Mosby.”
152. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
153. Achenbach, “U.S. Grant Was the Great Hero of the Civil War but Lost Favor with Historians.”
154. Ross, The General’s Wife, 313.
155. Ward. “General Grant as I Knew Him.”
156. “Chat in Public Resorts.” New York Tribune, August 2, 1885.
157. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 185.
158. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
159. Ibid.