Chapter 9 Getting Back on Track 157
Get interested in what’s not being said as it relates to the change you are leading. Look around you for clues that let you know if things are on track or off track. Notice the subtle and not-so-subtle signals. When you are ready to find out what’s going on at the three levels, go slowly. Be kind to yourself. Don’t get up in front of 100 people and ask, “So, what’s on your mind?” You might hear more than your fragile ego can handle and out will come some Wes Craven–style knee-jerk reaction.
A good coach can be very helpful in increasing the knowledge and skills required to get things back on track. And a coach who knows you well can be especially helpful in keeping you out of potential knee-jerk situations.
Competing Beliefs
Some beliefs that work against your goal of getting the change back on track could be “Something really bad will happen if I even mention the issues out loud,” or “Anything I do will only make matters worse,” or “I’ll look like a fool.” These beliefs can easily lead to hidden vows like “I am committed to keeping things under control at all costs.” Or, “I am com- mitted to muscling through the resistance and making this change move ahead no matter what.” You can see how “muscling through” works against a desire to build support for change with your staff. Chapter 11, “Moving Toward Mastery,” can help you develop a plan to handle the competing desire to get things back on track and a deep concern that you’ll make mat- ters worse if you try.
If you work in a Theory X organization (see chapter 5) where people are treated like objects and means to an end, then you’ll probably find little or no support for digging deep and finding out what the very real human concerns are. You may even get punished for daring to go where no manager has gone before. When others look at your actions through a Theory X lens, they may see you as weak. This creates a powerful dilemma for you. If you do openly explore the reasons things are off track, you may put your own reputation at risk. If you don’t find out why things are off track, your chances of seeing this project succeed have diminished greatly.
When you look at the context you work in, the need for knowledge and skill takes on a new significance. You’ve got to know how to work effectively in your unique organization. Textbooks and theories will only take you so far. Consider finding men and women in your organization who